LY905 said:
same here. now that we're hosting our own site, does this mean no one can take us down?
Dunno, I imagine if there's genuine inciting of violence the company might pull it down to protect themselves from the law, but it's highly likely it'll be taken down for not agreeing with feminists like on reddit.
neverwinxii said:
There was alot fewer image memes when private. Some people made backup subs but there wasn't really much panic AFAIK. I didn't think the fucking admins would actually ban
Neither did we, but because we went private, they used older threads created by fakecels as proof to ban our sub for "inciting violence."
It had nothing to do with the old proof, the reddit admins can read the sub, they could see what was posted there and could have seen there was no inciting of violence going on. They took it down because their precious SJW babies whined really really hard this time.