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Last day of seminar; want to ask a girl out, but I already know it's over



Nov 8, 2017
Today is exam day and the last time our seminar group will meet at uni. There is one girl in the class, around a 5-6/10 so 1-2 points above me on normie scale, so not even Stacie-lite but she is my type and I find her attractive, personally. She is pretty quiet and reserved but whenever she presented, I thought she seemed more mentally competent than the majority of our peers. Haven't spoken to her directly for more than a few words, only know each others' names from the presentations we have to make.

I finish exams fast because if I sit there and anxiously second-guess myself, I always end up thinking that 4/5 answers in multiple choice are correct and it clouds my judgment of the BEST answer, and I structure my written responses quickly because of my experience in my current career and with forums. I'm sitting here studying before the exam, just cementing everything, and then I had a stray thought - "What if I just sit and wait after I finish my last question on the exam and wait for her to finish, no one will notice... And then as we are walking out I ask her how the exam went, and maybe ask her out for coffee?"

Seems like the perfect plan, considering no one would be paying attention if I'm actually writing anything down while they are taking the exam, and asking about an exam we just took if we are walking out together would be very normie talk and isn't some contrived PUA shit. Worst case scenario, she says "no," and I probably never have to see her again, right?

This is how it fucking starts. For those of you who read my recent thread on "Chasing Unicorns," you know that I am a slow learner and I let hope get the best of me and I become an orbiter like a pro, like I was born to be one. Maybe I was, but besides the point. Even after pouring my soul out into that thread, I am sitting here trying to ensure a successful completion of my exam, and suddenly I get swept away on a billowy wind of make-believe and "what if," thinking about some fucking girl I barely know in my class who I think is kinda cute and spend my time plotting how to put myself in a position where I won't sperg out and can shuffle out some small talk. Just fucking LOL at me for thinking I've learned, and internalized the black pill, when hope seems to bring itself to the surface on its own when it's not even relevant or needed.

Just fuck my life, fam. It's over, it's been over, it never began, and I need to accept it.
If she hasn't shown any interest in you before then there is no way she's going to go out with you.
If you don't know her very well asling her out isn't a good idea. If she liked you she would have fucked you by now. Girls have no inhib and will fuck with anyone they like.
I say go for it, like you said worse case scenario she says no and you never see her again.
Crustaciouse said:
If she hasn't shown any interest in you before then there is no way she's going to go out with you.
Anon said:
If you don't know her very well asling her out isn't a good idea. If she liked you she would have fucked you by now. Girls have no inhib and will fuck with anyone they like.
Conceptually, I know you are both right. There are no Chads in this seminar (only like 20 people in it total and only 5 males including myself lol, in fact I think that I might actually not be the ugliest in this group because STEM branch), so maybe it's because there was no one for her to show interest in or because she has Chad back home, but she truly seems like a high-inhib person like me. Barely speaks, never raises hand but knows the answers when called upon, generally looking down/has that honest "shy" girl vibe, etc. I know it's all an illusion, but the brain picks up on these non-factors and bundles them together in little lie packages with cute little bows that I think about randomly and the thoughts combine with desires and it turns into a new, fully autonomic self-delusion.

Fuck my brain, fuck my life.
blickpall said:
Conceptually, I know you are both right. There are no Chads in this seminar (only like 20 people in it total and only 5 males including myself lol, in fact I think that I might actually not be the ugliest in this group because STEM branch), so maybe it's because there was no one for her to show interest in or because she has Chad back home, but she truly seems like a high-inhib person like me. Barely speaks, never raises hand but knows the answers when called upon, generally looking down/has that honest "shy" girl vibe, etc. I know it's all an illusion, but the brain picks up on these non-factors and bundles them together in little lie packages with cute little bows that I think about randomly and the thoughts combine with desires and it turns into a new, fully autonomic self-delusion.

Fuck my brain, fuck my life.
Don't be fooled, shy girls are the ultimate trap, they make you think you have a chance but they really want the same thing as the other girls, a chad.
Harvey_Weinstein_Hero said:
I say go for it, like you said worse case scenario she says no and you never see her again.
Urgh... I could in theory but I know I'll probably spill all my spaghetti over my inhibition wall if I even try, and if I try to psych myself up for it I will be distracted during the exam. ad;fdsfkgjsfljkgskfgsfkgsfg

Crustaciouse said:
Don't be fooled, shy girls are the ultimate trap, they make you think you have a chance but they really want the same thing as the other girls, a chad.
Truth, brother.

nausea said:
I'm sorry.
Just ask for her #...

Atleast the girls you orbit are beautiful creaturrs, I can see how one could be pulled into thier gravitational field. It's up to you not to be pulled intothe "friend zone"

Decide what you want from them and what you can give them in return. If you don't get "A" they don't get "B" Easy peasy..
Good luck brother. The pursuit of females are complex. Just prepare for the wort. I was in the exact same situation as you, she was quiet, shy, average at best, but I was grateful for anything, and we even became friends. It ended in a disaster because of her damn selfishness and lack of empathy. You can give them the world, but they shit all over you in the end, if you're not Chad or Tyrone. Just don't be deluded brother.
blickpall said:
Conceptually, I know you are both right. There are no Chads in this seminar (only like 20 people in it total and only 5 males including myself lol, in fact I think that I might actually not be the ugliest in this group because STEM branch), so maybe it's because there was no one for her to show interest in or because she has Chad back home, but she truly seems like a high-inhib person like me. Barely speaks, never raises hand but knows the answers when called upon, generally looking down/has that honest "shy" girl vibe, etc. I know it's all an illusion, but the brain picks up on these non-factors and bundles them together in little lie packages with cute little bows that I think about randomly and the thoughts combine with desires and it turns into a new, fully autonomic self-delusion.

Fuck my brain, fuck my life.

She is high inhib because she doesn't like you guys. Girls hate their lives when they have to attend classes with ugly men. I have been there. I have know girls like that. Thye are the pickiest and most entitled cunts of them all.

My advice. Talk to her and get rejected. If you don't you will just wind up in these what if scenarios.
Go for it. If you're successful it might inspire others. I have tons of those what if scenarios
Incel801 said:
Just ask for her #...
Atleast the girls you orbit are beautiful creaturrs, I can see how one could be pulled into thier gravitational field. It's up to you not to be pulled intothe "friend zone"
Decide what you want from them and what you can give them in return. If you don't get "A" they don't get "B" Easy peasy..
Good advice. Need to set boundaries. Haven't had time to read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" but I imagine it covers that.

soulcell said:
Good luck brother. The pursuit of females are complex. Just prepare for the wort. I was in the exact same situation as you, she was quiet, shy, average at best, but I was grateful for anything, and we even became friends. It ended in a disaster because of her damn selfishness and lack of empathy. You can give them the world, but they shit all over you in the end, if you're not Chad or Tyrone. Just don't be deluded brother.
It's so hard not to be, to be honest. I feel like I have a relatively tenuous grasp on reality, who I am, etc. as it is, so being delusional is like a natural consequence. When you have no internal monologue, you don't know if you think of if you're just an input-output machine. When I start up that internal monologue to try to sort through situations like this, it is a constant internal battle, an argument in which I am always losing to myself because I only get more confused about everything. Logical deduction, logical counter-argument, logical counter-counter-argument, ad infinitum.

Anon said:
She is high inhib because she doesn't like you guys. Girls hate their lives when they have to attend classes with ugly men. I have been there. I have know girls like that. Thye are the pickiest and most entitled cunts of them all.

My advice. Talk to her and get rejected. If you don't you will just wind up in these what if scenarios.
Wow, this makes a lot of sense to me.

I'm still not sure if I will, I am getting confused internally. If I talk to her and she rejects me, then everything is as expected. If I talk to her and she agrees to go out for coffee/give me her number, I know that it most likely doesn't mean anything because of my previous experiences, but I will probably feel validated and that's how the mind control starts. It feels like I have nothing to lose but I can't win either. Fuck everything.

acidburn10 said:
Go for it. If you're successful it might inspire others. I have tons of those what if scenarios
This is also a good thought, thank you for bringing it up. I'm 3-4/10 with some deformities (crooked nose, huge ears) and some subpar traits (bloat/skinnyfat, babyface, shitty hair makes me look like a bum). I should treat this as an experiment of sorts, if not just for me then for science in general. I could mentally log every one of her reactions, her intonations, so on and so forth, and then report back. Hm.
blickpall said:
Good advice. Need to set boundaries. Haven't had time to read "No More Mr. Nice Guy" but I imagine it covers that.

It's so hard not to be, to be honest. I feel like I have a relatively tenuous grasp on reality, who I am, etc. as it is, so being delusional is like a natural consequence. When you have no internal monologue, you don't know if you think of if you're just an input-output machine. When I start up that internal monologue to try to sort through situations like this, it is a constant internal battle, an argument in which I am always losing to myself because I only get more confused about everything. Logical deduction, logical counter-argument, logical counter-counter-argument, ad infinitum.

Wow, this makes a lot of sense to me.

I'm still not sure if I will, I am getting confused internally. If I talk to her and she rejects me, then everything is as expected. If I talk to her and she agrees to go out for coffee/give me her number, I know that it most likely doesn't mean anything because of my previous experiences, but I will probably feel validated and that's how the mind control starts. It feels like I have nothing to lose but I can't win either. Fuck everything.

Listen, I fyou don't make a move you will think about it for the rest of your life and that is not healthy. If she rejectes you, it's going to hurt but remember how hopeless it is anyway and you will feel much better.

If she says yes, then mak a move on the first date that way you make your intentions clear so you don't have to worry about being mind controlled.
acidburn10 said:
Go for it. If you're successful it might inspire others. I have tons of those what if scenarios
Anon said:
Listen, I fyou don't make a move you will think about it for the rest of your life and that is not healthy. If she rejectes you, it's going to hurt but remember how hopeless it is anyway and you will feel much better.

If she says yes, then mak a move on the first date that way you make your intentions clear so you don't have to worry about being mind controlled.
Word. I'm off to the exam. I'm still uncertain about all of this, because since I'm more accepting than before that it was over before it began, I don't think I'll hold on to "what if" for all that long. This isn't some major one-itis I've been nurturing, and I haven't been orbiting either. However, that also means that this is the ideal situation for me to attempt something of this nature, considering my high inhib otherwise, I guess.

I'll report back regardless of which way I decide to go in the moment.
blickpall said:
Word. I'm off to the exam. I'm still uncertain about all of this, because since I'm more accepting than before that it was over before it began, I don't think I'll hold on to "what if" for all that long. This isn't some major one-itis I've been nurturing, and I haven't been orbiting either. However, that also means that this is the ideal situation for me to attempt something of this nature, considering my high inhib otherwise, I guess.

I'll report back regardless of which way I decide to go in the moment.

You don't choose if you will hold on to the what if scenarios. It just happens.
take your chances while you can, and never look back. do anything you must to escape this purgatory of pain
So I got cockblocked (to be fair is that even an appropriate term for incels? Rejectionblocked?) by the dumbest motherfucker in the seminar.

I finish the exam, review the questions I wasn't sure about twice, then sit for about 10 minutes listlessly flipping through the pages, making the occasional glance her way to see what she was doing, feeling like a predator, an aspie predator, the whole time and trying to shove all the spaghetti deep into my pockets. I see her close up her exam so I start putting away my pen and etc. She puts on her scarf but leaves her bag and jacket so I calculate that if I put my shit on now, I can drop the test off at the professor's desk right after her and she goes to grab her stuff, we will walk in tandem out the door.

BTW I tried to do a mini looksmax before walking out the door to the exam. Nice clothes, put some lotion on my dry skin, eye drops to wash out the sleep deprivation, a light amount of cologne instead of just deoderant, etc. Just lol @ me.

Anyway I get up to the professor right behind her but almost simultaneously this dumb ethnic piece of shit wanna-be thug walks up to the other side of the table ignoring the line. Classic. Professor takes her exam, shakes her hand and tells her it was a pleasure as he has been with everyone else, then turns to Jorge Retardo instead of taking my exam. Retardo obviously is asking some question about the exam, and it's clear that he is trying to squirrel some information from the prof because he doesn't know shit about the content of the question. 15 seconds pass, I hear her packing up her shit. Retardo still mumbling and making it obvious that this is the first time he has even seen the term in the question. 15 more seconds pass, I hear the door open and close, and I know she's gone. Retardo finally gives up on his dimwitted attempt at escaping what I'm sure is a failing grade for the exam. At least I got the satisfaction of the prof telling him "I know what this term means. The answer is there. Sit down and find it, or guess." and seeing Retardo's mouthbreathing  expression go grim. I shake hands with prof and walk out the door and she is obviously nowhere to be seen.

Just fucking lol @ me scheming and calculating timings like I'm @Sparky then getting foiled by a moronic wanksta who is going to drop out in a week. Just lol @ me chasing. I'm more mad at myself than anything. As I was sipping my coffee by the bus stop a few minutes ago I debated looking her up on Facebook, but to do what exactly? Just fucking lol @ even thinking about being a creeper and messaging a girl I barely know and talked to like twice in monosyllabic thirty second interactions. I'm so fucking stupid. Black pill, take me, I'm sorry for being a cuck and running astray once more.
And what do I automatically do once I post and proofread the above? Go on Facebook and find her in 2 seconds flat. Check relationship status and public posts to determine if she is single and of course she has nnormie memes on her page about her single life (see attached) as well as photos of her looking 1-2 points better than IRL to add salt to the wounds.


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I am such a pathetic piece of shit. I can't even give up properly. Should I give up on giving up and just accept I'll be a beta cuck for the rest of my life?


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blickpall said:
And what do I automatically do once I post and proofread the above? Go on Facebook and find her in 2 seconds flat. Check relationship status and public posts to determine if she is single and of course she has nnormie memes on her page about her single life (see attached) as well as photos of her looking 1-2 points better than IRL to add salt to the wounds.

Fuck bro. That is messed up, is there any other way you can meet up with her in real life. Like do you see her outside that class anywhere else?
soulcell said:
Fuck bro. That is messed up, is there any other way you can meet up with her in real life. Like do you see her outside that class anywhere else?

Absolutely zero chance. She is not from my specialty and this course was actually administered by a different subschool in the same university, and I don't know if she is in this subschool or if she like me belongs to a different school altogether. Never saw her once anywhere else all semester. It's over before it even began.
blickpall said:
Absolutely zero chance. She is not from my specialty and this course was actually administered by a different subschool in the same university, and I don't know if she is in this subschool or if she like me belongs to a different school altogether. Never saw her once anywhere else all semester. It's over before it even began.

This sounds desperate as fuck, but I'd go ahead and add her on FB if possible. And talk to her online, which is much easier than real life sometimes. It might sound creepy but it's the only thing left.you guys at least know each other, so it could be creepier to her if you were unknown.
add her on facebook in 2 days. Then shoot your shot. You have NOTHING to lose brother!

I'm in the same situation except I actually have her number from previous group work.
just ask her out on facebook instagramm snapchat or w/e u have, u dont need exam as an excuse to talk to her, thats beta as fuck brother

if u want to do it, go ahead, its good for personal development
Seems like a reasonable plan. Back when I was in university I did much worse schemes so that I could "run into" girls.

Just don't pussy out when it comes to the crucial moment.
soulcell said:
This sounds desperate as fuck, but I'd go ahead and add her on FB if possible. And talk to her online, which is much easier than real life sometimes. It might sound creepy but it's the only thing left.you guys at least know each other, so it could be creepier to her if you were unknown.
IronMike said:
add her on facebook in 2 days. Then shoot your shot. You have NOTHING to lose brother!
dr-problematic said:
just ask her out on facebook instagramm snapchat or w/e u have, u dont need exam as an excuse to talk to her, thats beta as fuck brother

if u want to do it, go ahead, its good for personal development

Thanks for the support and encouragement guys. I will suck it up and do it on Friday after exams. I'll post an update here after that. You guys are right that I don't really have anything left to lose. She can't report me for sexual harassment from just sending a Facebook message.

IronMike said:
I'm in the same situation except I actually have her number from previous group work.

Best of luck to you brother.
Ok I read your update and I have a few remarks:

I did similar schemes when I was in university so that I could "run into" girls and ask them out. It's called strategy and I think you had a good plan. BUT I also know that the hardest part is not actually the scheme, rather actually going through with it the whole way.

What happened here was that you were scared and deep down you were relieved you didn't have to ask her out, you can conveniently blame it on the other guy, but if it hadn't been the guy it would have been something else. If you really really were ready to do that shit you would have interrupted him, handed in your exam and head out the door with her.

Don't take this as bad criticism, I know all this because I went through a few similar situations myself. I'd say keep doing stuff like this and next time actually swallow the fear and go through with it.
normiesgunnurm said:
Ok I read your update and I have a few remarks:

I did similar schemes when I was in university so that I could "run into" girls and ask them out. It's called strategy and I think you had a good plan. BUT I also know that the hardest part is not actually the scheme, rather actually going through with it the whole way.

What happened here was that you were scared and deep down you were relieved you didn't have to ask her out, you can conveniently blame it on the other guy, but if it hadn't been the  guy it would have been something else. If you really really were ready to do that shit you would have interrupted him, handed in your exam and head out the door with her.

Don't take this as bad criticism, I know all this because I went through a few similar situations myself. I'd say keep doing stuff like this and next time actually swallow the fear and go through with it.

While in general I definitely agree with you that I have pussies out and found things to blame in the past, in this case I really couldn't bring myself to be so rude as to drop my exam on the table and not give the professor a handshake and a farewell. Especially considering my research paper hasn't been graded yet lol.

I was already committed to it by the time I sat in class and waited for 10 minutes. If I wanted an excuse, I could have chosen a much more convenient one that would have wasted less of my time. But as I said above, I know I am prone to such pussyfooting so I will take your words to heart and be more diligent in the future.
Waaaaaaait. How will I explain that I found her on Facebook?

I found her last name on the attendance sheet FML.
Just do it. There's a 5% chance it'll completely transform your life and a 95% chance it'll make your day slightly worse. Those odds are worth it IMO.
I wanna encourage you to ask since you encouraged me not to hate math, but idk. personally I only asked out one girl and it didn't go so well. but hey you only live once bro. better to ask now and remove the doubt, then let the opportunity slip and regret it forever.
just do it man ive approached 800+ girls

blickpall said:
Waaaaaaait. How will I explain that I found her on Facebook?

I found her last name on the attendance sheet FML.

just say freind suggestions
The only reason I'd be apprehensive is because I know I have no idea how to act or what to say once I approach, just lol at high inhibcels. Adding her on social media is not strange at all. She won't wonder how you found her, if anything she will be like "aww he leiks me teehee." I know a Chad that would do it, call them cute, he said it usually works for him
Framecel222 said:
Just do it. There's a 5% chance it'll completely transform your life and a 95% chance it'll make your day slightly worse. Those odds are worth it IMO.

Can't argue with that.

niggercel said:
I wanna encourage you to ask since you encouraged me not to hate math, but idk. personally I only asked out one girl and it didn't go so well. but hey you only live once bro. better to ask now and remove the doubt, then let the opportunity slip and regret it forever.

I'm glad to hear that I helped you get over your math hate, but I'm sorry to hear that you have had a bad experience doing this. Worst case scenario, I'll be with you in the same boat so you can know you're not alone haha.

blackpilledhero said:
just do it man ive approached 800+ girls

Pretty sure I've authentically approached close to 0. Definitely less than 5 in my 28 years. I wish I was as low inhib as you.

blackpilledhero said:
just say freind suggestions

We have 0 mutual friends TT_TT But I guess I'm hoping she won't ask. I was considering adding some of her friends first, but I'm thinking that this is one of those things that when Chad does it, it's adorable but when I do it, it's extra creepy. Ugh. I need to stop scheming and just do it I think. I'll sleep on it.

Indari said:
The only reason I'd be apprehensive is because I know I have no idea how to act or what to say once I approach, just lol at high inhibcels. Adding her on social media is not strange at all. I know a Chad that would do it, call them cute, he said it usually works for him

True. Didn't think that far. On a scale of 1 to super lame, how lame would it be if I tried to talk about the exam. Just FML. Should I just say "Hi, let's grab coffee?" Fuck. Because I never approach, I never learned. All PUA theory I read in my retarded younger years feels so douchey, lame, dated, and pointless too.

Also damn, wish I was Chad.
Uhhh I also don't have any photos of me on Facebook. I should set my profile picture to be me, right?

God I feel like such an autist rofl. Never used Facebook to try to pick up girls.
Good idea to post some pics. Just have photos, where you actually look like your normie, and have important things to do. Also take a pic of you in a business suit and a pic or two with your friends (just to make it look like you have a social life).

As for her questioning on how you find her last name, which you maybe panicking, or feeling creepy about. Just say that you have good memory and in that way you could turn that weakness into your strength (plus so she could think that your smart and above the norm), when you chat to her on fb.

Are you going to see her next time? Or have you finished your PhD?
idkwattodowithlife said:
Good idea to post some pics. Just have photos, where you actually look like your normie, and have important things to do. Also take a pic of you in a business suit and a pic or two with your friends (just to make it look like you have a social life).

Are you going to see her next time? Or have you finished your PhD?

Wouldn't it be mad suspicious that all of my photos are posted in the last day or two? I uploaded just one for a profile picture. It is the least shitty one of myself that I have, taken two years ago but I still look the same so what's the difference. I'm wearing a dress shirt and I have a raccoon in it so that's as win as it can get for me.

There is no next time, seminar is over. I'm not even close to getting my degree tbh, I started this year in grad in the Spring.
blickpall said:
Wouldn't it be mad suspicious that all of my photos are posted in the last day or two? I uploaded just one for a profile picture. It is the least shitty one of myself that I have, taken two years ago but I still look the same so what's the difference. I'm wearing a dress shirt and I have a raccoon in it so that's as win as it can get for me.

There is no next time, seminar is over. I'm not even close to getting my degree tbh, I started this year in grad in the Spring.
Doesn't facebook have an option, where you could use your timeline, as to when you took the picture? It may have changed, since I deleted fb 4 years ago.

You could actually google on how to do that and if people ask, just say that you've made it private to yourself. I think you could actually adjust the time and dates, when you've taken those pictures.

Hopefully, you have the chance to see her again, but well you're going to ask her out on fb anyways. So its a 50-50 suicide mission for you now and I'm not sure, if seeing her again would matter so much to you, especially if she chose to reject you back on fb.
Lol how old are you? I used to do and think shit like that but after some rejects something inside me died and I lost any motivation and hope to ever get near a girl. I don't see the point of a relationship as an ugly male, even if the girl "likes" me I woudln't like to be in a relationship where the girl doesn't feel genuine physical lust and admiration towards me. That means if I don't draw her attention since the first moment we met I don't see the point of trying anyihing
idkwattodowithlife said:
Doesn't facebook have an option, where you could use your timeline, as to when you took the picture? It may have changed, since I deleted fb 4 years ago.

You could actually google on how to do that and if people ask, just say that you've made it private to yourself. I think you could actually adjust the time and dates, when you've taken those pictures.

Hopefully, you have the chance to see her again, but well you're going to ask her out on fb anyways. So its a 50-50 suicide mission for you now and I'm not sure, if seeing her again would matter so much to you, especially if she chose to reject you back on fb.

I tried but I can't change the time when I set my profile picture. Oh well, all the more reason to send her a request tomorrow. And yea, here goes nothing haha.

kodoku said:
Lol how old are you? I used to do and think shit like that but after some rejects something inside me died and I lost any motivation and hope to ever get near a girl. I don't see the point of a relationship as an ugly male, even if the girl "likes" me I woudln't like to be in a relationship where the girl doesn't feel  genuine physical lust and admiration towards me. That means if I don't draw her attention since the first moment we met I don't see the point of trying anyihing

I'm 28 and feel horribly out of touch with social media, to be honest. I only use it to find events and stay in touch with very close friends over messenger. I fully relate to what you're saying and I agree that me being unattractive not only lowers my chances but also lowers my chances of getting genuine validation, but despite failing so many times to go from being a longtime orbiter to a boyfriend, hope still bubbles from some deep cavity within me once in a while, and in this case I really feel like I don't have anything to lose, even if it's pointless. Thank you for the added perspective, though.
No one ever goes from orbiter to boyfriend..that's just fantasy
Incel801 said:
No one ever goes from orbiter to boyfriend..that's just fantasy

That's sort of my point, that despite failing to do so over and over (and thus I should have realized that it was impossible after at least the second, third... or fourth... or fifth... time), I still have hope somewhere deep inside me which sneaks up on me despite everything I logically know to be true about my lot in life.
I am really sorry for what happened. But you got B A L L S my dude. I could never approach a girl let alone think about doing it. Atleast you tried to do something. Cheers.
blickpall said:
That's sort of my point, that despite failing to do so over and over (and thus I should have realized that it was impossible after at least the second, third... or fourth... or fifth... time), I still have hope somewhere deep inside me which sneaks up on me despite everything I logically know to be true about my lot in life.

Whatever happens add her anyways, you don't want to regret it homie. I've only asked out 1 person and it was that girl I mentioned, so you have more experience than me.
vancha986 said:
I am really sorry for what happened. But you got B A L L S my dude. I could never approach a girl let alone think about doing it. Atleast you tried to do something. Cheers.
Hahaha, thank you for the praise but my balls are nothing compared to many of the guys here, like the one in this thread who approached 800+? times. I haven't even added her yet but hell, it's coming up.

soulcell said:
Whatever happens add her anyways, you don't want to regret it homie. I've only asked out 1 person and it was that girl I mentioned, so you have more experience than me.

I'm gonna. You guys got me pumped up. Thank you. You can do it too.

EDIT: When hope arises, so does the fucking blue pill. Disgusting, the things going through my head right now. Fucking pathetic. djfglskjgfskjg
You're 28 and still never asked a girl out?

IT'S OVER BOYO, LDAR. Even if she said yes, you can't make up for your stunted emotional development that comes from more than a decade of getting nowhere with the opposite sex.
itsOVER said:
You're 28 and still never asked a girl out?

IT'S OVER BOYO, LDAR. Even if she said yes, you can't make up for your stunted emotional development that comes from more than a decade of getting nowhere with the opposite sex.

Damn. Username checks out.
Prob hard to do, but I would try to be actually be friends with some of these women so you can see what the difference is btw friend zone and actuall romantic interest.

In my case I always saw signs of Interest where there wasn't any because I had not ever seen those REAL signs pointed at me. What changed my Outlook and was a source of my eventual blackpill was watching women "friends" I had show romantic interest in guys and comparing how they treated other men in "friend zone", meanwhile I was just her "bestie" so she didn't hide any of this behaivor around me.

Women are VERY good at making guys think they have a chance, I think this is instinctual recource gathering behaivor. Our cave man brothers were going through the same shit 20000 years ago. The difference in thier behaivior is very very subtle, but unmistakable. Friend zone is what can this guy to for me, fuckzone is what can I do for this guy..
itsOVER said:
You're 28 and still never asked a girl out?

IT'S OVER BOYO, LDAR. Even if she said yes, you can't make up for your stunted emotional development that comes from more than a decade of getting nowhere with the opposite sex.

u r speakin like u rnt in same bout, or r u

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