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Just fucked an escort

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This site was in dire need of truths such as this.
MayorOfKekville said:
This was me losing my virginity, for real, at age 38.

I didn’t come. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t.

Does this count as losing it tbh?
Sex with a hooker usually sucks. But my first was awesome, she gave me an amazing blow job. I was wet behind the ears, so I payed a little more than I should have. I had no issues getting hard at all. It happened during a hotel room party and I kicked everyone out to call a whore LOL. A nice black pill was that a girl at the party found out I was getting a whore and reacted by giving me this crazy smile and hugging me. It's like she was celebrating my degeneracy LOL
. Perhaps she admired the balls I had to do such a thing. The point is, she reacted in a really strange way. Instead of being disgusted, she found enjoyment in it. Weird bitches.

Now this isn't bragging, right? Or am I going down because a girl voluntarily gave me a hug? And I'm serious, I never know what's going to get me banned. These are the eggshells I was talking about.
chad fucks teenage girls bareback which probably feels about 10 billion times better than fucking a used up hooker with a thick condom at age 40 lmao
Does it really make that much of a huge difference between condom and a lack thereof ?

Maybe an escort's pussy is so stretched because of usage you don't feel anything anymore. I suppose fucking a regular femoid with condom should make you feel something.
BlackpilledAF said:
Does it really make that much of a huge difference between condom and a lack thereof ?
Maybe an escort's pussy is so stretched because of usage you don't feel anything anymore. I suppose fucking a regular femoid with condom should make you feel something.

Yeah, it doesn't even feel remotely close. Furthermore if the girl is attracted to you, she'll strongly urge you not to use condoms and use any trick she can to get you to NOT use one.

On that of that, age of the female matters a massive amount in regards to tightness and wetness.

You're better off getting a happy ending in SEA then fucking some old bloated whore with a condom.
Just in case anyone missed the most depressing conclusion, everything that applies to sex with hookers applies to sex with gold diggers.
MayorOfKekville said:
Wow... that was possibly the most disappointing experience of my life. Sex is pretty shitty, tbh. Maybe I’ve destroyed the nerves in my dick after 25 years of deathgrip masturbation, but I could hardly feel anything when I fucked her.

Your first time will always be awkward, if not outright shitty. I lost my V to a roastie, I wasn't able to cum because I was a) nervous and b) a habitual masturbator.

Stop jerking off for 3-4 days before you fuck. Feels better and you will definitely jizz.

Sex is definitely overrated but it gets somewhat better after a few times, as you get more comfortable doing it. Note that after I lost my V I have only had sex with escorts.

So yeah, this was the blackest pill I have ever taken. Sex is actually pretty boring and shitty.

I've been telling incels that it is overrated but the fact is they won't believe it until they experience it themselves.

Being wanted and desired is what matters.

Here's another black pill for you: it's not any better than sex. Before social media when I was 18-21 I was wanted by some girls, ended up having sex with one of them. It's a very fleeting feeling and ultimately meaningless. Especially as you realize women are lower beings than men in general; weaker, less intelligent, less creative, the only thing they have of worth is their pussy and womb. Why would you need approval from lower beings? You do not.

Of course, this also means that cucked normies who get monthly starfish sex from their fat roastie wives are barely a notch above incels, if at all. They are coping really fucking hard by marrying those used-up cunts - pretending to the world that they aren’t losers like us, thinking it makes them so much better and more successful. It’s such a charade, such a game. They know they’re basically incels, slaves to the matriarchy, they’ve simply given up any trace of dignity or self-respect in exchange for the pretence of normality and acceptance. If you’re a man and not chad, you’re a loser. Simple as that. It is over for Sub-8 males.

BlackPillDealer said:
Why would you need approval from lower beings? You do not.

LMAO lower beings "in general", pathetic MGTOW coping. Only as an individual can your capabilities be judged. As an incel, atleast a true one, you are pretty much lower than all women. And why? Because of endless evolutionary forces acting upon you on deeper levels than conscious thinking.
Q2CZ3p3 said:
LMAO lower beings "in general", pathetic MGTOW coping. Only as an individual can your capabilities be judged.

No, this is bluepill "women are equal" thinking. Go back to r/IncelTears you fucking cuck.

As an incel, atleast a true one, you are pretty much lower than all women. And why? Because of endless evolutionary forces acting upon you on deeper levels than conscious thinking.

Sounds like some new age bullshit and/or femoid worshipping. Who is this cuck?

99% of incels on this board with minimal physical training would be able to physically overpower 95% of all women. Thus in a natural environment, these women would be subservient to incels.

But in the bubble of human civilization, women are protected by their white knight cucksquad AKA the government, police etc. So incels are only lower than other men. Although some incels do have superior intellect or physical strength (rarely both), as can be seen with the ogre gymcels in this board and famous incels such as Newton, Kant, Tesla etc.
This is pretty depressing tbh. I haven't had sex yet but I can tell what you said is probably true
BlackPillDealer said:
No, this is bluepill "women are equal" thinking. Go back to r/IncelTears you fucking cuck.

Oh come on now, you know as well as I do that I was in no way implying that women are equal to men in any of the areas you mentioned. Does not matter in the slightest for the point I was making. I'm fully on board with gender disparity and racial realism as far as geniune facts go. Nice strawman though.

BlackPillDealer said:
Sounds like some new age bullshit and/or femoid worshipping. Who is this cuck?

99% of incels on this board with minimal physical training would be able to physically overpower 95% of all women. Thus in a natural environment, these women would be subservient to incels.

But in the bubble of human civilization, women are protected by their white knight cucksquad AKA the government, police etc.

How am I worshiping them? I personally despise them, mainly due to how they treat me due to my subhumanity. The few who do not outright treat me shitty are family members, and that is cheating. 

They could gymcel hard and "take over", sure, but why do they not? Because the system at large is still serving natures intended purpose. I am just trying to be objective, and the truth is men are expendable biologically "in general", and subhuman pieces of male trash even moreso. That is how nature intended it, and that is how it will keep going by all accounts. Even when females were "kept in line" this was still true. Royal families...

ROFL at male worker bees thinking they can keep the queen "in line" because they've got the numbers on their side.

We probably don't even disagree as much as you think.
It's only boring because you haven't done it before and suck at it. She probably sucked at it as well.
So just to be clear, the "lowly" status of males below women I seemed to imply in my previous post which upset someone enough to attract a warning, was just stating that it is the outlook of society at large, both men and women, and has always been. Women and children first and all that, no? The reason for this is to function along with evolution, which could not give a fuck about individual humans or other beings suffering or pleasure as such. To me this is extremely deep black pill which screams hopelessness for geniune incels, how it can be seen otherwise I cannot understand.

But point taken, I guess.
Q2CZ3p3 said:
They could gymcel hard and "take over", sure, but why do they not? Because the system at large is still serving natures intended purpose. I am just trying to be objective, and the truth is men are expendable biologically "in general", and subhuman pieces of male trash even moreso. That is how nature intended it, and that is how it will keep going by all accounts. Even when females were "kept in line" this was still true. Royal families...

ROFL at male worker bees thinking they can keep the queen "in line" because they've got the numbers on their side.

We probably don't even disagree as much as you think.

Men have ruled in most societies in human history. In virtually all big religions from Buddhism to Islam to Christianity, men are ranked higher than women. That's not individual men, that's all men.

The difference is that in this modern Western society, we have advanced technology to the point where we have a lot of luxury and security with very little effort. This has caused men to lose their edge and become weak, allowing women to creep into power over the decades through constant nagging and protest.

In the past, any society which did not shut this type of nonsense down, would have been invaded and taken over by a society that held a strong patriarchy. This is exactly what happened to the Roman Empire and a few Arab Empires toward their end, they got so weak and lazy because of their perceived wealth and size, that they allowed women to have rights and political power. Human women cannot manage or build civilization, they are not Queen Bees.

What will happen with the West? Who knows, gynocentrism seems to be taking over the entire world, not just the West. But if we look at existing matriarchal societies, they are all primitive tribes.
BlackPillDealer said:
Men have ruled in most societies in human history. In virtually all big religions from Buddhism to Islam to Christianity, men are ranked higher than women. That's not individual men, that's all men.

I agree here, in line with the fact that men absolutely construct and invent the absolute majority of all significant things in all areas of life and existence in the human realm. I do not dispute this whatsoever. The point I'm aiming for is that this is mainly done for the purpose of providing for chosen women a luxurious lifestyle in various ways, depending on levels of civilizational development and so on. 

Even though the rules imposed onto women in the past may have been more harsh for what nowadays would be called degeneracy, the lifestyle provided for women who fell in line was one of more comfort than the one for men generally. The largest divide overall being economic class obviously, but the point still stands. Womens manipulative ability is not to be underestimated, and along with this most men are biologically wired for a submissive beta provider life, regardless of gender hierarchy rules imposed from the outside. This surely has to do with the fact of how important a mothers life quality is to the prospective offsprings development. Most low quality men in history, and all of what could be called truecels have been purged as cannon fodder in some kind of violence on the behalf of Chad and/or his Queen and family.

BlackPillDealer said:
The difference is that in this modern Western society, we have advanced technology to the point where we have a lot of luxury and security with very little effort. This has caused men to lose their edge and become weak, allowing women to creep into power over the decades through constant nagging and protest.


BlackPillDealer said:
In the past, any society which did not shut this type of nonsense down, would have been invaded and taken over by a society that held a strong patriarchy. This is exactly what happened to the Roman Empire and a few Arab Empires toward their end, they got so weak and lazy because of their perceived wealth and size, that they allowed women to have rights and political power. 

When this happens, as per your examples (I believe them to be somewhat problematic simplifications, but lets run with it) do you feel this is more the results of females seeking this power or men giving them these rights due to biological providing instincts? I do not necessarily disagree with the rough outline.

BlackPillDealer said:
Human women cannot manage or build civilization, they are not Queen Bees.

I completely agree, and yeah, its a very simplified metaphor, but the Queen Bee doesn't really build the bee civilization to any worthwhile degree. That is the point though, the purpose of human men as well as bees is to work, stride and act as the main vector of possible beneficial genetic mutation to serve evolution, while the female sits on its ass and spits out new organisms mainly. That is why the spectrum of IQ and everything else worth measuring is wider for males than for females, which is old news. So yeah they are kind of queen bees after all, both before and after the introduction of modern feminism.

BlackPillDealer said:
What will happen with the West? Who knows, gynocentrism seems to be taking over the entire world, not just the West. But if we look at existing matriarchal societies, they are all primitive tribes.

The world is probably fucked due to other factors, but the future is hard to predict indeed. I would suspect it can only get worse for low value humans in general, and ugly males in particular. That is for sure.
Jewsel said:
Lmao nazicel,crawl back to your basement

Just asking man, since you share the "le merchant" meme.
thanks for reinforcing my belief into sex being absolutely overrrated garbage, thats why ive been volcel since yearly, also if u dont have big cock it makes even less sense than on average
Well, I finally fucked an escort. I am officially an escortcel. This was me losing my virginity, for real, at age 38. To a glorified hooker.

Wow... that was possibly the most disappointing experience of my life. Sex is pretty shitty, tbh. Maybe I’ve destroyed the nerves in my dick after 25 years of deathgrip masturbation, but I could hardly feel anything when I fucked her. I wore a condom, of course, and the only thing I can compare it to is maybe sticking your dick in a bucket of warm water. Could barely feel a thing, not kidding. I fucked her ass as well, and although it was a lot tighter, it was still pretty overrated and the smell really put me off (yeah, who’d have though asses smelled of shit).

I didn’t come. I couldn’t. I just couldn’t. Also I had a lot of trouble getting it up at first - seriously took like an hour to get hard. Was so, so nervous. I was physically shaking.

She had quite big natural boobs, they were cool. I liked those. Sucking on them was fun.

I didn’t eat her out because, well, ew. Eat out a hooker? No way.

Blowjob was also very overrated. I got a condomless blowjob but it sort of hurt and wasn’t terribly pleasant. Wouldn’t recommend.

So yeah, this was the blackest pill I have ever taken. Sex is actually pretty boring and shitty. Being wanted and desired is what matters. Even if an incel like me earns a high salary, he can’t buy love or happiness, because it turns out sex won’t replace love or happiness - not on its own. Absolutely nuclear jet black pill, darker than a moonless night in Transylvania. Of course, this also means that cucked normies who get monthly starfish sex from their fat roastie wives are barely a notch above incels, if at all. They are coping really fucking hard by marrying those used-up cunts - pretending to the world that they aren’t losers like us, thinking it makes them so much better and more successful. It’s such a charade, such a game. They know they’re basically incels, slaves to the matriarchy, they’ve simply given up any trace of dignity or self-respect in exchange for the pretence of normality and acceptance. If you’re a man and not chad, you’re a loser. Simple as that. It is over for Sub-8 males.
JFL that’s brutal but yeah genuine love is what mattERs

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