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News [LifeFuel] Alabama passes TOTAL ban on abortion, doctors can get 99 YEARS in prison for performing abortions, roasties are getting toasty!



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Nov 7, 2017

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — The Alabama Senate approved a measure on Tuesday that would outlaw almost all abortions in the state, setting up a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, the case that recognized a woman’s constitutional right to end a pregnancy.
The legislation bans abortions at every stage of pregnancy and criminalizes the procedure for doctors, who could be charged with felonies and face up to 99 years in prison. It includes an exception for cases when the mother’s life is at serious risk, but not for cases of rape or incest — a subject of fierce debate among lawmakers in recent days.
The House approved the measure — the most far-reaching effort in the nation this year to curb abortion rights — last month. It now moves to the desk of Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican. Although the governor has not publicly committed to signing the legislation, many Republican lawmakers expect her support.
In an email on Tuesday night, a spokeswoman for the governor, Lori Davis Jhons, said Ms. Ivey would “withhold comment until she has had a chance to thoroughly review the final version of the bill that passed.”

[ It is far from clear when, or if, the measure will take effect. Read about the next steps. ]
Opponents have vowed to challenge the measure in federal court if it becomes law. Even the legislation’s supporters expect that a lower court will block the measure. But it was drafted with exactly that in mind. The ban’s architects, reflecting the rising confidence of abortion critics nationwide after the appointment of Brett M. Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, hope that the justices will use the case to reconsider the central holding in Roe and allow the Alabama measure to take effect.
“Until now, there was no prospect of reversing Roe,” said Eric Johnston, who founded the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition and serves as its president, and has spent more than 30 years trying to ban abortion.

[Several states have moved to curtail abortion but Alabama’s measure goes further.]
Mr. Johnston, who drafted the Alabama bill and sees himself as a purist on the abortion issue, said he did not support the spate of restrictive legislation that other states have enacted in recent months, including so-called fetal heartbeat bills. These bills essentially ban abortions after a heartbeat is detected, usually about six weeks into pregnancy, a time when many women do not yet know they are pregnant.
Given the current leanings of the Supreme Court, Mr. Johnston said, making such a measure, which does not directly challenge Roe, the subject of the court’s next major abortion case would be a wasted opportunity.
“Why not go all the way?” he asked.
The Senate gallery was full before the debate started on Tuesday afternoon. A long line of people waited to take seats when people left. Many in the audience were abortion rights activists, and at times they laughed when male lawmakers spoke about pregnancy and other female health issues.https://www.nytimes.com/2019/05/08/magazine/best-green-salad-recipe.html?fallback=0&recId=1LIyuEKwoIV7n72TxdqmmvEoQ6f&locked=0&geoContinent=NA&geoRegion=NE&recAlloc=story&geoCountry=US&blockId=home-featured&imp_id=335719319&action=click&module=editorContent&pgtype=Article®ion=CompanionColumn&contentCollection=Trending

Senator Rodger Smitherman, a Democrat, told colleagues that during his wife’s pregnancy with their son, doctors had told him it was unlikely that the child would be born alive. Mr. Smitherman said that he and his wife had decided to have the child anyway, and that his son had been born with significant health problems. “The significance,” he said, “is I had the choice.”
[The Democratic presidential candidates vowed to challenge the Alabama law, calling it an outrageous and unconstitutional attack on women.]
Democrats and abortion-rights advocates say that the Alabama measure would drive the procedure underground, endangering the lives of women and girls and disproportionately affecting poor and minority Alabamians.
“We want abortions to be safe, and we want them to be few, but it should be legal, because there will be abortions,” said Senator Linda Coleman-Madison, a Democrat and one of the four women in the 35-member Senate.

Eric Johnston, the president of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, is one of the architects of a measure that would outlaw most abortions in the state.CreditBob Miller for The New York Times


Eric Johnston, the president of the Alabama Pro-Life Coalition, is one of the architects of a measure that would outlaw most abortions in the state.CreditBob Miller for The New York Times
“The people who have the wherewithal will fly out of state,” she added. “Not everyone can afford to do that.”
The Senate took the bill up again on Tuesday after an earlier attempt to debate the measure last week descended into shouting and chaos. Tensions erupted, including some within the dominant Republican Party, over whether to include exceptions to the ban in cases of rape or incest. A Senate committee had amended the bill to include those exceptions, prompting a bitter dispute that postponed consideration of the bill for days.

Even so, the fate of the bill was never in much doubt, and it did not take long for the proposal to return to the Senate floor. It passed after lawmakers rejected the amendment adding rape and incest exceptions.
Senator Clyde Chambliss, a Republican and sponsor of the bill in the Senate, defended the omission of those exceptions.
“When God creates the miracle of life inside a woman’s womb,” he said, “it is not our place as human beings to extinguish that life.”
Other state measures to restrict abortion rights have advanced in the South and the Midwest this year and invited legal fights. Already, the governors of Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi and Ohio have signed fetal heartbeat bills. And Arkansas moved up the cutoff point for legal abortions to 18 weeks of pregnancy, from 20 weeks.
[Banning abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy has gone mainstream.]
The Alabama measure, though, goes further. In addition to the potential 99-year sentence for performing abortions, doctors face the threat of a 10-year term for attempting to perform one. Women who receive abortions would not be prosecuted.
The timing of any litigation over the bill is uncertain. Opponents of the measure intend to argue that Alabama will have unlawfully restricted a right that the courts have repeatedly reaffirmed since Roe.
Alabama, a conservative state where Republicans control the Legislature, has repeatedly sought to enact limits on abortion. In 2018, voters overwhelmingly endorsed an amendment to the Alabama Constitution declaring that the “public policy of this state is to recognize and support the sanctity of unborn life and the rights of unborn children, including the right to life.”

In the past, state lawmakers imposed a 48-hour waiting period for abortions; mandated that women receive counseling before undergoing the procedure; and required minors to receive consent from a parent or legal guardian to have an abortion.
Emboldened by the passage of the state constitutional amendment, lawmakers set out this year with a far more aggressive strategy in mind.
Senator Greg Reed, a Republican who is the State Senate majority leader, said in a statement after Tuesday night’s vote that the measure “simply recognizes that an unborn baby is a child who deserves protection — and despite the best efforts of abortion proponents, this bill will become law because Alabamians stand firmly on the side of life.”
Supporters of abortion rights took a grimmer view.
“Today is a dark day for women in Alabama and across this country,” said Staci Fox, the president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates. “Banning abortion is bad enough. Imprisoning doctors for providing care goes beyond the brink. Alabama politicians will forever live in infamy for this vote and we will make sure that every woman knows who to hold accountable.”
Even as some states have moved to limit abortions, other states with Democratic-leaning governments have rushed this year to fortify legal protections for the procedure. Vermont recently took steps toward a state constitutional amendment enshrining a “right to personal reproductive autonomy.” And in January, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York signed a measure that guaranteed a “fundamental right” to abortion in the state.

Timothy Williams reported from Montgomery, Ala., and Alan Blinder from Atlanta.
A version of this article appears in print on May 14, 2019, on Page A15 of the New York edition with the headline: Alabama Senate Approves Ban on Abortion. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe

[LifeFuel] for Alabamacels tbh, it's nice how Alabama doesn't tolerate irresponsible thottery and literal murder.

Also, here are some roastie responses (kek):

"Taking away the right to murder unborn babies is contradictory because no one's taking guns away from everyone when people get killed!"

Don't you love how they only care about the children when they're using examples involving shootings? You clearly don't fucking care when you're killing a life because you chose to be an irresponsible whore.

Good, can't wait for you to get a new job once the bill spreads, you fucking murderer.

Wanna see the real statistics?

LITERALLY 99.5% of you vapid cunts chose to be irresponsible pieces of shit.
(Source: https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/)

Who knew that murdering an innocent human life form can cause karma? :waitwhat: If you don't want the kid, just give him/her up for adoption. Pretty sure there's been more safety measures added to that process in the last decade so they go towards families and caring folks instead of child molesters and nasty people.

Oh boy, it's the final fucking boss themselves. Guess you're mad that Alabama is one less state where you're going to get your blood money from, aren't you?

If you want to be a cuck faggot and are against this situation, here's a gentle reminder of WHO exactly is getting these abortions:

Whiteknights, pro-choicers, and roasties BTFO.
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I wonder what it’s like to find excitement over such trivial matters
So they will no longer make kids with their own cousins. Population of Alabama will decline
I don't doubt that, I'm just pointing out that people in Alabama really aren't inbred at all
Its just funny meme tbh I don't know if true or not
sweet home alabama

where the skies are smooth

sweet home alabama

lord, im coming home to you
Haha stupid roasties are mad because they're slutty nature is being punished
All the sluts in that video need to be beheaded. Injustice.
Alabama = based

many respect
Law probably won’t last, I’m just glad that these degenerate whores are getting triggered.
they can go to another state and if they’re that concerned maybe they should close their legs for 5 minutes until they’re ready to have a kid
How is this helping us? Shouldnt they kill tyrone and chads baby?
Based alabama tbh. Roasties getting toasty
Lifefuel. I don't care about murdering kids but I approve anything that suppress female sexuality and makes them face consequences on their actions for once. Watching all the cucks crying because females can no longer fuck any Chad they want is lifefuel
Best news! Good to see baby killers are finally getting btfoed
This is good news. This is very good news. This is significantly good news. This is enormous good news. This is exceedingly high good news. This is moon to the back good news. This is everything in history to now good news.
Ronald Reagan— "I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.’'
I wonder how many foids will use a coat hanger now
Im proud for South.
I have said it before, the south in America is very based
I think self done abortion like the old fashion way should be legal.

How is this helping us? Shouldnt they kill tyrone and chads baby?
I guess they think foids will bang tyrone and chad, more responsibly?
Arabs and kurds make these marriages. Literally no one in my bloodline ( which I know 700 years) had such marriage. Arabs are cancer,so do alabama
They are incels tbh.
In some cultures it is a very bad thing.
How is this helping us? Shouldnt they kill tyrone and chads baby?
They start riding the cock carousel less when they realize that their murdering rampages along with their rampant hedonism won't go unseen.
Just don't have sex bro, these sex havers think they are entitled to abortion lmao

Haha stupid roasties are mad because they're slutty nature is being punished
Exactly. They don't give a fuck about their children, nor the lives of their potential children, only their capacity to be hypergamous sluts.
I’m happy when seeing foids rage
Just don't have sex bro, these sex havers think they are entitled to abortion lmao

They think they should be given the right to murder, lol.
Lifefuel, this would reduce the promiscuous behaviour of foids at least something. And it's very funny to see all this roasties getting triggered about this.
And think of this:
Even if abortion was legal, they'd still want cucks to pay for it.
They can't even be responsible for one of their mistakes
I want women to break the law and get sentenced
Whoredom has consequences :feelshaha:
Republicans "Party of Life":

-Supports death penality

Yeah so called "Party of Life"
Wanna see the real statistics?

LITERALLY 99.5% of you vapid cunts chose to be irresponsible pieces of shit.
(Source: https://abort73.com/abortion_facts/us_abortion_statistics/)

Very legit. Also most people are surprised by how many babies get killed each year. According to wikipedia its almost 640000, and these are only the cases that get reported. Back in the 80s and 90s the number was almost 1.5 million so its surely higher than that right now

What a fucking joke
Republicans "Party of Life":

-Supports death penality

Yeah so called "Party of Life"
I wouldn't call them that, nor would I call Democrats the "Party of Choice." American politics are fucked and cucked so just refer to them as mere lack of understanding.
No abortion would mean an explosion the the groid population, and the South would be hardest hit.
Isn't it a tradition to marry a first cousin in Islam or some shit?
It's encouraged in the middle east, not sure if it's because of religion though.
Says only doctors will be prosecuted for perfoming abortions and foids get no jail time for receiving one REEEEEEEEEEEEE
Says only doctors will be prosecuted for perfoming abortions and foids get no jail time for receiving one REEEEEEEEEEEEE
That's the only thing. They should be prosecuted too.
I genuinely don't give two fucks about politics but I enjoy seeing women and liberals alike squirm.
Irresponsible thots btfo.
making abortions legal is the downfall for most man and society as a whole , hypergamy would run on a total rampage

she only wants a rich chad to pregnates her not some cuck or blue pilled low tier simp +

its just an excuse to stay a slut till the right guy comes therefore she dosnt need to settle down and that means she dosnt need to have sex with the low tier man that are 80% of our population
I wish I was aborted.
Well they keep reminding incels that sex isn't that important,sooo how about they just stop having it until they want a baby?
Well they keep reminding incels that sex isn't that important,sooo how about they just stop having it until they want a baby?

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