Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Making threats or advocating illegal activity in video games is still not allowed.

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That's low iq. You might as well say that about anyone part of a group who went ER and said some things in the past some other group members commonly said. If that was the case then being muslim and rapping about killing people would be illegal.

If they're on a forum, yeah it reflects poorly on the forum. Because the question people are asking is, does this forum, this forum itself, indoctrinate people? Does this community make people into murderers?
If they're on a forum, yeah it reflects poorly on the forum. Because the question people are asking is, does this forum, this forum itself, indoctrinate people? Does this community make people into murderers?
They said the same about video games and rap music, it's all just normie outrage faggotry to try and shut things down they hate. Like I said, on twitter and cuckit they advocate violence on their pages, as long as it's against straight men.
They said the same about video games and rap music, it's all just normie outrage faggotry to try and shut things down they hate. Like I said, on twitter and cuckit they advocate violence on their pages, as long as it's against straight men.

People are defending video games and rap music, we have no one to defend us.
People are defending video games and rap music, we have no one to defend us.
We have a lot, but they're silent most of the time. That's why it's good to rile up our supporters.
We have a lot, but they're silent most of the time. That's why it's good to rile up our supporters.

Who's out there who could speak up for us, besides people on this forum?
okay, I'll report them (in GTA V)
Who's out there who could speak up for us, besides people on this forum?
Mgtow and alt-righters are starting to see things our way. It will only be a matter of time until they want to join us.
I always thought it was funny tbh. Me and my inkwell friend say shit like "I'm going to kill a bunch of foids in X," and X would be some obscure video game that no one really knows about.
Mgtow and alt-righters are starting to see things our way. It will only be a matter of time until they want to join us.

The FBI doesn't respect them either. Is anyone speaking up for us that isn't on a Southern Poverty Law Center list?
The FBI doesn't respect them either. Is anyone speaking up for us that isn't on a Southern Poverty Law Center list?
They will have to respect them because they have big numbers, and can cause problems if they try to take away a group's free speech rights they support.
They will have to respect them because they have big numbers, and can cause problems if they try to take away a group's free speech rights they support.

The FBI is bigger and is there to stop problems by force. I mean respect, not fear. They already unjustly fear us.
The FBI is bigger and is there to stop problems by force. I mean respect, not fear. They already unjustly fear us.
They're just faking that they're afraid to shut us down. If they were so scared of terrorists they wouldn't advocate for allowing in refugees, because they caused more harm than incels ever could. The FBI can't just do whatever they want because they were told to by some retarded cucks and rosties.
wasn't clever if you mentioned a random game where stated act isn't even possible
They're just faking that they're afraid to shut us down. If they were so scared of terrorists they wouldn't advocate for allowing in refugees, because they caused more harm than incels ever could. The FBI can't just do whatever they want because they were told to by some retarded cucks and rosties.

We don't see refugees as terrorists, we see them as victims of their oppressive homes. But people on the Internet, in those rare times that they get off the Internet and start hurting people, we see that as proof that Internet indoctrination is a thing.
We don't see refugees as terrorists, we see them as victims of their oppressive homes.
A lot of people do see them as terrorists and leeches. Many also think incels are oppressed in this cucked society.
But people on the Internet, in those rare times that they get off the Internet and start hurting people, we see that as proof that Internet indoctrination is a thing.
The "we" consisting of low iq cucks and whores should be ignored. The alt-right and feminism online has caused more real life killings and violence than incels, so unless they shut them down as well they have no leg to stand on.
A lot of people do see them as terrorists and leeches. Many also think incels are oppressed in this cucked society.

Not the people who hate and fear us. To them, we're the bad guys. And refugees are just that, refugees. People who need to be helped. We're talking about the prevailing opinion in society. The reason we should post like the FBI is watching.
Not the people who hate and fear us. To them, we're the bad guys. And refugees are just that, refugees. People who need to be helped. We're talking about the prevailing opinion in society.
That's only the prevailing opinion of cucked redditors and twitter fags. In reality no one cares about what we say on a forum.
The reason we should post like the FBI is watching.
We can't let a bunch of soycucks and whores intimidate us. Fuck those pieces of shit.
That's only the prevailing opinion of cucked redditors and twitter fags. In reality no one cares about what we say on a forum.

We can't let a bunch of soycucks and whores intimidate us. Fuck those pieces of shit.

It's not just Redditors that hold this opinion. It's law enforcement agencies. That's why John Horgan got all that money to investigate his theory that the incel community indoctrinates people. Makes murderers into those that, for want of the community, would not be murderers.
People (normies cucks and foids) don’t understand on this site what is or isnt a joke. How many IT posts have there been about a thread on here that was clearly a joke or satire but they just didn't get it and so they thought it was real? These people will always think we are violent, crazy, radical, terrorists, etc.

Public opinion has nothing to do with us saying supposedly violent things because all kinds of websites and platforms have posters who say worse things than us all the time. Even big sites like twitter and facebook have it. Its because this site is socially not mainstream. It wouldn't matter if we said we would nuke the planet or if we said we would love everyone no matter what. The idea of the site/community will always be hated.

The FBI puts everyone who downloads Tor on a list, and puts everyone who visits 8chan on a list. They have access to everyones internet history. If we were to not do anything that would get the FBI watching us, we would have to turn into a god forsaken site like reddit.

The reason public opinion of us is poor and law enforcement studies us is not because we say violent things, its because we hold socially taboo ideas. There is nothing we can do to stop people from trying to bring us down other than pretending to be a bunch of bluepilled cucks.

But of course, the site is not mine, and I will respect the rules that are here. Its just absurd to think that if we could stop users from saying stuff like “i want to do (violent act) in (video game)” that we would be safe from being in legal trouble or being shut down.
People (normies cucks and foids) don’t understand on this site what is or isnt a joke. How many IT posts have there been about a thread on here that was clearly a joke or satire but they just didn't get it and so they thought it was real? These people will always think we are violent, crazy, radical, terrorists, etc.

Public opinion has nothing to do with us saying supposedly violent things because all kinds of websites and platforms have posters who say worse things than us all the time. Even big sites like twitter and facebook have it. Its because this site is socially not mainstream. It wouldn't matter if we said we would nuke the planet or if we said we would love everyone no matter what. The idea of the site/community will always be hated.

The FBI puts everyone who downloads Tor on a list, and puts everyone who visits 8chan on a list. They have access to everyones internet history. If we were to not do anything that would get the FBI watching us, we would have to turn into a god forsaken site like reddit.

The reason public opinion of us is poor and law enforcement studies us is not because we say violent things, its because we hold socially taboo ideas. There is nothing we can do to stop people from trying to bring us down other than pretending to be a bunch of bluepilled cucks.

But of course, the site is not mine, and I will respect the rules that are here. Its just absurd to think that if we could stop users from saying stuff like “i want to do (violent act) in (video game)” that we would be safe from being in legal trouble or being shut down.

But it's those quotes that people point to as proof of how "dangerous" a community we are.
It's not just Redditors that hold this opinion. It's law enforcement agencies.
Law enforcement are full of cucked fags too, but that doesn't mean they can do anything they want if they don't apply the same laws to everyone. If many of us got arrested and hired lawyers it would be an expensive mess for them of going around in circles wasting money trying to silence free speech.
Makes murderers into those that, for want of the community, would not be murderers.
You can say the same about any group that discovers how oppressed they are, there will always be some who act out. If they don't like the consequences of the blackpill because of their unfairness towards low status non-chad men, then they need to change, not try and silence us.
But it's those quotes that people point to as proof of how "dangerous" a community we are.
We have to combat them with posting hundreds of twitter and reddit comments about violence against men to shut them up.
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Law enforcement are full of cucked fags too, but that doesn't mean they can do anything they want if they don't apply the same laws to everyone. If many of us got arrested and hired lawyers it would be an expensive mess for them of going around in circles wasting money trying to silence free speech.

You can say the same about any group that discovers how oppressed they are, there will always be some who act out. If they don't like the consequences of the blackpill from their unfairness towards low status non-chad men, then they need to change, not try and silence us.

We have to combat them with posting hundreds of twitter and reddit comments about violence against men to shut them up.

They wouldn't be arresting us based on laws that don't apply to everyone else. They would arrest us for any crimes we commit, then point to our extremist talk to say "This is the kind of person you should fear." Then take action to combat the kinds of people who fit the profile. All of this is within the law. They don't have to change if they don't like the "consequences." We do, because they have the power and we don't. They can arrest us, we can't arrest them.
They wouldn't be arresting us based on laws that don't apply to everyone else. They would arrest us for any crimes we commit, then point to our extremist talk to say "This is the kind of person you should fear." Then take action to combat the kinds of people who fit the profile. All of this is within the law. They don't have to change if they don't like the "consequences." We do, because they have the power and we don't. They can arrest us, we can't arrest them.
If that was true they'd arrest every muslim who goes to a mosque, or any black guy who buys a gun. You can't say someone is a criminal just because he does some non-violent things violent criminals have done in the past. That's stereotyping.
They don't have power over millions of men from all different backgrounds. They are scared of us, that's why all they can do is intimidate us by fearmongering but can't really do anything.
If that was true they'd arrest every muslim who goes to a mosque, or any black guy who buys a gun. You can't say someone is a criminal just because he does some non-violent things violent criminals have done in the past. That's stereotyping.
They don't have power over millions of men from all different backgrounds. They are scared of us, that's why all they can do is intimidate us by fearmongering but can't really do anything.

Because they don't fear Muslims and black people. They have the social justice advocacy and we don't.

And they don't need to fearmonger. The purpose of fearmongering is to scare powerful people into taking action. They are the powerful people. All we need to do is give them a reason to take action.
But it's those quotes that people point to as proof of how "dangerous" a community we are.
Although they point at those quotes, the reason is not solely because of those quotes. There are sites with much more violent and potentially dangerous posts but no one ever says to look at those quotes to see how dangerous they are. But on here, even though its clearly a joke, people say we are grooming future serial killers. Its obviously something other than these types of posts that caused people to claim that we are a violent and dangerous group.

Even if we never said anything on this site even remotely violent, normies would make up some bullshit to claim that we are violent. Normies dont get that “i want to go ER in minecraft” is a joke, but they also don't get that half of the other stuff we say on here is a joke. If we cant say jokes/memes/stupid shit because people will point at those and use that as proof of us being violent, then we cant post anything.

Do you think that if we stopped all of these joke posts like “i want to run over foids in GTA5” and “we need to have a bettER solution” that our public image would improve at all or that law enforcement would think we are less dangerous? It just seems impossible to win. Hell, people say that serial killers are “incel” when they have girlfriends, they never even used the word incel, and never visited this site.
Because they don't fear Muslims and black people. They have the social justice advocacy and we don't.
The law is the law no matter how many advocacy groups they have. If they want to take us down they have to take down all the violence supporters against men too.
And they don't need to fearmonger. The purpose of fearmongering is to scare powerful people into taking action. They are the powerful people. All we need to do is give them a reason to take action.
They already had many reasons and couldn't do anything.
The law is the law no matter how many advocacy groups they have. If they want to take us down they have to take down all the violence supporters against men too.

They don't though. I'm probably not explaining this very well. The law says to arrest violent people. There is no law saying who to fear and not fear.

If someone here does a bad thing, they'd be arrested. The law says so. But then, not because any law says it must be done, but because this is simply our lot in life right now, law enforcement agencies and news magazines would look at this criminal, look at his rhetoric, and conclude "It must be Incels.co that made him this way. We should see about shutting down Incels.co, because it's a place of indoctrination."

Meanwhile, someone somewhere else might be making the same edgy jokes as we do. But they don't have attention on them. So no one's trying to shut them down. There's no law that says they must be shut down. But if people know about us, and have reason to believe we are a hotbed of indoctrination, they are free to try and get us shut down.
If someone here does a bad thing, they'd be arrested. The law says so. But then, not because any law says it must be done, but because this is simply our lot in life right now, law enforcement agencies and news magazines would look at this criminal, look at his rhetoric, and conclude "It must be Incels.co that made him this way. We should see about shutting down Incels.co, because it's a place of indoctrination."
That's the same thing they said about rappers and violent video games but couldn't shut down anything. Just because one person from a group does something doesn't mean the entire group is responsible.
Meanwhile, someone somewhere else might be making the same edgy jokes as we do. But they don't have attention on them. So no one's trying to shut them down. There's no law that says they must be shut down. But if people know about us, and have reason to believe we are a hotbed of indoctrination, they are free to try and get us shut down.
The blackpill is the truth, not "indoctrination". If indoctrinating was against the law then almost everything including feminism and all major religions would be shut down.
That's the same thing they said about rappers and violent video games but couldn't shut down anything. Just because one person from a group does something doesn't mean the entire group is responsible.

But they did for a while. Then advocacy came along. Advocacy we don't have right now. That's the only reason rappers and video games can get away with it, despite so much attention on them.

The blackpill is the truth, not "indoctrination". If indoctrinating was against the law then almost everything including feminism and all major religions would be shut down.

Feminism and religion aren't seen as indoctrination. That's why we're being investigated and feminist organizations aren't. Society cares about feminists. Society does not care about us. That's why our extremist words are red flags and feminist extremist words aren't.
Feminism and religion aren't seen as indoctrination. That's why we're being investigated and feminist organizations aren't. Society cares about feminists. Society does not care about us. That's why our extremist words are red flags and feminist extremist words aren't.
That's why they try to claim we're all privileged white guys who are just mad that we don't have an unfair adavtage any more, because that's the only group cucks think is ok to oppress. Eventually when they realize incels are from all races and backgrounds they won't be able to do anything to us, or they'll be called racists.
That's why they try to claim we're all privileged white guys who are just mad that we don't have an unfair adavtage any more, because that's the only group cucks think is ok to oppress. Eventually when they realize incels are from all races and backgrounds they won't be able to do anything to us, or they'll be called racists.

Yes, we don't have it very good when it comes to social justice advocacy. That's why we gotta mind whose toes we step on with our "Do such and such in this game or that game."
Yes, we don't have it very good when it comes to social justice advocacy. That's why we gotta mind whose toes we step on with our "Do such and such in this game or that game."
Fuck their toes, they can't scare us. Eventually they'll be the ones who will be afraid to step on our toes.
Fuck their toes, they can't scare us. Eventually they'll be the ones who will be afraid to step on our toes.

But right now they aren't. Right now we're the ones at risk. And so it's not smart to act foolishly right now.
But right now they aren't. Right now we're the ones at risk. And so it's not smart to act foolishly right now.
The only way to get big is by taking risks and doing new things.
I’m gonna poop on you. ( In Real Life )
The only way to get big is by taking risks and doing new things.

Becoming big doesn't mean becoming respected. And I'm talking about respect, not fear. ISIS is big. ISIS is feared. Not respected.
Becoming big doesn't mean becoming respected. And I'm talking about respect, not fear. ISIS is big. ISIS is feared. Not respected.
We're nothing like actual terror groups like isis. Plus, you have to make people fear you before they feel you. That's how most ideologies grew, even the one that ended slavery.
We're nothing like actual terror groups like isis. Plus, you have to make people fear you before they feel you. That's how most ideologies grew, even the one that ended slavery.

Those ideologies didn't earn their respect through threats of violence.
Malcolm x made plenty threats.

And that's why he's the poor man's Martin Luther King Jr. That's why he inspired Magneto, but King inspired Professor X.
And that's why he's the poor man's Martin Luther King Jr. That's why he inspired Magneto, but King inspired Professor X.
He was based. You need a good cop and a bad cop to get people to follow you.
He was based. You need a good cop and a bad cop to get people to follow you.

But this is about how other people perceive us. This is about not being persecuted.
But this is about how other people perceive us. This is about not being persecuted.
IT have been trying to persecute us for years but it only draws more attention here and increases our numbers.
IT have been trying to persecute us for years but it only draws more attention here and increases our numbers.

This isn't about IncelTears. Again, this is about law enforcement agencies. Who already are concerned about us being an indoctrinating factor.
This isn't about IncelTears. Again, this is about law enforcement agencies. Who already are concerned about us being an indoctrinating factor.
The damage is already done. We can't say anything worse than we already have, and they haven't done anything.
The damage is already done. We can't say anything worse than we already have, and they haven't done anything.

It's not a matter of damage, it's a matter of circumstantial evidence. It's not our reputation itself here, it's about there being posts they can trace a potential criminal to.
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