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Cope let's bathe in the classic types of bluepill propaganda fed to us as vulnerable younglings that hopelessly appeals to our unfulfillable romanticism?



May 20, 2018
For example, this Valentine's Day song which makes it seem so simple... that you can just care about a girl and let them know that, and that will reliably turn out to be a good thing... instead of depressing you at her awkwardness/disgust at your attention, if not reporting you to her designated orbiters / police for intimidation.

They fed us lies, and part of me misses believing in them... and I think a subconscious part of me still does... and I don't want to kill it. It might be the seed of hope that makes life tolerable, even if consciously I reject it as unreliable.
It tastes sweet. People absolutely hate it when you break to them that it's all about looks. They want that sweet delusion and have to constantly bluepill themselves to keep tasting it.
The blue pill is fake news ngl
People absolutely hate it when you break to them that it's all about looks.
It's not ALL about looks, it's just 99% about them. We must strive to ignore all-or-nothing cognitive distortions.

They want that sweet delusion and have to constantly bluepill themselves to keep tasting it.
Even when you are confident it's a delusion, when you can't be 100% sure about anything, some small part of you considers it might be tenable, and it sucks you back in despite it's low odds... Even a 1% chance... or 1% of 1% (0.01%) ... or even less... why does our mind want to gamble emotions at such shitty odds we would never bet money on?
It's not ALL about looks, it's just 99% about them. We must strive to ignore all-or-nothing cognitive distortions.
Looks are the prerequisite. Only after the person tops your minimal looks threshold for attraction and corresponds to your sex and age preferences is romantic love possible.

"It's all about looks" is not the best way to put things indeed, it's more like "looks are the prerequisite for romantic feelings". After they exist, they can be enhanced by words, actions and whatever.

It's not ALL about looks, it's just 99% about them. We must strive to ignore all-or-nothing cognitive distortions.

Even when you are confident it's a delusion, when you can't be 100% sure about anything, some small part of you considers it might be tenable, and it sucks you back in despite it's low odds... Even a 1% chance... or 1% of 1% (0.01%) ... or even less... why does our mind want to gamble emotions at such shitty odds we would never bet money on?
I know how it feels. I've been reading a lot of romantic mangas and doujins and my minds craves that so fucking intensely. I wonder if there is at least one young foid in the world who'd accept me and love me. I'll never be able to approach every single one of them to know.
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Clearly you overlooked the "song which makes it seem" precursor to that statement you quoted.
You're still a bluepiller. Mods do your job and ban these foid-worshipping cucks.
JFL @ posting this on a forum which sole reason d'etre revolves around women denying us sex.
And the mods ALLOW it. This is becoming r/Braincels 2.0: Massively upvoted posts with teenage love and heavy foid-worshipping. This forum sucks.
manipulated at a very young age its over
It’s over if all you got on Valentine’s Day as a kid was candy from randoms in the class because they felt like bringing it for whatever reasons
I think that blue-pill propaganda is basically the way we would like civilised society to work, which is often at odds with the more primitive aspects of human nature.

Stuff like, personality matters more than what genes you were born with, might does not make right and the violent assholes lose, being generous pays off, hard work pays off, etc. . It's all dependent on a highly civilised society being in place, upholding these ideals, and restraining the primitive aspects of human nature that are not conductive to a civilised society.

Instead nowadays we have a combination of high technology and failing civilisation where stuff like greed, lookism, and violence run rampant.
Telling someone that looks aren't that important in the age of Tinder is like telling a cartel member that violence doesn't solve anything.
Romantic love does not exist in this world. I think about people who are divorced. They fell in love and had this great party and swore to be together forever but they break that bond so easily. There is also the roasty issue where they will swear their love to a chad they hardly know as the chadfishers have posted examples here. You see adults just resign to love so easily, but at the same time they swear by it. Possibly real love is something that can only experienced by someone that has never experienced IRL it because it retains its elusive and pure nature?
You're still a bluepiller.
Everyone is a bluepiller to some degree. You can't fully detox that shit out of your system. What's important is that you're aware of it, meaning you've taken the black so you're not COMPLETELY controlled by the remnants of the blue.

Even if you see through the illusions, you probably still remember when you were gullible enough to believe in them, and must be kinda nostalgic about that lost idealism.

It doesn't hurt to show your vulnerabilities bro.

And the mods ALLOW it. This is becoming r/Braincels 2.0: Massively upvoted posts with teenage love and heavy foid-worshipping. This forum sucks.
Foid-worship isn't what this thread is about. Did you even read the OP? It's about lamenting that foids aren't worthy of the worship because they aren't in any way receptive to the universal-love BS they purport to represent.

I think about people who are divorced.
They fell in love and had this great party and swore to be together forever but they break that bond so easily.
Ease is relative, some couples do struggle with the process of divorce, and not all married couples give "forever" oaths. Plus then you have arranged marriages, marriages due to pregnancy, marriages where the love was one-sided and the other was exploitive, etc.

Based on current divorce rates, I really think the whole "handfast for a year and a day as a trial period, then renew your vows if you're still into each other" idea sounds pretty good.

Possibly real love is something that can only experienced by someone that has never experienced IRL
it because it retains its elusive and pure nature?
"Love" hasn't much of a definition anyway, so we can't really go about calling some of it real and some of it non-real.

It's like horniness or hatred, it's a thing which comes in degrees of intensity, not a yes/no dichotomy.

Presumably it means being fixated on a portion of who another person is and wanting to preserve that portion and witness it's continued existence. As opposed to hatred which wants to destroy those portions or avoid them.
Everyone is a bluepiller to some degree. You can't fully detox that shit out of your system. What's important is that you're aware of it, meaning you've taken the black so you're not COMPLETELY controlled by the remnants of the blue.

Even if you see through the illusions, you probably still remember when you were gullible enough to believe in them, and must be kinda nostalgic about that lost idealism.

It doesn't hurt to show your vulnerabilities bro.
"everyone is bluepilled to some degree" = Worshipping foids on an incel forum is okay!
Btw, no, not everyone is bluepilled. Some people are fully blackpilled. Very few but still. Anyway, I hope you get banned from here.
"everyone is bluepilled to some degree" = Worshipping foids on an incel forum is okay!
Please point out where in this thread I am worshipping a foid?

I was lamenting the imaginary ideal of the non-existant foid.

Btw, no, not everyone is bluepilled.
Some people are fully blackpilled.
Very few but still.
Anyway, I hope you get banned from here.
It's impossible to prove anybody is 100% pilled in anything, they're relativistic concepts, and even if your conscious mind is theoretically 100% pilled you would have no guarantees about your subconscious mind, which is what I'm talking about.

The barriers between the conscious and subconscious mind are also not as discrete as we let on, it too is more of a continuum.

Realistically the most you will ever have is 99% blue 1% black or 99% black 1% blue.

Or maybe with some % of red mixed in, I don't know HTF that continuum of color is intended to work.

Nobody can be perfectly oblivious or perfectly knowledgeable. You're just coping/LARPing to pretend otherwise because it makes the world easier to think about.
And the mods ALLOW it. This is becoming r/Braincels 2.0: Massively upvoted posts with teenage love and heavy foid-worshipping. This forum sucks.
You are only making it worse too tbh
Just because you dislike me bashing you for being a fakecel it doesn't mean I make it bad.
I don't know how many people have me on their ignore list but I know you already have like 1 or 2 who publicly said it.
I don't know how many people have me on their ignore list but I know you already have like 1 or 2 who publicly said it.
Ignore lists are gay. The only thing worth ignoring is outright spam which the mods would delete anyway.

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