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SuicideFuel Low IQcels



"It's the kikes man" 5'7 cumskin latinocel
Jun 1, 2018
Nearly failed grade school despite assistance and extra time on tests, slow asf processing speed when it comes to learning. Got placed in special education classes at a young age. Didint learn to tie shoes till 13. Honestly most if not everyone on this site potrays themselves as future philosophers and high IQ. Incels can at least pride themselves on thier above average or on par intelligence But where are the idiots and my D- averagecels at?
Low IQcel checking in. I was a complete dud at school, failed at nearly everything I’ve tried, and just an overall retard tbh.
My IQ is below average and I didn't do well in school.
I was 18 years old in secondary (in my home country it finish at 15 years old) and didn't even manage to finish it, was told to be one of the smartest students in the school, I mostly failed everything because I didn't went to the school for months and couldn't recover all the subjects in the final exams, after that I went full retard on drugs and killed my brain also.
Being low iq is one of the worst things on top of being an incel
I still can't tie shoes without messing with something.
Same tbh, even though I learned I still struggle here and there to get it right and not fuck it up, tying shoes (imo) is actually pretty complex.
SSRIs destroyed my brain.
I failed highschool, it doesn't help all the teachers were like zombies with all motivation sucked from them.
I can't tell if I'm dumb or lazy
What is the maximum IQ for one to be able to call himself Low IQcel?
What is the maximum IQ for one to be able to call himself Low IQcel?
Well 85 is the lowest average in the U.S anything below 85=low iq. And those are american statistics which we all know have fairly lower iq's compared to thier European ancestral cucks.
Ive started doing worse in school since I became blackpilled. Prob because im putting in less effort
After seeing many chads with low IQ's succeeding in life I have developed a sort of unfair resentment and bias. However, I especially appreciate low IQcels due to their conflicts. Being the smartest or the dumbest is not a gift coupled with inceldom.
I have low iq, memory problems, required special assistant as a kid. One year the special assistance was over the fun time during the normal class. I cried when I found this out but nobody cared. Even though I’m not very intelligent, I like to express my opinion and philosophy on topics
idiot checking in.
I have low iq, memory problems, required special assistant as a kid. One year the special assistance was over the fun time during the normal class. I cried when I found this out but nobody cared. Even though I’m not very intelligent, I like to express my opinion and philosophy on topics
cope you are average IQ
I'm probably mentally retarded but I don't want to accept it
My english language speaking is at 77 IQ
Just install more IQ
I've arguable had an IQ of 128 when I was kid. I'm not wondering if my IQ has halved to 2 as an adult. Now, I have low degree and failed higher education 2 times. Then, with 24 I started apprenticeship at Vocational Training Center for retarded people. I'm still there but have almost finished it. After that I can finally start to wage slave with 26 while others get kids and finished their Collage/Studies by that age.
Honestly most if not everyone on this site potrays themselves as future philosophers and high IQ.
Tbh most people act as if they’re the next Isaac Newton on the internet, people are a lot more ignorant than they portray themselves to be
Incels can at least pride themselves on thier above average or on par intelligence
I don't think incels are actually high IQ.
they often read and study more than other men because they can't succeed in life using their looks.
it's a way of compensating.
Nearly failed grade school despite assistance and extra time on tests, slow asf processing speed when it comes to learning. Got placed in special education classes at a young age. Didint learn to tie shoes till 13. Honestly most if not everyone on this site potrays themselves as future philosophers and high IQ. Incels can at least pride themselves on thier above average or on par intelligence But where are the idiots and my D- averagecels at?
Are you sure you are low IQ and not only affected by big problems focusing concentrating etc? I score very good in some tests but to me is nearly impossible to concentrate/focus and to learn something i'm not interested to so i've basically being shitty as fuck at school after middle school, managing to survive day by day and now ending up struggling to finish my 3 years long degree KeK
My IQ is decent but not nearly enough for the Computer science I'm studying.
im above average iq but also did bad in school. no motivation etc i never did anything not homework or study somehow i got through school
I found them very helpful and if they had any impact on my perceived cognitive abilities then it was a positive one. What happen to the both of you?

Most men don’t respond well to SSRIs based on the studies I’ve seen. They killed my libido, gave me insomnia, and numbed me to point of developing depersonalization disorder. I’ve stopped taking them for about a year now and am still slowly recovering from it.
IQ is not trendy anymore. We have so many high iq dickheads around. No use of them. They just talk complicated boleshit. In order to learn the most important things you dont need high iq , you have to have normal iq. All the rest is nonsence and boleshit.
the worst is being low iq and lazy like me
Low IQcel here, I don't know how to tie my shoelaces. I still don't know how to tie my shoelaces.
Most men don’t respond well to SSRIs based on the studies I’ve seen. They killed my libido, gave me insomnia, and numbed me to point of developing depersonalization disorder. I’ve stopped taking them for about a year now and am still slowly recovering from it.

I agree on the libido part but that happens to women too and I found the effect to actually be quite pleasant.

Based on my experience in a psych ward with plenty people on SSRI most have responded decently well, however the initial side effects were severe because the administering dr. didn't give enough shits to slowly increase the dose.
i'm pretty stupid tbhtbh
I found them very helpful and if they had any impact on my perceived cognitive abilities then it was a positive one. What happen to the both of you?
My memory became total garbage and so did my concentration.
I got A's but failed on tests.

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