Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LifeFuel Life as an Incel is the best life

No. Being a Chad is objectively more enjoyable, no Chad is going to think that life as an incel is preferable.
Maybe, yes. But like I said, I can't envision it without setting up a scenario where I'm happy as a Chad, but then also comparing it, thinking "fewhooo this is so much better than when I was JayGoptri, the Incel".. And that could never happen according to the laws of, well, everything.
@NorthernWind @the virgin shepherd

I feel like we have had this exact same exchange before... Same conversation and same points we made. :feelsstudy:
Eternal recurrence.
We've likely been over all these same points.

My thing is, why not just accept that incel life is the best thing for us? I mean honestly, what's the other option? Go bankrupt trying to ascend and still feel shitty afterwards ?
Blackpill to Whitepill
Yeah. Try to ascend via looksmax, go bankrupt just to move from super low smv to low end Normie fag, still get shafted by becky or partial land whale and then end up with a hole in your head. I've seen it happen to many normies. Sounds great. Sounds like 10x of a worse cope than what we have. I came to this conclusion roughly 6 years ago, 100%. Was about 85% the way there before that.

No thanks I'll take my Incel life with my copes. It's peaceful.
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Most braindamaged thread in a long time.
Life as an incel is absolutely not the best life, it's the worst. People kill themselves because it sucks so much ...

"Best possible thing for us"

Everything is determined by influences beyond our control, thus it is only natural that we confide in what is innately given.

That does not mean we should feign ignorance to the quality of life that is obviously greater and more profound than what we are experiencing.

In this case, ignorance is controvertible to gratitude.
Can you please put that in English Dr. Peter Venkman? :feelsclown:

"Best possible thing for us"
Of course I said "for us". Who the fuck else are wet talking about man? Why would we measure the best possible thing for someone else? :worryfeels:
Everything is determined by influences beyond our control, thus it is only natural that we confide in what is innately given.
Right. So do it. That's what we are saying here.
That does not mean we should feign ignorance to the quality of life that is obviously greater and more profound than what we are experiencing.
You mean you want to have round table discussions for how good it is for Chad and his fuck buddies? I don't get it. We can have the conversation but..honestly I don't agree with their lives being more "profound". Yes perhaps their quality of life is better, but less and less so everyday I feel. Especially for normie.
In this case, ignorance is controvertible to gratitude.
Say what now? I don't think we should thank God that he made us Incels. I just agree with OP that's it's preferable in today's times to many other "normie with foid" existences, etc.
No, I do not want to gossip about Chad's successes. Tbh, I think Chads are boring.
Yet people here say that they, more or less, wish they could to transplant their brain into a chad face/body. Thats the essential position you hold and it's why people are naysaying @K9Otaku 's post here. Isn't it? So in an argument we can say once, yes it's probably good to be a Chad. But after that, to fantasize about it (which some people do) is absurd. Delusional even. And a massive waste of time I say.
Chads lives are more profound, they can accomplish almost anything with very little effort (in comparison to an incel who attempts to accomplish the same thing).
Yes true, but most of um accomplish mediocre crap or even pure garbage now days. That's easy for them "to get away with" , thats how I would say it, not "accomplish anything good".
It may be preferable to be an incel rather than a cuck, however, not all normies are cucks.
Definitely than a cuck. But I say quite possibly even better than being a decompensating American chad. And there are more and more of those.
Western foids experience tremendously more fulfilling lives than most incels.
"Fulfilling". Yes, it's true also. But nobody is achieving anything great. They are 90% high off their looks and 10% fulfilled from their achievements, which are total shit. A Chad and Stacy pair who climb Mount Everest are not really achieving something, just masturbating off their bodies constantly. So fine, it's probably stimulating and satisfying , I'll admit but, ... "EH"
what are you a youngcel?

the word 'haters' was already used by the rap scene in the 90s
I'm 39. Probably much older than you I assume. The word "haters" was being used by all people imitating the rap and black scene in the 90's, and usually used when trying to shut down somebody's reason and logic against a Chad/Stacy behavior. So those who use the word "hater" to describe someone expressing dissent are usually a bunch of inexperienced twats and trying to be "cool".

Same thing hippie baby-boomer faggots did to off set the success of Christianity from their parents generation. They eventually gravitated towards Hindu and eastern philosophy because it was so "narly and cool". Honestly they just created a bunch of confusing mess which eventually led to things like woke politics and feminism type shit.
Nobody is legitimately fantasizing about being a Chad, they are merely expressing their wishes to be one.
Hmm. This is a tricky statement. "Not fantasizing" but then.. "wishes to be one". Wishes ARE fantasy dude. We have all done it.

You have a point. No one can truthfully state that Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos is a Chad.
Elon and Bezos are a variety of Chads. Bezos gets away with all sorts of garbage including helping to ruin great non-woke stories like those written by Tolkien. Elon isn't a woke-tard. But he does other shit.
Tbh, I would rather be a sub8 billionaire like Jeff Bezos than a Chad.
Of course, me as well.
They are merely imitating the successes of the pioneer who climbed Mount Everest first.
Yeah, something like that.
@JayGoptri @K9Otaku

You both made good points, but you're focusing too much on the "sex" aspect of it. Why being an incel hurts and it's shitty? Because we get no validation. According to a certain blkniggerpres Validation is a female trait, which is simple untrue. Validation can come in many forms and it's everpresent in our society, we always want to feel validated. Either by our peers, by a spouse, family. You get the point. Now being incel means you lack validation, therefore every action that you take you'll doubt yourself. Not only that but you won't even feel secure even if you choose the right things.

Why being chad/good-looking or even being above-average is better than being incel? Because you don't lack validation, after you get enough of it you can pursue any interest that you want. And you don't need to feel a little voice in your head that wants you to breed and have sex, you have either option A) Which is to try and fail, thus fucking your self-esteem or B) Not trying and feeling shitty regardless. People make groups and do stuff because they like to belong, and like being validated.

Not having sex is like having a nail on your foot that you cannot take off, you will try to continue walking. But everytime, somewhere along the road it will start to hurt again. And again. And the little voice in your head will keep telling you to grind, to try. It's not too late it says. And you entertain thouse thoughts for a little while, ultil you come to your senses.

I know that you're old and maybe, maybe in some part of yourself you think you prefer being alone and that it has certain perks. Well let me tell you that everything you do alone you could've done with a spouse, and even if you did less you would feel more accomplished. There's nothing "incredible" about life, it's just mother nature. Law of the jungle, that's why we're posting in a obscure forum about how ugly we are and our fucked up circumstances. The world is a cold and shitty place.

You can observe how much a shit is being an incel that we have a forum, of all things to discuss this shit. Also you can judge how much we "enjoy" life the quality of posts we make, the "camps" we have. That can be classified as: the lazzies, the egoers or the downers.

It's being an incel all that bad for everyone? Of course not, you don't have terminal cancer and some may even have enjoyable lives. Only thing they can't get laid, thus some "enjoyment" can be gotten off of their lives. Thing is, every person gets sex. Money you can get. Genuine attraction you cannot.
Life as an incel is absolutely not the best life, it's the worst. People kill themselves because it sucks so much ...
People rope bc they don't see the silver lining.

Inceldom is the way the universe is telling us that current Western culture is damaged beyond repair.

We are learning this the hard way but it is a valuable lesson.
You both made good points, but you're focusing too much on the "sex" aspect of it.
Absolutely not. We are both emphasizing precisely that Inceldom is not primarily about sex. If it was, escortcelling would be the solution and it obviously isn't, although it is a nice cope.

Why being an incel hurts and it's shitty? Because we get no validation.
Yes. You are right. And why is that?

It is a society's job to give you validation. It always has been. A society chooses what it will give validation for and that is what will encourage its members to act in certain ways and not others.

A society that gives validation for looks cannot survive long. Doing so encourages parasitic behaviors that a society cannot withstand in the long run (easy mode for good looks, NEETing for others). No society has ever been as lookist as ours in the past and ours will quickly cease to be so because it will collapse.

That is what being an incel means: you get to see in your own life that something is really wrong with our culture. Otherwise, even though you see that something may not be quite right, you shrug it off. This is what bluepillers do. They do not want to acknowledge the problem. If we were not incels, we would not want to acknowledge it either.

Validation can come in many forms and it's everpresent in our society, we always want to feel validated. Either by our peers, by a spouse, family. You get the point. Now being incel means you lack validation, therefore every action that you take you'll doubt yourself. Not only that but you won't even feel secure even if you choose the right things.
Which means that we have to recreate a source of validation for ourselves from the ground up. That is what most people call "a religion" (in the very broad sense). The west is dying because it has chosen gynolatry and lookism as its religion. A bad choice of religion is what kills societies.

Why being chad/good-looking or even being above-average is better than being incel? Because you don't lack validation, after you get enough of it you can pursue any interest that you want.
If you get too much validation, and for the wrong things, it will make you reckless. Which is what Stacies and Chad are. In their youth, the consequences are not visible yet. Later in life, different story.

And you don't need to feel a little voice in your head that wants you to breed and have sex, you have either option A) Which is to try and fail, thus fucking your self-esteem or B) Not trying and feeling shitty regardless. People make groups and do stuff because they like to belong, and like being validated.
As said above. What you are saying is that we need a religion and a church (the "groups" you mention). There is simply no other way.

I know that you're old and maybe, maybe in some part of yourself you think you prefer being alone and that it has certain perks.
It is not that really. I have just realized that the world was like it is and that I had to adapt.

Well let me tell you that everything you do alone you could've done with a spouse,
No, not today. Living with a spouse is enslavement.

and even if you did less you would feel more accomplished.
Maybe but that would be an illusion, and illusions never last. Sooner or later you hit a concrete wall in the dark at full speed. The most obvious example is when a betabuxxer (by far the majority of males) is divorce-raped in his 40s and has to lived being sucked dry and with no pussy for the rest of his life.

There's nothing "incredible" about life, it's just mother nature. Law of the jungle, that's why we're posting in a obscure forum about how ugly we are and our fucked up circumstances. The world is a cold and shitty place.
Absolutely correct. And that is why we have to adapt. No one is going to help us.

You can observe how much a shit is being an incel that we have a forum, of all things to discuss this shit. Also you can judge how much we "enjoy" life the quality of posts we make, the "camps" we have.
The suffering is undeniable. Nothing valuable comes without it. The reward comes when you understand what it means. What we are in the process of (re-)discovering are the fundamentals of human life. We are first finding out that our current culture is nonsensical and self-destructive and then that life is impossible without a sane worldview. That is what I have called "a religion" above. The blackpill is the beginning of that.

That can be classified as: the lazzies, the egoers or the downers.
Can you clarify what you mean by these categories ?

It's being an incel all that bad for everyone? Of course not, you don't have terminal cancer and some may even have enjoyable lives. Only thing they can't get laid, thus some "enjoyment" can be gotten off of their lives. Thing is, every person gets sex. Money you can get. Genuine attraction you cannot.
What is "genuine attraction"? There lies the rub. Under this seemingly "obvious" phrase lies a whole world of misunderstanding and misguided assumptions.
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Inceldom pressed my brain like a sponge and forced all the bullshit to come out. The process was hard, no doubt, but the calm at the end of it makes it worth it.

There is nothing worse than living on bullshit. Eventually, you always hit a concrete wall at full speed in the dark.

Stacy and Chad appear to be living life "to the fullest" but it is just a smokescreen. They have nothing at the end of the day. Their "hapiness" is mere instagram propaganda.

Take heart, brocels. Our suffering is not in vain.
High IQ. I couldn't agree 100% with this however. There's a lot of people, who put impressing others over their own happiness. You know "if you'll work hard you could be just as successful as me" type of people. They are not successful. They are not happy. They just want external validation, real or fake. Yea they drive BMW, but that's not because they like it or they have cash to burn. They just "can afford it", then they drive their shiny car into chav-infested neighborhood where they eat hot pockets. The only meal they can afford after paying their loan. It applies equally to everything else. Same applies to "influencers" they just project lifestyle they want to have. People who date hot women with horrible personality. Personality is not immediately visible to others, but looks are.

But there are people who actually can afford high-end cars and good real estate. They date hot chicks and enjoy themselves. Theyre orbited by people from first paragraph.

So I don't completely agree, but you do make sense.
High IQ. I couldn't agree 100% with this however. There's a lot of people, who put impressing others over their own happiness. You know "if you'll work hard you could be just as successful as me" type of people. They are not successful. They are not happy. They just want external validation, real or fake. Yea they drive BMW, but that's not because they like it or they have cash to burn. They just "can afford it", then they drive their shiny car into chav-infested neighborhood where they eat hot pockets. The only meal they can afford after paying their loan. It applies equally to everything else. Same applies to "influencers" they just project lifestyle they want to have. People who date hot women with horrible personality. Personality is not immediately visible to others, but looks are.

But there are people who actually can afford high-end cars and good real estate. They date hot chicks and enjoy themselves. Theyre orbited by people from first paragraph.

So I don't completely agree, but you do make sense.
Please read what @lemon21 wrote above and my answer to it. It will clarify some points for you.
cope so huge i had to
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@lemon21 I think @K9Otaku replied to most of the points and I'm mostly of the same mind, but I'll just speak to a few quick things here below..
@JayGoptri @K9Otaku

You both made good points, but you're focusing too much on the "sex" aspect of it.
No, again we are saying the OPPOSITE! Its almost everyone else on the forum .is who is putting "too much focus" on the "sex" aspect of it.

Well let me tell you that everything you do alone you could've done with a spouse, and even if you did less you would feel more accomplished.
Look, trust me, I can imagine it. And I've had sex (escorts). I don't disagree or deny that some part of me wants/desires all kinds of credit from a pretty foid which I obtained and am proud to show off to family /friends/ coworkers, or even just live the quiet simple life with her. But that rarely happens today. Rarely. You know this. How it goes, on and on. And the more than half the people you think are happy are not. They don't even know why they feel how they feel (Think: "Depression")

Moreover - these idea you have of spouses doing everything together is today a "Hollywood pair" delusion. The only thing that resembled that is my parents generation. (Born in early 1950's) In today's world, for anyone whose is not a mindless low IQ cuck, forget it. You won't find that. And if you force it, it leads to misery.
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One more thing to add:

I was just in the United States. I was around mostly old people only, my parents and their neighbours in their nice well-to-do community. Older people of that generation are the only ones who tolerable. In fact, even the younger ones I met are with single or realising they should be single.

I lived most of my life in the States. If you want a relationship today then what you really asking for is an attempt at trying to struggle having said relationship with a completely dead society. It's already dead. It's over. It's just a zombie corpse that looks like a society, but it really isn't one. It's something else, something sinister and rotten to the core. Almost everyone who partakes is either a monster who can afford to be a monster (but this too shall pass for them) or being abused and abusing nearly everyone around them. This is true in other parts of the world for Westernised peoples. It's even becoming this was for some non-western people who are influenced by Western culture, the great positives of which are disappearing, and the negatives aspects are booming.
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I'm 39. Probably much older than you I assume. The word "haters" was being used by all people imitating the rap and black scene in the 90's, and usually used when trying to shut down somebody's reason and logic against a Chad/Stacy behavior. So those who use the word "hater" to describe someone expressing dissent are usually a bunch of inexperienced twats and trying to be "cool".

Same thing hippie baby-boomer faggots did to off set the success of Christianity from their parents generation. They eventually gravitated towards Hindu and eastern philosophy because it was so "narly and cool". Honestly they just created a bunch of confusing mess which eventually led to things like woke politics and feminism type shit.
So you're one of the oldcels here. You are 10 years older than me. Are you KHHV?

I guess "haters" was adopted by wannabe's. Original westcoast rappers like Dre and Eazy E used the term "buster" more. Bit eminem used the term "hater" quite a lot. Definitely predates gen z
So you're one of the oldcels here. You are 10 years older than me.
Are you KHHV?
I guess "haters" was adopted by wannabe's. Original westcoast rappers like Dre and Eazy E used the term "buster" more. Bit eminem used the term "hater" quite a lot. Definitely predates gen z
Who cares though. These guys were/are all part of the rotting flesh of our culture and are a bunch of fucking morons. The point I made you totally skipped. It's about how the term is used in western culture. The way you used it here: Saying "don't be a hater" to K9 or myself for pointing out blackpill-type realities is almost the same as saying "respect women they are so wonderful". Don't be a hater is EXACTLT what normies & Chad/Stacy/Becky would say to us if we tried to express any basic Incel thoughts to them. All of these rapper niggers + Eminem are pathetic. What?...just cause Eminem has a few (fake) scenarios where he pretends to shoot obese trailer park foids he's Based or something?
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GIga copium overdose


Who cares though. These guys were/are all part of the rotting flesh of our culture and are a bunch of fucking morons. The point I made you totally skipped. It's about how the term is used in western culture. The way you used it here: Saying "don't be a hater" to K9 or myself for pointing out blackpill-type realities is almost the same as saying "respect women they are so wonderful". Don't be a hater is EXACTLT what normies & Chad/Stacy/Becky would say to us if we tried to express any basic Incel thoughts to them. All of these rapper niggers + Eminem are pathetic. What?...just cause Eminem has a few (fake) scenarios where he pretends to shoot obese trailer park foids he's Based or something?
How is that the same? NorthernWind was getting shit for saying he felt euphoric because a nurse touched him for a minute. That's not female worship, that's just pointing out the facts that we need bodily affection.

Btw old school west coast gangsta rappers including eminem were/are all great artists imo. I listened it al lot when I was 22 trying to defend myself socially and get some sense of freedom by internalising the emotional spectrum found in gangsta rap
How is that the same? NorthernWind was getting shit for saying he felt euphoric because a nurse touched him for a minute. That's not female worship, that's just pointing out the facts that we need bodily affection.
For Christ sake. I'm talking about if you were calling OP or I a "hater" like a retarded 14 year old niggeress would if you told her she was a useless ghetto bitch. Or told a pretty white foid she's wasting her life if she was doing flash mob dancing. I'm sure most of us Incels agree that flash mob dancing is gay and stupid and we don't want to be around it. If we critisize it they say "oh magurd youza haterrr"

@NorthernWind talking about the euphoric or near orgasm thing was a different part of the convo. And ya it is foid worship. And "getting shit"? Ha! I think you mean OP and I getting shit for just speaking some soft points on embracing Inceldom?

Btw old school west coast gangsta rappers including eminem were/are all great artists imo. I listened it al lot when I was 22 trying to defend myself socially and get some sense of freedom by internalising the emotional spectrum found in gangsta rap
"Great artists". What a bunch of garbage man.. sorry brocel. And it's kind of sad that you seem to like the pop culture that would reject us in a heartbeat. That's a big problem. All this rap adoring of hip hop horseshit normie fag crap.
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For Christ sake. I'm talking about if you were calling OP or I a "hater" like a retarded 14 year old niggeress would if you told her she was a useless ghetto bitch. Or told a pretty white foid she's wasting her life if she was doing flash mob dancing. I'm sure most of us Incels agree that flash mob dancing is gay and stupid and we don't want to be around it. If we critisize it they say "oh magurd youza haterrr"

@NorthernWind talking about the euphoric or near orgasm thing was a different part of the convo. And ya it is foid worship. And "getting shit"? Ha! I think you mean OP and I getting shit for just speaking some soft points on embracing Inceldom?

"Great artists". What a bunch of garbage man.. sorry brocel. And it's kind of sad that you seem to like the pop culture that would reject us in a heartbeat. That's a big problem. All this rap adoring of hip hop horseshit normie fag crap.
Well I don't think what northernwind said was foid worship. If a becky nurse touches me to comfort me, i cannot help it that i feel euphoric. It's just oxytocin and endorphine, it's a physical reaction...

Gangsta rappers were actually pretty blackpilled. Because of their fame they could get girls easily but then realized that girls were not faithful and were typically gold digging. They are hardly considered pop if you look back at the roots of dre, eminem, eazy e, snoop dogg, etc. All rap that followed and is nowadays considered pop like kanye and jay z was all built on their efforts. It used to have roots in funk and combined it with dark feelings of anger and frustration. Because it was a creative outlet they could verbalize those feelings and use it as a means to fight back. Those feelings resonated with me early 20s and I liked the energy that they put into their music. They understood loyality and friendship very well but they were societally rejected, just like incels
That is what being an incel means: you get to see in your own life that something is really wrong with our culture. Otherwise, even though you see that something may not be quite right, you shrug it off. This is what bluepillers do. They do not want to acknowledge the problem. If we were not incels, we would not want to acknowledge it either.
That's all nice and dandy, but i want to be happy. it's like having cancer and knowing why you're dying instead of just ignorance, sure i may know the cause. But there's nothing i can do about it
Which means that we have to recreate a source of validation for ourselves from the ground up. That is what most people call "a religion" (in the very broad sense). The west is dying because it has chosen gynolatry and lookism as its religion. A bad choice of religion is what kills societies.
This is not an easy feat, and it will lead to build ego if others reject your "religion" it may also promote your thoughts and some may not be shared fully with others. But the world is going to a dark place that's for sure.
It is not that really. I have just realized that the world was like it is and that I had to adapt.

No, not today. Living with a spouse is enslavement.
This is not the case for everyone, we tend to take too strong of a focus on the west. Because degeneracy is most apparent there, i live in a 3rd world country and while lookism is undeniable. I see happy couples that do not give 3 fucks about retarded things like Roe v Wade or USA degeneracy in general. It's not like everyone wants to have a partner just for reproduction after all.
Maybe but that would be an illusion, and illusions never last. Sooner or later you hit a concrete wall in the dark at full speed. The most obvious example is when a betabuxxer (by far the majority of males) is divorce-raped in his 40s and has to lived being sucked dry and with no pussy for the rest of his life.
As i said above while a lot of people suffer from that, they're the most vocal ones. We reek of confirmation bias a lot of the time and we tend to ignore the sucess of others and dizz them as outliers, when in reality there are a ton of those cases that get glossed by.
The suffering is undeniable. Nothing valuable comes without it. The reward comes when you understand what it means. What we are in the process of (re-)discovering are the fundamentals of human life. We are first finding out that our current culture is nonsensical and self-destructive and then that life is impossible without a sane worldview. That is what I have called "a religion" above. The blackpill is the beginning of that.
So your answer to our plight is religion? it makes sense i mean, but i'm not too happy with that route to be honest. Maybe you can share some of your insight with me, but i'm not ready as of yet to delve too deep into it.
Can you clarify what you mean by these categories ?
Downers: Basically trolls or just neets who see no porpouse on improving themselves or their chances, and call whatever post that points at those things cucked or just meaningless. They don't really add substance and just like to bring others down.

Egoers: They acknowledged their situation somewhat and know they should strive to do better, but as they lack validation on their journeys they ended up being full of ego in the process. Thus they ended up becoming edgy and are curiously similar to people in the RedPill/MGTOW community, it's not like they don't have a lot of things right. It's just that they express themselves badly and are ignoring the downsides of certain choices, without engaging in discussion.

Lazyes: They know they should strive to do better but don't have the motivatio/discipline/whatever to do so, they feel like maybe they have a chance but are not enterily sure. They also feel like even if they did a ton of work they may end up in the same spot and wasted a lot of time and effort for nothing.

What is "genuine attraction"? There lies the rub. Under this seemingly "obvious" phrase lies a whole world of misunderstanding and misguided assumptions.
Phisical attraction coupled with good chemistry, good chemistry means jack if the girl in question dosn't find you attractive. So a prequisite is that you're somewhat attractive. I meant to say this as something you won't get with a hooker, no matter how good a service she provides. It won't compare to a girlfriend that chooses you.
Look, trust me, I can imagine it. And I've had sex (escorts). I don't disagree or deny that some part of me wants/desires all kinds of credit from a pretty foid which I obtained and am proud to show off to family /friends/ coworkers, or even just live the quiet simple life with her. But that rarely happens today. Rarely. You know this. How it goes, on and on. And the more than half the people you think are happy are not. They don't even know why they feel how they feel (Think: "Depression")
Yes, but then again as there is not really a defined meaning to our life we all will be depressed unless we give it said meaning. Which is easier said than done. So adding up happiness or just acomplishments if you want to call it that, it's better than having nothing.
Moreover - these idea you have of spouses doing everything together is today a "Hollywood pair" delusion. The only thing that resembled that is my parents generation. (Born in early 1950's) In today's world, for anyone whose is not a mindless low IQ cuck, forget it. You won't find that. And if you force it, it leads to misery.
You don't have to be doing everything together, but you can do lots of things together still. It's not like you kill your chances to do other things, it will just only get harder.

One more thing to add:

I was just in the United States. I was around mostly old people only, my parents and their neighbours in their nice well-to-do community. Older people of that generation are the only ones who tolerable. In fact, even the younger ones I met are with single or realising they should be single.

I lived most of my life in the States. If you want a relationship today then what you really asking for is an attempt at trying to struggle having said relationship with a completely dead society. It's already dead. It's over. It's just a zombie corpse that looks like a society, but it really isn't one. It's something else, something sinister and rotten to the core. Almost everyone who partakes is either a monster who can afford to be a monster (but this too shall pass for them) or being abused and abusing nearly everyone around them. This is true in other parts of the world for Westernised peoples. It's even becoming this was for some non-western people who are influenced by Western culture, the great positives of which are disappearing, and the negatives aspects are booming.
USA is cancer, and it's spreading. But not everywhere is like that, or at least that's what i'd like to believe. Maybe in a couple of years i won't even think of having this conversation, but as i've said above i live in 3rd world. And not everyone wants to fuck around with others, there's nice people and there's bad people. But assuming everyone is a bad person is a dangerous thought, sure there are too many rotten people. But we have to scavenge to get to know worthwhile people, at least that's what i've found.

Problem is this takes me to where i was before, sure i can get to know "good people" but i can't get them to be attracted to me, so what to do really? I mean if i had a job i could maybe, tolerate my existance. But i don't know how long that will lasts, and the problem with inceldom lies when you know people and said people are happy with their partners. And there you see the disparity between their life and yours and it starts to hurt, if you don't see that you could live happily without feeling pain.
That's all nice and dandy, but i want to be happy. it's like having cancer and knowing why you're dying instead of just ignorance, sure i may know the cause. But there's nothing i can do about it
Nobody is happy. Saying that one can be happy is one of the of the main lies of Western Culture.

You can have moments of happiness but not "being happy". The reason is that we evolved as great apes (who did not lead happy lives) and are now living in a civilized environment which necessarily counteracts our instincts at every turn. As a result, we are suffering less than great apes (more food, more safety) but we can't be "happy" because we cannot follow our instincts. It is a tradeoff we are willing to accept but happiness is not part of it.

Western cultural propaganda projects the image of good looking people being happy. And of course Chad and Stacy make every effort to look happy on Instagram lest they be called losers (unhappy = loser in our stupid culture). It is all a lie. Nobody is happy. Not even them.

Christianity was much more honest (NB: I am not a Christian). It plainly said that life "in this world" was going to be shitty.

This is not an easy feat, and it will lead to build ego if others reject your "religion" it may also promote your thoughts and some may not be shared fully with others. But the world is going to a dark place that's for sure.
Building a new "religion" is of course not easy. But we have no choice. It is that or the rope.

My take on this effort is that we need to build a kind of Christianity 2.0, without the supernatural baggage. Imo, this is the most likely method to succeed because it builds on something that is proven and worked for a long time.

This is not the case for everyone, we tend to take too strong of a focus on the west. Because degeneracy is most apparent there, i live in a 3rd world country and while lookism is undeniable. I see happy couples that do not give 3 fucks about retarded things like Roe v Wade or USA degeneracy in general. It's not like everyone wants to have a partner just for reproduction after all.
The whole world worships the West and is therefore going down the same path, sooner or later.

I live in India, which is the World Champion of cultural inertia. Yet Western worship is everywhere here.

As i said above while a lot of people suffer from that, they're the most vocal ones. We reek of confirmation bias a lot of the time and we tend to ignore the sucess of others and dizz them as outliers, when in reality there are a ton of those cases that get glossed by.
In non-Western countries you still have a lot of people who follow ancestral customs and are therefore still somewhat protected from Western idiocy. But for how long?

In the West, the rot is far more advanced. Everyone is secretly unhappy while screaming in public that they have a wonderful life. Did you live in a Western country for any length of time?

So your answer to our plight is religion? it makes sense i mean, but i'm not too happy with that route to be honest.
You don't get to choose. Past history proves that it is either religion or suicide (ever read Dostoyevsky?)

Maybe you can share some of your insight with me, but i'm not ready as of yet to delve too deep into it.
My position is that we need religion without supernatural elements. These are obsolete. But the fundamental principles of religion are not.

For more on this, you can read:

Downers: Basically trolls or just neets who see no porpouse on improving themselves or their chances, and call whatever post that points at those things cucked or just meaningless. They don't really add substance and just like to bring others down.

Egoers: They acknowledged their situation somewhat and know they should strive to do better, but as they lack validation on their journeys they ended up being full of ego in the process. Thus they ended up becoming edgy and are curiously similar to people in the RedPill/MGTOW community, it's not like they don't have a lot of things right. It's just that they express themselves badly and are ignoring the downsides of certain choices, without engaging in discussion.

Lazyes: They know they should strive to do better but don't have the motivatio/discipline/whatever to do so, they feel like maybe they have a chance but are not enterily sure. They also feel like even if they did a ton of work they may end up in the same spot and wasted a lot of time and effort for nothing.
Got it. I agree.

Phisical attraction coupled with good chemistry,
That is too shallow an analysis and it falsely assumes that attraction is mostly physical.

In reality most of the attraction that foids feel nowadays for certain males is not physical but religious in nature. They idolize certain males based on the canons of our current Western religion which is a resurgence of Ishtar Worship/God-king Worship (from Mesopotamian times and later). Foids want to be fucked by a God-king. Physical handsomeness plays a part but mostly because it has become a necessary attribute of the God-king as represented in our culture.
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Nobody is happy. Saying that one can be happy is one of the of the main lies of Western Culture.

You can have moments of happiness but not "being happy". The reason is that we evolved as great apes (who did not lead happy lives) and are now living in a civilized environment which necessarily counteracts our instincts at every turn. As a result, we are suffering less than great apes (more food, more safety) but we can't be "happy" because we cannot follow our instincts. It is a tradeoff we are willing to accept but happiness is not part of it.

Western cultural propaganda projects the image of good looking people being happy. And of course Chad and Stacy make every effort to look happy on Instagram lest they be called losers (unhappy = loser in our stupid culture). It is all a lie. Nobody is happy. Not even them.

Christianity was much more honest (NB: I am not a Christian). It plainly said that life "in this world" was going to be shitty.
There are some genuine happy folks out there. Sure some may be unhappy, but that's not all people. You think all people are like dan bilzerian and are faking it, truth is there's some that fake it. And there are some that are just happy, i doubt Leonardo Dicaprio is miserable. Sure he may have some moments of misery, but you cannot say that his misery is the same as a venezuelan kid facing starvation.
The whole world worships the West and is therefore going down the same path, sooner or later.

I live in India, which is the World Champion of cultural inertia. Yet Western worship is everywhere here.
Yeah, sadly that's how it's going to turn out.
In non-Western countries you still have a lot of people who follow ancestral customs and are therefore still somewhat protected from Western idiocy. But for how long?
Not long at all, we're already adopting feminism. And it was bothersome for a while, i hope degeneracy from the west stops somewhere along the line.
In the West, the rot is far more advanced. Everyone is secretly unhappy while screaming in public that they have a wonderful life. Did you live in a Western country for any length of time?
Not really, i lived in the same place all of my life.
You don't get to choose. Past history proves that it is either religion or suicide (ever read Dostoyevsky?)
I didn't, will check it out.
My position is that we need religion without supernatural elements. These are obsolete. But the fundamental principles of religion are not.

For more on this, you can read:
Sure, i'll read it.
That is too shallow an analysis and it falsely assumes that attraction is mostly physical.
Yes, i didn't delve too much into it. Just what i feel is right. Do you want to tell me that there's something other than physical attraction at play? Because i call it bull. Sure Extrovertness and whatever plays a factor, but it's just height/frame/face what attracts women. I didn't ever see a guy who was truly ugly do well with women. Even if i did sometime that's not the norm, women care too much about aesthetics to have any semblance of spiritual thought. That's why i don't even entertain the notion.

In reality most of the attraction that foids feel nowadays for certain males is not physical but religious in nature. They idolize certain males based on the canons of our current Western religion which is a resurgence of Ishtar Worship/God-king Worship (from Mesopotamian times and later). Foids want to be fucked by a God-king. Physical handsomeness plays a part but mostly because it has become a necessary attribute of the God-king as represented in our culture.
If by god-king you mean tall strong and great frame dudes, sure i agree.
If by god-king you mean tall strong and great frame dudes, sure i agree.
No, I mean someone who has the status of a God-King, regardless of his physical appearance.

In the past, foids got wet for kings regardless of their physical attributes.

A man fucks a body, a foid fucks a status. It is a mental (hence religiously manipulable) thing.

Today, the God-king status came back to our culture through the Media. Hence our representation of GKs now includes exceptional handsomeness.

In the past, it was not the case. Physical handsomeness was considered gay and kings (or nobles) were not selected on their looks but on their lineage. Many were not handsome. That is why there was a king called "Philip the Handsome" in the Middle Ages in France. The implication was that the other kings were NOT handsome.
Well I don't think what northernwind said was foid worship. If a becky nurse touches me to comfort me, i cannot help it that i feel euphoric. It's just oxytocin and endorphine, it's a physical reaction...
It was. It is. Physical reactions to foid touching you are part of the picture, the rest is exactly what you're arguing for above "validation" that completes the picture. It's validation you want from foid. Worshipping a foid means to wish for that from a distance so that you can obtain the credit she will bring you. Since you can't worship God (cause we stopped believing in all that mostly) we tend to worship foid.
Gangsta rappers were actually pretty blackpilled. Because of their fame they could get girls easily but then realized that girls were not faithful and were typically gold digging. They are hardly considered pop if you look back at the roots of dre, eminem, eazy e, snoop dogg, etc. All rap that followed and is nowadays considered pop like kanye and jay z was all built on their efforts. It used to have roots in funk and combined it with dark feelings of anger and frustration. Because it was a creative outlet they could verbalize those feelings and use it as a means to fight back. Those feelings resonated with me early 20s and I liked the energy that they put into their music. They understood loyality and friendship very well but they were societally rejected, just like incels
Oh Jesus Krishna Rama Allah Buddha. You killed me. I'm dead.

I don't know how or where to begin to untangle this mess you've come up with here. "Rappers are like blackpilled". Well not really. They are merely vocalising and carrying out the tantalizing idea of being able to bitch slap a hoe when she gets out of line. That's not a good world, it's just the one we want cause things in culture are so bad right now. And since the whole situation has gotten so rotten, we wish we could do that or at least act like the rappers in public towards foid. This is again Chad/Tyrone worship. We want to be able to capture their essence. It's not different than foid worship my friend.

Btw also, from a musical standpoint recreating rap beats and lyrics and acting like that is somewhat easy. Most of these guys are the opposite of "great artists" , maybe with a few exceptions in some areas.
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Yes, but then again as there is not really a defined meaning to our life we all will be depressed unless we give it said meaning. Which is easier said than done. So adding up happiness or just acomplishments if you want to call it that, it's better than having nothing.
Hmm. Maybe. I don't know. I don't think this is "happiness". I think it's fake credit and it wears off fast.
You don't have to be doing everything together, but you can do lots of things together still. It's not like you kill your chances to do other things, it will just only get harder.
Umm. In 1950, yes this is true. In 2022, and with most Incels saying "we want top tier Stacy or at least high level Becky" - hell to the motha fuckin no! You think you can have a balanced lifestyle with one of these younger foids? Never. It won't happen. She will rearrange your life to include whack ass social functions and toss your Xbox (or whatever copes you use) out of the window. Awesome pretty gamer girls who will allow you to have your isolated life + at the same time get the credit and validation you need is just a myth. Especially for us low smv males. This doesn't exist man. Maybe there are like some wayward examples or some really lucky guys out there, but those chances are almost 1 in 10,000 times of trying. And who the hell has that sort of time, money and energy to spend?
USA is cancer, and it's spreading.
Yes. Fast.
But not everywhere is like that, or at least that's what i'd like to believe. Maybe in a couple of years i won't even think of having this conversation, but as i've said above i live in 3rd world. And not everyone wants to fuck around with others, there's nice people and there's bad people. But assuming everyone is a bad person is a dangerous thought, sure there are too many rotten people. But we have to scavenge to get to know worthwhile people, at least that's what i've found.
I mean, they are not bad people in the sense they will rob you if you leave them alone. But if you get involved with them, yes they will hurt you one way or the other. This is in most places. But...

Where are you living again may I ask?
Problem is this takes me to where i was before, sure i can get to know "good people" but i can't get them to be attracted to me, so what to do really?
Live mostly like a hermit. That's all we really can do.
I mean if i had a job i could maybe, tolerate my existance. But i don't know how long that will lasts, and the problem with inceldom lies when you know people and said people are happy with their partners. And there you see the disparity between their life and yours and it starts to hurt, if you don't see that you could live happily without feeling pain.
Yes brocel. I recognise the problem. You are not in any unique situation here in our company. Of course it hurts. It hurt me a lot until I completely resigned myself to that pain. I'm not going to pretend that sometimes it still hurts. Much less now that I'm older but when it does, I just hold and kiss my xanines. If you want to continue living, this is what you have to do. Find a way. The antidote we are speaking of is for the living obviously. You have to make that choice.
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No, I mean someone who has the status of a God-King, regardless of his physical appearance.

In the past, foids got wet for kings regardless of their physical attributes.

Today, the God-king status came back to our culture through the Media. Hence our representation of GKs now includes exceptional handsomeness.

In the past, it was not the case. Physical handsomeness was considered gay and kings (or nobles) were not selected on their looks but on their lineage. Many were not handsome. That is why there was a king called "Philip the Handsome" in the Middle Ages in France. The implication was that the other kings were NOT handsome.
I kinda like that train of thought, makes sense really. But there were numerous affairs even in middle ages times, there was no shortage of queens/concubines cheating on their "god-king" why do you think that was the case?

Status is a nice and strong thing, it may be the true factor of attraction. Because attractiveness grants you status, now. I think status in the eyes of women are a fickle thing. They crave it until they have it, and attraction trumphs over the "veil" of status after a while. That may be why People like jeff bezos or Jhonny Deep get cheated on, even with their incredible status.
Umm. In 1950, yes this is true. In 2022, and with all of or most Incels saying "we want top tier Stacy or at least high level Becky" - hell to the motha fuckin no! You think you can have a balanced lifestyle with one of these younger foids? Never. It won't happen. She will rearrange your life to include whack ass social functions and toss your Xbox out of the window. Awesome pretty gamer girls who will allow you to have your isolated life + at the same time get the credit and validation you need is just a myth. Especially for us. Trust us we know. This doesn't exist man. Maybe there are like some wayward examples or some really lucky guys out there, but those chances are almost 1 in 100,000 times of trying. And who the hell has that sort of time, money and energy to spend?
Sigh, call me a naive fool. I understand this all very well and it pains me to my core. Literally i've thought about this shit countless times, if.. even if some girl gave me a chance there was no way that we would be compatible, like there won't be a place for me and my "personality" I know one of those lucky guys you mentioned, and it's indeed so rare that it's mindblowing.

I have gamer friends and i thought i would eventually find a girl that was into the same shit and we could do fun stuff together but as time continues to pass it gets more and more unrealistic.
I mean, they are not bad people in the sense they will rob you if you leave them alone. But if you get involved with them, yes they will hurt you one way or the other. This is in most places. But...
Do you mean this in the sense that you'll feel negative emotions because of them?
Where are you living again may I ask?
South America
Yes brocel. I recognise the problem. You are not in any unique situation here in our company. Of course it hurts. It hurt me a lot until I completely resigned myself to that pain. If you want to continue living, this is what you have to do. The antidote we are speaking of is for the living obviously. You have to make that choice.
It's kinda hard to relate to a lot of people here tbh, because a lot of people here have completely isolated themselves from society. That's something that i can't nor want to do. And while i had a really hard time making "friends" and to this day i don't really know if i have people i can call confidently my friends. Hell i also think about so many posible scenarios where i could end up all alone.

Point of this is, this has done jack to improve my chances of getting a gf. And a lot of times i face the disdain from them for looking the way i do. So i think it's actually harder to mantain this "facade" that everything is right with you when you talk with other people, when in reality you're a mental wreck.

That's why sometimes i would like to be able to just seclude myself in solitude, but for a lot of factors i can't. Maybe when i get to your age it's gonna be easier to just adapt and that voice in my head will stop telling me to "try" and improve. Im in my mid 20s btw.
I kinda like that train of thought, makes sense really. But there were numerous affairs even in middle ages times, there was no shortage of queens/concubines cheating on their "god-king" why do you think that was the case?
Because the God-King/Ishtar religion is based ultimately on the alpha-male instinct. The alpha male can change.

Status is a nice and strong thing, it may be the true factor of attraction. Because attractiveness grants you status, now. I think status in the eyes of women are a fickle thing.
Ishtar was called: the fickle goddess

They crave it until they have it, and attraction trumphs over the "veil" of status after a while.
Attractiveness is status nowadays

That may be why People like jeff bezos or Jhonny Deep get cheated on, even with their incredible status.
Yes. Handsomeness = god (in our culture) while Money != god
It was. It is. Physical reactions to foid touching you are part of the picture, the rest is exactly what you're arguing for above "validation" that completes the picture. It's validation you want from foid. Worshipping a foid means to wish for that from a distance so that you can obtain the credit she will bring you. Since you can't worship God (cause we stopped believing in all that mostly) we tend to worship foid.

Oh Jesus Krishna Rama Allah Buddha. You killed me. I'm dead.

I don't know how or where to begin to untangle this mess you've come up with here. "Rappers are like blackpilled". Well not really. They are merely vocalising and carrying out the tantalizing idea of being able to bitch slap a hoe when she gets out of line. That's not a good world, it's just the one we want cause things in culture are so bad right now. And since the whole situation has gotten so rotten, we wish we could do that or at least act like the rappers in public towards foid. This is again Chad/Tyrone worship. We want to be able to capture their essence. It's not different than foid worship my friend.

Btw also, from a musical standpoint recreating rap beats and lyrics and acting like that is somewhat easy. Most of these guys are the opposite of "great artists" , maybe with a few exceptions in some areas.
Ofcourse I want validation from a girl. Those are also just biological needs. Saying you don't depend on female love is just as retarded as new wave feminists that endlessly try to prove their independence from guys by painfully climbing the carreer ladder. Psychologically females are very important to us, we want to be loved and share things. Incels spend most of their time obsessing about women, you might call that a form of worship as well
Ofcourse I want validation from a girl. Those are also just biological needs.
Nope NOT a biological need. Please don't say things which you are confused about. It is a Psychological need, yes, not biological.
Saying you don't depend on female love is just as retarded as new wave feminists that endlessly try to prove their independence from guys by painfully climbing the carreer ladder.
You depend on it but are likely never going to get it, and thus reconciling yourself to that fact will reduce the pain. It's the only choice we have.
Psychologically females are very important to us, we want to be loved and share things. Incels spend most of their time obsessing about women, you might call that a form of worship as well
Yes of course it's worship. Especially because nobody believes in God anymore. So you have made "The Women" into God. It's normal to want affection from our mothers. We got some, some of us got more, some of us got less, some got none at all. It's important to want and get credit from females for us, yes, but most of that credit is fake and the validation is too. Know that you know this (and you would likely have figured it out of normie or even Chad sometimes) it will not satisfy you. That's the problem. We have figured it out.
Nope NOT a biological need. Please don't say things which you are confused about. It is a Psychological need, yes, not biological.

You depend on it but are likely never going to get it, and thus reconciling yourself to that fact will reduce the pain. It's the only choice we have.

Yes of course it's worship. Especially because nobody believes in God anymore. So you have made "The Women" into God. It's normal to want affection from our mothers. We got some, some of us got more, some of us got less, some got none at all. It's important to want and get credit from females for us, yes, but most of that credit is fake and the validation is too. Know that you know this (and you would likely have figured it out of normie or even Chad sometimes) it will not satisfy you. That's the problem. We have figured it out.
Are you saying that dopamine and oxytocin release are not biological needs? It boosts your immune system and makes you live longer, of course they are needs.

I still believe in god but I also need girls. God made man and woman for each other, ultimately they need each other. I have been rejected a lot of times and don't have a lot of energy left. A lot of things are fake nowadays. But if i can find a girl that is kind i would be more than satisfied. I dont really need casual sex. If you think those things are worshipping I don't mind being a worshipper.
Sigh, call me a naive fool. I understand this all very well and it pains me to my core. Literally i've thought about this shit countless times, if.. even if some girl gave me a chance there was no way that we would be compatible, like there won't be a place for me and my "personality" I know one of those lucky guys you mentioned, and it's indeed so rare that it's mindblowing.
I'm not trying to make you feel worse, but honestly the reality is even more "over" than this. So if I can help you let it all go, I'll take that chance.

First, even if you do find someone who is "personality compatible" that is just the start. With a failing culture all around us, it EXPONENTIALLY harder to keep it together in this current world. Two people can't exist in someone sort of Hollywood vaccum. A perfect relationship where all the other toxic people don't matter to your super loyal girl love and don't eat away or influence her to make bad decisions and try to force you to also make bad decisions, which will no doubt eat away at you. Basically what most of these young cats here don't realize is that ascending, in most cases, is the START their problems, not the end. Best case scenario you don't get robbed for your small monies in the impending divorce. This is the fate of almost every 3rd modern marriage for normies. And if you do manage to ascend, your not magically going to get Chad privileges or even high tier normie allowances. You'll still be a low smv male and treated like low smv male by everyone round you. You see?
I have gamer friends and i thought i would eventually find a girl that was into the same shit and we could do fun stuff together but as time continues to pass it gets more and more unrealistic.
Yes. I had this realisation back in 2013 or so. Gave up 95% in 2015. Then in late 2017, tried to talk to one more foid and I'm so glad it went to shit in a matter of days. My mental health has improved 10 fold ever since I completely wiped all that effort from my being and all that hellish nonsense from by agenda. And to think all the time wasted instead of focusing purely on work and copes with a free mind, it's agonizing.
Do you mean this in the sense that you'll feel negative emotions because of them?
I mean that to co-operate with them, you will have to bend over backwards and get very little to nothing out of it. Especially if foids are involved in the background. So in a word, yes "negative emotions" is right. Negative everything. Negative bank account too maybe.
South America.
I see. You seem like your from an upper class latin family. Is it considered true Latin America where you're from or generic South America? I'm always confused as to all the categories which can differentiate the two.
It's kinda hard to relate to a lot of people here tbh, because a lot of people here have completely isolated themselves from society. That's something that i can't nor want to do. And while i had a really hard time making "friends" and to this day i don't really know if i have people i can call confidently my friends. Hell i also think about so many posible scenarios where i could end up all alone.
You are relating to some of us here just fine I think. I get what you are saying and it makes sense. Don't be discouraged about that. This is what .is is for. :feelsokman:
Point of this is, this has done jack to improve my chances of getting a gf. And a lot of times i face the disdain from them for looking the way i do. So i think it's actually harder to mantain this "facade" that everything is right with you when you talk with other people, when in reality you're a mental wreck.
Yeah then try telling people you are done with foid and prefer to be alone. There are a few ways to say this without sounding too nasty. People will still see you, but yes it will get less and less over time.
That's why sometimes i would like to be able to just seclude myself in solitude, but for a lot of factors i can't. Maybe when i get to your age it's gonna be easier to just adapt and that voice in my head will stop telling me to "try" and improve. Im in my mid 20s btw.
Yes. It will. And it seems like you are headed in the right direction when you talk like this. If you can maintain financial support and work a little bit and then give up this " try and improve" by way of getting foid, you can work on becoming a healthy hermit. Start thinking that way at your age and you will have more time to be tension free as opposed to realising it letter. I wish I had completely let go of it in my 20's. But there was no .is and noone to tell me what I'm telling you now.
Are you saying that dopamine and oxytocin release are not biological needs? It boosts your immune system and makes you live longer, of course they are needs.
Dude. Stop. You can get all of those releases without foid. I'm doing it.
I still believe in god but I also need girls. God made man and woman for each other, ultimately they need each other. I have been rejected a lot of times and don't have a lot of energy left. A lot of things are fake nowadays. But if i can find a girl that is kind i would be more than satisfied. I dont really need casual sex. If you think those things are worshipping I don't mind being a worshipper.
Just read what @K9Otaku and I are saying to @lemon21. You are in a very different phase and repeating myself is tedious. Sorry.
Dude. Stop. You can get all of those releases without foid. I'm doing it.

Just read what @K9Otaku and I are saying to @lemon21. You are in a very different phase and repeating myself is tedious. Sorry.
I feel like you often want to get the last word
Because the God-King/Ishtar religion is based ultimately on the alpha-male instinct. The alpha male can change.

Ishtar was called: the fickle goddess
I see, this makes a lot of sense.

First, even if you do find someone who is "personality compatible" that is just the start. With a failing culture all around us, it EXPONENTIALLY harder to keep it together in this current world. Two people can't exist in someone sort of Hollywood vaccum. A perfect relationship where all the other toxic people don't matter to your super loyal girl love and don't eat away or influence her to make bad decisions and try to force you to also make bad decisions, which will no doubt eat away at you. Basically what most of these young cats here don't realize is that ascending, in most cases, is the START their problems, not the end. Best case scenario you don't get robbed for your small monies in the impending divorce. This is the fate of almost every 3rd modern marriage for normies. And if you do manage to ascend, your not magically going to get Chad privileges or even high tier normie allowances. You'll still be a low smv male and treated like low smv male by everyone round you. You see?
Yeah. This was also a recurring thought i had, you won't magically become handsome. And whatever girl you manage to get will resent you over time because of your lacking attributes. Even if she dosn't her friends will and thus her in no time. But even then i tend to forget about these things as soon as i've a talk with women. It's a sad thing.

Yes. I had this realisation back in 2013 or so. Gave up 95% in 2015. Then in late 2017, tried to talk to one more foid and I'm so glad it went to shit in a matter of days. My mental health has improved 10 fold ever since I completely wiped all that effort from my being and all that hellish nonsense from by agenda. And to think all the time wasted instead of focusing purely on work and copes with a free mind, it's agonizing.
How many times did you try getting in a relationship? Was there a time when you were almost sucessfull?
I see. You seem like your from an upper class latin family. Is it considered true Latin America where you're from or generic South America? I'm always confused as to all the categories which can differentiate the two.
Yeah i mean, my living conditions are so shit that in some aspects i live worse than poor people. But i won't starve. I think. At least my family has money, but they're very stingy. So inheritance is the way to go, but that's a long road and i don't even know how it will turn out.
Yeah then try telling people you are done with foid and prefer to be alone. There are a few ways to say this without sounding too nasty. People will still see you, but yes it will get less and less over time.
I mean, lots of times friends make fun of me for not talking to girls or whatever. I mean i talk to them, but there was always something off in my interactions with them. It's either they like you or they don't. And i always knew they didn't like me.

Yes. It will. And it seems like you are headed in the right direction when you talk like this. If you can maintain financial support and work a little bit and then give up this " try and improve" by way of getting foid, you can work on becoming a healthy hermit. Start thinking that way at your age and you will have more time to be tension free as opposed to realising it letter. I wish I had completely let go of it in my 20's. But there was no .is and noone to tell me what I'm telling you now.
That's what i hope, tho it's gonna be a long while until these thoughts stop popping in my head. I feel like i've not done enough and i have "hope" which in reality i dont and my mind is full of copium. So i think i need to try a little bit and fail, as to not have any regrets later on.

Thanks for your insight, both of you. You make good points, tho becoming a hermit dosn't seem like an easy road.

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