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Toxic Femininity List of female privileges in society

Stupid Clown

Stupid Clown

The only good women are the dead ones
Nov 29, 2022
People prefer to spare the lives of females over the lives of males
People support more social action to correct female underrepresentation in careers than male underrepresentation
Offenders who victimize females receive longer sentences than those who victimize males; Males who victimize females
receive the longest sentences
Police respond more negatively toward hypothetical male rape victims than hypothetical female rape victims
Women are evaluated more favorably than men
People are less willing to harm females than males
FeldmanHall, Dalgleish,
Evans, Navrady, Tedeschi, &
Mobbs, 2016
In vehicular homicides, drivers who kill women are given onger sentences than those who kill men
People are particularly intolerant of aggression from a male and aggression directed toward a female
People adjust essay performance evaluations upward when they learn writer is female
Women are punished less than men for the same crime
Controlling for numerous characteristics, men receive longer prison sentences than women
People have more empathy for female than male perpetrators and female than male victims
Women are more easily seen as victims and men as perpetrators
People attribute less guilt to a female on male sexual aggressor than a male on female sexual aggressor
People have less sympathy for male than female perpetrators and more sympathy for female than male victims
Female sex offenders are given shorter sentences than male sex offenders
Women’s aggression is perceived as more acceptable than men’s aggression
People evaluate science on female-favoring sex differences more favorably than science on male-favoring sex difference
Psychologists agree more that it is possible that women evolved to be more verbally talented than men than that men evolved to be more mathematically talented than women
von Hippel & Buss, 2017
People evaluate science that suggests that women score higher on IQ tests than men more favorably than science that suggests
the opposite

All of these come from this magnificent article called "The Myth of Pervasive Misogyny"
I believe Gecko posted it.
Cucked life. the less time spent outside and the more time spent on escapism, the better. hopefully i get a remote work at home job.
Don't forget:

Men are seen as disposable

Female life is inherently valuable

Male rape is acceptable (soap joke)

Male-only conscription in most parts of the world

In countries that have female conscription, women serve shorter periods, are treated better, and always serve support roles (medic, cleaner, cook, etc) Safe and far away from all the danger.

No fault divorce benefits women because of the Duluth model

Women are trusted more with children even though women are more likely to abuse their children

Male guilt (You oppressed us blah blah blah :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:)

Fewer male-only schools & gyms (sometimes outright banned by the state) compared to female ones

Female-only bonuses in college despite women performing better than men (60 years ago it was misogyny, today it's just that women are better)

Nonsensical diversity hiring
Also this :feelsPop:
Don't forget:

Men are seen as disposable

Female life is inherently valuable

Male rape is acceptable (soap joke)

Male-only conscription in most parts of the world

In countries that have female conscription, women serve shorter periods, are treated better, and always serve support roles (medic, cleaner, cook, etc) Safe and far away from all the danger.

No fault divorce benefits women because of the Duluth model

Women are trusted more with children even though women are more likely to abuse their children

Male guilt (You oppressed us blah blah blah :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:)

Fewer male-only schools & gyms (sometimes outright banned by the state) compared to female ones

Female-only bonuses in college despite women performing better than men (60 years ago it was misogyny, today it's just that women are better)

Nonsensical diversity hiring
Yep. Society is fucked. Completely illogical. Mindless female worshiping. All worthless animals not to be taken seriously.
Men are the true victims of society.
- can be autistic and still have 24/7 social validation and a social life meanwhile male autists either rot in loneliness or rope
- are entitled to alimony unconditionally in a lot of countries
- no punishment for adultery - only males for penalised for adultery in curryland
- unrestricted access to intercourse - even sub3 women can find someone to get fucked by in 2 mins on tinder
- can mock males for being ugly, fat, autistic, "misogynistic" and society doesnt bat an eye
- can have 0 education and never work a blue collar job and still survive by prostituting or opening onlyfans or by betabuxxing - have to expend 0 effort on ensuring survival unlike males who have to think about survivng and work just to be able to live
- never have to provide for themselves or their families
- can be stay at home wives with 0 judgement and chill their way through life
mang the fact that these retards are entitled to affirmative action while being the most privileged group to have ever existed in the history of human civilisation is something else altogether
mang the fact that these retards are entitled to affirmative action while being the most privileged group to have ever existed in the history of human civilisation is something else altogether

- can be autistic and still have 24/7 social validation and a social life meanwhile male autists either rot in loneliness or rope
- are entitled to alimony unconditionally in a lot of countries
- no punishment for adultery - only males for penalised for adultery in curryland
- unrestricted access to intercourse - even sub3 women can find someone to get fucked by in 2 mins on tinder
- can mock males for being ugly, fat, autistic, "misogynistic" and society doesnt bat an eye
- can have 0 education and never work a blue collar job and still survive by prostituting or opening onlyfans or by betabuxxing - have to expend 0 effort on ensuring survival unlike males who have to think about survivng and work just to be able to live
- never have to provide for themselves or their families
- can be stay at home wives with 0 judgement and chill their way through life
Woman aren't punished for adultery in India?
imagine participating as an average man in this cucked soyciety
I'll make as many female rape jokes as I like since male rape is always acceptable to joke about
I'll make as many female rape jokes as I like since male rape is always acceptable to joke about
It's always rage fuel hearing normies mock prison rape and then sperg out when someone makes a joke about women being raped.
Woman aren't punished for adultery in India?
its only a civil offense meanwhile a male committing adultery is grounds for the institution of a criminal suit
It's always rage fuel hearing normies mock prison rape and then sperg out when someone makes a joke about women being raped.
Women are programmed to BE raaaaaped, both in anime and on the sheetz
Don't forget:

Men are seen as disposable
Since we are viewed as disposable one day men will have enough of this shit and a gender war will finally happen and if gen z is lucky they can fight the war
If women have a problem then entire society has a problem and everyone (=men) have to do something about it
If men have a problem then it's seen as men's own fault and men have to fix it on their own.
If women have a problem then entire society has a problem and everyone (=men) have to do something about it
If men have a problem then it's seen as men's own fault and men have to fix it on their own.
If women have a problem then entire society has a problem and everyone (=men) have to do something about it
If men have a problem then it's seen as men's own fault and men have to fix it on their own.
In the popular media these issues are blamed on men themselves, if they are even acknowledged at all. Liberals blame the problems on “toxic masculinity.” While the term is typically accompanied by postmodern gender analysis word-babble rationalizations, in practice it is simply used to blame men themselves. If only men completely rejected their inherent masculine tendencies and developed greater emotional sensitivity, they could thrive in our feminized, sedentary, hypersocial modern world. Conservatives simply disregard any social analysis and demand these alienated men “man up” in accordance with traditional expectations. Hustle harder, exercise more, work longer, make yourself valuable. Despite these superficially opposed explanations, they are united in victim-blaming men and reneging all social and moral responsibility to reform our institutional systems in support men’s welfare. It is men’s problem and men have to fix it.

When the topic is men, it is your problem, your responsibility, your work and effort to resolve the issue—and the issue is you.

When the topic is women, personal responsibility goes out the window, all of society must support them. We must restructure our workplaces and universities to give them greater professional and educational opportunities. We must use your tax dollars to subsidize women’s reproductive care and abort the produce of their irresponsible sexual practices. We are all responsible for supporting, protecting, and empowering women. The double standard in the popular discourse is beyond glaring for those willing to remove the blinders of cultural conditioning and observe it for what it is.

- can be autistic and still have 24/7 social validation and a social life meanwhile male autists either rot in loneliness or rope
- are entitled to alimony unconditionally in a lot of countries
- no punishment for adultery - only males for penalised for adultery in curryland
- unrestricted access to intercourse - even sub3 women can find someone to get fucked by in 2 mins on tinder
- can mock males for being ugly, fat, autistic, "misogynistic" and society doesnt bat an eye
- can have 0 education and never work a blue collar job and still survive by prostituting or opening onlyfans or by betabuxxing - have to expend 0 effort on ensuring survival unlike males who have to think about survivng and work just to be able to live
- never have to provide for themselves or their families
- can be stay at home wives with 0 judgement and chill their way through life
Am certain boomER postERs will add “muh divorce rape”

The average zoomer foid has 100000000x more value then the average zoomer guy

Also water tier, but people literally worship the ground that attractive foids walk on. I’ve seen people go crazy when they see a attractive foid. Most people know this obviously, but the power that this brings is insane.

The most brutal part is when you realize that the average foid who isn’t self destructing, not too fat and putting on fakeup is considered Stacey tier.
Women are raped by men

Men are raped by the world
And yet theyre still banging on about men being treated better than them in society, which is laughable. Theyre nothing but manipulative whores.
-food and water
Brootal thread.


Don't forget that older women are allowed to date younger men without anyone batting an eye but when men do it they are "creepy"
Don't forget:

Men are seen as disposable

Female life is inherently valuable

Male-only conscription in most parts of the world

In countries that have female conscription, women serve shorter periods, are treated better, and always serve support roles (medic, cleaner, cook, etc) Safe and far away from all the danger.

Women are trusted more with children even though women are more likely to abuse their children
There's nothing wrong with these.
Brootal thread.


Don't forget that older women are allowed to date younger men without anyone batting an eye but when men do it they are "creepy"

I just tell them I'm going to marry a child bride in my home country and there's nothing they can do about it. I like to see them mald and try to say something in response.
I just tell them I'm going to marry a child bride in my home country and there's nothing they can do about it. I like to see them mald and try to say something in response.
I just tell them I'm going to marry a child bride in my home country and there's nothing they can do about it. I like to see them mald and try to say something in response.
:feelskek: based
This list is never-ending.
It all comes down to one thing: artificially elevating foids above men in the social structure, controlling the goyim population and birth rate, and you becoming slave of the new ruling class and slowly being genocided.

Foids betrayed the Western civilization and sided with the Jews.
People prefer to spare the lives of females over the lives of males
People support more social action to correct female underrepresentation in careers than male underrepresentation
Offenders who victimize females receive longer sentences than those who victimize males; Males who victimize females
receive the longest sentences
Police respond more negatively toward hypothetical male rape victims than hypothetical female rape victims
Women are evaluated more favorably than men
People are less willing to harm females than males
FeldmanHall, Dalgleish,
Evans, Navrady, Tedeschi, &
Mobbs, 2016
In vehicular homicides, drivers who kill women are given onger sentences than those who kill men
People are particularly intolerant of aggression from a male and aggression directed toward a female
People adjust essay performance evaluations upward when they learn writer is female
Women are punished less than men for the same crime
Controlling for numerous characteristics, men receive longer prison sentences than women
People have more empathy for female than male perpetrators and female than male victims
Women are more easily seen as victims and men as perpetrators
People attribute less guilt to a female on male sexual aggressor than a male on female sexual aggressor
People have less sympathy for male than female perpetrators and more sympathy for female than male victims
Female sex offenders are given shorter sentences than male sex offenders
Women’s aggression is perceived as more acceptable than men’s aggression
People evaluate science on female-favoring sex differences more favorably than science on male-favoring sex difference
Psychologists agree more that it is possible that women evolved to be more verbally talented than men than that men evolved to be more mathematically talented than women
von Hippel & Buss, 2017
People evaluate science that suggests that women score higher on IQ tests than men more favorably than science that suggests
the opposite

All of these come from this magnificent article called "The Myth of Pervasive Misogyny"
I believe Gecko posted it.
Excellent post, thanks for the citations. It’s really insane how by now we’ve curated so much data/knock down arguments against the status quo and it just … doesn’t matter. Now, if I wanted to I could study this stuff and absolutely crush people IRL in small form debates or what have you but that’s about it. Maybe it starts there I dunno.

One of the biggest black pills of all is that “being right” doesn’t matter without power. Throughout history I guarantee you the correct or right side did not win every time. And when they lost because they lacked power it was someone else’s views that became imposed on others.

Heinlein’s principle (starship troopers author) really is true — violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived. Those without power can contemplate truth and injustice for all time and it makes no difference without the means to implement change.

In our society violence is indirect most of the time and it’s the people running the state and the corporations who “own” the country and you can see easily that every majorly decision practically been made for decades now has been made for the benefit of those at the top and that’s basically it.

Hierarchies are fine so long as they don’t get too steep and provided your leaders actually give a shit about others and provided their merit based (kek) — but at this point I just don’t believe it at all. The US government is extremely corrupt — the politicians only care about the reelection and enriching themselves. They have a revolving door with corporate donors and seats on their board. It’s just disgusting. And the wealthy literally own the news corporations and social media giants that tell everyone what to think.

Modern monetary theory and our banking system that allows constant inflation is fucked for the working poor or anyone without assets and that’s just one single example.

I’m just rambling here, but yeah — it’s good we get these posts because being correct and being able to demonstrate that how things are now is wrong is the first step to change. But it’s getting that next step where I have no hope right now.

I know life is unfair but holy shit. I wonder if this is what it was like for certain periods of history — for the dark ages, or for the fall of Rome, etc etc. Imagine living through the bad times but being too early to do anything. Or imagine trying to do something with just reasons and a good plan but you’re destroyed by those in power. Nature is brutal but I think those of us on here experientially know what that means in a way many people do not.

> Disclaimer for feds I know you know who I am and all that jazz, I am not advocating for anything illegal just commiserating with those like me. Please go do something useful with your time and my tax dollars — which I have no choice but to pay despite them going towards mostly frivolous retarded bullshit that has nothing to do with me and towards asinine retarded shit like you guys to track us autist losers on here.
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Women get a free halo effect regardless of how they look. Bonus points if theyre not morbidly obese too.
Women get a free halo effect regardless of how they look. Bonus points if theyre not morbidly obese too.
At this point being a woman whose disciplined enough to be thin puts you into the top 25% easily lmao.
Excellent post, thanks for the citations. It’s really insane how by now we’ve curated so much data/knock down arguments against the status quo and it just … doesn’t matter. Now, if I wanted to I could study this stuff and absolutely crush people IRL in small form debates or what have you but that’s about it. Maybe it starts there I dunno.

One of the biggest black pills of all is that “being right” doesn’t matter without power. Throughout history I guarantee you the correct or right side did not win every time. And when they lost because they lacked power it was someone else’s views that became imposed on others.

Heinlein’s principle (starship troopers author) really is true — violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived. Those without power can contemplate truth and injustice for all time and it makes no difference without the means to implement change.

In our society violence is indirect most of the time and it’s the people running the state and the corporations who “own” the country and you can see easily that every majorly decision practically been made for decades now has been made for the benefit of those at the top and that’s basically it.

Hierarchies are fine so long as they don’t get too steep and provided your leaders actually give a shit about others and provided their merit based (kek) — but at this point I just don’t believe it at all. The US government is extremely corrupt — the politicians only care about the reelection and enriching themselves. They have a revolving door with corporate donors and seats on their board. It’s just disgusting. And the wealthy literally own the news corporations and social media giants that tell everyone what to think.

Modern monetary theory and our banking system that allows constant inflation is fucked for the working poor or anyone without assets and that’s just one single example.

I’m just rambling here, but yeah — it’s good we get these posts because being correct and being able to demonstrate that how things are now is wrong is the first step to change. But it’s getting that next step where I have no hope right now.

I know life is unfair but holy shit. I wonder if this is what it was like for certain periods of history — for the dark ages, or for the fall of Rome, etc etc. Imagine living through the bad times but being too early to do anything. Or imagine trying to do something with just reasons and a good plan but you’re destroyed by those in power. Nature is brutal but I think those of us on here experientially know what that means in a way many people do not.

> Disclaimer for feds I know you know who I am and all that jazz, I am not advocating for anything illegal just commiserating with those like me. Please go do something useful with your time and my tax dollars — which I have no choice but to pay despite them going towards mostly frivolous retarded bullshit that has nothing to do with me and towards asinine retarded shit like you guys to track us autist losers on here.
Well put. Normies will always ignore the truth if they have authority on their side. Simple minds.
Disclaimer for feds I know you know who I am and all that jazz, I am not advocating for anything illegal
Disclaimer for feds: you are big ass faggots, foids worshipper, cucks, bastards, jew peddlers, sell out waste of state resources
- can be autistic and still have 24/7 social validation and a social life meanwhile male autists either rot in loneliness or rope
- are entitled to alimony unconditionally in a lot of countries
- no punishment for adultery - only males for penalised for adultery in curryland
- unrestricted access to intercourse - even sub3 women can find someone to get fucked by in 2 mins on tinder
- can mock males for being ugly, fat, autistic, "misogynistic" and society doesnt bat an eye
- can have 0 education and never work a blue collar job and still survive by prostituting or opening onlyfans or by betabuxxing - have to expend 0 effort on ensuring survival unlike males who have to think about survivng and work just to be able to live
- never have to provide for themselves or their families
- can be stay at home wives with 0 judgement and chill their way through life
Kill all foids
People prefer to spare the lives of females over the lives of males
People support more social action to correct female underrepresentation in careers than male underrepresentation
Offenders who victimize females receive longer sentences than those who victimize males; Males who victimize females
receive the longest sentences
Police respond more negatively toward hypothetical male rape victims than hypothetical female rape victims
Women are evaluated more favorably than men
People are less willing to harm females than males
FeldmanHall, Dalgleish,
Evans, Navrady, Tedeschi, &
Mobbs, 2016
In vehicular homicides, drivers who kill women are given onger sentences than those who kill men
People are particularly intolerant of aggression from a male and aggression directed toward a female
People adjust essay performance evaluations upward when they learn writer is female
Women are punished less than men for the same crime
Controlling for numerous characteristics, men receive longer prison sentences than women
People have more empathy for female than male perpetrators and female than male victims
Women are more easily seen as victims and men as perpetrators
People attribute less guilt to a female on male sexual aggressor than a male on female sexual aggressor
People have less sympathy for male than female perpetrators and more sympathy for female than male victims
Female sex offenders are given shorter sentences than male sex offenders
Women’s aggression is perceived as more acceptable than men’s aggression
People evaluate science on female-favoring sex differences more favorably than science on male-favoring sex difference
Psychologists agree more that it is possible that women evolved to be more verbally talented than men than that men evolved to be more mathematically talented than women
von Hippel & Buss, 2017
People evaluate science that suggests that women score higher on IQ tests than men more favorably than science that suggests
the opposite

All of these come from this magnificent article called "The Myth of Pervasive Misogyny"
I believe Gecko posted it.
Kill all foids in real life
I just tell them I'm going to marry a child bride in my home country and there's nothing they can do about it. I like to see them mald and try to say something in response.
Should be in the must read section. Also, they have the privilege of ruining men's lives with false accusations with no penalty for lying. And they have the privilege of having no accountability for anything. All they have to do is blame the men around them, and if you don't believe them you're a misogynist.

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