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It's Over just date an older woman, bro



Dec 28, 2017
daily reminder that unless you're chad, you're not even going to get a middle aged hag

No femoid would ever want an incel, unless we ascend. It's either we are desired by all femoids of all ages, or by none.
No femoid would ever want an incel, unless we ascend. It's either we are desired by all femoids of all ages, or by none.

i said that since i came here

no female, ever, will lower her standards

it's all or nothing
Female SMV value:

"But they only want her for sex!" is what a normie would say. I fucking wish I had that problem.

If she wants a relationship, just hit up a website like eharmony and she would find a guy she wants within a month. Women spend their entire lives on tutorial island, it is ridiculous.
Give up caring about women because we will never even get a used up hag.
women don't even have to try
B-but the wuh-wuh-wall.
Nowadays many have fetishes in milfs
thanks to pornographic industry
There are too many dicks in this world.
I desperately tried to hit on the 50-something I thought was attracted to me in my therapy group.

She ignored my message.

Nobody wants the ugly.
"It's ok guys! the Wall™ is coming for her! The Wall™ will turn her into a cat lady that no man will want! Just wait till that Wall™ comes in takes away all her SMV! Us MGTOWS will have the last laugh!"
Holy fucking hell. Kill me now.
the picture or her age is completely irrelevant.

One could literally put up a picture of a wet carrot and set gender to female and the profile would still get hundreds of messages a week.
we have a sobrepoblation of dicks
the picture or her age is completely irrelevant.

One could literally put up a picture of a wet carrot and set gender to female and the profile would still get hundreds of messages a week.
True. Anything that can be conceived to be female is automatically highly desirable. A picture of a cockroach with gender set to F has more desirability than most men.
Jfl if you don't have a vagina in 2018
i would like to see trp explain this.
Contrary to what inceltears would say I'd gladly fuck women in their 30s and 40s, too bad it's all or nothing like mylifeistrash said.
True. Anything that can be conceived to be female is automatically highly desirable. A picture of a cockroach with gender set to F has more desirability than most men.

Many guys set their Tinder to automatic liking every female, 24/7, without seeing them. There are ways to do that. I've personally known multiple men who did that.
Why is so easy for them?? Why the fucking universe needed to be so unbalanced?
Idk man, looks like juggernaut law. Low value men flock to low value women.

Chad wouldn't waste his time with her.
6B4BA147 262E 45C0 952D 1306D238F981

This is life for a below average women.
The wall is cope. Women way into their 30s and 40s can still get younger chadlites for relationships. A few streets down from me there is a heavily tatted 44 year old woman with a beer gut and teenage children and she is barely even a 4/10. She is in a relationship with a tall athletic 23 year old guy that is a trainee lifeguard. He does anything for her and is scared to death of losing her.
The wall is cope. Women way into their 30s and 40s can still get younger chadlites for relationships. A few streets down from me there is a heavily tatted 44 year old woman with a beer gut and teenage children and she is barely even a 4/10. She is in a relationship with a tall athletic 23 year old guy that is a trainee lifeguard. He does anything for her and is scared to death of losing her.
That is an extreme cuck situation. Most chads and chad-lites have so many options themselves, all they want to do is use those older women as cum buckets. Not every young and old bitch can have a chad, there aren't that many.
They will, but not in the times when 1/10 landwhale is easilly getting sex with 7/10 Chad-lite.
Yes, dicks that are attached to cucksss
And they say femoida his the wall LoL
Most legit thread. Good looking cougars and milfs only want good looking younger or good looking successful middle age men. Maybe a desperate lonely 45 year old women whom husband cheats on her and weights 350 pounds may go for an incel. But even her I doubt it. She would rather use a dildo than being close to an incel, It is truly over.
Older women have several chadlites with MILF fetish available.

They do not have to have sex with a disgusting INCEL.
Nothing new tbh...Personally, since the Pigwoman experiement, nothing really surprises me...

Old used up 70 years old granny have as much sexual value as your avarae lite Chad...yes I said it.
Grannies can make themselves a quick tinder/okcupid/POF account and get plenty of matches, dates and hookups...

Us? We lie down and we rot. Enjoy life boyos.:feelsautistic:
"It's ok guys! the Wall™ is coming for her! The Wall™ will turn her into a cat lady that no man will want! Just wait till that Wall™ comes in takes away all her SMV! Us MGTOWS will have the last laugh!"
Wojak soy cuck

I always wanted to have sex with a middle aged married lady, that is my fetish I guess
By time. Men everywhere are lost. It's over if you look older than 30.
Once I started watching granny porns to condition my mind so I could feel attracted to veteran whores, but it did not work out, I puked.


It's over.
Once I started watching granny porns to condition my mind so I could feel attracted to veteran whores, but it did not work out, I puked.


It's over.
I did the same.
But they would reject me and have their dream boi.
She gets 2.77 likes per minute.

I don't know what the average would be here, but I see threads like "I got my first match after 2 months today" etc. At a rate like that, its approximately 0.0000157 likes per minute. That is SIX ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE lower.

If that doesn't tell you something is up with the dating market, you are a braindead soulless NPC.
There is nothing for us here, we must revolt and hope for a revival of better times.
fucking murder me. please God. why do i keep coming back to this site. please send a lighting bolt when i step out of my house in two weeks. i can't take it anymore. ALMOST 4K FUCKING MATCHES. I CAN'T EVEN GET 1 FUCKING MATCH WITH MY PIC AFTER 2 WEEKS OF NON STOP SWIPING. AND IF I DO MATCH ITS A BOT!!!!

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