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LifeFuel "Lookism" as a term is now where "sexism" was right at the start of second-wave feminism in the 60s

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


There are no happy endings in Eastern Europe.
Oct 30, 2022
This article/study is surprisingly neutral on us and actually seems to understand a lot of what we are saying, but it's this graph they include that caught my attention:


For context, that's from the Google Books Ngram Viewer, in which you can look at the frequency of usage of certain words over time across millions of digitised books as a percentage of total words in its entire library. As you can see boyos, lookism is very much going up.


But how does it compare to the big boys of social sciences and inequality? Not too well at the moment:feelsbadman:.


However, the devil is, of course, in the details, and when we compare lookism today with sexism right at the start of second-wave feminism in the 60s:


"Lookism" actually has a slightly higher share than "sexism" had in 1965, just as second-wave feminism was starting to pick up, and it is definitely on the upswing. Will we soon see a great lookism revolution as the importance of looks in life explodes into public consciousness, a revolution incels are in prime position to be at the forefront of as even the author of that article somewhat admits:feelshmm::feelshehe::feelsjuice:?

In the same way sexism and racism became central concepts in the feminist and civil rights movements, defining at once people’s lived experiences and structural prejudice, incels routinely claim to be the victims of “lookism” (sometimes also spelled “looksism”), i.e., discrimination based on looks. They did not however coin the term, which emerged in the 1970s from the fat acceptance movement.17 Although much less popular than research on gender or race-based discrimination, there is a growing body of research on the effects of lookism, most notably in workplace environments.
IT won’t touch
Doubt anything will ever happen
Sounds like you are kind of allowed to make the case for lookism, as long as you present it as some gender-neutral, generic issue. But for incels it's mostly about the gender-specific problems that come with being an ugly man.

Having no access to love, affection and sex >>>>>> being treated slightly worse wherever you go by everyone. Both are obviously undesirable, but one is usually life-ruining, while the other one doesn't have to be.

Reading this always feels like absolute ER-fuel to me. All these researchers are smart enough to see the injustices being committed in the society they inhabit, but none of them care to speak up. Absolutely amoral vermin. As long as they aren't the ones directly affected, most people would let you go through hell just to protect their own reputation / career. Perceiving their cowardice hurts my sense of justice and makes my heart bleed.
"Lookism" as a term is now where "sexism" was right at the start of second-wave feminism in the 60s
I don't want to spoil anything by being too hopeful, but I have a good feeling about this year :feelscomfy:
Even if a sort of lookism revolution were to occur—which I find highly unlikely—I don't believe incels would lead it. Leading any revolution requires charisma and strong communication skills, qualities that most incels typically lack.
Sounds like you are kind of allowed to make the case for lookism, as long as you present it as some gender-neutral, generic issue. But for incels it's mostly about the gender-specific problems that come with being an ugly man.

Having no access to love, affection and sex >>>>>> being treated slightly worse wherever you go by everyone. Both are obviously undesirable, but one is usually life-ruining, while the other one doesn't have to be.

Reading this always feels like absolute ER-fuel to me. All these researchers are smart enough to see the injustices being committed in the society they inhabit, but none of them care to speak up. Absolutely amoral vermin. As long as they aren't the ones directly affected, most people would let you go through hell just to protect their own reputation / career. Perceiving their cowardice hurts my sense of justice and makes my heart bleed.
Pretty much this. All these problems become an issue when women are also affected, if it's only ugly men affected, nothing will happen. We hold no power and value in society.
Even if a sort of lookism revolution were to occur—which I find highly unlikely—I don't believe incels would lead it. Leading any revolution requires charisma and strong communication skills, qualities that most incels typically lack.
Seems to me that incels also just don't care to try. When the left perceived there to be some systematic injustice they wanted equalized, they organized and spend serious effort infiltrating every institution they deemed worth influencing from the inside.

What prevents us from going e.g. into the social sciences and establishing a pro-male perspective in there? Obviously we would have to fight a stronger resistance, the left was able to just walk in because boomer normie conservative whites are low-IQ imbeciles, but still. It's a better plan than no plan.

But it would require effort and accepting a personal burden in the name of a cause / for the greater good of your people and it seems to me for all the talk about how much people care, they don't care that much. Most don't even care enough to stop talking about niggers and faggots and jews for a second so we could at least try to enter real politics as a serious faction.

I can understand that many of us are a) mentally unstable / ill and can barely keep their own life together, so they don't have the luxury to worry about the greater picture, b) too traumatized and too close to suicide to intentionally invade academic fields where they will be treated like shit and have to face their worst enemies every day and c) just aren't gifted enough to make it in the intellectual world. But all that being said, there obviously were a lot of smart men involved even just with this site, not to mention inceldom in general, and yet they all seem to have made very little attempt to actually organize politically in any meaningful way, preferring to sling slurs online and isolate among like-minded people.

The wiki on here is nice, but it looks to me like it should be the beginning of something rather than the finished product. We need a pro-male school of thought around in our society and if we don't start it, who else will? And why? Why would they and why didn't we?

Even small groups of people can have a big impact on the world around them, if they can organize and cooperate and have enough members with some sort of capital among them, be that social or financial or intellectual or creative. All we seem to have is people basically doing what I would wish for them to do if I was actually part of our opposition: Talk about shit like "total XYZ death", the jews, why the age of consent should be lowered, make crass statements meant to trigger and grab attention.

Not even saying those things need to stop totally, but where is the other side of it, the not self-defeating, rational, calculated side where men actually try to change society to be more equal and fair in the real sense of these words and make it a place worth living in, even for the low status member of our sex?

There are so many things that we do which guarantee us losing forever... have a member capable enough to leave his inceldom behind? Kick him out. Effectively selects for only the most miserable, least functional people to stay around. Let only total losers be part of your group and then wonder why you can't stop losing.

I could rant about this for hours, but my point is: Have we ever even seriously tried anything with a real chance of success? Not for any individual to get out, but to improve the situation for men in general? Seems to me the answer is more "no" then "maybe, kind of".
Seems to me that incels also just don't care to try. When the left perceived there to be some systematic injustice they wanted equalized, they organized and spend serious effort infiltrating every institution they deemed worth influencing from the inside.

What prevents us from going e.g. into the social sciences and establishing a pro-male perspective in there? Obviously we would have to fight a stronger resistance, the left was able to just walk in because boomer normie conservative whites are low-IQ imbeciles, but still. It's a better plan than no plan.

But it would require effort and accepting a personal burden in the name of a cause / for the greater good of your people and it seems to me for all the talk about how much people care, they don't care that much. Most don't even care enough to stop talking about niggers and faggots and jews for a second so we could at least try to enter real politics as a serious faction.

I can understand that many of us are a) mentally unstable / ill and can barely keep their own life together, so they don't have the luxury to worry about the greater picture, b) too traumatized and too close to suicide to intentionally invade academic fields where they will be treated like shit and have to face their worst enemies every day and c) just aren't gifted enough to make it in the intellectual world. But all that being said, there obviously were a lot of smart men involved even just with this site, not to mention inceldom in general, and yet they all seem to have made very little attempt to actually organize politically in any meaningful way, preferring to sling slurs online and isolate among like-minded people.

The wiki on here is nice, but it looks to me like it should be the beginning of something rather than the finished product. We need a pro-male school of thought around in our society and if we don't start it, who else will? And why? Why would they and why didn't we?

Even small groups of people can have a big impact on the world around them, if they can organize and cooperate and have enough members with some sort of capital among them, be that social or financial or intellectual or creative. All we seem to have is people basically doing what I would wish for them to do if I was actually part of our opposition: Talk about shit like "total XYZ death", the jews, why the age of consent should be lowered, make crass statements meant to trigger and grab attention.

Not even saying those things need to stop totally, but where is the other side of it, the not self-defeating, rational, calculated side where men actually try to change society to be more equal and fair in the real sense of these words and make it a place worth living in, even for the low status member of our sex?
We're stuck in a reactive mode, constantly triggered and outraged by the latest injustice. It’s a cycle that prevents us from moving forward and keeps us perpetually distracted from long-term goals. No one is really capable of taking the initiative when it comes to inceldom. The vast majority of us would rather continue to cope with our pain and suffering—which I can totally understand. I think that in general, taking the first step towards change is difficult, and that holds true for advancing the incel cause. This is especially true in a movement that has infighting over trivial matters all the time.

And as you said previously, many of the people here only really care about themselves. I have seen multiple threads about the topic of being selfish and not caring about anyone else; this kind of mindset is another reason why incels as a group don't work very well—a large portion has been so jaded and has suffered so much that they developed a very cynical worldview, even toward their brethren.

I believe that some change is what's necessary. Even if it's something small like improving our internal culture—because if we don’t try, we guarantee that nothing changes. We may not be able to dismantle every obstacle in our way, but we can at least stop sabotaging ourselves.

There are so many things that we do which guarantee us losing forever... have a member capable enough to leave his inceldom behind? Kick him out. Effectively selects for only the most miserable, least functional people to stay around. Let only total losers be part of your group and then wonder why you can't stop losing.
This is an interesting perspective. Wouldn't it harm the integrity of the group if we let those who aren't really incels stay?
We're stuck in a reactive mode, constantly triggered and outraged by the latest injustice. It’s a cycle that prevents us from moving forward and keeps us perpetually distracted from long-term goals. No one is really capable of taking the initiative when it comes to inceldom. The vast majority of us would rather continue to cope with our pain and suffering—which I can totally understand. I think that in general, taking the first step towards change is difficult, and that holds true for advancing the incel cause. This is especially true in a movement that has infighting over trivial matters all the time.

And as you said previously, many of the people here only really care about themselves. I have seen multiple threads about the topic of being selfish and not caring about anyone else; this kind of mindset is another reason why incels as a group don't work very well—a large portion has been so jaded and has suffered so much that they developed a very cynical worldview, even toward their brethren.

I believe that some change is what's necessary. Even if it's something small like improving our internal culture—because if we don’t try, we guarantee that nothing changes. We may not be able to dismantle every obstacle in our way, but we can at least stop sabotaging ourselves.
Yeah, I can agree with all of that. I do think some kind of collective action or individual projects would actually help us cope better than games or other distractions. It would take away the feelings of powerless, the sense of being so helpless, so victimized. At least a little.

This is an interesting perspective. Wouldn't it harm the integrity of the group if we let those who aren't really incels stay?
There are always trade-offs. What do you value most, what can you exchange for something else? What I want most, maybe even more than a happy relationship, is to see my sex be treated fairly, with care and understanding and empathy. To live in a society in which I don't feel like an outsider, an enemy, a pharmakos of the modern world. I want to live in a society I can cooperate with, I can find a place in, among people I perceive as my in-group.

I don't even think kicking out ascending incels helps protect our integrity. These people don't turn into chads the second they get laid. Many of them still are, and will be for the rest of their existence, second class citizen on the sexual and romantic market. They got lucky once, somehow managed to score a girl and hopefully start a relationship with her, but they will always carry the memories and impression they were afflicted with during their time as full-grown incels. At least most of them will.

Some exceptions will suddenly abandon all their previous believes and try to climb the social ladder like the rest of the normie biomass, but those people can be identified (will identify themselves) and can then be removed for their lack of commitment and loyality to the group. Which seem to me to be much better criteria for exclusion, rather than "did you manage to get laid sooner or later?".

Many of the incels who ascended would probably still be happy to have a place among others like them. And they could find that place among us, but not out there among the wider public.

In addition, since ascending probably correlates with being a bit more on the "functional member of society" side of things, these people likely have above average social and financial and intellectual capital compared to the average incel. These are the people you want most, people who have something to offer, who are capable of getting something done, who have the luxury to care about helping others / the group instead of being caught up in their own downward spiral of a ruined life.

If you want to achieve anything, you need a functional group. If you kick anyone half-way functional on the personal level out, you will be left with a large, chaotic clump of misery and depression, devoid of hope, ambition and competence. You could just give these users a tag as "ascended former incels" or something and have them carry the "shame" / pride openly. If they are dicks about it, if they brag too much or behave in a condescending way and turn their back on core blackpilled ideas, kick them out for that.

What is really accomplished by kicking out everyone who ascends? I think it's mostly about making the ones who can't ascend and have no hope of doing so, ever (some legitimately, many because they are >21 years old and still overly emotional teens at heart), feel better about themselves. It's about taking the burden of sharing a space with people they will naturally envy and feel mogged by off their shoulders. It's about the individual interests of the most broken or just melodramatic individual members, not about what's best for everyone long-term.

A group functions in part because members make sacrifices by putting the interests of the group above their own. Incels, it seems to me, are mostly selfish and connected only by their hatred for the rest of humanity and their shared scars and traumas. But not by any sense of unity or purpose. Are we even a group at that point? Or more of a category, like rabbits or dairy products?

I don't think the people on this site will make any big course corrections in the near future. But I'm constantly on the look-out for any other place/group of low status men that might. And if I end up having to work with some leftists or normies or, god forbid, redditards, so be it. I at the very least want to try doing something, anything, to fight back against the abuse in a way that is not completely meaningless. I have also been thinking about maybe studying sociology or differential psychology and trying to push my ideas that way. Not sure if there would be an actual chance I could succeed at this, instead of just ending with a dog shit job I don't care for, but it's an idea that has been spooking around in my head.

Another thing I wanted to mention. I have had a bunch of contact with leftist creatives and academics throughout the years, and one thing I found quite notable was how easily they got invested in new ideas and attempts at doing some big project. As an example, during one of my group therapies I encountered some dude in a polyamorous relationship. He was reasonably smart, very pro-social and well integrated in society. And when I talked to him about things like AI threat, he was so interested, he wanted to make his next creative project (self-published short film) about AI. Reading through some auto-biographies of successful leftists, I found that to kind of be a consistent pattern. Someone around them has an idea they see as having potential, then they just start a firm based on that and try making a product out of it. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but they are very eager to give things a try.

I say all this because I think that kind of adventurous spirit, this willingness to just go out and do something (and if it doesn't work, just try something else) is something majorly lacking among our kind. Probably because our lives have taught us to not hope, not give things a try and take no unnecessary risks, but that leaves us with no chance of finding a way out.
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Yeah, I can agree with all of that. I do think some kind of collective action or individual projects would actually help us cope better than games or other distractions. It would take away the feelings of powerless, the sense of being so helpless, so victimized. At least a little.

There are always trade-offs. What do you value most, what can you exchange for something else? What I want most, maybe even more than a happy relationship, is to see my sex be treated fairly, with care and understanding and empathy. To live in a society in which I don't feel like an outsider, an enemy, a pharmakos of the modern world. I want to live in a society I can cooperate with, I can find a place in, among people I perceive as my in-group.

I don't even think kicking out ascending incels helps protect our integrity. These people don't turn into chads the second they get laid. Many of them still are, and will be for the rest of their existence, second class citizen on the sexual and romantic market. They got lucky once, somehow managed to score a girl and hopefully start a relationship with her, but they will always carry the memories and impression they were afflicted with during their time as full-grown incels. At least most of them will.

Some exceptions will suddenly abandon all their previous believes and try to climb the social ladder like the rest of the normie biomass, but those people can be identified (will identify themselves) and can then be removed for their lack of commitment and loyality to the group. Which seem to me to be much better criteria for exclusion, rather than "did you manage to get laid sooner or later?".

Many of the incels who ascended would probably still be happy to have a place among others like them. And they could find that place among us, but not out there among the wider public.

In addition, since ascending probably correlates with being a bit more on the "functional member of society" side of things, these people likely have above average social and financial and intellectual capital compared to the average incel. These are the people you want most, people who have something to offer, who are capable of getting something done, who have the luxury to care about helping others / the group instead of being caught up in their own downward spiral of a ruined life.

If you want to achieve anything, you need a functional group. If you kick anyone half-way functional on the personal level out, you will be left with a large, chaotic clump of misery and depression, devoid of hope, ambition and competence. You could just give them a tag as "ascended former incels" or something and have them carry the "shame" / pride openly. If they are dicks about it, if they brag too much or behave in a condescending way and turn their back on core blackpilled ideas, kick them out for that.

What is really accomplished by kicking out everyone who ascends? I think it's mostly about making the ones who can't ascend and have no hope of doing so, ever (some legitimately, many because they are >21 years old and still overly emotional teens at heart), feel better about themselves. It's about taking the burden of sharinge a space with people they will naturally envy and feel mogged by off their shoulders. It's about the individual interests of the most broken or just melodramatic individual members, not about what's best for everyone long-term.

A group functions in part because members make sacrifices by putting the interests of the group above their own. Incels, it seems to me, are mostly selfish and connected only by their hatred for the rest of humanity and their shared scars and traumas. But not by any sense of unity or purpose. Are we even a group at that point? Or more of a category, like rabbits or dairy products?

I don't think the people on this site will make any big course corrections in the near future. But I'm constantly on the look-out for any other place/group of low status men that might. And if I end up having to work with some leftists or normies, so be it. I at the very least want to try doing something, anything, to fight back against the abuse in a way that is not completely meaningless. I have also been thinking about maybe studying sociology or differential psychology and trying to push my ideas that way. Not sure if there would be an actual chance I could succeed at this, instead of just ending with a dog shit job I don't care for, but it's an idea that has been spooking around in my head.

I agree with everything. Thank you for the well thought out and articulate response. You have an admirable attitude and a very practical mindset, something that I think incels in general greatly lack. Maybe one day a group will form with those kinds of attitudes, but until then I think all that can be reliably predicted is that the current pattern will continue.

Allowing men who have ascended to stay definitely makes sense in the grand scheme of things—as long as they share our perspectives and goals. At the end of the day, we need all the help we can get to further our cause; because we are surrounded by people who oppose our views and want to shut us down. So even if it means we won't win entirely, allying with those who have similar goals—even if they are not incels—makes sense. There's no point in having an all or nothing mindset.

I think the main problem will always be that it's difficult to find men willing to set aside their grievances and work together. This is one of our main flaws as a group, and it prevents us from taking collective action to better ourselves.

To add something more, part of the reason is that many men, especially young men, like to compare their suffering in the "Oppression Olympics" and to engage in the mentality of "who has it worse", which is a pointless endeavor. I've even seen many argue that their personal situation is so bad that it's hopeless and they just want to give up, further preventing any progress. This is something that I wish could cease.
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Many of the incels who ascended would probably still be happy to have a place among others like them. And they could find that place among us, but not out there among the wider public.
Your post is quite long (but very insightful) so I'll just quote this section. Two things. One, it's interesting how caught-up you are in the fact that this specific site doesn't allow for "ascended former incels" (which I'll abbreiviate to AFI in case I need to say that again), since other incel gatherings and communities do exist, plus the fact that users could just lie about it/never mention the fact that they ascend if they'll still "mentally" be an incel, even if they lucked out*. The former could just be that maybe the community isn't as big as it'd have to be, because, remember, there are so many people out in broader society whose minds you have to change in order to get society itself to change that even if a large portion of those people want something to happen, just because that portion isn't large enough, nothing will end up happening anyway (this is especially insidious in issues like immigration, since immigrants naturally tend to support at least some form of immigration themselves e.g. from family members, so the people advocating for more immigrants are also in a way supporting the growth of their own movement, albeit in a very cancerous way).
It could also just be that the community is too spread out, both geographically and through the internet itself, especially on soycial media where potential incels can get quickly introduced to blackpilling concepts (even if in a censored/restricted form), but will likely only interact with a fraction of the wider sphere (e.g. only a few specific channels/accounts), which dilutes overall numbers (this doesn't just apply to soycial media either, as most users, even on here, probably aren't in all the possible incel communities either). Even so, that third part could be overcome if those communities, even if they don't represent the totality (no gathering space for a community possibly can) still are meaningfully organized in their own rights. That's where the third thing comes in. The third thing is that we have opposition, namely censorship from those who don't want our views spread as well as the fact that, when it comes to establishing a movement for our rights, feminists technically had the first-mover advantage. This means that, bringing all those previously mentioned concepts together, we are a still-fractured, still-unorganized (and possibly still too small...for now) community up against a group who already had time to come together, unfracture themselves (i.e. properly organize), spread their ideology (and in turn have that ideology be potentially spread to the children of those who got exposed to it earlier on), and in fact have had so much time to do so that they've even managed to fight against us while we're still down, censoring our views and the like. In order to move forward, feminism will need to move back (sounds obvious but still). This might unironically happen due to immigration since that's quickly introducing a whole lot of people whose hecking cultures (that you WILL respect, chud) are against feminism to our societies (instead of spending years or decades trying to reverse and counter feminism), and if that ends up being the breaking straw for feminism, that might be more trouble than it's worth in the long run, but it's still one quick path that could potentially be exploited if it's going to continue happening (and won't just be a passing fad or get reversed with deporations/h*cking genocides like muh Holocaust) in order to establish a proper men's rights movement in the West.
Even so, with the influx of numbers, nothing will change so long as meaningful, organized resistance is not kept up. That's the strength of these groups, the Jews, and women. They both have a clear idea of the in-group, disloyalty towards those who oppose their views, and are in general just, again, well organized. They have a clear sense of their identity. Men obviously have an identity, but since they don't properly network, and don't keep in mind the fact that they are their identity and not an individual (i.e. they think of themselves as individuals instead of as part of a greater whole/identity), they're more susceptible to getting fucked over by those who do come together to screw over the individual. Men do need to come together, but again, the following:
I think the main problem will always be that it's difficult to find men willing to set aside their grievances and work together. This is one of our main flaws as a group, and it prevents us from taking collective action to better ourselves.
Shows that it clearly won't be easy to turn off the individualistic mindset many men (especially White men, who don't e.g. have a proper sense of racial identity either), possess, and replace it with a true sense of identity that'll make it easier for them to come together. It might take several generations, in fact, for any such thing to happen. Who knows. I sure as hell don't.
*I never actually addressed this in my post and honestly I'm not sure how to, since at that point I'd be talking about something way different than what I do talk about in the rest of what I say
Looks based discrimination isn't just institutionalized, it's deeply ingrained into the human psyche. You'd have to initiate some extreme form of social engineering for any meaningful change, merely infiltrating and subverting institutions will never fully work on its own.

I agree with everything. Thank you for the well thought out and articulate response. You have an admirable attitude and a very practical mindset, something that I think incels in general greatly lack.
Thank you as well. It's nice to see that not everyone is so thoughtlessly defeatist and uninspired, despite what we have been through.

Maybe one day a group will form with those kinds of attitudes, but until then I think all that can be reliably predicted is that the current pattern will continue.
Yeah, I have little hope for this place to turn into something other than what it already is. Which is still nice to have for the most part, don't get me wrong. It does annoy me a lot to think I will, as has happened previously and will happen undoubtedly again in the near future, struggle to make normies grace us with some empathy just because the crass language on here and among incels in general is too much for them to stomach. Feels like I'm being sabotaged by the people I want to help the most.

To add something more, part of the reason is that many men, especially young men, like to compare their suffering in the "Oppression Olympics" and to engage in the mentality of "who has it worse", which is a pointless endeavor. I've even seen many argue that their personal situation is so bad that it's hopeless and they just want to give up, further preventing any progress. This is something that I wish could cease.
I think it's an innate instinct for men to fight over the pecking order in such a way, evolved to climb the social ladder to acquire a high quality mate. There aren't many mates around to impress in incel spaces but, much like consuming sugar, fats and carbs, the instinct is no longer connected to its original purpose and has become a want in and of itself. Especially present among young men who are in the time of their life during which it's most important for them to stand out and establish themselves among their peers, so they can climb the local hierarchy and fuck all the available women around :feelskek::feelsbadman:

Or maybe it's just careless self-centeredness.
Your post is quite long (but very insightful) so I'll just quote this section. Two things. One, it's interesting how caught-up you are in the fact that this specific site doesn't allow for "ascended former incels" (which I'll abbreiviate to AFI in case I need to say that again), since other incel gatherings and communities do exist, plus the fact that users could just lie about it/never mention the fact that they ascend if they'll still "mentally" be an incel, even if they lucked out*. The former could just be that maybe the community isn't as big as it'd have to be, because, remember, there are so many people out in broader society whose minds you have to change in order to get society itself to change that even if a large portion of those people want something to happen, just because that portion isn't large enough, nothing will end up happening anyway (this is especially insidious in issues like immigration, since immigrants naturally tend to support at least some form of immigration themselves e.g. from family members, so the people advocating for more immigrants are also in a way supporting the growth of their own movement, albeit in a very cancerous way).
It could also just be that the community is too spread out, both geographically and through the internet itself, especially on soycial media where potential incels can get quickly introduced to blackpilling concepts (even if in a censored/restricted form), but will likely only interact with a fraction of the wider sphere (e.g. only a few specific channels/accounts), which dilutes overall numbers (this doesn't just apply to soycial media either, as most users, even on here, probably aren't in all the possible incel communities either). Even so, that third part could be overcome if those communities, even if they don't represent the totality (no gathering space for a community possibly can) still are meaningfully organized in their own rights. That's where the third thing comes in. The third thing is that we have opposition, namely censorship from those who don't want our views spread as well as the fact that, when it comes to establishing a movement for our rights, feminists technically had the first-mover advantage. This means that, bringing all those previously mentioned concepts together, we are a still-fractured, still-unorganized (and possibly still too small...for now) community up against a group who already had time to come together, unfracture themselves (i.e. properly organize), spread their ideology (and in turn have that ideology be potentially spread to the children of those who got exposed to it earlier on), and in fact have had so much time to do so that they've even managed to fight against us while we're still down, censoring our views and the like. In order to move forward, feminism will need to move back (sounds obvious but still). This might unironically happen due to immigration since that's quickly introducing a whole lot of people whose hecking cultures (that you WILL respect, chud) are against feminism to our societies (instead of spending years or decades trying to reverse and counter feminism), and if that ends up being the breaking straw for feminism, that might be more trouble than it's worth in the long run, but it's still one quick path that could potentially be exploited if it's going to continue happening (and won't just be a passing fad or get reversed with deporations/h*cking genocides like muh Holocaust) in order to establish a proper men's rights movement in the West.
Even so, with the influx of numbers, nothing will change so long as meaningful, organized resistance is not kept up. That's the strength of these groups, the Jews, and women. They both have a clear idea of the in-group, disloyalty towards those who oppose their views, and are in general just, again, well organized. They have a clear sense of their identity. Men obviously have an identity, but since they don't properly network, and don't keep in mind the fact that they are their identity and not an individual (i.e. they think of themselves as individuals instead of as part of a greater whole/identity), they're more susceptible to getting fucked over by those who do come together to screw over the individual. Men do need to come together, but again, the following:

Shows that it clearly won't be easy to turn off the individualistic mindset many men (especially White men, who don't e.g. have a proper sense of racial identity either), possess, and replace it with a true sense of identity that'll make it easier for them to come together. It might take several generations, in fact, for any such thing to happen. Who knows. I sure as hell don't.
*I never actually addressed this in my post and honestly I'm not sure how to, since at that point I'd be talking about something way different than what I do talk about in the rest of what I say
I don't care massively about ascending incels staying or being removed, it's just a symptom of the generally dysfunctional way we manage ourselves.

I think many of the things you have mentioned are good points and real reasons as to why we struggle to get anything done. We are divided, in many different ways at once. Building a group out of Nazis, Communists, Islamists, Christians, traditionalists, random mentally ill people, average always-online losers and so on is nearly impossible. Then we mostly don't even live in the same place. And we aren't that many, even if you include all the other incel spaces. Mass media is against us and that means most people think of us as scum and will never even give our perspective a chance. The list of issues just goes on.

All that being said, if you can't build large groups, build small groups and have them work together when necessary. Like islamist terr*r cells! (wait, feds, please, it makes sense in context T_T!) You just need a handful of capable people working together to get surprising amounts of stuff done.

There is some hope rooted in the the counter movements coming from the right in different places, but I have my doubts. In my eyes, the right is ultimately mostly individualistic and won't care much about loser males, even if we are a big part of their base. It kind of reflects the general issues in our own community. Too much splintering, no one wants to or can compromise (how do religious people compromise on the words of god for example) and just too much fighting over the pecking order.

The types to whom caring about the disadvantaged comes naturally are actually mostly on the left, as hard as that might be to see with how corrupted and just straight retarded the modern left has turned out to be.

While I think everything that has a chance at success should be tried, I personally would rather attempt to bring the leftists to see the error of their ways and get them include low status, ugly men into their victim hierarchy (and kick women down a few pegs). They already have the entire frame work we need ready to go.

Obviously that won't be easy either, but I have more hopes for the left in the long run then I do for the right. I just pray something meaningful can be accomplished before I'm dead and buried. If it takes multiple generations for things to change, I won't ever get to see any results and that would break my heart.
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Interesting find

sadly, I do not think we will necessarily be at the forefront of this. Hate to play the devils advocate here, I just don't think it would be realistic. Yes, many of the blackpills core teachings could go mainstream and we may see societal change will long-term be beneficial in ending or at least curbing down the Incel problem.

However, it is good to see at least what we are saying is catching on attention. What is my main concern, is that maybe it might at some point get co-opted and foids will act as if lookism hurts them(ofc we know it doesn't).
Sounds like you are kind of allowed to make the case for lookism, as long as you present it as some gender-neutral, generic issue. But for incels it's mostly about the gender-specific problems that come with being an ugly man.
Exactly my thoughts and what I'm worried could become the eventual fate of trying to bring up lookism and the blackpill
Having no access to love, affection and sex >>>>>> being treated slightly worse wherever you go by everyone. Both are obviously undesirable, but one is usually life-ruining, while the other one doesn't have to be.
Simply addressing the fact you get treated worse in public due to your looks is at least something and somewhere to go with all this.
Reading this always feels like absolute ER-fuel to me. All these researchers are smart enough to see the injustices being committed in the society they inhabit, but none of them care to speak up. Absolutely amoral vermin.
Simply, it could be because they cannot connect the dots the way individuals such as ourselves do, or they are held back by the usual (((bluepill))) agenda
As long as they aren't the ones directly affected, most people would let you go through hell just to protect their own reputation / career. Perceiving their cowardice hurts my sense of justice and makes my heart bleed.
Yup, they are just like anyone else. They simply do not see the further ailments stuff such as this causes for our society.
It's going to be bizarre how the blackpill/lookism will change society in the next 50 years
What is my main concern, is that maybe it might at some point get co-opted and foids will act as if lookism hurts them(ofc we know it doesn't).
That’s the nature of the beast. The moment something gets attention, it’s no longer ours. It’s theirs. They would paint it as an entirely different problem and dress it up in something palatable, and sell it as a cause worth fighting for, all while ignoring the true nature of the problem. It's pretty ironic when you think about it—they would act like they are the victims of the very system they uphold.

In fact, this kind of trend can already be seen at some level. I have seen multiple foids across different communities and social media platforms who have infiltrated blackpill/incel-adjacent groups. They then frame lookism and inceldom as a problem that they suffer from as well—i.e "femcels". Point is, if we are seeing this kind of stuff happening now, it's safe to assume what you said is a real concern.
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Sounds like you are kind of allowed to make the case for lookism, as long as you present it as some gender-neutral, generic issue. But for incels it's mostly about the gender-specific problems that come with being an ugly man.
What is my main concern, is that maybe it might at some point get co-opted and foids will act as if lookism hurts them(ofc we know it doesn't).
Isnt that already kind of happening with their fat positivity and “normalizing realistic female bodies”
Doubt anything will ever happen
When South Korea gender war hits critical mass Supreme (gentlemen) Leader Kim Jung Un, High Emperor of Kimchicel will invade and destroy the feminist nation of Worst Korea and force all white cocku sluts to pleasure kimichecels as comfort women. Once that happens the rest of the world will either kneel before inceldoms or prepare for the mass incel rumbling...
When South Korea gender war hits critical mass Supreme (gentlemen) Leader Kim Jung Un, High Emperor of Kimchicel will invade and destroy the feminist nation of Worst Korea and force all white cocku sluts to pleasure kimichecels as comfort women. Once that happens the rest of the world will either kneel before inceldoms or prepare for the mass incel rumbling...
Let's hope so:feelsautistic:.
Lookism is hands down, the most likely of any of our ideas to both break into mainstream society.
Leftists have spent the last 6 decades building up a framework for both: discrimination upon factors outside of ones control, and inequality of certain classes, being the most reprehensible ills that must be dismantled of our society.

Lookism slides perfectly into both, as it touches on discrimination on the basis of factors outside of ones control (ugly people suffer verifiable shit treatment their entire life for something completely out of their control, denied life outcomes, microaggressions) and unequal privilege (documented access to same opportunities, shut out of most social events and whatever)

There is NO COUNTER to lookism. NONE. We have moral righteousness here. With a solid enough academic and activist push, to deny lookism's framework would point out a hypocrisy with racism, sexism so glaring that I don't think even leftists could do it, and like another replier said, women and the left will probably co-opt the movement (which is ultimately still a victory, it just won't take on an anti-woman form). Even a watered down anti-lookism push would still result in some recognition of the life problems of sub5s worldwide and shine a spotlight on looks based inequality.

This is probably the most important discussion on the forum rn.

If you want to achieve anything, you need a functional group. If you kick anyone half-way functional on the personal level out, you will be left with a large, chaotic clump of misery and depression, devoid of hope, ambition and competence

Shoutout to Roomba, the most based user on the forum to date
This article/study is surprisingly neutral on us and actually seems to understand a lot of what we are saying, but it's this graph they include that caught my attention:

View attachment 1362114

For context, that's from the Google Books Ngram Viewer, in which you can look at the frequency of usage of certain words over time across millions of digitised books as a percentage of total words in its entire library. As you can see boyos, lookism is very much going up.

View attachment 1362115

But how does it compare to the big boys of social sciences and inequality? Not too well at the moment:feelsbadman:.

View attachment 1362116

However, the devil is, of course, in the details, and when we compare lookism today with sexism right at the start of second-wave feminism in the 60s:

View attachment 1362118View attachment 1362119

"Lookism" actually has a slightly higher share than "sexism" had in 1965, just as second-wave feminism was starting to pick up, and it is definitely on the upswing. Will we soon see a great lookism revolution as the importance of looks in life explodes into public consciousness, a revolution incels are in prime position to be at the forefront of as even the author of that article somewhat admits:feelshmm::feelshehe::feelsjuice:?
Inceldia will rise. Trust in @erenyeager

@Diddy @Darth Aries erenyeager will win and destroy the fucking world

Sounds like you are kind of allowed to make the case for lookism, as long as you present it as some gender-neutral, generic issue. But for incels it's mostly about the gender-specific problems that come with being an ugly man.

Having no access to love, affection and sex >>>>>> being treated slightly worse wherever you go by everyone. Both are obviously undesirable, but one is usually life-ruining, while the other one doesn't have to be.

Reading this always feels like absolute ER-fuel to me. All these researchers are smart enough to see the injustices being committed in the society they inhabit, but none of them care to speak up. Absolutely amoral vermin. As long as they aren't the ones directly affected, most people would let you go through hell just to protect their own reputation / career. Perceiving their cowardice hurts my sense of justice and makes my heart bleed.
It's inevitable inceldia will rise..

Restorationists will be born
I hope this is true. The last few years have been so tiresome
Inceldia will rise. Trust in @erenyeager

@Diddy @Darth Aries erenyeager will win and destroy the fucking world

Soon the nation will have to obey us. All tall chads legs will be chopped so they can join the godly manlet nation

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