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Venting "Life Is A Gift."



Nov 20, 2022
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.
Fake Poop in a Gift Box
Life is a goyft
My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.
Brutal Hiroshima Nagasaki blackpill. Relatively speaking most of us won't experience half the joy NTs and normies get to have in a lifetime.
Tell us something we don’t know, boyo.
Well this is pretty much the same as my response to you in the other thread where we said the same thing about the percentage of happiness in life, but I want to add another thing. Just because we didn't ask to be born, doesn't mean we can kill ourselves, because 1) its a cognitohazard as we already know we're alive and 2) by being born, we have a shit load of responsibilities and psychoemotional leverages placed on us, so we can't just say "oh fuck it" and give up either, at least not easily and without causing suffERing (fictional) so we're forced to pretty much exist
Life is rarely a gift for sub 6 men. Unless all of your needs are being met, life is closer to an imposition or a curse. You can easily return or sell an undesirable gift. There's no easy escape from a terrible and monotonous life.
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life is a curse, if there wasnt such a strong biological urge to stay alive I would have roped long ago, because life is objectively bad. Far too many negatives compared to the positives, for an incel at least.
Fucking based, sex havers only think life is a gift because you know why
Life is torture as an autistic Indian
Life is a curse if you are ugly
Nothing new about alive people who envy the dead resting in peace, wish i could be sleeping forever without nobody annoying me
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.
Life sucks
Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.
but what if a guy is born Chad but dumb and in africa? his life must be mid
The only thing life gifts you is bs, misery, and suffering. only normies would say such a thing
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

You are right - most people live a very disgusting form of existence, they are repulsive cretins.

Most people's concepts of "love", "duty", "maturity", and "morality" is an adhoc piece of biological shit, an excrement, that emerges out of that person's own biological desires. They engage frivolously in such concepts, like angels in the heavens, flying around here and there.
"Oh I banged a hoe, I'm becoming a real man"
"I've developed so much since my last relationship"
"Wow, I graduated high school, such a milestone that really reflects my character"
"I drank alcohol and partied, this is what adults do!"

Until God the Father, the Ancient of Days, The Eternal Father, eventually clips their wings, they have to get married and get a job, living sexless shitty boring lives as they watch their own self die day by day.


Then they get just as bitter, viewing that clipping as a good thing, villifying their youth as a period of "immaturity" and "regrets", when they were "stupid", but now, NOW, they are REAL MEN, they have matured CLEARLY NOW, but it's all from a place of resentment and hatred of the fact that they lost their youth.

That's also the real blackpill, many mainstream Christian conservative figures typically don't want to save the West - people like Matt Walsh - they absolutely hate their kids and hate their future offspring, because deep down it reminds them of what they had lost. It gives them a sick, delightful satisfaction about their pathetic existence, that their kids have a worse life than they did, as if who they are becomes suddenly validated.

I think the only thing I would suggest is take refuge in the fact that you have the opportunity to be a more sympathetic person to those who need it, and you can have a deeper understanding of love than the average normgroid does. You can identify your resentment for what it is and let it go, unlikes these supposed "masculine" faggots who jerk off to the death of the West.

Life is filled with suffering that is unjust and people with problems, know that you have deep knowledge which can be used to bring great joy to people and lift up their spirits.
Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings
I didn't know you were a gay marxist
Whole thread is cope

Only we suffer and normies enjoy their lives and are comfortable in their own skin

Toilets live on creative mode
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

I think my question to you is do you think this is a consequence of human nature of the unique circumstances in which we live?

The real meaning of Kubrick's film "Eyes Wide Shut" is precisely what you are pointing out, but Kubrick roots the idea in the post-modern Western hedonic world we live in.

America is the "Satanic Black Mass", it is the red ball room which you saw, which a Satanic ritual parody of the earlier party in the film, the earlier party which is a recreation of American hedonic "high society". Similar things happen, the prostitute overdoses and meets Tom Cruise, the party host is there with his wife, people are engaging in flirting and scandalous sexual activities behind the scenes, there are prostitutes present, etc.

The Black Mass is a parody of the Christian Mass but, unless you are a special sunshine child, most who engage in such activities tend to be loathsome people who use the ritualistic formality as a means to engage in hedonism - sex, drunkenness, drugs, etc. - yet the structure of such a ritual, although meaningless in of itself, still retains a resemblance / parody of a Christian High Mass which purports to have meaning in of itself.

America and the West is precisely the Black Mass - it's a social ritual completely devoid of inherent meaning, once rooted in Christianity in a time and place that had meaning - but now there is no meaning. It's just a pretense of previous Christian social conventions that are used ad-hoc as a means to engage in hedonism as the highest end, particularly if you are a "have" rather than a "have not".

In fact, the LGBT / Woke movement seems to be an attempt to extrapolate Christian morality away from its spiritual roots and replace it with a secular narrative, so that such a pretentiom may continue unopposed, and the upper classes can continue to engage in frivolous anti-social hedonism.

My question to you is, do you think there was a time in the past when people had a higher sense of community, a higher sense of belonging?

Or do you think our monogamous institutions have always been this corrupt and void of meaning, its just that nowadays we have information our ancestors did not?
School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console.
That's exactly how it went for me too :cryfeels:.

I think at this point in my life, no matter what happens, I will never truly be happy.

I can win the lottery tomorrow (which would make my life a lot better), but I would still have the trauma of being a subhuman

Also, the blackpill definitely doesn't help either. I am grateful for knowing the blackpill as it is the truth, but at the same time It is hard to feel happy when you know the brutal truth of the world.

(Sorry for the yap lol.)
I didn't know you were a gay marxist
What I was saying was based on Evola, who was a forefather to fascism:

“Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the centre of which is constituted of technology, science, production, "productivity," and "consumption." And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence—then we are not even close to what is essential...” ― Julius Evola
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.

“Life is a gift”
My live reaction
835D3F99 E70A 402F A84C ACE18EF3667D
Life is a gift if you’re chad.
re-reading this makes me want to kill myself way more now
Well I decline this gift.
It's only a gift if society is good. I'd rather not exist in today's society
You are right - most people live a very disgusting form of existence, they are repulsive cretins.

Most people's concepts of "love", "duty", "maturity", and "morality" is an adhoc piece of biological shit, an excrement, that emerges out of that person's own biological desires. They engage frivolously in such concepts, like angels in the heavens, flying around here and there.
"Oh I banged a hoe, I'm becoming a real man"
"I've developed so much since my last relationship"
"Wow, I graduated high school, such a milestone that really reflects my character"
"I drank alcohol and partied, this is what adults do!"

Until God the Father, the Ancient of Days, The Eternal Father, eventually clips their wings, they have to get married and get a job, living sexless shitty boring lives as they watch their own self die day by day.

View attachment 1146865

Then they get just as bitter, viewing that clipping as a good thing, villifying their youth as a period of "immaturity" and "regrets", when they were "stupid", but now, NOW, they are REAL MEN, they have matured CLEARLY NOW, but it's all from a place of resentment and hatred of the fact that they lost their youth.
View attachment 1146866

That's also the real blackpill, many mainstream Christian conservative figures typically don't want to save the West - people like Matt Walsh - they absolutely hate their kids and hate their future offspring, because deep down it reminds them of what they had lost. It gives them a sick, delightful satisfaction about their pathetic existence, that their kids have a worse life than they did, as if who they are becomes suddenly validated.

I think the only thing I would suggest is take refuge in the fact that you have the opportunity to be a more sympathetic person to those who need it, and you can have a deeper understanding of love than the average normgroid does. You can identify your resentment for what it is and let it go, unlikes these supposed "masculine" faggots who jerk off to the death of the West.

Life is filled with suffering that is unjust and people with problems, know that you have deep knowledge which can be used to bring great joy to people and lift up their spirits.
Life is only a gift for the genetically privileged
I have the impression that life is worth nothing
This is the ultimate bluepilled cope; I really fucking hate it when I hear it from boomers/old people especially. Most people, generally, hate their lives wether they realize it or not, especially in the modERn age: Any kind of meaning to friendships, community, brotherhood, nationhood, family, romance, etc. serves no actual intrinsic value, and only serves our materialistic needs as humans. Everything concerning this world simply is concerning that of the material, also known as money & the value it brings. Most of our lives are spent wageslaving, many men are struggling to find relationships & sex, with some such as us being outright deprived of it, the current state of the world is going to shit more faster than it was a decade ago, and we're all enslaved by Elites.

Like you said, most humans only have minor glimpses of happiness: Food, sex, entertainment, drugs, gaming, etc. which only constitutes about 10%, if even that, of their overall existence. Most if it is spent suffering in some way; Wageslaving, in a relationship they hate in some way, living in a shithole, etc. It's only a few who are fortunate enough to be born with the right genes, in the right environment, with the right people to raise them whom actually can say their life is a gift: Life is either Heaven or Hell on Earth, no in-between, no "Midgard," just either a life of suffering or a life of bliss.

The fact is, most humans live like cockroaches

My life has been a constant struggle, the last time I can say I genuinely felt really "happy" was when I was around 13 or so, I have struggled with being non-NT my whole life, which made everything so much worse, on top of my below-average looks & manlet height with shit frame. School for me was just a process of surviving the day, and then going home to eat dinner & cope on YouTube or my console. This is reflected by the lives of the "99%" which you, I, and all here are part of: Most humans live in their suburbs or apartments, which honestly somewhat feel like prisons at times, commuting to wagelsave away most of their day, only to return home & eat garbage food, engage in copes, and if they're lucky enough, have sex with an ugly used-up roastie.

And what is more depressing, is knowing the following things:
-Foids help uphold this system, since it benefits them the most
-Most males are too bluepilled, addicted to comfort, etc to bother with attempting to fight this.
-Therefore, any hope for change is at best a pipe-dream.

Effectively, we are not actually living, but just existing: Everyone here is living life on "borrowed time"

My entire existence currently, is just college & wageslaving, combined with my earthly copes & pleasures to distract myself: I have no actual purpose, nothing to work towards, and it feels as if I exist just to exist, with no real meaning ingrained into it.

I already wrote this in another thread, but I figured I might as well get its own thread.
no gift for your face

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