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Brutal Living in Canada made me see that the Indian race are the human equivalent of cockroaches

No they don't mimic whites. They want to leech off whites. Just go to a ghetto. Most of them are living in the projects and are on welfare. They don't want to mimic whites or even care abour QoL. They are just freeloaders who want abuse their Affirmative action card
They do want to mimic whites QOL. It's why they rob and steal. They don't want to lower it. And yes they do leech heavily but indians are even worse
Lmao just go move to Detroit or New Orleans and you'll change your mind within a week. You'll be afraid to even step foot out of your home after 7 pm. Niggers make your life unlivable.
i'd rather have a low risk of being mugged by a nigger then never be able to get work or afford a house or have any sense of community due to the millions of indians multiplying around me
You guys jbw maxx in east asia
Lmao in what world? Maybe some curries go to SEA as sexpats but in EA proper they definitely don’t have high SMV.
you have a caucsoid skull,
It’s a mix of Caucasoid and Australoid.
lots of pajeets have light brown eyes instead of T50.
A teeny, tiny minority of pajeets*
You have white features like strong body hair and facial hair and strong forward growth.
Strong body hair isn’t a plus. Pajeets also do not have good forward growth on average. Better than rices and nigs but that’s not saying much at all.
You’re just white with brown skin.
Pajeets and whites are genetically very different from one another. The only ancient population we have common descent from would be the Proto-Indo-Europeans, and even that genetic component is small in most pajeets. Even a Kashmiri Brahmin is only about 20% PIE.
And pajeets are seen as low value because of status and how pajeets behave in the west just like italians in the 1900s
Pajeets are seen as low value because of looks, status, and behavior. And no, their plight isn’t similar to Italians at all. Italians genetically cluster with other Europeans, speak a language derived from the same language tree, have a great deal of cultural influence from knighthood, the Renaissance, and Christianity (like the rest of Europe), and are literally the descendants of the Roman Empire, a civilization that the West would not exist without. Pajeets are total aliens
Lmao in what world? Maybe some curries go to SEA as sexpats but in EA proper they definitely don’t have high SMV.

It’s a mix of Caucasoid and Australoid.

A teeny, tiny minority of pajeets*

Strong body hair isn’t a plus. Pajeets also do not have good forward growth on average. Better than rices and nigs but that’s not saying much at all.

Pajeets and whites are genetically very different from one another. The only ancient population we have common descent from would be the Proto-Indo-Europeans, and even that genetic component is small in most pajeets. Even a Kashmiri Brahmin is only about 20% PIE.

Pajeets are seen as low value because of looks, status, and behavior. And no, their plight isn’t similar to Italians at all. Italians genetically cluster with other Europeans, speak a language derived from the same language tree, have a great deal of cultural influence from knighthood, the Renaissance, and Christianity (like the rest of Europe), and are literally the descendants of the Roman Empire, a civilization that the West would not exist without. Pajeets are total aliens
Well first for the eye color

Indians have the same frequency of the light eye mutation and southern and eastern europeans

The skull is mostly caucsoid and the australoid skull mogs too anyway, best eye orbits and browridge. They have always been considered caucasian on race maps.

Plenty of curries I saw in hong kong and korea with noodle girls high tier noodles with bottom 1% currycels

Never seen a recessed pajeet in my life they all have strong forward growth while whites theres a lot of mouthbreathers
Just look at this

Most of you speak hindi which is an indo aryan language

And yeah hinduism and indian culture is different and alien, I already mentioned that as the cultural failo.
Getting invaded by curries is still way better than getting invaded by sands and niggers
It's largely the relatively richer low iq Sikhs moving there, you wouldn't believe how much they brag about studying/working abroad
Same chin, Same nose, Same eyes and eyebrows, same lips as white people just different coloring.
Indians and Pakistanis are actually not very caucasian skulled, they all have some abo admixture that peaks in the south. Only West Asians and North Africans have actual non european caucasian skull. What's interesting however is that South Indians with more aboriginal admixture are also more advanced and rape less than their northern aryan counterparts. Aboriginal master race?
This isn't a debate. If anyone wants to debate me on this, you can't. This would be like debating that the sky isn't blue or the grass isn't green. No point in entertaining such stupid people.

I grew in Canada. Majority white country with a pretty high QOL and socialized services like Healthcare.

In the past 8 years, the Liberal government set a mandate to bring in a minimum of 500k immigrants a year, a majority of which are Indian.

Our countries population has went from 35 million people in 2015 to 40 million in 2024. This growth is the fastest per capita of any western country and our infrastructure cannot keep up. The country is falling apart.


What I have noticed about Indian people:

Quite dirty.

Not too smart.

Low levels of sentience (This impacts basic things. Not looking both ways crossing the street, walking infront of moving cars, standing in the way blocking paths for seemingly no reason)

Rapidly multiply

Live like literal insects, 4-6 people living on bunk beds in small 1 bedroom apartments.

Refusal to assimilate

Leeching off public services (going to the hospital for any small reason just because it's free, taking all the food from foodbanks)

Willingness to live in dirty disgusting places and work for bare minimum pay under any work conditions

A lot of these traits can be given to cockroaches. Indian people are literal human cockroaches.
Currycels are a parasite that leeches on any host it can then drains it dry then move on to the next host. If they aren't lynched those Currycels will completely take over Canada and once they're done with Canada they'll move to the USA. Get rid of them using any means possible.:feelssus:
i also lived in canada my entire life. the indians at my job only talk amongst themselves in their own language and they aren't friendly unless you're also indian. They're also the most lazy workers.
i also lived in canada my entire life. the indians at my job only talk amongst themselves in their own language and they aren't friendly unless you're also indian. They're also the most lazy workers.
Yes to all of it. they dont bother to assimilate at all. they speak broken english with a heavy accent that if they went through proper immigration they wouldnt have been allowed in.

its fucked. and yes, not only are they lazy they refuse to take accountability. for approving invoices, they ask me "can we process this without freight" and i say yes. i have said yes every time for this customer. i have done thousands of invoices for this customer and they never get freight it says it in the incoterms. but they ask every time. you know why? they refuse to take accountability. so if anything goes wrong they will point at you and go "well he said X! it wasnt my fault!"
At least their white you could have gooks around
No jfl, they aren't White.

They're genetically very different.

And no, I don't give a shit about you cherrpicking "Indians" to prove how "White" they are. Curryniggers are not White, they look like Abo-Sandnigger mutts
yeah i have no fucking idea what that guy is smoking. He has said multiple times indian people are white. not sure if he's trolling

not sure in what world this is "white" or having "white features"
View attachment 1206151
Not White at all, they have a very different facial structure-eye-area especially speaking.

And like I said, race is A LOT more than looks; it's got a lot to do with genotype since that impacts behavior & IQ.
to an average person they’d pass
No, they won't
View attachment 1206167
This albino pajeet looks white, If I didn’t tell you he’s a pajeet you wouldn’t know
I can tell by his eye-area & facial shape he is not White & he looks mixed or ambiguous

Stop this cope, Pajeets are not White even Albino ones.
Well first for the eye color
View attachment 1206180
Indians have the same frequency of the light eye mutation and southern and eastern europeans

The skull is mostly caucsoid and the australoid skull mogs too anyway, best eye orbits and browridge. They have always been considered caucasian on race maps.

Plenty of curries I saw in hong kong and korea with noodle girls high tier noodles with bottom 1% currycels

Never seen a recessed pajeet in my life they all have strong forward growth while whites theres a lot of mouthbreathers
Just look at this

Most of you speak hindi which is an indo aryan language
View attachment 1206181
And yeah hinduism and indian culture is different and alien, I already mentioned that as the cultural failo.
Kek, you're coping hard.

Nah, they aren't "White" by your logic here, Finns are further from Whites due to the fact their language is Altaic.
i live in germany and have indian neighbors. they assimilate quite good, tbh.
but they are dirty. they smell weird because they wash their clothes without any kind of soap, just water :feelsUgh:
Drinking dirt mud water for years has its effects, that's maybe why they are low IQ and also lack of education. The elites allow these syrian war amputee refugees into our countries for their own gain and political votes.
Alright. Just gonna say you’d know if you lived around gooks
Gooks are also disgusting scum, it's just they are in china towns where they cook trash bag oil noodles for takeaway restaurants and eat rats
Gooks are also disgusting scum, it's just they are in china towns where they cook trash bag oil noodles for takeaway restaurants and eat rats
indians wash plates in sewer runoff, cook with their bare hands after they just got done picking their unwashed ass and also shit in the streets
indians wash plates in sewer runoff, cook with their bare hands after they just got done picking their unwashed ass and also shit in the streets
Don't buy food from chink takeaways, I once zoomed in with microscope on their noodles and saw plastic particles with micro insects and weird brown poop with white pus
Don't buy food from chink takeaways, I once zoomed in with microscope on their noodles and saw plastic particles with micro insects and weird brown poop with white pus
pics or it didn't happen
It was years ago, try it yourself
if you microscoped indian food you would see dozens of fecal-related class 4 biohazard tier diseases that haven't even been identified yet
if you microscoped indian food you would see dozens of fecal-related class 4 biohazard tier diseases that haven't even been identified yet
No doubt, plus microplastics and estrogen
Chinese can do that
I remember you from a discussion that Arabs should learn Chinese, Japanese, and Korean and you said it was a waste of time and I guess it’s a good point for you since you’re a ricecel

USA is pretty good just avoid primarily-black areas
have you actually seen whats invading the southern us border. brown and nigoids everywhere. it is horrible
have you actually seen whats invading the southern us border. brown and nigoids everywhere. it is horrible
It's a nightmare, and according to stats there's around 22 million illegals in the US.
This isn't a debate. If anyone wants to debate me on this, you can't. This would be like debating that the sky isn't blue or the grass isn't green. No point in entertaining such stupid people.

I grew in Canada. Majority white country with a pretty high QOL and socialized services like Healthcare.

In the past 8 years, the Liberal government set a mandate to bring in a minimum of 500k immigrants a year, a majority of which are Indian.

Our countries population has went from 35 million people in 2015 to 40 million in 2024. This growth is the fastest per capita of any western country and our infrastructure cannot keep up. The country is falling apart.


What I have noticed about Indian people:

Quite dirty.

Not too smart.

Low levels of sentience (This impacts basic things. Not looking both ways crossing the street, walking infront of moving cars, standing in the way blocking paths for seemingly no reason)

Rapidly multiply

Live like literal insects, 4-6 people living on bunk beds in small 1 bedroom apartments.

Refusal to assimilate

Leeching off public services (going to the hospital for any small reason just because it's free, taking all the food from foodbanks)

Willingness to live in dirty disgusting places and work for bare minimum pay under any work conditions

A lot of these traits can be given to cockroaches. Indian people are literal human cockroaches.
Obviously, fast population growth is generally detrimental towards an area: I would know, since my own area in the United States has grown exponentially due to immigration from other countries & even other states. Obviously, this has been consequential so for a country such as Canada it is having massive knock-on affects.

And what you said about them checks-out with observations you can find others state anywhere else online, on here, and by my own observations I made of curry "exchange students" at my Uni.

I recently had to explain a simple instruction(how to use a washing machine at work) to this Dravidian Curry foid at work.

Racial realism is very real, yet most normies couldn't understand this & would assume it's all somehow a big heck of a coincidence, jfl.

Race is a lot more than just "muh skin tone" it has a lot to do with genotype, facial morphology, etc.

And ofc, IQ, hygiene, & other cognitive functions are heritable, you can easily find these cited on most sources:
Early twin studies of adult individuals have found a heritability of IQ between 57% and 73%,[6] with some recent studies showing heritability for IQ as high as 80%.[7] IQ goes from being weakly correlated with genetics for children, to being strongly correlated with genetics for late teens and adults.
Top 10 funniest .is brainrot moments material:feelshaha:.
One of the most retarded statements I've heard here

And as stated before & for the 10'000th time:
Race is a lot more than just "muh skin tone" it has a lot to do with genotype, facial morphology, etc.

And ofc, IQ, hygiene, & other cognitive functions are heritable, you can easily find these cited on most sources:

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