Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

LDAR LARP as your favorite/least favorite type of incels.me user

Ethincels are volcel
I'm whitecel and I only get 100 noodle whore matches and no stacys 10/10
Ethnics Just run big cock game my dick is only 6 inches small.
Bro mentalcels are truecels
Misogyny is cope. Face it bro, woman don't like us because we're bottom of the barrel scum and our ugliness is merely a moiety of an all-encompassing wretchedness. It's their natural...right to...fucking...have the...sexing with...hot guys. I am a literal...garbage human and I am not...entitled...to women's bodies. Maybe if I spent more time working on mYSELF I WOULDNT IDENTIFU AS INCEL I MEAN IT IS LIKE LITERALLY FUCKING DISGUSTIBG HOW UGGOS MAKE WOMEN FEEL UNCONFORTABLE AND AFRAID GOR THEIR LIVES RELEVANT XKCD RELEVANT MARGARET ATWOOD MEN ARE AFRSAID WOMEN LAUGH WOMAN AFRAID MAN KILL RELEVANT SAMANTHA BEE RELEVANT HILLARY CLINTON HOW MANY TIMES DOES IT NEED TO BE SAID RAPE CULTURE APOLOGIA GASLIGHTING TOXOC MASCULINITY YOU ARE SO FRAGILE SO FRAGILE SO FRSFILE SI FRDGILR
heroinfathers biggest shame: blowing up the twin towers while simultaneously getting rejected by a foid because i have <insert made up mentalcel disease>
*makes a thread* Why Incel is not just about your slay count.. it is about the universe!!!! the way of life for an incel is to <insert retarded way someone can ruin your day>

let me know if you can guess any of the two i made so far
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im an elbowcel
Ethincels are volcel
I'm whitecel and I only get 100 noodle whore matches and no stacys 10/10
Ethnics Just run big cock game my dick is only 6 inches small.
Bro mentalcels are truecels
Misogyny is cope. Face it bro, woman don't like us because we're bottom of the barrel scum and our ugliness is merely a moiety of an all-encompassing wretchedness. It's their natural...right to...fucking...have the...sexing with...hot guys. I am a literal...garbage human and I am not...entitled...to women's bodies. Maybe if I spent more time working on mYSELF I WOULDNT IDENTIFU AS INCEL I MEAN IT IS LIKE LITERALLY FUCKING DISGUSTIBG HOW UGGOS MAKE WOMEN FEEL UNCONFORTABLE AND AFRAID GOR THEIR LIVES RELEVANT XKCD RELEVANT MARGARET ATWOOD MEN ARE AFRSAID WOMEN LAUGH WOMAN AFRAID MAN KILL RELEVANT SAMANTHA BEE RELEVANT HILLARY CLINTON HOW MANY TIMES DOES IT NEED TO BE SAID RAPE CULTURE APOLOGIA GASLIGHTING TOXOC MASCULINITY YOU ARE SO FRAGILE SO FRAGILE SO FRSFILE SI FRDGILR
heroinfathers biggest shame: blowing up the twin towers while simultaneously getting rejected by a foid because i have <insert made up mentalcel disease>
*makes a thread* Why Incel is not just about your slay count.. it is about the universe!!!! the way of life for an incel is to <insert retarded way someone can ruin your day>

let me know if you can guess any of the two i made so far
Being white should be against the rules, if you are white youre literally wasting your life here
Misogyny is cope. Face it bro, woman don't like us because we're bottom of the barrel scum and our ugliness is merely a moiety of an all-encompassing wretchedness. It's their natural...right to...fucking...have the...sexing with...hot guys. I am a literal...garbage human and I am not...entitled...to women's bodies. Maybe if I spent more time working on mYSELF I WOULDNT IDENTIFU AS INCEL I MEAN IT IS LIKE LITERALLY FUCKING DISGUSTIBG HOW UGGOS MAKE WOMEN FEEL UNCONFORTABLE AND AFRAID GOR THEIR LIVES RELEVANT XKCD RELEVANT MARGARET ATWOOD MEN ARE AFRSAID WOMEN LAUGH WOMAN AFRAID MAN KILL RELEVANT SAMANTHA BEE RELEVANT HILLARY CLINTON HOW MANY TIMES DOES IT NEED TO BE SAID RAPE CULTURE APOLOGIA GASLIGHTING TOXOC MASCULINITY YOU ARE SO FRAGILE SO FRAGILE SO FRSFILE SI FRDGILR

Cope. Not only is Chad good-looking, he has >140 IQ, large, sinewy muscles without going to the gym, and a universal genius rivalling the combined powers of Goethe, Homer, and Dante. I can't think of any examples right now, but the thought of Chad gives me tingles.
Cope. Not only is Chad good-looking, he has >140 IQ, large, sinewy muscles without going to the gym, and a universal genius rivalling the combined powers of Goethe, Homer, and Dante. I can't think of any examples right now, but the thought of Chad gives me tingles.
Chad is white
Cope. Not only is Chad good-looking, he has >140 IQ, large, sinewy muscles without going to the gym, and a universal genius rivalling the combined powers of Goethe, Homer, and Dante. I can't think of any examples right now, but the thought of Chad gives me tingles.

Cope. Real incels don't hate women, only edgy fakecel teens who don't have the nuts to text their stable of willing girls back. Don't you know that rape is horrific? It's enough that our patriarchal society is blind to the struggles of women, but even here at incels.is this toxic mentality persists. Hasn't anyone thought of the women? Why are our problems so important?
Chad is white

White is Chad. JFL at thinking white Stacies are going to blow you in the streets and ignoring all the 5/10 gooks sliding their hands down the front of your pants.
White is Chad. JFL at thinking white Stacies are going to blow you in the streets and ignoring all the 5/10 gooks sliding their hands down the front of your pants.

Cope. Whites are volcels because I can show you at least two pictures of normfaggots with a looksmatched ethnic gf.
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So you are WHITE? wtf kys FUCKING VOLCEL, MODS BAN HIM NOWWWWW :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
WHITE PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE FUCKKKKKKK :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:
If you are white tell me so that I can block you, whites literally cant be incel, If I was white I would be having sex hourly

You can be the best looking male in this universe but if you are not white it simply doesnt matter, a 3/10 charred corpse of a white acid attack survivor can do better on Tinder than any ethnic

JBW law is more legit and backed up by evidence than gravity
:horror::horror::horror: if i was white i wouldnt be incel...i dont care that majority of incels here are whitecels..if I was white all my problems would disappear :horror::horror::horror:
So you are WHITE? wtf kys FUCKING VOLCEL, MODS BAN HIM NOWWWWW :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
WHITE PEOPLE DESERVE TO DIE FUCKKKKKKK :rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage::rage:






Being white should be against the rules, if you are white youre literally wasting your life here

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Gtfo junecels reeeeeeeee :feelsree:
I managed to earn several million by abusing a ponzi scheme. What's that? Why don't I use it to escape inceldom? You prole, that would earn the ire of of our Lord and saviour Jesus Chris and I will bathe in hellfire for all eternity. Now please read my needlessly verbose and lengthy essay on why everything but Christianity is a cope.
>lmao, JBW, if you're white ur a fakecel, u can get, like, 11/10 ethnicsloots, fo'sho' bruvva.
>if ur [incert poster height +several intches], ur a fakecel volcel, like I saw a 5/10 tall guy with a gf once and this anecdote is detrimental to you'are position. Face- what is face, I don't even know.
>yo brah, I might have a 7/10 face, be 6'4 and have a 8' dick but I'm absolutley an epik mentalcel breh, totally- like sloots hit on me but muh epik ADHD or self-diagnosed anxiety disorder totally stops me from, like having sex XD. btw I'm not a virgin

mogs me

go ee ah

Based KSGcel


The [Brownpill] is real
Fuck uni cunts



My mother better bring me back my fucking ps4

Looks like I am safe
(Good thread lol :feelsgah:)

Cant take him serious anymore tbh :rolleyes:
Yes. I can't either. Most of us here haven't even been touched by a femoid and that guy has bedded 35 different females on multiple occasions. Even normies don't get that much sex.
FUCK guys I have a 8/10 Chad face but I'm only 5'11 is so over fuck

A blonde Stacy approached me and told me I'm cute JFL at that bitch trying to bluepill me to make me feel better like how can a 5'11 manlet subhuman be cute :lul::lul::lul::lul::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
Hmm, not sure if this is a dig at me or not.
Thread title : How can I convince the mods to give me more power?


I am not power hungry ;)
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You are arab in Europe? Just run refugee game bro :feelsokman:
Youre black? Jfl blackcel=volcel because you can run thuggame
If you have *insert relatively insignificant negative trait here* it's over.
MAYCELS OUT :feelsbaton:
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Yeah, I fucked 20+ girls in the past but I am totally an incel because I was unable to have sex for a year. Fucking hypergamy, amiright? Also fucking escorts is the most pathetic thing a man can do.

Btw I am 19 years old, it is fucking over.
"If you have to approach, it's over. Despite most relationships coming about because the man approached the woman. But they're all betabuxxes".

"I am incel"
*White Chad pics revealed*
"It doesn't matter if you think I'm chad because no women have approached me. I only get a few Tinder matches and refuse to date Asians. If i can't get an 8/10 white foid then I am incel."

"I am incel because being a 5/10 is not enough to get a gf. You need to be an 8/10. Being white and 5/10 is not enough. Yes, I do have socia anxiety but that's irrelevant."
>tfw half of these seem to be attacking me

Come on guise.
I slept with 35 females
She rejected me because I'm not white. JBW!!! She didn't reject me because I'm an autist and ugly as hell, it's because of my ethnicity. JBW!!!!!!
I’m not like those “edgy” incels, just frustrated that women ignore me. BTW, I think this girl is BEAUTIFUL.
"I am incel"
*White Chad pics revealed*
"It doesn't matter if you think I'm chad because no women have approached me. I only get a few Tinder matches and refuse to date Asians. If i can't get an 8/10 white foid then I am incel."

Oi oi pal, I never said that I refuse to date asians.
alone, virgin men who do not ask women out can not be incel. if you are not retarded as I am not to understand I don't have what it takes to get my looksmatch because something's very wrong with women and their view towards dating, then you can not be an incel.
If you are rather a man who learns from other people's mistakes, realize your looks are not up to par with the distorted standards of women you're a fakecel. the reasonable man you are, unlike the braindead cattle that I am who ask women out and make a fool out of myself and my manhood, you preserve yourself and dedicate time learning more about blackpill, you're a volcel and it makes sense. only retards who ask 1000 women out and rejected by every single one of them and literal fakecels who had sex with over 35 females but are whining because their looks are not as good as they would like it to be so they can not get laid with stacy are true incels.
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Dude everyone here is a fucking larper except for ME and only ME you fucking fakecels fucking mods don't ban fakecels jfl if you say you are incel and have friends or a job or just doing anything useful with your life fuck you this is for incels this is our fucking ethnostate ban fakecels NOW
Whites here are volcels
JBW, unless you're under 6 foot 3, then it's OVER!
Ragie wagies should be banned.
"Muh 8/10 oneitis rejected me, i can only bang 6/10's, they're so clingy, whahhhhhhh"

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