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Made in heaven said if a Chinese breeds with a black woman



Oct 14, 2023
Then their kids will at least have a big dick and it cancels out the imperfections of each race.
Such as low IQ in black women and small dick in Asian man.

So is this pairing ideal , as is happening in the African continent between Chinese builders working there with African wives.
Made in heaven said
This is common sense. No one even needs to say this particularity
Then their kids will at least have a big dick and it cancels out the imperfections of each race.
Such as low IQ in black women and small dick in Asian man.

So is this pairing ideal , as is happening in the African continent between Chinese builders working there with African wives.

No, that's half the battle. There are other attributes to being an incel as well.Basically, it can form an Indian. And black women (scientifically) have the ability in their womb to produce children according to the father's race, even if he's white, anyway... THEY ARE MUCH MORE DIVERSE IN THIS THAN WHITE WOMEN.And there's also the relationship of dimorphism, of how this can affect the child.
Don't race mix, especially not with niggers.
No, that's half the battle. There are other attributes to being an incel as well.Basically, it can form an Indian. And black women (scientifically) have the ability in their womb to produce children according to the father's race, even if he's white, anyway... THEY ARE MUCH MORE DIVERSE IN THIS THAN WHITE WOMEN.And there's also the relationship of dimorphism, of how this can affect the child.
Form an Indian but they are caucasoids
Race mixing in general is not ideal especially if the two groups mixing are very genetically distant. @Made in Heaven has no idea what he is talking about
Don't race mix, especially not with niggers.
Keep coping, noodle whores meanwhile won't gaf and gets ploughed by Tyrone. Meanwhile you get stuck with Muh race loyality and stay an incel.

You are a Chinese, just go to Africa and marry a tall sheboon to get a Tyrone son. Height and dick size come from Mother btw. But so does IQ
Race mixing in general is not ideal especially if the two groups mixing are very genetically distant. @Made in Heaven has no idea what he is talking about
Cope in this case
Then their kids will at least have a big dick and it cancels out the imperfections of each race.
Such as low IQ in black women and small dick in Asian man.

So is this pairing ideal , as is happening in the African continent between Chinese builders working there with African wives.
Cope. The nigger brain is so subhuman that even the chink IQ can't save it
I am Indian niggER
Naive to assume that the kid will only inherate the best traits of both races and no negative traits
Naive to assume that the kid will only inherate the best traits of both races and no negative traits
Have multiple kids and take the gamble ?
That's if genetic recombination was that simple, there are many outcomes in a black x asian couples' progeny
Naive to assume that the kid will only inherate the best traits of both races and no negative traits
I still haven't forgotten your "genetic recombination" blackpilling there, brocel.:feelsokman:
Keep coping, noodle whores meanwhile won't gaf and gets ploughed by Tyrone. Meanwhile you get stuck with Muh race loyality and stay an incel.

You are a Chinese, just go to Africa and marry a tall sheboon to get a Tyrone son. Height and dick size come from Mother btw. But so does IQ
This is why we need ethnostates. Race mixing is bad and just leads to confused, rootless children.
This is why we need ethnostates. Race mixing is bad and just leads to confused, rootless children.
Cope. Whites are the most race mixxed race and also the most successful. You are coping hard
Cope. Whites are the most race mixxed race and also the most successful. You are coping hard
Compare whites to their mutt offspring in South America :feelsugh:
Compare whites to their mutt offspring in South America :feelsugh:
Whites are able to create superior civilizations so they can nurse the defects of their mixed babies
Compare whites to their mutt offspring in South America :feelsugh:
They have Higher SMV than ALL SEA chinks and comparable per capita GDPs. What's the argument? The best and realistic thing SEA chinks can do is to race mixx with niggers in Africa to improve their genes. Instead of letting whitu men fuck their women, that's the cucked thing they are doing now
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This is why we need ethnostates
Also this is a pipe dream. The world is only going to get more and more globalized. You want to make whole of chink lands into North Korea or what?? Good luck on achieving that instead of realistically mixxing with races that you have very High SMV with like chinks with Africans
They have Higher SMV than ALL SEA chinks and comparable per capita GDPs. What's the argument? The best and realistic thing SEA chinks can do is to race mixx with niggers in Africa to improve their genes. Instead of letting whitu men fuck their women, that's the cucked thing they are doing now
Yeah I don't have hope for SEAniggers, it's over for them.
Yeah I don't have hope for SEAniggers, it's over for them.
So they should let their women fuck foreign whitu man, but they shouldn't mix with black foids and stay incel like cucks and be "muh race loyal" like you are?

And what about Japan and Korea? They are literally going extinct, it's more than over for them already
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So they should let their women fuck foreign whitu man, but they shouldn't mix with black foids and stay incel like cucks and be "muh race loyal" like you are?

And what about Japan and Korea? They are literally going extinct, it's more than over for them already
No they should kick out cumskins and close their borders, not gonna happen though. And they can't even mix with niggers because they're poor af and chinks in Africa are just betabuxxing.
No they should kick out cumskins and close their borders, not gonna happen though.
And they can't even mix with niggers because they're poor af
Compared to Africa they are way richer
and chinks in Africa are just betabuxxing.
It can't be "beta" buxxing when YOU have the power and leverage in the relationship. More like Alpha buxxing. It's betabuxxing when you have the threat of getting divorce raped. Betabuxxing is more of what white men are doing in SEA because SEA has cucked divorce laws there. Chinks are literally leaving bastard children in Africa, sheboons would prefer chinks over their poor shitty conditions there.

You are coping way too hard
That sounds stupid. The actual result is a subhuman with low iq and small penis.
They have Higher SMV than ALL SEA chinks and comparable per capita GDPs. What's the argument? The best and realistic thing SEA chinks can do is to race mixx with niggers in Africa to improve their genes. Instead of letting whitu men fuck their women, that's the cucked thing they are doing now
Why would chinks mix with niggers? Chinks have the highest IQ out of all races, mixing with niggers would literally destroy them
Why would chinks mix with niggers? Chinks have the highest IQ out of all races, mixing with niggers would literally destroy them
Bluepilled Muh IQ. What did it ever give them? Nigger have the NO IQ and NO historical achievements yet the Highest SMV in the west.

Looks/Genes >>>> Muh IQ Muh Achievements. Chinks are the best examples for this
Bluepilled Muh IQ. What did it ever give them? Nigger have the NO IQ and NO historical achievements yet the Highest SMV in the west.

Looks/Genes >>>> Muh IQ Muh Achievements. Chinks are the best examples for this
Chinks are conquering the world with their IQ. And no, niggers don't have the highest SMV in the west.
IQ is still predetermined by genes you idiot and I would rather be an ogre with my 160 IQ than a 70 IQ clinically retarded tyrone
Chinks are conquering the world with their IQ.
Delusion. All countries except China, North Korea and Vietnam are going to shit or extinct itself
And no, niggers don't have the highest SMV in the west.
Another cope
IQ is still predetermined by genes you idiot and I would rather be an ogre with my 160 IQ than a 70 IQ clinically retarded tyrone
Your lookmatch would choose that Tyrone rather than you. You aren't even black pilled. Nothing else MATTERS. Only facts that impact reproductive success like face, height or race are important

Higher IQ people have less sex
Another cope
How is it a cope with the rise of the far right parties in both North America and Europe?
Isolated cases of white foids mixing with niggers are statistically irrelevant. Whether you like it or not white foids are still pretty loyal to their race.
Your lookmatch would choose that Tyrone rather than you. You aren't even black pilled. Nothing else MATTERS. Only facts that impact reproductive success like face, height or race are important
As I said before, being a person with 160 IQ is far more appealing to me than being a 70 IQ clinically retarded somali tyrone. Unlike you I consider myself something more than just an animal who fucks, pisses and shits, but I guess that's the average jeet mentality, no wonder your country's average IQ is 76
How is it a cope with the rise of the far right parties in both North America and Europe?
"far right parties". How bluepilled are you? :feelshaha: They are at best mere controlled oppositions that controlled by the same (((entity)))
Isolated cases of white foids mixing with niggers are statistically irrelevant. Whether you like it or not white foids are still pretty loyal to their race.
@DarkStar @Regenerator look at this. JBB pill him. All races except noodle whores prefer their own men, so this isn't surprising. But niggers do disproportionately out marry more white women.
As I said before, being a person with 160 IQ is far more appealing to me than being a 70 IQ clinically retarded somali tyrone.
What you care about doesn't matter, what women care matters. Ideally this shouldn't be the case. But it is because sexual and partner selection is done by women in a free market
Unlike you I consider myself something more than just an animal who fucks, pisses and shits, but I guess that's the average jeet mentality,
That's the average women mentality. Even men's to some extent
no wonder your country's average IQ is 76
Sorry Balkans were under occupation for far longer and got raped so much you whited up a race
"far right parties". How bluepilled are you? :feelshaha: They are at best mere controlled oppositions that controlled by the same (((entity)))

@DarkStar @Regenerator look at this. JBB pill him. All races except noodle whores prefer their own men, so this isn't surprising. But niggers do disproportionately out marry more white women.

What you care about doesn't matter, what women care matters. Ideally this shouldn't be the case. But it is because sexual and partner selection is done by women in a free market

That's the average women mentality. Even men's to some extent

Sorry Balkans were under occupation for far longer and got raped so much you whited up a race
You are clinically retarded there's no point in responding to you.
Vast majority of Europe and North America is still white. Nobody controlls the opposition. I don't give a fuck what women care about. Caring of what women care is a slave cuck trait. Balkans are among the whitest countries on Earth along with eastern Europe


Now seethe you stupid pajeet
It makes both of them even more subhuman
"far right parties". How bluepilled are you? :feelshaha: They are at best mere controlled oppositions that controlled by the same (((entity)))
I think what @beyondschizo was referencing here, is how the mere rise of them indicates more Whites are becoming aware of what's going on.

Anytime I look at twitter/x, I'm surprised to see the response elicited.
@DarkStar @Regenerator look at this. JBB pill him. All races except noodle whores prefer their own men, so this isn't surprising. But niggers do disproportionately out marry more white women.
However, more notable gender differences emerge for some of the other couple profiles. For instance, while 11% of all intermarried couples involve a white man and an Asian woman, just 4% of couples include a white woman and an Asian man. And while about 7% of intermarried couples include a black man and a white woman, only 3% include a black woman and a white man.
Sorry Balkans were under occupation for far longer and got raped so much you whited up a race
Well, turkniggers & sandnigs should thank them for their genes
Vast majority of Europe and North America is still white.
US and Canada are 60-65% "white" already.
I don't give a fuck what women care about.
If you want to have your male lineage to have Highest probability success in a realistic scenario, you should. Yeah but it's obviously bad to be gynocentric for a societal level eugenics
Balkans are among the whitest countries on Earth along with eastern Europe
Yes that's why Slavs ONLY are the real and most supreme whites. You are different from those Anglo and WE cucks
I think what @beyondschizo was referencing here, is how the mere rise of them indicates more Whites are becoming aware of what's going on.

Anytime I look at twitter/x, I'm surprised to see the response elicited.
So you're optimistic whites will realize before it's too late? Only Slavs can do anything about this. It's over for America and Canada

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