It seems to me orcs are incel — theyre despised by everyone in middle earth. Their mere speech and presence makes the other races recoil in disgust. The war is an incel revolution
Hobbits are blue pill incels, betas, and betabuxxers...supporting a side that doesn’t really give a shit about them
To me, Dwarves seem like ethnics —- their “woe is me” attitude specifically reminds me of Jews, blacks and rapefug — i mean refugees. I think Tolkien specifically modeled dwarves after Jews
Humans are normies...I agree with that one
Elves are not only Chads and Stacies, but wealthy as fuck Chads and Stacies. The other races are fighting their war. IF Sauron won, they still live forever and just go back to the undying lands —- no loss