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What is approval?
Approval is not validation. validation is a bullshit concept invented relatively recently by shrinks and which basically means "TeeHee, you're my good boy and I love you very much!"
Approval is a much older and hard-nosed concept.
Basic approval is when someone approves of a specific action that you have done and expresses it. When someone does that, it means he could just as well have disapproved of what you did. The typical approval is when a male supervisor tells you "good job", in a situation where he could also have said "bad job", if he thought that what you had done was crap.
Female approval is bogus. It is never linked to something real and it is closely linked to "validation". It is almost always manipulative in some way.
Male approval, in its baseline form, is not about you. It is about what you have done. It is an honest assessment of that. It may be wrong but it is not manipulative.
Of course many male soycuk bluepiller have now learned to dish out female type approval that is just as manipulative and bogus as what foids do. This is of course unfortunate but it should not obscure the fact that genuine male approval still exists (and has the potential to exist) even if it has become rare.
We need approval. Approval is required for practical reasons. When we are doing a complex job where the exact performance parameters are not absolutely clear from the outset (which is 99% of real life situations), male approval is the only way to know if you are doing what you are expected to.
We also need approval for psychological reasons. We are social mammals and as such have plenty of instincts that compel us to seek cooperation with others. The need for periodic approval is built into these instincts. One reason we incels suffer is because our isolation makes us starved of our normal does of genuine, reliable, non-manipulative male approval.
Thirdly, we need a more general kind of approval, of the "do I have a place in the universe? Do I have self-worth?" kind, which comes close to the "validation" concept mentioned earlier. That is a form of approval masturbation, that we do also need, but which falls within the scope of religion. We are not dealing with that here.
In order for the everyday kind of approval that we need for practical as well as psychological reasons to exist, we need male authority. Approval that does not come from an authoritative individual has no value.
The current mess we are in is in large part due to the disappearance of male authority. In the past, foids were kept in check by older males in positions of authority. What happened in the 1950s and 60s is that younger Chads discovered that they could use foids to topple the older males. The Typical example of this is JFK and how he was elected after Eisenhower. Eisenhower was the typical example of old dude authority. JFK is typical of new-style Chad-like, sexually-grounded authority.
Only old dudes like Eisenhower are the only ones who can dish out credible male approval. If you were a young captain at SHAEF in 1943-44 and Eisenhower told you "good job", after going over whatever you had done to prepare D-Day, you knew it was real. When JFK told you "good job", when he was president in the early 60s, you knew he was going to fuck you over (or you should have known).
The renewal of male authority (of the genuine kind) is the only way we can get out of inceldom as a group.
Chad, with his terrorist domineering ways, has given a bad name to authority. We need to realize that this is exactly what Chad and Stacy want. As long as most males distrust genuine male authority (of the Eisenhower type), they reign supreme. Only a renewed form of old-dude type of male authority can rein-in Chad and put Stacy back under control.
This thread is started in reaction to the feed-back I got on this one:
and the misunderstandings it revealed
@wei#3959 @JayGoptri @WizardofSoda
Approval is not validation. validation is a bullshit concept invented relatively recently by shrinks and which basically means "TeeHee, you're my good boy and I love you very much!"
Approval is a much older and hard-nosed concept.
Basic approval is when someone approves of a specific action that you have done and expresses it. When someone does that, it means he could just as well have disapproved of what you did. The typical approval is when a male supervisor tells you "good job", in a situation where he could also have said "bad job", if he thought that what you had done was crap.
Female approval is bogus. It is never linked to something real and it is closely linked to "validation". It is almost always manipulative in some way.
Male approval, in its baseline form, is not about you. It is about what you have done. It is an honest assessment of that. It may be wrong but it is not manipulative.
Of course many male soycuk bluepiller have now learned to dish out female type approval that is just as manipulative and bogus as what foids do. This is of course unfortunate but it should not obscure the fact that genuine male approval still exists (and has the potential to exist) even if it has become rare.
We need approval. Approval is required for practical reasons. When we are doing a complex job where the exact performance parameters are not absolutely clear from the outset (which is 99% of real life situations), male approval is the only way to know if you are doing what you are expected to.
We also need approval for psychological reasons. We are social mammals and as such have plenty of instincts that compel us to seek cooperation with others. The need for periodic approval is built into these instincts. One reason we incels suffer is because our isolation makes us starved of our normal does of genuine, reliable, non-manipulative male approval.
Thirdly, we need a more general kind of approval, of the "do I have a place in the universe? Do I have self-worth?" kind, which comes close to the "validation" concept mentioned earlier. That is a form of approval masturbation, that we do also need, but which falls within the scope of religion. We are not dealing with that here.
In order for the everyday kind of approval that we need for practical as well as psychological reasons to exist, we need male authority. Approval that does not come from an authoritative individual has no value.
The current mess we are in is in large part due to the disappearance of male authority. In the past, foids were kept in check by older males in positions of authority. What happened in the 1950s and 60s is that younger Chads discovered that they could use foids to topple the older males. The Typical example of this is JFK and how he was elected after Eisenhower. Eisenhower was the typical example of old dude authority. JFK is typical of new-style Chad-like, sexually-grounded authority.
Only old dudes like Eisenhower are the only ones who can dish out credible male approval. If you were a young captain at SHAEF in 1943-44 and Eisenhower told you "good job", after going over whatever you had done to prepare D-Day, you knew it was real. When JFK told you "good job", when he was president in the early 60s, you knew he was going to fuck you over (or you should have known).
The renewal of male authority (of the genuine kind) is the only way we can get out of inceldom as a group.
Chad, with his terrorist domineering ways, has given a bad name to authority. We need to realize that this is exactly what Chad and Stacy want. As long as most males distrust genuine male authority (of the Eisenhower type), they reign supreme. Only a renewed form of old-dude type of male authority can rein-in Chad and put Stacy back under control.
This thread is started in reaction to the feed-back I got on this one:

Brother Incels - if you don't seek male approval, you will be slaves to female approval
Let us suppose you are living in the early 1900s, in a time where gender roles were clearer. You are 16 and an apprentice in printer's shop (big mechanical printers). For the first six months you mess up all the time. The big machines are tricky to adjust and you can't get it right. The paper...

@wei#3959 @JayGoptri @WizardofSoda
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