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It's Over LMAO at gymcelling



Sep 28, 2018
No matter how much time you spend in the gym, your genetics will be trash. Literally thousands of hours of grueling lifting and eating through discomfort all for this:


While Chad slams down pizzas, pounds beers, and tosses around some dumbbells once a week and looks like this:


And for manlets it's even worse. Just when you're starting to feel good about your gains, you'll get heightmogged by Chad at your local gym just for lulz.



It's over.
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Forget about getting busy via gymcelling. it wont happen unless youre attractive. I'm gymcelling and it is cope yeah it is a good cope i'm doing it for being in shape i know it wont get pussy to me. Sometimes we must care only abour ourselves not only pussy
Forget about getting busy via gymcelling. it wont happen unless youre attractive. I'm gymcelling and it is cope yeah it is a good cope i'm doing it for being in shape i know it wont get pussy to me. Sometimes we must care only abour ourselves not only pussy

tbh tbh. Its annoying how some incels will shit on gymcelling even though it has a lot of advantages to it besides potential pussy.
When it's over, it's over.
tbh tbh. Its annoying how some incels will shit on gymcelling even though it has a lot of advantages to it besides potential pussy.
yes lol they think we'd live for pussy only.
If it makes you happy then i dont see the problem. Do whatever makes you happy tbh..

Might make some feel more proud and comfortable in their own bodies so there is positives to it.
Forget about getting busy via gymcelling. it wont happen unless youre attractive. I'm gymcelling and it is cope yeah it is a good cope i'm doing it for being in shape i know it wont get pussy to me. Sometimes we must care only abour ourselves not only pussy
Lol i gymcel and stretch marks legit ruined me so i cant even show off my physique cos they would just look at them
The only reason i gymcel is because it helps my depression a little bit. Couldn't care less about body shape, it's already over for me, gymcelling is nothing but a cope.
If it makes you happy then i dont see the problem. Do whatever makes you happy tbh..

Might make some feel more proud and comfortable in their own bodies so there is positives to it.
lol at comparing natties to roiders
Hamudi, one of our Incel Saints, once said that if you do not have less than 10% body fat it's over for you. Going to the gym therefore is a good and important thing, stop hating on it.
lol at comparing natties to roiders

Steroids only help Chads. Incels on steroids just get gut distension, acne and man boobs.
Hamudi, one of our Incel Saints, once said that if you do not have less than 10% body fat it's over for you.

He was wrong.

Chad can have more than 10% body fat and still look incredible.

Going to the gym therefore is a good and important thing, stop hating on it.

You're spreading nonsense in my view. As far as I can tell, there is no clear benefit to gymcelling.
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Gymcelling is better than having a skinnyfat CUCK body.

LMAO at having a SOYBOY CUCK body.

Gymcelling is better than having a skinnyfat CUCK body.

No, I don't think it is. I think having a genetically better body is better than having a soyboy cuck body.

If your body would normally be soy, and gymcelling masks it, that's not really an improvement. The underlying genetics are still trash.
Who is this slayer?

I don't know lmao. I forget how I even came across that pic.
No, I don't think it is. I think having a genetically better body is better than having a soyboy cuck body.

If your body would normally be soy, and gymcelling masks it, that's not really an improvement.

Having a genetically good body > Having a good body following gymcelling >>>> having a skinnyfat CUCK body
I'd go gymcelling to have a body like Lachowski (I'd have to lift a year to have a body like his normal nonlifting body).
Getting huge and bulky won't make anyone more attractive, maybe only to a niche.
The first guy you refer to actually has a body for going to the gym in my opinion.
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Having a genetically good body > Having a good body following gymcelling >>>> having a skinnyfat CUCK body

This is like saying 10/10 foid > 7/10 foid that without fakeup and fake tits is truly a 3/10 >>>> 3/10 foid

Anyone can fraudulently turn themselves into something they're not. But at what cost? What's the point? I mean you'll be exposed eventually anyways if you start competing too hard with the high-tier normies and Chadlites.
As ItsOVER, the Genghis Khan of incels used to say, why workout when it’s all about the FACE?
This is like saying 10/10 foid > 7/10 foid that without fakeup and fake tits is truly a 3/10 >>>> 3/10 foid

Anyone can fraudulently turn themselves into something they're not. But at what cost? What's the point? I mean you'll be exposed eventually anyways if you start competing too hard with the high-tier normies and Chadlites.

JFL at this flawed logic.

Also JFL at comparing a fit muscular body made in the gym to the fake-up that foids put.

The cope is very strong in gym threads by anti-gymcels.
JFL at this flawed logic.

Also JFL at comparing a fit muscular body made in the gym to the fake-up that foids put.

The cope is very strong in gym threads by anti-gymcels.

I'm just trying to save incels a lot of unnecessary wasted time and hard work.
Gymcelling is ok as long as you don't spend too long on it.

Having a basic but effective home gym set-up in your garage is all you need.

But to go for an expensive membership only to be bullied by roidheads, excluded by spandex stacies who report you if you even look in their direction for a millisecond but are ok with Chad staring for hours on end and finally exiting due to constant hypocracy of "inclusive liberals progressives"?

Home gym for the win.
I'm just trying to save incels a lot of unnecessary wasted time and hard work.

The anti-gymcel faction does more harm than good to incels.

The fact is:

- Gymcelling works
- Plastic surgery works

- Proper gymcelling requires a fuckton of effort and hard work, and most important of all: consistency
- Plastic surgery requires balls, as you're practically entrusting your face to another person to reshape, and there's many ways it could go wrong

However if any incel is serious about "ascending", he will have to do both.
If you got a decent face, but your body is shit hitting the gym might help you ascend, but if your face is ugly no amount of pushups can save you
If you got a decent face, but your body is shit hitting the gym might help you ascend, but if your face is ugly no amount of pushups can save you

Plastic surgeries can fix your face, however.

One of the biggest incel death sentences, recessed chins, can be fixed with chin + jaw implants.
I'm just trying to save incels a lot of unnecessary wasted time and hard work.
Realy? I'm 43, gymceling 30 years, I see my peers with huge bellies, getting overweight, getting terrible illnesses, heart failures etc because they don't have good health habits. What are you doing at age 25 will bite you real hard at age 40.
Realy? I'm 43, gymceling 30 years, I see my peers with huge bellies, getting overweight, getting terrible illnesses, heart failures etc because they don't have good health habits. What are you doing at age 25 will bite you real hard at age 40.
>implying that prolonging your life as an incel is a good thing
>implying that prolonging your life as an incel is a good thing
Off course it's a good thing.
90% of the people here are 16-25 when the testosterone and the lust for foids is in its peak. After 35-40 you have other interests. Life is good when you are healthy, have money, no kids, no fat crazy wife, no divorce-raped and can go to East Europe to sextourismceling (for money) with young 9/10 stacies.
At the end of the day, it's still a cope and a sad life.
redpill numales btfo
better gymcel than rot:feelsokman:
You can´t compare these Connor Murphy and Jeff Seid´s physique are far better than the beta male next to them of course their Chad faces mogs them to hell but when you talk bodies you can´t compare these.

Their bodies are just overkill. Even if Murphy and Seid were skinny, they'd mog the hell out of them because of height/face.
Good luck with gymcelling if you have wide hips

Shitty frame
exercise is a very underrated anti-depressant tbh I cant recommend it enough to everyone here, you'll still be incel but you will definitely feel better
While Chad slams down pizzas, pounds beers, and tosses around some dumbbells once a week and looks like this:

You don't actually believe that, do you?
Forget about getting busy via gymcelling. it wont happen unless youre attractive. I'm gymcelling and it is cope yeah it is a good cope i'm doing it for being in shape i know it wont get pussy to me. Sometimes we must care only abour ourselves not only pussy
This. This forum seems to often fall in a trap that everything has to be for pussy, but going to gym is a good activity on itself. Nothing wrong with wanting to stay in shape and be healthy.
Its also a good excuse to leave the house tbh.

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