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Serious Life Ends At 25 If You Don't Take Care of Your Collagen



Chair of the Beautification Committee
Apr 1, 2018


* Wash your face every morning and night.

* Use vitamin c serum.

* Use sunscreen if you're going outside, every single time. Sunscreen isn't just for the summer.

* The sun is your worst enemy, avoid it as much as possible.

* Ingest Vitamin C supplements

* Get ample sleep and try not to get stressed out even if you're in stressful situations.

Asians are much smarter than westerners. Both the men and women are blackpilled on how important skin is. While stupid westerners are tanning, etc... they're preserving their skin. They got the best skin not because of genetic reasons but because they take care of theirs which is why they look so young often.

Even if you think it's over and you've given up preserve your skin. Looking youthful, younger than your years, is very important for people like us. We missed out on young love so we must retain our youth as long as possible so that we may experience a delayed version of that.

The reason why is collagen. The collagen in your skin is what makes you look young and once it's gone it's never coming back.

We're all a bunch of young guys here for the most part. If we start now we can keep ours long after most normies have worn theirs away.

The power of youth is our greatest weapon when normies are sapping theirs with tanning, drinking, drugs, and partying even if we become wizards at least we will have good skin that might halo us enough to ascend.

Post collagen tips and discussion here.

Small credit to @Machiavelli who blackpilled me on skin from his posts while he was still around and who I borrowed the line life ends at 25 from.
Already doing all I can to slow aging, my face looks the same at 30 as at 20.
I started looking significantly younger once I started meditating. My skin is phenomenal.
lol i have acne scars. its 0ver b0y0
Already doing all I can to slow aging, my face looks the same at 30 as at 20.

Share your secrets with me senpai.

Hmm Sultry

I've only recently been youthpilled and this so far is all I know.

I started looking significantly younger once I started meditating. My skin is phenomenal.

Hope you're nofapmaxxing along with that for best results.

lol i have acne scars. its 0ver b0y0

vitamin c serum can help, if not get to a dermatologist and get some retin a and if worse laser treatment
I already have some forehead lines. It’s over
I already have some forehead lines. It’s over

Bro it can only get worse, just stop it while you can.

I'm early 20s but I should've been doing this stuff since I was in high school tbhbthbhtbtbhtbt.
Bro it can only get worse, just stop it while you can.

I'm early 20s but I should've been doing this stuff since I was in high school tbhbthbhtbtbhtbt.
There’s ways to counteract it but I’ll definitely remember your advice in the future
The biggest thing that causes wrinkled skin is advanced glycation end products, leading to cross-chain linking of collagen and elastin proteins. Glycation also leads to hardening of arteries and other forms of aging. Sugar, alcohol, carbohydrate-rich and burned/seared food all cause increased glycation. This is why White Europeans age more poorly than Asians, it's all of the desserts and alcohol. It's why western foids hit the wall. Moderation in your diet is a scam. Sugar is poison.

Cut out the sugar and take gylcation inhibiting substances with your meals. Capsaicin (hot peppers), piperine (black pepper), bromelain (pineapple enzyme) and cinnamon are the more affordable ones. Spice is life.
Hope you're nofapmaxxing along with that for best results.

I have women who communicate with me telepathically and they make me cum while I lay in bed but they have to hold back a lot for now so it doesn't feel nearly as good as it could.

Not a larp? FFS I'm a fucking freak. So I'm not technically fapping and haven't in weeks, but there is literally no way I'm going to try to stop these orgasms from happening.
I have women who communicate with me telepathically and they make me cum while I lay in bed but they have to hold back a lot for now so it doesn't feel nearly as good as it could.

Not a larp? FFS I'm a fucking freak. So I'm not technically fapping and haven't in weeks, but there is literally no way I'm going to try to stop these orgasms from happening.

Bro I'm not even joking, those are demons/succubi that's why I don't meditate. You open your mind up to demonic possession.
Share your secrets with me senpai.

View attachment 42391

I've only recently been youthpilled and this so far is all I know.

Hope you're nofapmaxxing along with that for best results.

vitamin c serum can help, if not get to a dermatologist and get some retin a and if worse laser treatment
lol I've tried all those except vitamin c which i know won't work. none of those work for shit. you can't fill in holes with creams or lasers. i do agree though that you can make ur skin more youthful by taking care of it my grandma does it and she looks good for her age. idk what exactly she does, but i know she does something. acne scars though are permanent and will never go away no matter how much surgery you get.


* Wash your face every morning and night.

* Use vitamin c serum.

* Use sunscreen if you're going outside, every single time. Sunscreen isn't just for the summer.

* The sun is your worst enemy, avoid it as much as possible.

* Ingest Vitamin C supplements

* Get ample sleep and try not to get stressed out even if you're in stressful situations.

Asians are much smarter than westerners. Both the men and women are blackpilled on how important skin is. While stupid westerners are tanning, etc... they're preserving their skin. They got the best skin not because of genetic reasons but because they take care of theirs which is why they look so young often.

Even if you think it's over and you've given up preserve your skin. Looking youthful, younger than your years, is very important for people like us. We missed out on young love so we must retain our youth as long as possible so that we may experience a delayed version of that.

The reason why is collagen. The collagen in your skin is what makes you look young and once it's gone it's never coming back.

We're all a bunch of young guys here for the most part. If we start now we can keep ours long after most normies have worn theirs away.

The power of youth is our greatest weapon when normies are sapping theirs with tanning, drinking, drugs, and partying even if we become wizards at least we will have good skin that might halo us enough to ascend.

Post collagen tips and discussion here.

Small credit to @Machiavelli who blackpilled me on skin from his posts while he was still around and who I borrowed the line life ends at 25 from.
My skin is really fucked, I'm out in the sun doing manual labor a lot and I've got lots of wrinkles and my face skin is loose from weight loss. How can I try to improve my collageN?
The biggest thing that causes wrinkled skin is advanced glycation end products, leading to cross-chain linking of collagen and elastin proteins. Glycation also leads to hardening of arteries and other forms of aging. Sugar, alcohol, carbohydrate-rich and burned/seared food all cause increased glycation. This is why White Europeans age more poorly than Asians, it's all of the desserts and alcohol. It's why western foids hit the wall. Moderation in your diet is a scam. Sugar is poison.

Cut out the sugar and take gylcation inhibiting substances with your meals. Capsaicin (hot peppers), piperine (black pepper), bromelain (pineapple enzyme) and cinnamon are the more affordable ones. Spice is life.


Still love eating brown rice and white bread though.

The refined sugars are literal poison though, I never eat any desert.

This is also why I never have and never will drink alcohol. I'll never be NT but I don't care, it legit turns your skin into a prune's.

My skin is really fucked, I'm out in the sun doing manual labor a lot and I've got lots of wrinkles and my face skin is loose from weight loss. How can I try to improve my collageN?

Bro everything I already wrote, sunscreen everyday even if it's cloudy/winter.

For you I would recommend that you always wear a hat and long sleeves since you're out a lot.
Did you start slowing aging at 20?
Pretty much

Share your secrets with me senpai.

View attachment 42391

I've only recently been youthpilled and this so far is all I know.

Hope you're nofapmaxxing along with that for best results.

vitamin c serum can help, if not get to a dermatologist and get some retin a and if worse laser treatment

Fasting, intermittent 23 hours no eating to 1 hour of eating, 36 hours rarely.
Drink as much pure unprocessed water as possible
No smoking, no drugs and very little alcohol.
Ok nutrition with lots of nuts, fish and olive oil, avoid carbs and industrial seed oils like sunflower oil.
I have loose skin, no amount of creams or vitamin supplements can save me
Rearranging the deckchairs on the Titanic
Pretty much

Fasting, intermittent 23 hours no eating to 1 hour of eating, 36 hours rarely.
Drink as much pure unprocessed water as possible
No smoking, no drugs and very little alcohol.
Ok nutrition with lots of nuts, fish and olive oil, avoid carbs and industrial seed oils like sunflower oil.

Based advice.

How often do you fast?

Tbhtbh the only acceptable alcohol is a little red wine but even then I won't go there.
high IQ. but i think i already lost mine from PMO lmfao.
Based advice.

How often do you fast?

Tbhtbh the only acceptable alcohol is a little red wine but even then I won't go there.
Thanks, 23/1 is everyday except weekends, then I either eat 2 meals or just fast a whole day if I feel prepared.

I think all red wine benefits might be had by just eating black grapes.
Should you wear sunscreen EVERY day, even if it's just driving to work, without really spending that much time in the sun?

Also, have you ever heard of bone broth for increasing collagen - is it legit?
The biggest thing that causes wrinkled skin is advanced glycation end products, leading to cross-chain linking of collagen and elastin proteins. Glycation also leads to hardening of arteries and other forms of aging. Sugar, alcohol, carbohydrate-rich and burned/seared food all cause increased glycation. This is why White Europeans age more poorly than Asians, it's all of the desserts and alcohol. It's why western foids hit the wall. Moderation in your diet is a scam. Sugar is poison.

Cut out the sugar and take gylcation inhibiting substances with your meals. Capsaicin (hot peppers), piperine (black pepper), bromelain (pineapple enzyme) and cinnamon are the more affordable ones. Spice is life.
Asians diets include alot more carbs then Europeans I'm pretty sure eating rice and starchy carbs doesnt fuck up your skin, also Asians especially in china and Japan have a huge drinking culture, There skin is better because of genetics and less of the refined sugars and loads of fats that is eaten in the west.
high IQ. but i think i already lost mine from PMO lmfao.

You're younger than I am you're fine. You're still a teencel. This could potentially benefit you more than anyone else here.

But remember this is why we must keep doing NoFap. I didn't want to mention it in the OP because I didn't want to catch heat for it, but NoFap is important for skin quality.

Semen retention is another secret to youth.
Asians diets include alot more carbs then Europeans I'm pretty sure eating rice and starchy carbs doesnt fuck up your skin, also Asians especially in china and Japan have a huge drinking culture, There skin is better because of genetics and less of the refined sugars and loads of fats that is eaten in the west.

Also, Asians have high cheekbones which make skin aging less noticeable. High cheekbones are the reason Justin Trudeau still looks young and attractive in his 40s. If you have low cheekbones, dark circles will form under your eyes as you get older, and it makes you look older.

Here is Justin Trudeau next to a Dutch politician who looks similar, but has lower cheekbones, and it makes a dramatic impact on his attractiveness:

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Chad in old age

Should you wear sunscreen EVERY day, even if it's just driving to work, without really spending that much time in the sun?

Also, have you ever heard of bone broth for increasing collagen - is it legit?

I'm in the same situation as you.

I drive to school and back. My car windows aren't tinted and I walk on campus to get to classes in different buildings.

I say if you're walking out the door put on sunscreen, it only takes 2 minutes and you'll be safe. That's why I' going to start doing it every time I go out.

I've head of bone broth. Based Japanese waifus make bone broth soup to literally consume collagen. They take care of their skin more than anyone so I'm sure it's legit even though I have yet to try it.

Asians diets include alot more carbs then Europeans I'm pretty sure eating rice and starchy carbs doesnt fuck up your skin, also Asians especially in china and Japan have a huge drinking culture, There skin is better because of genetics and less of the refined sugars and loads of fats that is eaten in the west.

Carbs from rice are better than the carbs westeners get.

Also it's a common misconception that Asians have better skin/youthful genetics. It's all diet and taking care of themselves.

And just because a lot of salarymen are getting drunk every night after work doesn't mean it applies to the women who are world renown for their skin quality.

I'd be the first person to admit when Asians had better genetics but in this case it's just not true. Anyone can replicate their practices and get similar results.
my ski
You're younger than I am you're fine. You're still a teencel. This could potentially benefit you more than anyone else here.

But remember this is why we must keep doing NoFap. I didn't want to mention it in the OP because I didn't want to catch heat for it, but NoFap is important for skin quality.

Semen retention is another secret to youth.

i guess youre right. my skin does clear up and shine on a good nofap streak.
I'm going to say something really controversial right now but it's true.

This is specifically for you @Zyros

Hollow cheeks are a fucking meme.

When you have hollow cheeks you have no collagen in your cheeks and it makes you look way older.

You should want the opposite of that. Having prominent cheeks gives you a youthful appearance.
my mother is 55 and her skin is like a 20 yo girl, absolutely amazing (she never smoked and drank)
my mother is 55 and her skin is like a 20 yo girl, absolutely amazing (she never smoked and drank)

My mother is similar. I made this thread because of a conversation I had with her when I was asking her to buy me skincare products.

She told me she has worn sunscreen every day since she was 20 and that's why her skin is so good.

Though she should've told me that when I was 20 tbhtbhbthbthbt.... never too late to start though.

Fucking guys are so dumb, Asian guys are much smarter because they care about their skin. Dumb western meatheads like me (how I used to be) don't give a fuck and then get cucked by aging.

My dad always looked many years younger than his age despite always being overweight and eating lots of bad carbs and deserts. Up until the day he turned 50 his years finally caught up with him and there's not a doubt on my mind if he took better care of himself he would still have the power of youth.

But he's lost it forever now. Genetics can only take you so far with this kind of thing, they're good to have but it's mostly about how you take care of yourself.
I'm 33 and my collagen suddenly decreased at 24, weirdly. Happened at the same time as I started getting digestive problems and other issues. Even to this day I'm still not 100% sure why. Probably stress.
Where's the retin-a game?
You also forgot about working out, since you get rid of toxins on your skin by sweating.
I'm 33 and my collagen suddenly decreased at 24, weirdly. Happened at the same time as I started getting digestive problems and other issues. Even to this day I'm still not 100% sure why. Probably stress.

It's because you didn't take proper care.

Your age corroborates the thread.

I'm nearly the age you were and starting now so I hope I haven't lost any.

Though it's not too late to start retaining what you have now and potentially gaining some (this would be hard though if possible).
:soy::soy:The aisans literally have every piece of knowledge that exists stored into their brains bro.They know how to live forever and go from manlet to nba player. Their women are the best and submissive af bro:soy:
It's because you didn't take proper care.

Your age corroborates the thread.

I'm nearly the age you were and starting now so I hope I haven't lost any.

Though it's not too late to start retaining what you have now and potentially gaining some (this would be hard though if possible).

To be honest I have much bigger problems than a bit of collagen loss! It doesn't bother me that much, for the most part. I think it would have been very hard to avoid.

Besides, men tend to look rugged as they age, lol
I'm in the same situation as you.

I drive to school and back. My car windows aren't tinted and I walk on campus to get to classes in different buildings.

I say if you're walking out the door put on sunscreen, it only takes 2 minutes and you'll be safe. That's why I' going to start doing it every time I go out.

I've head of bone broth. Based Japanese waifus make bone broth soup to literally consume collagen. They take care of their skin more than anyone so I'm sure it's legit even though I have yet to try it.

Carbs from rice are better than the carbs westeners get.

Also it's a common misconception that Asians have better skin/youthful genetics. It's all diet and taking care of themselves.

And just because a lot of salarymen are getting drunk every night after work doesn't mean it applies to the women who are world renown for their skin quality.

I'd be the first person to admit when Asians had better genetics but in this case it's just not true. Anyone can replicate their practices and get similar results.
Literally all western asians I know have TERRIBLE acne, there bodies arnt meant for our the western diet or dairy.


* Wash your face every morning and night.

* Use vitamin c serum.

* Use sunscreen if you're going outside, every single time. Sunscreen isn't just for the summer.

* The sun is your worst enemy, avoid it as much as possible.

* Ingest Vitamin C supplements

* Get ample sleep and try not to get stressed out even if you're in stressful situations.

Asians are much smarter than westerners. Both the men and women are blackpilled on how important skin is. While stupid westerners are tanning, etc... they're preserving their skin. They got the best skin not because of genetic reasons but because they take care of theirs which is why they look so young often.

Even if you think it's over and you've given up preserve your skin. Looking youthful, younger than your years, is very important for people like us. We missed out on young love so we must retain our youth as long as possible so that we may experience a delayed version of that.

The reason why is collagen. The collagen in your skin is what makes you look young and once it's gone it's never coming back.

We're all a bunch of young guys here for the most part. If we start now we can keep ours long after most normies have worn theirs away.

The power of youth is our greatest weapon when normies are sapping theirs with tanning, drinking, drugs, and partying even if we become wizards at least we will have good skin that might halo us enough to ascend.

Post collagen tips and discussion here.

Small credit to @Machiavelli who blackpilled me on skin from his posts while he was still around and who I borrowed the line life ends at 25 from.
Yeah bro I moisturize every night and stay away from the sun as much as I can. White people be sun bathing and I’m shaking my head like damn how shtupid can you be.
Literally everyone assumes I'm like 21 (even though I'm 30). I know many guys my age and beyond who can say the same, as well as many my age who already look like complete shit. For what it's worth a few things I've done are:

- Was a vagitarian for about 6 years or from about age 18 to 24. Was pretty thin back then. Dont know if this has anything to do with it but thinking
about going back on this diet or at least only eating meat on the weekends when I have my booze and pizza

- During that period I almost never used sugar (only artificial sweeteners)

- Always tried to drink a decent amount of water. I always heard this is one of the most important things for preserving collagen

- Try to eat fruits and veggies. Even on days when you're eating a bunch of fast food shit at least try to throw some in for nutrition purposes

- Try to take a multivitamin every day (always used centrum personally)

- Although I have a huge drinking problem now, I actually didn't even start drinking until early 20's unlike most people who are doing it from mid teens. Don't know if this has anything to do with it (probably) but I'm trying to cut back

- Always avoided hard drugs. Everyone I know who didn't already looks old AF by mid 20's

- Avoid manual labor and being outdoors as much as you can.

- Wash and exfoliate your face (but be gentle) and use a moisturizer to make up for that lost moisture. I use the Neutrogena men's one that "supposedly" fights aging and has sunscreen in it. I don't use it every day but I try to use it most days. You don't need much (can easily make you look greasy if you use too much)

- When drying your face be gentle and pat-dry. Really be gentle anytime you do anything to your face. Remember that old saying about your face staying stuck that way your mom used to say whenever you made stupid faces

- I supposedly never smile or show any emotion (which probably helps) but this is largely due to Asparagus
Literally everyone assumes I'm like 21 (even though I'm 30). I know many guys my age and beyond who can say the same, as well as many my age who already look like complete shit. For what it's worth a few things I've done are:

- Was a vagitarian for about 6 years or from about age 18 to 24. Was pretty thin back then. Dont know if this has anything to do with it but thinking
about going back on this diet or at least only eating meat on the weekends when I have my booze and pizza

- During that period I almost never used sugar (only artificial sweeteners)

- Always tried to drink a decent amount of water. I always heard this is one of the most important things for preserving collagen

- Try to eat fruits and veggies. Even on days when you're eating a bunch of fast food shit at least try to throw some in for nutrition purposes

- Try to take a multivitamin every day (always used centrum personally)

- Although I have a huge drinking problem now, I actually didn't even start drinking until early 20's unlike most people who are doing it from mid teens. Don't know if this has anything to do with it (probably) but I'm trying to cut back

- Always avoided hard drugs. Everyone I know who didn't already looks old AF by mid 20's

- Avoid manual labor and being outdoors as much as you can.

- Wash and exfoliate your face (but be gentle) and use a moisturizer to make up for that lost moisture. I use the Neutrogena men's one that "supposedly" fights aging and has sunscreen in it. I don't use it every day but I try to use it most days. You don't need much (can easily make you look greasy if you use too much)

- When drying your face be gentle and pat-dry. Really be gentle anytime you do anything to your face. Remember that old saying about your face staying stuck that way your mom used to say whenever you made stupid faces

- I supposedly never smile or show any emotion (which probably helps) but this is largely due to Asparagus
One messege apart from the new color heh.
Nice advice tho.
Unless you're on your deathbed trying to hasten your demise, probably not. The effects are interesting but might cause some damage.
I do believe caloric reduction has been shown to increase longevity in mice...
One messege apart from the new color heh.
Nice advice tho.

I'd also put aside money for Botox and whatever else. Planning on doing this once I get a better job. Look at how many celebrities stay looking like they're in their 20's into their 50's. It can't all just be good genetics
Yeah but when you don't drink any fluids for days, your skin completely dries out. That can't be good for it.
Yea I don't think NoWater is a good idea at all. Water is vitally important to homeostasis etc. Its for this reason alone I cannot abide by muslims' traditional method of fasting.
Good thread, and great tips, I don't agree on washing your face several times a day though.
Personally my skin got better (I used to have greasy skin and acne) since I stopped washing my face ten years ago. No morning wash, no evening wash. Currently I wash my face when I shower (everyday in summer, about twice a week in winter) and that's it. I believe in leaving your body do its thing, and that's why I'd also recommend to shave as little as possible, you are protecting your cheeks fromm sun, air and keeping them nicely coated in your own body's grease.
I second the bone broth a lot, I drink lots of it.
If anyone feels like using herbal stuff on their skin, look into Helichrysum flowers products, I tried an oil infused with it and I had the odd feeling of my skin pulling.

Even if you think it's over and you've given up preserve your skin. Looking youthful, younger than your years, is very important for people like us. We missed out on young love so we must retain our youth as long as possible so that we may experience a delayed version of that.
very based

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