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Brutal Living in Canada made me see that the Indian race are the human equivalent of cockroaches

My Name Jeff

My Name Jeff

Jul 18, 2022
This isn't a debate. If anyone wants to debate me on this, you can't. This would be like debating that the sky isn't blue or the grass isn't green. No point in entertaining such stupid people.

I grew in Canada. Majority white country with a pretty high QOL and socialized services like Healthcare.

In the past 8 years, the Liberal government set a mandate to bring in a minimum of 500k immigrants a year, a majority of which are Indian.

Our countries population has went from 35 million people in 2015 to 40 million in 2024. This growth is the fastest per capita of any western country and our infrastructure cannot keep up. The country is falling apart.


What I have noticed about Indian people:

Quite dirty.

Not too smart.

Low levels of sentience (This impacts basic things. Not looking both ways crossing the street, walking infront of moving cars, standing in the way blocking paths for seemingly no reason)

Rapidly multiply

Live like literal insects, 4-6 people living on bunk beds in small 1 bedroom apartments.

Refusal to assimilate

Leeching off public services (going to the hospital for any small reason just because it's free, taking all the food from foodbanks)

Willingness to live in dirty disgusting places and work for bare minimum pay under any work conditions

A lot of these traits can be given to cockroaches. Indian people are literal human cockroaches.
Total Curry Death. Only way to solve this problem at this point. White canadians need to wake up.
This isn't a debate. If anyone wants to debate me on this, you can't. This would be like debating that the sky isn't blue or the grass isn't green. No point in entertaining such stupid people.

I grew in Canada. Majority white country with a pretty high QOL and socialized services like Healthcare.

In the past 8 years, the Liberal government set a mandate to bring in a minimum of 500k immigrants a year, a majority of which are Indian.

Our countries population has went from 35 million people in 2015 to 40 million in 2024. This growth is the fastest per capita of any western country and our infrastructure cannot keep up. The country is falling apart.


What I have noticed about Indian people:

Quite dirty.

Not too smart.

Low levels of sentience (This impacts basic things. Not looking both ways crossing the street, walking infront of moving cars, standing in the way blocking paths for seemingly no reason)

Rapidly multiply

Live like literal insects, 4-6 people living on bunk beds in small 1 bedroom apartments.

Refusal to assimilate

Leeching off public services (going to the hospital for any small reason just because it's free, taking all the food from foodbanks)

Willingness to live in dirty disgusting places and work for bare minimum pay under any work conditions

A lot of these traits can be given to cockroaches. Indian people are literal human cockroaches.
At least their white you could have gooks around
Total Curry Death. Only way to solve this problem at this point. White canadians need to wake up.
Yep. it isn't enough to slow down immigration or stop immigration. At this point we need mass deportations if we want to fix what has been done.

I don't think normies could accept such a reality, so I think our country is literally doomed. It is insane how indian scum destroyed this country so quickly.
If you think gooks are worse than Indian people are you are very very wrong
Well we can make you vomit by showing you our faces… our food stinks. We aren’t human cockroaches we’re literal cockroaches.
Damn I always wanted to visit Canada,USA and Mexico in a big trip. Is it really that bad?
and everything applies to gooks even moreso than indians except public services which chinks are too disconnected to use
Well we can make you vomit by showing you our faces… our food stinks. We aren’t human cockroaches we’re literal cockroaches.
Gooks look better than Indians. Indians are by no means white not sure what you are talking about. Even the "paler" North Indians look middle eastern at best.

Indian food stinks 100x worse and not only that, their food is so riddled with strong spices that their body odor mimics it to a disgusting warm rancid curry stretch.

I would rather every Indian person in our county be replaced by gooks.
In Bongland they are seen as very respectable mainly. Certainly compared to blacks and Pakistanis.
Gooks look better than Indians. Indians are by no means white not sure what you are talking about. Even the "paler" North Indians look middle eastern at best.

Indian food stinks 100x worse and not only that, their food is so riddled with strong spices that their body odor mimics it to a disgusting warm rancid curry stretch.

I would rather every Indian person in our county be replaced by gooks.
You don’t know gooks then. And no chinks objectively look like cockroaches. While Indians just look like darkskin whites.
Yep. it isn't enough to slow down immigration or stop immigration. At this point we need mass deportations if we want to fix what has been done.

I don't think normies could accept such a reality, so I think our country is literally doomed. It is insane how indian scum destroyed this country so quickly.
Only way you could radicalize normies to such a degree if things get way the worse and the problem becomes too obvious to ignore. I have no idea how canadians are reacting to curry immigration there but judging from blatant anti-curry shit that's going on there, a fuck ton of normfags aren't happy.
Damn I always wanted to visit Canada,USA and Mexico in a big trip. Is it really that bad?
Mexico is literally ran by Cartels don't visit it unless being tortured and skinned alive sounds appealing

USA is pretty good just avoid primarily-black areas

Canada looks nice as long as you avoid the concrete dystopia of Ontario. It is insanely expensive and depressing but for a one-time visit rather than living there it's fine.
In Bongland they are seen as very respectable mainly. Certainly compared to blacks and Pakistanis.
Really?? That sounds weird, especially considering that North Indians are pretty much the exact same as Pakis, and that pajeets are the biggest non-white demographic there.

No non-white minority is “respectable.” Even the supposedly assimilated ethnics move into white neighborhoods and often become local left-wing voting blocs, dooming these places to become future ghettos
Alright. Just gonna say you’d know if you lived around gooks
Really?? That sounds weird, especially considering that North Indians are pretty much the exact same as Pakis, and that pajeets are the biggest non-white demographic there
Pajeets are white
Niggers are 10x worse than this. They have destroyed atlanta. Atleast you don't get shot by curries in thr middle of street
Niggers are 10x worse than this. They have destroyed atlanta. Atleast you don't get shot by curries in thr middle of street
Blacks aspire to mimic western culture and QOL. Curryscum dont, they want to destroy it and implant their cockroach like lifestyle in its place
Mexico is literally ran by Cartels don't visit it unless being tortured and skinned alive sounds appealing
Mexico-City is pretty save and the cartel doesn't touch tourists since they're specialized on other topics. I'm also brown and speak spanish fluently so i will be good, the people you mean are only looking for rich crackers.

I plan on visiting Toronto,Quebec and to see the wildlife in canada.

The only 3 cities i want to visit in the US is LA Manhattan and Miami and maybe visit the grand canyon too.
Only way you could radicalize normies to such a degree if things get way the worse and the problem becomes too obvious to ignore. I have no idea how canadians are reacting to curry immigration there but judging from blatant anti-curry shit that's going on there, a fuck ton of normfags aren't happy.
I really hope something extreme does happen, but my faith in NPC normies doing anything of substance is rock bottom.
Mexico-City is pretty save and the cartel doesn't touch tourists since they're specialized on other topics. I'm also brown and speak spanish fluently so i will be good, the people you mean are only looking for rich crackers.

I plan on visiting Toronto,Quebec and to see the wildlife in canada.

The only 3 cities i want to visit in the US is LA Manhattan and Miami and maybe visit the grand canyon too.
Toronto is fucked if you do visit it let me know what you think
Niggers are 10x worse than this. They have destroyed atlanta. Atleast you don't get shot by curries in thr middle of street
Curries in Canada, the UK, South Africa, and Japan aren’t like curries in the US. They can get pretty violent and thuggish
I really hope something extreme does happen, but my faith in NPC normies doing anything of substance is rock bottom.
Majority of NPCs first have to reach the bottom but even then the current day propaganda can keep the goyim in check.
Pajeets are white
Excuse Me Wow GIF by Mashable
Curries in Canada, the UK, South Africa, and Japan aren’t like curries in the US. They can get pretty violent and thuggish
This too I have seen videos of them attacking white people with knives over any small inconvenience
You guys jbw maxx in east asia you have a caucsoid skull, lots of pajeets have light brown eyes instead of T50. You have white features like strong body hair and facial hair and strong forward growth. You’re just white with brown skin. And pajeets are seen as low value because of status and how pajeets behave in the west just like italians in the 1900s
White on planet Mars maybe.
yeah i have no fucking idea what that guy is smoking. He has said multiple times indian people are white. not sure if he's trolling

not sure in what world this is "white" or having "white features"
IMG 4301
Curries in Canada, the UK, and South Africa aren’t like curries in the US. They can get pretty violent and thuggish
The FOBs in the US are generally docile and quite. They aren't much of nuisance. FOB curries living in shitty cramped apartments, working for below minimum wage and abusing welfare is true but they aren't much of a problem other than this. They don't actively go around make my life more miserable. Niggers do all that and loot stores, murder people and commit other crimes. Blacks are way more impulsive and unhinged. They are the definition of crazy.
yeah i have no fucking idea what that guy is smoking. He has said multiple times indian people are white. not sure if he's trolling

not sure in what world this is "white" or having "white features"
View attachment 1206151
Their poop pheno is still bottom of the barrel. Nobody wants curries. That's a blackpill fact. Core tenet of the blackpill.
yeah i have no fucking idea what that guy is smoking. He has said multiple times indian people are white. not sure if he's trolling

not sure in what world this is "white" or having "white features"
View attachment 1206151
Same chin, Same nose, Same eyes and eyebrows, same lips as white people just different coloring.
The FOBs in the US are generally docile and quite. They aren't much of nuisance. FOB curries living in shitty cramped apartments, working for below minimum wage and abusing welfare is true but they aren't much of a problem other than this. They don't actively go around make my life more miserable. Niggers do all that and loot stores, murder people and commit other crimes. Blacks are way more impulsive and unhinged. They are the definition of crazy.
Water. I was saying pajeets outside of the US are the thuggish ones
Same chin, Same nose, Same eyes and eyebrows, same lips as white people just different coloring.
You are coping if you think just by changing the coloring curries would be white. Phenos are also about bones.
Their poop pheno is still bottom of the barrel. Nobody wants curries. That's a blackpill fact. Core tenet of the blackpill.
Only because of reputation and coloring. And they have the same coloring as spics or even southern europeans sometimes. They are only hated because of behavior like italians 100 years ago they’ll assimilate unlike chink hate which is eternap
You are coping if you think just by changing the coloring curries would be white. Phenos are also about bones.
to an average person they’d pass
Only because of reputation and coloring. And they have the same coloring as spics or even southern europeans sometimes. They are only hated because of behavior like italians 100 years ago they’ll assimilate unlike chink hate which is eternap
Reputation? Have you ever heard of the horn effect? The uglier the race, the worse their reputation is.
The FOBs in the US are generally docile and quite. They aren't much of nuisance. FOB curries living in shitty cramped apartments, working for below minimum wage and abusing welfare is true but they aren't much of a problem other than this. They don't actively go around make my life more miserable. Niggers do all that and loot stores, murder people and commit other crimes. Blacks are way more impulsive and unhinged. They are the definition of crazy.
blacks do blatant things that make living worse. kill, rob, steal, yell, etc. but as a whole they aspire to mimic whites and match the QOL

Indians multiply like bugs, work for next to nothing, act like mindless drones, live 6 people per bedroom. They cause wages to plummet and make housing prices go up through the roof. Their numbers also put a drain on public services which lower the overall QOL. Long hospital waits, lots of traffic everywhere, long waits to go to any restaurant or store, degrading infrastructure.

Curries way of degrading the QOL is a lot more impactful and sinister than blacks.

This albino pajeet looks white, If I didn’t tell you he’s a pajeet you wouldn’t know
blacks do blatant things that make living worse. kill, rob, steal, yell, etc. but as a whole they aspire to mimic whites and match the QOL
No they don't mimic whites. They want to leech off whites. Just go to a ghetto. Most of them are living in the projects and are on welfare. They don't want to mimic whites or even care abour QoL. They are just freeloaders who want abuse their Affirmative action card
Indians multiply like bugs, work for next to nothing, act like mindless drones, live 6 people per bedroom. They cause wages to plummet and make housing prices go up through the roof. Their numbers also put a drain on public services which lower the overall QOL. Long hospital waits, lots of traffic everywhere, long waits to go to any restaurant or store, degrading infrastructure.

Curries way of degrading the QOL is a lot more impactful and sinister than blacks.
Lmao just go move to Detroit or New Orleans and you'll change your mind within a week. You'll be afraid to even step foot out of your home after 7 pm. Niggers make your life unlivable.
Reputation? Have you ever heard of the horn effect? The uglier the race, the worse their reputation is.
They act very bad like the post mentions they shit in the streets and have no hygiene and approach women out their league (as manlets snd framelets, normal sized indians who arent below average for their race don’t have this problem) and being scammers. They have no positive stereotypes. They are mostly decent looking you see lighter curry guys get asked if they are med and when they say curry the girl blocks them its a cultural failo not a physical one unlike chinks.
Are the Praire provinces and rural areas ethnic free atleast?
Lmao just go move to Detroit or New Orleans and you'll change your mind within a week. You'll be afraid to even step foot out of your home after 7 pm. Niggers make your life unlivable.
Talking from experience?

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