Chaos is a laddER
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- Jan 7, 2019
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Nice to know thERe are a few based incels in my city, lol good chance he’s an active membER hERe.
My brothER, if you r reading this, just know that the incel brothERhood will always remembER the sacrifice you r making for the purpose of bringing attention to our plight and for exacting retribution (in the name of our first and last saint, Elliot RodgER, pbuh) against our enemies of blackpilled incels, on behalf of those of us who lack the courage, commitment and sheer guts that you possess, O’ brave soldiER.
May the blessings of Saint Elliot RodgER (and all the othER martyrs who died or ended up in prison as a result of fighting for the incel cause) be upon you.
May you strike fear into the hearts of normscum and foids, and may the spirit of the “Supreme Gentleman” guide you along the way, so that you may be as strong and smart as possible to maximise efficiency in conducting your mission so that the outcome of it is as successful as possible.
WhatevER happens to you from here on, was always meant to happen since the beginning of time, embrace your destiny for whatevER happens will be in accordance to whatevER fate was written for you by the univERse at the moment of the “big bang”. Your story, mine and evERybody else’s, has been billions of years in the making.
Let us take a moment to say a prayER for our brothER hERe who is fighting so valiantly against our enemies, that whatevER the univERse has decided in tERms of what trajectory his life will follow from here on, it involves our brothER pERsonally expERiencing minimal pain/suffERing while CAUSING maximum pain/suffERing to all apostates who deny the blackpill, the one and complete truth.
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