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Blackpill Life doesn't make a fucking sense.

Jealous Freak

Jealous Freak

The outcast of society
Jan 12, 2023
Don't you all feel like, why me? Why did this have to happen to me? and stuff like that?

What I'm trying to say is that when I was at school I was always the type of guy who wouldn't hurt a soul, pretty much a peaceful guy who just wanted to get along with someone, to be part of something, to feel like others, to make friends and stuff. But it wasn't like that at all, nobody let me do that, everywhere I went I was immediately shunned and felt like an outcast.

Most of the others were fucking mean, literally devils walking around, and they were prayed to as if they were fucking angels for others. And now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
Don't you all feel like, why me? Why did this have to happen to me? and stuff like that?

What I'm trying to say is that when I was at school I was always the type of guy who wouldn't hurt a soul, pretty much a peaceful guy who just wanted to get along with someone, to be part of something, to feel like others, to make friends and stuff. But it wasn't like that at all, nobody let me do that, everywhere I went I was immediately shunned and felt like an outcast.

Most of the others were fucking mean, literally devils walking around, and they were prayed to as if they were fucking angels for others. And now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
It’s just like the animal world, random, unfair, and cruel
looks like your personality is wired for cooperation / high trust environment
over for you
it was, not anymore.
It was never my personal intention, I just tried to mimic others to succeed
It’s over for whydidithappentomecels
Some faggot who use to bully me and my class mate I was friends with is now in prison which is nice at least. He behaved like a violent thug.
That was me.
Some faggot who use to bully me and my class mate I was friends with is now in prison which is nice at least. He behaved like a violent thug.
That bully deserves to be burned alive (in GTA V)
You described my life, Jealous Freak
Nigga just attractive yourself and you can enjoy life, How? YOUR WHOLE FACE!
and now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
suicide fuel
We've all asked ourselves this question before realizing that it was our physical appearance and eccentric behavior that made us an ideal target.

School life is more or less a foretaste of hierarchy and discrimination in society. You'll notice that very early on in the school year, groups will naturally form, as if they were biologically programmed to function this way. You've got the most popular ones, whose recognizable trait is their physical attractiveness - they don't need much effort to win favors from students and teachers alike. Then there are the normies, among whom are the bullies who use ostracized people to unleash their frustration and use them as a footstep to attract sympathy from others.
you're not the only one btw, it's nature eliminating weak genes from gene pool
because normies are demons and this is hell
All the demons in hell
Don't you all feel like, why me? Why did this have to happen to me? and stuff like that?

What I'm trying to say is that when I was at school I was always the type of guy who wouldn't hurt a soul, pretty much a peaceful guy who just wanted to get along with someone, to be part of something, to feel like others, to make friends and stuff. But it wasn't like that at all, nobody let me do that, everywhere I went I was immediately shunned and felt like an outcast.

Most of the others were fucking mean, literally devils walking around, and they were prayed to as if they were fucking angels for others. And now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
There's not a day that goes by which I don't reflect on this. I do have a conclusion for it though. We were never meant to be born in the first place. We are excess men. Our parents had no business reproducing in the first place.
you're not the only one btw, it's nature eliminating weak genes from gene pool
Nature has no intent. It's a concept. "Of the things that create more copies of themselfs there will be more of in the future". That is your nature. Our genes aren't weak. Normies might in the not so distant future wipe out all life on earth with their retardation. That's their "strenght". We are unfit for a society this malevolent and hypocritical but I will never see that as a mark against me. What society deems worthy is inferior to me in all the domains I care most about. I fantasies about them being more like me rather than me being more like them. Because by and large they are trash.
Quote do not adjust your mind the fault is in reality r d laing 144 78 92
It makes more sense when you start with the assumption humans are evil and all the matters is looks and money and ego

Better to systematically eradicate your emathetic tendencies now because they do you no good in this reality
There can't be any winners without loosers. Yin Yang shit, get it thru ur head. It's not all bad tho, at least u got some internet and a safe space to cry about how bad you have it. Nobodys the victim it just is what it is.
No I'm not a loser
Nature has no intent. It's a concept. "Of the things that create more copies of themselfs there will be more of in the future". That is your nature. Our genes aren't weak. Normies might in the not so distant future wipe out all life on earth with their retardation. That's their "strenght". We are unfit for a society this malevolent and hypocritical but I will never see that as a mark against me. What society deems worthy is inferior to me in all the domains I care most about. I fantasies about them being more like me rather than me being more like them. Because by and large they are trash.
View attachment 945273
Based take.
Based take.
Thanks. It's how I have always felt, even when I was still a boy failing to fit in with my classmates. I like the way I think and the type of person I am on the inside. I'd prefer to be much more physcially attractive but I wouldn't trade my brain for a normie's brain even if that made me happier. And I most certainly don't think of some random midwit chad as superior to myself because he had the good fortune to be born with eagle eyes and a prominent chin. The same way I don't think some foid superior because she has a higher SMV. The world cares, so I have to as well, but I don't intent to adapt their values as my own.
There can't be any winners without loosers. Yin Yang shit, get it thru ur head. It's not all bad tho, at least u got some internet and a safe space to cry about how bad you have it. Nobodys the victim it just is what it is.
This might be the most common logical error on this site. Simple linguistic trap. Status and looks are only partially zero-sum. And happyness isn't at all, at least not innately.
Don't you all feel like, why me? Why did this have to happen to me? and stuff like that?

What I'm trying to say is that when I was at school I was always the type of guy who wouldn't hurt a soul, pretty much a peaceful guy who just wanted to get along with someone, to be part of something, to feel like others, to make friends and stuff. But it wasn't like that at all, nobody let me do that, everywhere I went I was immediately shunned and felt like an outcast.

Most of the others were fucking mean, literally devils walking around, and they were prayed to as if they were fucking angels for others. And now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
Don't Blame yourself, society has put you in this awful situation
Life makes perfect sense. We are the undesirables, to be cast into oblivion.
We are simply not adapted to modern life, and like the millions of those before us who did not breed, we will also succumb to what is just natural selection.
Don't you all feel like, why me? Why did this have to happen to me? and stuff like that?

What I'm trying to say is that when I was at school I was always the type of guy who wouldn't hurt a soul, pretty much a peaceful guy who just wanted to get along with someone, to be part of something, to feel like others, to make friends and stuff. But it wasn't like that at all, nobody let me do that, everywhere I went I was immediately shunned and felt like an outcast.

Most of the others were fucking mean, literally devils walking around, and they were prayed to as if they were fucking angels for others. And now they are all successful, they have successful lives, friends, good jobs, sex, love. While I'm here on the verge of fucking self-destruction.
We were never meant to be. Every day I wish I could just pass away. I don't even understand why I am doing the things I am doing. What is there for me to succeed in. some career Where I will just be a wage slave for the rest of my life. I get this constant baby boomer parrot of "that is just life" If life is about hard work Why the fuck did my parents create me so I could suffer so much. They had no business having kids I wish I was aborted. I wouldn't exist And I would have never had a bad day.
The more I'm exposed to people and their behaviors the more I realize that everyone has their own slice of reality and life is inherently competitive. Friends are just strangers who trade fun with you which is why its easy to get betrayed because it was never really unconditional and the act of birth is like a sacrificial offering to the future. We are so afraid of the unknown but have no problem putting our children in the midst of constantly shifting time.

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