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Experiment Life is pointless suffering (animals)



Nov 24, 2017

I've been watching videos of animals being eaten alive, for the science and some sort of sadistic pleasure from it. Now I think about it, a deer being eaten by a pack of hyenas, or a poor zebra being torn apart, ALIVE. Screaming in pain, hopelessly being shamefully eaten alive by the vicious hynea. This zebra, suffers very much. His guts were laying outside, standing up to the hyenas. When his heart (?) Finally fell from his body, he died.

Now that gets me thinking. Life is a cruel process of pointless suffering.

Pretend you're some zebra, you were born, forced to compete with the males in order to mate (for a short pleasure). You get torn apart bleeding big just to mate. That's good, one day, you walk around, a pack of lions come over you, torning you apart when you have no hope to escape at all, nothing you can do beside enduring the unendurable. Then you turn into grass and to feed on other animals. Your zebra son is born, enduring the same fate again.

So in short, you mated for the pleasure of it, creating a son, who has to ensure the same terrible fate again for hours of pleasure. The instinct to mate is very strong.

How does that apply to humans? Obviously, not much to the first worlders, but it applies to those born in a war zone, mostly Syria. Enduring starvation, war horrors, constant bombing and if luck isn't in your side, torture to death by the ISIS. If I'm from Syria and I have a GF, I would avoid making a baby and would abort the fetus to spare it from a horrible fate.

Natural selection amongst humans is as viscous as it is amongst animals. It’s just more prolonged and convoluted therefore low IQ normies cannot see what us high IQ incels can see.

We are given the illusion that society actually cares. We are the zebra being helplessly torn up alive.

Being subtly bullied and mentally abused for being atypical and swept under the rug while much less intelligent people get promoted in life. This can be the lazy nt douchebag who gets a promotion at work

People avoiding us because again, we’re atypical be it Aspergers, an ugly face etc... therefore we are more likely to experience poverty or illness. If people are turned off by you, chances of turning out poor, I’ll or both drastically increase.
Pm me the zebra hyena video. I’m feeling numb maybe if I watch something shocking Ill have some kind of emotion.
Because this fucking world needs to get hit by a giant asteroid or deadly pathogens to wipe out all lifeforms. Just fucking honk at reality and not wanting to rope every second
This is essentially what we do but we're delaying our deaths and we have to go out suffering.
Pm me the zebra hyena video. I’m feeling numb maybe if I watch something shocking Ill have some kind of emotion.
You can find tons of these on YouTube.

This is the video I'm talking about btw, not a zebra but you get the idea.

You can find tons of these on YouTube.

This is the video I'm talking about btw, not a zebra but you get the idea.

Shits pretty graphic I’m surprised they allow it on YouTube.
I have similar thoughts myself, but unfortunately you'll find that attempting to convince people, or attempting really any sort of dialogue, well it's all an exercise in futility. Anybody who would listen to you is already on your side, at least that's been my experience. Hopefully an asteroid resolves the problem relatively soon.
How does that apply to humans? Obviously, not much to the first worlders
I disagree. Even if the suffering is less direct, the existence of those in the first world is responsible for much of it. If nothing else, consider the lifetime energy cost of a first worlder, everything they buy/consume to sustain their existence and lifestyle. Who produces all of that? Not to mention that even if a kid's life will presumably be better, that still isn't reason enough to reproduce. It's essentially creating a problem for the sake of resolving it, completely pointless.
We are given the illusion that society actually cares. We are the zebra being helplessly torn up alive.

Being subtly bullied and mentally abused for being atypical and swept under the rug while much less intelligent people get promoted in life. This can be the lazy nt douchebag who gets a promotion at work
High IQ. "Civilized" humans behave like any other animal, the only real difference is that the displays of dominance are usually more subtle.
Just be elephant
For the average western man, life is perfectly safe and devoid of any sort of actual suffering. Life is still equally pointless, just without the battle of survival each day.
You should hear what humans are doing to each other. The stories coming out of South Africa will make your stomach turn. The psychological and physical torture that takes place before death is sickening. This is our planet.

From our standpoint, the best thing that could happen would be a large asteroid impact. If there is a being responsible for creating this world, they're the ultimate evil.
You should hear what humans are doing to each other. The stories coming out of South Africa will make your stomach turn. The psychological and physical torture that takes place before death is sickening. This is our planet.
Yeah I could never wrap my head around why someone would actually torture another person. Obviously I get the act of killing, but to prolong a person's suffering just for the sake in relishing every last bit of pain you can get them to produce seems incredibly sadistic. Nobody deserves that.
To exist is to suffer

I've been watching videos of animals being eaten alive, for the science and some sort of sadistic pleasure from it. Now I think about it, a deer being eaten by a pack of hyenas, or a poor zebra being torn apart, ALIVE. Screaming in pain, hopelessly being shamefully eaten alive by the vicious hynea. This zebra, suffers very much. His guts were laying outside, standing up to the hyenas. When his heart (?) Finally fell from his body, he died.

Now that gets me thinking. Life is a cruel process of pointless suffering.

Pretend you're some zebra, you were born, forced to compete with the males in order to mate (for a short pleasure). You get torn apart bleeding big just to mate. That's good, one day, you walk around, a pack of lions come over you, torning you apart when you have no hope to escape at all, nothing you can do beside enduring the unendurable. Then you turn into grass and to feed on other animals. Your zebra son is born, enduring the same fate again.

So in short, you mated for the pleasure of it, creating a son, who has to ensure the same terrible fate again for hours of pleasure. The instinct to mate is very strong.

How does that apply to humans? Obviously, not much to the first worlders, but it applies to those born in a war zone, mostly Syria. Enduring starvation, war horrors, constant bombing and if luck isn't in your side, torture to death by the ISIS. If I'm from Syria and I have a GF, I would avoid making a baby and would abort the fetus to spare it from a horrible fate.

This World is nothing but suffering .
Life is evil .
There should only be the Elements .
No Animals , no Plants , no Humans .
Just a barren Wasteland of Rocks shaped by
Waves and Storms .
It would be a better World .
Gods Creation made the World worse than it was .
Life is Hell .

okay , enough of that edgy shit .
Can you link me the video ?
i love videos lile this and watchpeopledie stuff ,
its so sad that the subreddit was taken down .
I feel a weird pleasure along with disgust when i watch those kinds of videos .
Just be elephant
Nobody gives a single fuck about what happens to us.
I watched a few pig slaughter videos where the 3rd worlders would just grab the pig and begin slashing its throat or, in one brutal video, just begin randomly stabbing the thing. I thought to myself "If the pig is so smart, why would it eat itself into such a fat, defenseless position like that?" I then realized that animals have different purposes, and some like the gluttonous swine are just meant to suffer and feed other creatures. I lost a lot of sympathy and empathy for people when I applied this new belief to stupid humans.
Ive been on this for years

Normscum will look at a Zebra and say "omg how cute, life is beautiful".

Bitch, where?
That nigga finna live a vicious life with small spots of pleasure.
And the cycle will continue

Life is all about survival of the fittest, without any real point to it,
Pleasure is not something that is abundant in most cases.
The purpose of life is destruction. Females are turned on by "strength" and dominance. They like being "manhandled" (mostly) and being put down. The idea of how much damage you can do to an individual is glorified. "Oh look at those big arms and great strength that could beat the shit out of anyone!". Even in our primal years the humans would glorify the beings that could cause the most animal deaths during hunting season. They even glorified the most destructive animals. The whole idea of having an off-spring is selfish. Your pending off-spring does not have consent. It is ripped through it's void of peaceful nothingness and brought here to witness its slow impending death. You can argue the same about "the starving children in africa". Why have kids when in the end they're going to die of dehydration by a weeks time? Multiple organizations have sent out condoms and pills to try to help the horny african populous. Almost none of them used the protective gear under the idea that "Sex without rubbers feels good!". They don't care for their off-spring. Even the most religious and philosophical of folks have kids because "It brings ME joy to be a father/mother". "((((I)))) want to feel like a parent" "(((((I))))) want to be a parent". There is no consideration to how the being might exist. If it's even good to exist in this world. Animals just constantly fuck because they have this "primal urge". They don't give a fuck. Even humans with our "brilliant" ability to reason deeply into things do the same shit. The "best countries" are only the best because they killed and raped their neighboring countries throughout the ages. They benefit from the destruction of their peers. I'd also like to add that to even continue existing we must consume the dead flesh of other beings to give us energy. Plants count too. To survive we must destroy.
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Yeah, nuke the world. Life is a mistake.
You can find tons of these on YouTube.

This is the video I'm talking about btw, not a zebra but you get the idea.

man that looks brutal, I'm not bothered by gore but even from the picture i don't want to press play.
I lost a lot of sympathy and empathy for people when I applied this new belief to stupid humans.
Animals are at least innocent and haven't harmed you, but you can't say that about normies and low iq people.
Females are turned on by "strength" and dominance.
I'd like to see a rostie get torn alive by hyenas.
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I've been watching videos of animals being eaten alive, for the science and some sort of sadistic pleasure from it. Now I think about it, a deer being eaten by a pack of hyenas, or a poor zebra being torn apart, ALIVE. Screaming in pain, hopelessly being shamefully eaten alive by the vicious hynea. This zebra, suffers very much. His guts were laying outside, standing up to the hyenas. When his heart (?) Finally fell from his body, he died.

Now that gets me thinking. Life is a cruel process of pointless suffering.

Pretend you're some zebra, you were born, forced to compete with the males in order to mate (for a short pleasure). You get torn apart bleeding big just to mate. That's good, one day, you walk around, a pack of lions come over you, torning you apart when you have no hope to escape at all, nothing you can do beside enduring the unendurable. Then you turn into grass and to feed on other animals. Your zebra son is born, enduring the same fate again.

So in short, you mated for the pleasure of it, creating a son, who has to ensure the same terrible fate again for hours of pleasure. The instinct to mate is very strong.

How does that apply to humans? Obviously, not much to the first worlders, but it applies to those born in a war zone, mostly Syria. Enduring starvation, war horrors, constant bombing and if luck isn't in your side, torture to death by the ISIS. If I'm from Syria and I have a GF, I would avoid making a baby and would abort the fetus to spare it from a horrible fate.


Well as aristotle man in the state of nature is the most cruel of all animal's man in the state of law and order is the most virtuous we are different from animal's in the sense we set up societies with law and order how this applies to human's is yes their is suffering yes it's wrong and immoral but virtue and ethic's help solve the gap
You should hear what humans are doing to each other. The stories coming out of South Africa will make your stomach turn. The psychological and physical torture that takes place before death is sickening. This is our planet.

From our standpoint, the best thing that could happen would be a large asteroid impact. If there is a being responsible for creating this world, they're the ultimate evil.
Worse than a Devil.
I'd like to see a rostie get torn alive by hyenas.
The instinct to mate is very strong.
"You aren't entitled to sex, sweetie"
"I just had sex with chad. Now he doesn't commit. Fuck my life!!"

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