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Serious Overrated things the manosphere talks about life and dating



Hahah you fell for my trap made in heaven
Jan 11, 2024
1. GYM
It's a pitiful cope at it's best it's good for your health but it won't make you successful or pretty in the eyes of woman if you are below average looking.

most people do talk about eating meat as if it's gonna give you super power.
Truth is 80-90℅ of the world eats meat yet their life has no significant change.

Bro you don't have to be a millionaire to date chicks just be a good looking guy.
If money was the reason men couldn't get dates most men in the world would be incels.
A woman would rather date a chad 60k/year chad than a 250k/year ricecel.

Cringe cope at best good for self defense but wouldn't be use in the long run.
Woman choose mates on looks basis not fighting ability.

Woman will have more symoathy for a weak chad who gets beat up by a trained incel.

Things that actually matter race, face height, connections and being rich or being born rich.
I had the unfortunate luck of coming across one. Telling some guy to go out there and play sports instead of watching. Simply doing that would get him girls. After enough baiting, got him to admit by his own words it's all about social and physical appearance aka being a chad. Fucking hate these dinosaur alpha-morons.
I had the unfortunate luck of coming across one. Telling some guy to go out there and play sports instead of watching. Simply doing that would get him girls. After enough baiting, got him to admit by his own words it's all about social and physical appearance aka being a chad. Fucking hate these dinosaur alpha-morons.
Most people cope hard
These things work if you're a normie.

Most redpill / traditional advice work if you're a normie.

If you look like my avi, no amount of gym will help you get laid.
Yeah, in the terms of getting foids those are total copes, except money if you can get really rich.

But if you enjoy them or want to be healthier, why not.
1 and 2 are overrated but i dont see how 3 and 4 are overrated. Moneymaxxing can help improve your looks by getting surgeries and learning how to fight can be useful to fight sexhavers. If foids see how their supposedly strong bf gets beat up she will lose her attraction to him
Moneymaxxing can help improve your looks by getting surgeries and learning how to fight can be useful to fight sexhavers.
What I'm saying is you don't have to be insanely rich or book clubs and average wage chad beats millionaire incel.
What I'm saying is you don't have to be insanely rich or book clubs and average wage chad beats millionaire incel.
True but more money still increases your total SMV
learning how to fight can be useful to fight sexhavers.
You're gonna lift artificial weights for a situation that has low drop rate while femme fatale chad doesn't have to do shit.
Btw if an incel would beat a chad in a fight* women would call him a violent creep and still side with chad

*wont happen though
Because this is totally what learning to fight is all about:feelstastyman:

But we arent Chad and thats the point
Thing is even if you learn to fight you're not gonna make money out of it plus you are wasting money and you'll be a sub par fighter.

Exactly you aren't cgad that's why it's useless
I agree with every point you made. One thing to mention is that often times GYM isn't actually keeping people healthy but rather destroys their joints and gives them bad discs.
useless against weapons.
good but overhyped. most people quit because of high expectations jfl
diet shills who preach extreme diets are insufferable. divert the goyim and make them have health issues so pharma pockets get bigger
cope. the novelty of everything fades. just makes people become depressed so they turn to religion (mind control) as a cope
I agree with every point you made. One thing to mention is that often times GYM isn't actually keeping people healthy but rather destroys their joints and gives them bad discs.
grows the pockets of pharma. more health problems more half assed treatments more money. it's all apart of a bigger cycle. misinformation is rife. foids don't even care about physique that much jfl it's more of a tertiary factor in attraction. it just doesn't have to be subhuman deformed tier or fat either. diet is important and other forms of exercise that don't fuck up the body. bad form in the gym is a killer most people probably don't have good form and most people don't want to worry autistically about keeping form
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Woman want these kind of men


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grows the pockets of pharma. more health problems more half assed treatments more money. it's all apart of a bigger cycle. misinformation is rife. foids don't even care about physique that much jfl it's more of a tertiary factor in attraction. it just doesn't have to be subhuman deformed tier or fat either. diet is important and other forms of exercise that don't fuck up the body. bad form in the gym is a killer most people probably don't have good form and most people don't want to worry autistically about keeping form
Yeah it's not only about form i'd say. Humans haven't evolved to lift heavy shit and exercise so much. Quite the opposite actually. Look at all these heavy gym goers. The older ones often croack in their 60s because they basically used their body up.
useless against weapons.

good but overhyped. most people quit because of high expectations jfl

diet shills who preach extreme diets are insufferable. divert the goyim and make them have health issues so pharma pockets get bigger

cope. the novelty of everything fades. just makes people become depressed so they turn to religion (mind control) as a cope
I'm against all of these retard
all these things will improve your life quiality but neither will help you with the pussy.
These things work if you're a normie.

Most redpill / traditional advice work if you're a normie.

If you look like my avi, no amount of gym will help you get laid.
Honestly there is chin augmentation surgery and fat loss for that
Yeah it's not only about form i'd say. Humans haven't evolved to lift heavy shit and exercise so much. Quite the opposite actually. Look at all these heavy gym goers. The older ones often croack in their 60s because they basically used their body up.
yeah i don't exercise too much either i just go here and there to blow off some steam. constant lifting nearly everyday will take a toll on the body like you said cause we're not exactly evolved for that
1. GYM
It's a pitiful cope at it's best it's good for your health but it won't make you successful or pretty in the eyes of woman if you are below average looking.

most people do talk about eating meat as if it's gonna give you super power.
Truth is 80-90℅ of the world eats meat yet their life has no significant change.

Bro you don't have to be a millionaire to date chicks just be a good looking guy.
If money was the reason men couldn't get dates most men in the world would be incels.
A woman would rather date a chad 60k/year chad than a 250k/year ricecel.

Cringe cope at best good for self defense but wouldn't be use in the long run.
Woman choose mates on looks basis not fighting ability.

Woman will have more symoathy for a weak chad who gets beat up by a trained incel.

Things that actually matter race, face height, connections and being rich or being born rich.
Yep a lot of this is just redpiller cope. I hear MRA and MGTOW fags talk about this shit a lot. It is good advice for coping but none of that shit is going to help you in the world of relationships and dating.
Isn't that usually due to abusing roids? Anyway, I do think gym and work-out is actually a cult.
Nah that's just normie mental gymnastics for the exact reason you mentioned, it's a cult. It becomes peoples identity. So when you point out to them that it could be harmful, normies will fabricate something to "prove you wrong".
Agreed, except on moneymaxing. Money will get some women to talk to you, but only to use you. This used to be acceptable when the family unit still existed.
Nah that's just normie mental gymnastics for the exact reason you mentioned, it's a cult. It becomes peoples identity. So when you point out to them that it could be harmful, normies will fabricate something to "prove you wrong".
Gym bro culture is the only form of male-narcissism I know.
You're not wrong at all. Especially with the fighting and gym part. Women will always want to breed with a man who has good genetics over a genetically inferior guy with a good workout routine.
most people do talk about eating meat as if it's gonna give you super power.
Truth is 80-90℅ of the world eats meat yet their life has no significant change.
Are you a vegan?
Ok. I am vegan. Vegetarians in India are taller and more athletic but still they claim meat is superior and shit.
Bro eating meat can't change your genetic base.
Yes it has health benefits but if you think eating meat can make an incel loser go to chad Or give you superpower than you are highly delusional.
if you drink, quit drinking
if you smoke, quit smoking
if you're fat, lose weight
What changed? Nothing, you just got to the starting line, where the real race takes place.
if you drink, quit drinking
if you smoke, quit smoking
if you're fat, lose weight
What changed? Nothing, you just got to the starting line, where the real race takes place.
If you’re ugly, ………………….???
The term "manosphere" is a foid/bluepiller term. good job mods on banning this fag.
The term "manosphere" is a foid/bluepiller term. good job mods on banning this fag.
It's convenient, though. And I hate typing the various pills, as I don't subscribe to any explicitly.

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