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Just got back from my 3rd DATE, boyos, I'm so ugly, She thought I was ugly! It'sover



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017
Oh wait, my name isn't @Anon . Silly me.

I didn't go on 3 dates with a woman, fail to escalate sexually or discuss anything other than Dragonball Z and World Of Incelcraft, then wonder why I blew my 3 chances.

When Anon posts in this thread, all his rage at me is really aimed at himself for blowing his escape route of inceldom. Keep telling yourself that a woman wasted 3 dates with you, when she could have been with Chad, because she thought you were ugly.
You probably didn’t have much of.a chance but discussing a kids anime and Elliot’s pastime are probably not helping
hes trolling us or something
KV- said:
You probably didn’t have much of.a chance but discussing a kids anime and Elliot’s pastime are probably not helping

Lol this
She was probably uncertain about liking him or not. Sex is impregnation in a girl's mind so she has to be 100%.
Is you guys' autism so strong that you didn't:

a) pick up on the reference (ANON'S THREAD: https://incels.is/Thread-Venting-Had-my-third-date-today-Time-to-ROT )
b) see the sarcasm


Or maybe I failed to pick up YOUR sarcasm and I'm the aspie in this thread.

The tables have turned.
I'm waiting for his next new thread on "I just went on my fourth date guys."
He did escalate, but that content had to be removed due to bragging rules. That's all I'll say on the matter. She rejected him despite giving him some ground.
idkwattodowithlife said:
I'm waiting for his next new thread on "I just went on my fourth date guys."

"Just had a threesome. I know for a fact that they thought I was too short."

blickpall said:
He did escalate, but that content had to be removed due to bragging rules. That's all I'll say on the matter. She rejected him despite giving him some ground.

It's hard for us to know how he escalated. Like did he go from talking about Dragonball to putting his hand up her skirt?

It's pretty weird for an FHO to waste all that time on a man she had no attraction towards. Also, what she said doesn't mean much. I don't go on 3 dates with women I find repulsive.
FACEandLMS said:
idkwattodowithlife said:
I'm waiting for his next new thread on "I just went on my fourth date guys."
"Just had a threesome. I know for a fact that they thought I was too short."
"She was about to give me a blowjob, but I got scared and kicked in the her face, also ran away."
idkwattodowithlife said:
"She was about to give me a blowjob, but I got scared and kicked in the her face, also ran away."

"I have a wedding in half an hour but I'm not going to show up because she said she likes my chin, meaning she thinks it's "CUTE", meaning "SMALL", meaning she thinks I'm a beta cuck."
Latin incels are the worst. There is something really wrong with you if you're hispanic and can't get laid.
blickpall said:
He did escalate, but that content had to be removed due to bragging rules. That's all I'll say on the matter. She rejected him despite giving him some ground.

Gay rule.
Framecel222 said:
Gay rule.

"Hey guys, SuperIncel here. I have been looksmaxing and I got to PSL 7.0+ because I've been squatting 300+ lbs, got all the necessary surgeries, won the lottery, and bought a Ferrari with my Christmas bonus. I was driving down to Venice Beach to meet with this Maxim model who said she wouldn't mind going on a date with me. Once I got there, she instantly started giving me head from the passenger seat of my whip, but when we got home she realized she forgot about her nude photoshoot. She asked me if I'd like to come and then go to her place after, but what does she think I am, some beta orbiter? Fucking bitch rejected me already, it's over boyos."

Exaggerated to absurdity but it's stories that are essentially humblebrags that generate a lot of the "fakecel RRREEEE" drama, as well as irking some of the more sensitive truecels who report these users, so the rule was implemented because it's super easy to avoid bragging when talking about how you got rejected by a girl or why you're still an incel. It was also largely implemented because people were getting tilted about people like catfishman dropping hints about their bodycount often enough for it to become a pattern. So no, I don't think it's a dumb rule. Got an alternative or better argument for removing it? We'd love to hear your feedback in the feedback forum ^^
blickpall said:
"Hey guys, SuperIncel here. I have been looksmaxing and I got to PSL 7.0+ because I've been squatting 300+ lbs, got all the necessary surgeries, won the lottery, and bought a Ferrari with my Christmas bonus. I was driving down to Venice Beach to meet with this Maxim model who said she wouldn't mind going on a date with me. Once I got there, she instantly started giving me head from the passenger seat of my whip, but when we got home she realized she forgot about her nude photoshoot. She asked me if I'd like to come and then go to her place after, but what does she think I am, some beta orbiter? Fucking bitch rejected me already, it's over boyos."

Exaggerated to absurdity but it's stories that are essentially humblebrags that generate a lot of the "fakecel RRREEEE" drama, as well as irking some of the more sensitive truecels who report these users, so the rule was implemented because it's super easy to avoid bragging when talking about how you got rejected by a girl or why you're still an incel. It was also largely implemented because people were getting tilted about people like catfishman dropping hints about their bodycount often enough for it to become a pattern. So no, I don't think it's a dumb rule. Got an alternative or better argument for removing it? We'd love to hear your feedback in the feedback forum ^^

Fine, perhaps the rule is reasonable but your implementation of it is definitely awful. It's pretty clear that Anon truly believes he got screwed over by his looks and got no benefit out of his interaction with that girl. It doesn't at all seem like someone bragging for troll purposes. Also you only made him take out one small detail so now the story hardly makes sense.

The fact that ITT you brought up the deleted detail as evidence that Anon DID get rejected is proof that the detail isn't a brag. If what you took out of his story is so awesome that it qualifies as a brag, why are you mentioning it as evidence that he got rejected and the girl wasn't interested?
Framecel222 said:
Fine, perhaps the rule is reasonable but your implementation of it is definitely awful. It's pretty clear that Anon truly believes he got screwed over by his looks and got no benefit out of his interaction with that girl. It doesn't at all seem like someone bragging for troll purposes. Also you only made him take out one small detail so now the story hardly makes sense.

The fact that ITT you brought up the deleted detail as evidence that Anon DID get rejected is proof that the detail isn't a brag. If what you took out of his story is so awesome that it qualifies as a brag, why are you mentioning it as evidence that he got rejected and the girl wasn't interested?

It could still make sense if the effort was placed in making a point rather than tell a story. The point of the above example story isn't to brag either, but it just happens as a consequence of how the story is told - humblebragging. In any case, the thread was reported for bragging, and there was bragging inside the story, so it was pretty cut-and-dry.

I brought it up as evidence that Anon did escalate, which FACEandLMS said he did not because he didn't see that aspect because how it was phrased was a brag. So, in essence, the preventative measure worked. What I said in no way was evidence that he did or did not get rejected. Again, the detail that SuperIncel picked up Stacey at a Maxim photoshoot is a detail that is a brag even though he still got rejected, right? Same situation in Anon's case, where the details leading up to the rejection were brags in a vacuum, and that is what I imagine they were reported for. It is evidence that Anon wasn't sitting back and talking about anime like an aspie, it's that he actually did try to escalate and that the girl wasn't interested after that. It gives credit to Anon's conclusion that he got rejected and has low SMV. Instead of bragging about it, he could have said "I tried to escalate but it didn't work out," as opposed to giving the details which were brag-like - similar to how he started this post, saying that he tried to kiss her but got rejected.

In any case, the comment on escalation was more relevant to his previous post (date #2) where the majority of the escalation occurred. In this case, he didn't get as far, and literally only 5-10 words had to be removed from 1 line at the end to make it acceptable by forum standards.
blickpall said:
It could still make sense if the effort was placed in making a point rather than tell a story. The point of the above example story isn't to brag either, but it just happens as a consequence of how the story is told - humblebragging. In any case, the thread was reported for bragging, and there was bragging inside the story, so it was pretty cut-and-dry.

I brought it up as evidence that Anon did escalate, which FACEandLMS said he did not because he didn't see that aspect because how it was phrased was a brag. So, in essence, the preventative measure worked. What I said in no way was evidence that he did or did not get rejected. Again, the detail that SuperIncel picked up Stacey at a Maxim photoshoot is a detail that is a brag even though he still got rejected, right? Same situation in Anon's case, where the details leading up to the rejection were brags in a vacuum, and that is what I imagine they were reported for. It is evidence that Anon wasn't sitting back and talking about anime like an aspie, it's that he actually did try to escalate and that the girl wasn't interested after that. It gives credit to Anon's conclusion that he got rejected and has low SMV. Instead of bragging about it, he could have said "I tried to escalate but it didn't work out," as opposed to giving the details which were brag-like - similar to how he started this post, saying that he tried to kiss her but got rejected.

In any case, the comment on escalation was more relevant to his previous post (date #2) where the majority of the escalation occurred. In this case, he didn't get as far, and literally only 5-10 words had to be removed from 1 line at the end to make it acceptable by forum standards.

Ghey. Need I say more?
How do you even get the energy to go on a date? LDARing as killed any energy I had to do strenuous things
@anon went on 3 dates? fuck this forum.
Just fucking lol @ this thread tbh
FACEandLMS said:
"Just had a threesome. I know for a fact that they thought I was too short."

It's hard for us to know how he escalated. Like did he go from talking about Dragonball to putting his hand up her skirt?

It's pretty weird for an FHO to waste all that time on a man she had no attraction towards. Also, what she said doesn't mean much. I don't go on 3 dates with women I find repulsive.

We were talking about some music concerts and there was a silence at one point. I aske dher if she wanted to kiss with me.
i have to agree with OP here, anon should be banned, hes troll poster here
Anon said:
We were talking about some music concerts and there was a silence at one point. I aske dher if she wanted to kiss with me.

Not all PUA advice is bullshit. A silence isn't a bad thing as long as you're not an awkward, shy aspie who feels he needs to fill every silence. I know you guys will call me bluepilled here but there is such thing as ...well, I won't use the C word, but I will call it a "DOM-MAXXED SUPERDERPINGTON MASCULINE ENERGY " since that will trigger you guys less. If you can sit with a girl on a date, and give a playful smirk, and own the silence, and not feel like you need to fill it cuz "oh noes she will lose attraction", then she will either fill it or it won't need to be filled.

Remember, she is on a 2nd or 3rd date with you at this point, so you should feel comfortable with silences. Maybe on a 1st date where her attraction isn't confirmed then yes I can hear you being worried.

I dunno what went wrong for you though, Anon. Maybe she was a rare girl who instead of fucking Chads, likes to date guys 3 times just to fuck with them. Maybe? Or maybe your 18 hour a day marathons on the computer, probably typing in English all day doesn't bode well for you when you then need to be outgoing and social IRL in your own language (if you're not Anglo)? Who knows.

I give you some credit though. Women are crazy and change their mind all the time. Maybe a better Chad messaged her after your 2nd date but she felt compelled to go on the third date with you for some reason. Maybe she hadn't gotten a firm yes from Chad yet.
FACEandLMS said:
Not all PUA advice is bullshit. A silence isn't a bad thing as long as you're not an awkward, shy aspie who feels he needs to fill every silence. I know you guys will call me bluepilled here but there is such thing as ...well, I won't use the C word, but I will call it a "DOM-MAXXED SUPERDERPINGTON MASCULINE ENERGY " since that will trigger you guys less. If you can sit with a girl on a date, and give a playful smirk, and own the silence, and not feel like you need to fill it cuz "oh noes she will lose attraction", then she will either fill it or it won't need to be filled.

Remember, she is on a 2nd or 3rd date with you at this point, so you should feel comfortable with silences. Maybe on a 1st date where her attraction isn't confirmed then yes I can hear you being worried.

I dunno what went wrong for you though, Anon. Maybe she was a rare girl who instead of fucking Chads, likes to date guys 3 times just to fuck with them. Maybe? Or maybe your 18 hour a day marathons on the computer, probably typing in English all day doesn't bode well for you when you then need to be outgoing and social IRL in your own language (if you're not Anglo)? Who knows.

I give you some credit though. Women are crazy and change their mind all the time. Maybe a better Chad messaged her after your 2nd date but she felt compelled to go on the third date with you for some reason. Maybe she hadn't gotten a firm yes from Chad yet.

At that moment I just felt I had to make a move. Idk. It seemed like a good idea at the moment. I didn't think or wait much for it.

I think she is just a dumb slut who was unsure about liking me and it took her some time to decide. Being outgoing and social is so cope. I'm NTas fuck and talk about the same stuff other people do on dates.

It wasn't a "date". I jsut asked her to meet with me. Even if I called her now, she would probably agree to see me. She doesn't care. Chad, chad , chad. It's always about Chad.
Anon said:
At that moment I just felt I had to make a move. Idk. It seemed like a good idea at the moment. I didn't think or wait much for it.

I think she is just a dumb slut who was unsure about liking me and it took her some time to decide. Being outgoing and social is so cope. I'm NTas fuck and talk about the same stuff other people do on dates.

It wasn't a "date". I jsut asked her to meet with me. Even if I called her now, she would probably agree to see me. She doesn't care. Chad, chad , chad. It's always about Chad.

Hahaha trust me you are not
NekoStance said:
Hahaha trust me you are not

The only thing holding me back is my looks. You guys are idiots if you think you are aspies and that it's your autism that stops you. Noone here is autistic. We are just ugly.
Anon said:
NekoStance said:
Hahaha trust me you are not
The only thing holding me back is my looks. You guys are idiots if you think you are aspies and that it's your autism that stops you. Noone here is autistic. We are just ugly.
Yehh you're retarded
Anon said:
The only thing holding me back is my looks. You guys are idiots if you think you are aspies and that it's your autism that stops you. Noone here is autistic. We are just ugly.

@Sparky 's story convinced me that some of us are definitely autistic here. He seems like an okay-looking guy who might be able to get at least one girl to like him if he didn't have to do calculus to figure out how to position his body.
blickpall said:
@Sparky 's story convinced me that some of us are definitely autistic here. He seems like an okay-looking guy who might be able to get at least one girl to like him if he didn't have to do calculus to figure out how to position his body.

Or he was just trolling.
Anon said:
Or he was just trolling.

It's always possible, and I did assume that it was a little over the top to begin with. But after reconsidering it and remembering what I know about autism, it becomes plausible. If it's plausible, then it's true for at least one person. And that one person can be @Sparky. There is no point to us distrusting the suffering of our brothers here, unless they get exposed otherwise or slip up.
blickpall said:
It's always possible, and I did assume that it was a little over the top to begin with. But after reconsidering it and remembering what I know about autism, it becomes plausible. If it's plausible, then it's true for at least one person. And that one person can be @Sparky. There is no point to us distrusting the suffering of our brothers here, unless they get exposed otherwise or slip up.

Did she like him though?
Anon said:
Did she like him though?

I don't know, guess it's up to him to explain, but it seemed like they were talking to each other decently even if it wasn't 1-on-1. Perhaps there was a chance, even though we know talking doesn't mean anything.

It's not about that one girl or interaction, anyway. It's just that if this is how he approaches the situation, then he is definitely autistic and based on his looks that is definitely part of what is holding him back.
blickpall said:
I don't know, guess it's up to him to explain, but it seemed like they were talking to each other decently even if it wasn't 1-on-1. Perhaps there was a chance, even though we know talking doesn't mean anything.

It's not about that one girl or interaction, anyway. It's just that if this is how he approaches the situation, then he is definitely autistic and based on his looks that is definitely part of what is holding him back.

You don't know how it would have played out. Maybe she was like that slut that dumped me.

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