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LifeFuel Just move to Australia bro



Pancake-faced viking-cel
Oct 5, 2022
I think Australia might be the most incel-friendly country in the world.
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Because everyone is so goddamn friendly. Seriously, Aussie blokes are the most amicable people you'll meet. They don't look down on you as long as you're "fair dinkum" mate.

I'm living proof of this. I lived in Australia and went to Highschool there. I was never bullied, once. Compare this to the rest of my schooling in my home country of Norway where I was often brutally bullied for my looks.

The Aussies love an underdog, people who aren't perfect and but persevere in the face of adversity. In friend groups people might call eachother a "funny looking bugger" but it's all love in the end. Strangers talk to eachother and are genuinely interested in other people's days, foids in grocery stores will greet you with a beaming smile and if you mess up in any way in daily life, it's usually "no worries mate!".

Of course the climate and nature is absolutely spectacular.

As for foids, they either look like Margot Robbie or British-blooded low class women. No, it's not a locationmaxxing destination if you're looking to ascend, but if you know you can't ascend, it's a very pleasant place to live with friendly, good hearted people.
Yeah this and Denmark aswell, or any scandinavian country. Good place to live unless you're ethnic
Lol, then you don't know Australia at all. It's one of the countries with the most hypergamous women

Also called "Chadstraila" often for a reason
Personally havent experienced what you are talking about

I think thats because I was not NT though

I think even a LTN can do will in aus but you need to be hyper NT, you need to care about the footy and drink at the pub etc. and jestermaxx (aussies would call this person a larrikin)
@Animecel2D @ZeroTheCrybaby this true?
its a western country that has foid rights wtf do you mean incel friendly country? incel friendly country would be one where foids have no rights and are bought and sold
I like Australian nature, except for the large number of spiders and cockroaches, living there would be a nightmare.


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I can only speak from comparing having grown up in both countries. I was treated 15x better everywhere I went in Australia compared to here in Norway. Norwegians are cold and reserved and bitter for the most part, apart from when we're drinking.

It is true that Australia has a LOT of Chads, but they're not the typical Fratboy bullies like what you'd see in The US. They're more chill, laid back and don't really put people down in that evil way.
I like Australian nature, except for the large number of spiders and cockroaches.
And snakes, I was in the Outback and a snake that crawled across the road looked like a fucking dragon.
where the fuck is that video about the show in Australia where its a bunch of foids getting to fk a bunch of chads? it was posted somewhere
Lol, then you don't know Australia at all. It's one of the countries with the most hypergamous women

Also called "Chadstraila" often for a reason
Yes well as I said, this is not for ascending, this is more for truecels who want to live in a warmer climate with friendlier people and be more comfy.
@ilieknothing thots?
And snakes, I was in the Outback and a snake that crawled across the road looked like a fucking dragon.
it would be ok if it was just big snakes but most of them are highly venomous as well as most spiders

It is true that Australia has a LOT of Chads, but they're not the typical Fratboy bullies like what you'd see in The US. They're more chill, laid back and don't really put people down in that evil way.
I think thats true yeah, its the normies that are not nice, but chads have no need to punch down they just enjoy life
@ilieknothing thots?
They are not friendly to you if you’re ethnic but it’s probably better than other Anglo countries. I would probably be bullied by niggers in burgerland, got more racism in cuckada and britbongistan. I guess New Zealand is comparable but that is essentially the same
@Animecel2D @ZeroTheCrybaby this true?
makes complete sense this would be OPs experience since he is nordic which is pretty much as white as you can get. But to extrapolate this to everyone else and claim that cuckstralia is somehow friendly to incels is quite frankly laughable. I grew up here all my life suffering from constant bullying and exclusion literally starting from primary to high school. We may as well live in different dimensions of Australia because his experiences are so far removed from mine
makes complete sense this would be OPs experience since he is nordic which is pretty much as white as you can get. But to extrapolate this to everyone else and claim that cuckstralia is somehow friendly to incels is quite frankly laughable. I grew up here all my life suffering from constant bullying and exclusion literally starting from primary to high school. We may as well live in different dimensions of Australia because his experiences are so far removed from mine
Are you ethnic?

Have you lived in another country?
Well I can only speak from a white experience of of course, yes Australia is pretty racist.

If you're a hapa you would probably be treated even worse in Northern Europe is my point.

How tall are you?
Yeah just pop down to Australia and buy a mansion on the beach bud
Most of the australians I've met in real life have been pretty laid back...but I would sure as hell not want to live there. From what I've seen everything is really expensive and don't they ban some video games for being "too violent"? Just lol at nanny state bullshit like this.
Most of the australians I've met in real life have been pretty laid back...but I would sure as hell not want to live there. From what I've seen everything is really expensive and don't they ban some video games for being "too violent"? Just lol at nanny state bullshit like this.
Their economy is shit tho, no wonder they are so nonchalant
Most of the australians I've met in real life have been pretty laid back...but I would sure as hell not want to live there. From what I've seen everything is really expensive and don't they ban some video games for being "too violent"? Just lol at nanny state bullshit like this.
During the 10s, Australia was the butt of jokes for being so censorship heavy. I remember when Tyler the Creator didn’t go there because they were thinking of denying him his visa. They also banned some manga lmao. You can’t even protest there.
Why are Nordics so cold and mean, I get that they are introverted but why the mean and extremely unfriendly culture?
I think Australia might be the most incel-friendly country in the world.
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Because everyone is so goddamn friendly. Seriously, Aussie blokes are the most amicable people you'll meet. They don't look down on you as long as you're "fair dinkum" mate.

I'm living proof of this. I lived in Australia and went to Highschool there. I was never bullied, once. Compare this to the rest of my schooling in my home country of Norway where I was often brutally bullied for my looks.

The Aussies love an underdog, people who aren't perfect and but persevere in the face of adversity. In friend groups people might call eachother a "funny looking bugger" but it's all love in the end. Strangers talk to eachother and are genuinely interested in other people's days, foids in grocery stores will greet you with a beaming smile and if you mess up in any way in daily life, it's usually "no worries mate!".

Of course the climate and nature is absolutely spectacular.

As for foids, they either look like Margot Robbie or British-blooded low class women. No, it's not a locationmaxxing destination if you're looking to ascend, but if you know you can't ascend, it's a very pleasant place to live with friendly, good hearted people.

I'm literally AussieIncel so I think I'm the most qualified to answer here lmao

I was bullied, nobody shoved me into a locker like the traditional american school bullys I was just ostracized and called ugly behind my backs private gcs. I only got to hang out with the subhuman shittalians and ethnics at my HS, the anglo aussies were :nice" to me but in a condascending way like "yooo aussieincel dap me up bro". The aussie normie culture of being "nice" is just passive aggressiveness and subtly mocking people.

To this day I still don't have a single irl friend, except from an australian incel server that I'm in
I'm literally AussieIncel so I think I'm the most qualified to answer here lmao

I was bullied, nobody shoved me into a locker like the traditional american school bullys I was just ostracized and called ugly behind my backs private gcs. I only got to hang out with the subhuman shittalians and ethnics at my HS, the anglo aussies were :nice" to me but in a condascending way like "yooo aussieincel dap me up bro". The aussie normie culture of being "nice" is just passive aggressiveness and subtly mocking people.

To this day I still don't have a single irl friend, except from an australian incel server that I'm in
What state you in mate? Let’s have a truecel meetup

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