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Discussion "Just Be White" theory and the race pill.

Perfectly understandable. Thanks for going out of your way to look it up.

Kinda what I figured. JBW would suggest that mixed mutts (esp. the femongrels) would have a preference for fairer-skinned individuals. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this turns out to be the case. What think you?
There will ways be a preference for fairer skin. Fairer skin is universally considered more attractive, since the time of the Babylonians.

Supposedly, there's science behind this which says that it's because with fairer skin it's easier to see youth and skin health. I haven't looked into it, but it makes sense at first glance.
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
Perfectly explained my fellow brocel
Why this is such a touchy subject for the ethnic brocels in here? It's almost as bad and fierce as Westoid cunts REEEing about abortion rights. It seems like every sandnigger, shitskin, and basically every other ethnic wants to do jihad against the cumskins and mayoskins over this on the forum.
It's insulting to see cumskins say they even remotely feel what we feel. Our suffering runs deep, and our contentions with the world are numerous. We often are forced in a retarded religion we have no intrest in, torturous and non caring parents that would rather die than show compassion towards us. Society that sees you as inferior not only because you are ugly, but also because of the colour of our skin.
Reminder that nobody is denying light features are seen as more attractive than dark features, but you still need both looks and height as a qualifier.
White people are allowed to look ugly, and even relatively short. While being ethnic in the west is strike 1 AND 2, one more imperfection and it's over.
This homophily effect is stronger still in the host countries of the races and ethnic groups, even when Whites are present. Evolutionary theory helps explain the underlying reasons for this (see the other clusterfuck of a thread for more details).
This is NOT TRUE. When whites are present foids scurry to them like rats. This not only happens in SEA but also in india, latin America, the middle east, ....

Race is secondary, even tertiary.

View: https://youtu.be/sp2nmsIou20

remember that it's bones, not melanin, that determines sexual success.
Completely ignoring that your race completely changes your phenotype, AND DETERMINES THESE THINGS. You need to adhere to EUROCENTRIC beauty standards when it comes to bone structure and facial features. Which tends to be easier if you are from EUROPEAN decent.

I've seen pictures of a lot of whites here. They're normies that think inceldom is fun. While all the ethnics are truecels.

you need to severely SEVERELY mentally ill/ugly to be a white incel, but we all know most people here are failed normies. The real uglies don't even know inceldom is a thing.
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Racepill is not up for debate, it's a fact of life and the sole reason of inceldom for many men, you will never understand the plight of being shitskin
:yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
If you're an ethnic, let's say Indian, you could also betabuxx a poor woman from India. How is that any different from a white guy going to Thailand? It isn't. And if you are black guy from America, just betabuxx a poor woman from Nigeria or Tanzania or something. Lmao. All these guys saying "just JBWmaxx in SEA or you're a cumskin volcel" could also go do the same thing.
@Med Amine @Grotesk @Moroccancel2- @MiSKiRaT @ilieknothing @Ricordanza @Twinkcel @Adolf Hitler @DarkStarDown @Man @NirvanaFan1988 @Mortis @IronsideCel @Mecoja @Rotter @Epedaphic @FemoidsGTFO @Ahnfeltia @starcrapoo @Serpents reign @Defetivecuckachu @The Abyss @MrRed97 @EnglishCel @gymletethnicel @eldercelder @Pancakecel @Govid_Dorious @PLA1092 @LeFrenchCel

Just tag the whole forum theory.
Not tagging @BlackCell_from_ZA in this thread is a crime
If you're an ethnic, let's say Indian, you could also betabuxx a poor woman from India. How is that any different from a white guy going to Thailand? It isn't. And if you are black guy from America, just betabuxx a poor woman from Nigeria or Tanzania or something. Lmao. All these guys saying "just JBWmaxx in SEA or you're a cumskin volcel" could also go do the same thing.
What's keeping them from cucking and cheating on you?
JBW copers make logical leaps and conclude that simply being White IS the advantage. This is ultimately what I have a problem with. The data simply doesn't show this. All we have is that White chad in the West has online dating success that dwarfs every other demographic. No shit, he's CHAD.
"Heightpill is not up for debate, it's a fact of life and the sole reason of inceldom for many men, you will never understand the plight of being a manlet."

Literally the same idea, tbhngl. I can say the exact same shit, almost word for word, to tallfaggots and be equally justified in my lamentations.

Of course, I can't know what it's like to be anything other than what I am. That doesn't make any one plight more or less legitimate or worthy of special status simply because another can't relate physically to it.

Let's be fair in our criticisms.

It's insulting to see cumskins say they even remotely feel what we feel. Our suffering runs deep, and our contentions with the world are numerous. We often are forced in a retarded religion we have no intrest in, torturous and non caring parents that would rather die than show compassion towards us. Society that sees you as inferior not only because you are ugly, but also because of the colour of our skin.
The only legitimate point here in your defense is the point about religion.

See my reply above to our brocel about feeling what you feel.

White people are allowed to look ugly, and even relatively short. While being ethnic in the west is strike 1 AND 2, one more imperfection and it's over.
Excuse me, nigger, what? I'm ALLOWED to look ugly? By whom? To whom? For what purpose? WTF? :lul:

How the fuck does this statement make any sense? Explain to me exactly how the fuck this "ugliness pass" is supposed to work when you're White as opposed to, say, Middle Eastern or Central American?

This is NOT TRUE. When whites are present foids scurry to them like rats. This not only happens in SEA but also in india, latin America, the middle east, ....
Only when they're attractive. Your average 35 year old, balding chemical engineer PhD with glasses, on contract with the Manaseer petroleum company isn't having a flock of 20 year old gigahalima hojabis rushing to him to take his pictures for Instagram.

Wake the fuck up bro.

You didn't understand the point. Of course, foids want genetically superior seed.

The point is that there's an evolutionary preference for mates who are genotypically familiar to prevent taking on the risk of mutations from genotypically unfamiliar mates. This doesn't happen consciously at the individual level. It's a systems level process that happens at the population level.

Translating this to something you might be more familiar with, it means that the Caucasoid genotype does not have any inherently unique advantage over other genotypes. It would still be a foreign genotype to, say, the Negroid genotype and may carry alleles that can cause deleterious mutations in the Negroid genotype.

For this reason, at the evolutionary level, nigresses and sheboons will unconsciously prefer tyrones over chads.

I hope that this is all clear now.

Completely ignoring that your race completely changes your phenotype, AND DETERMINES THESE THINGS. You need to adhere to EUROCENTRIC beauty standards when it comes to bone structure and facial features. Which tends to be easier if you are from EUROPEAN decent.
OK, sure. But then we're talking about something cultural, not genetic. And then it's just bad luck for non-Europeans that their own phenotypes aren't considered the dominant one when it comes to what's considered attractive.

I've seen pictures of a lot of whites here. They're normies that think inceldom is fun. While all the ethnics are truecels.
Survivorship bias. The pictures you're seeing are all normies and larps looking for attention and to flex.

What you don't see are all of the pictures of the whitecels who never post their ugly pictures.

You probably weren't here during the Rhaast drama, but he was a notorious fakecel chaddam who would post his mogger pics and brag about feeling up teenage girls.

you need to severely SEVERELY mentally ill/ugly to be a white incel, but we all know most people here are failed normies. The real uglies don't even know inceldom is a thing.
I'll forgive this retarded comment this time.
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What's your point?
That I don't need to feel the plight to question the veracity of the pill.

I mean, if we're going to compare our inceldom and play the "I'm the biggest incel here" game, then us manlets are ahead by at least one parsec.

There's so much data on the advantages of height in all areas of life that blue pilled manlet normies are legit killing themselves in peak numbers because of that fact. :lul: :feelsbadman:
It's a sensitive subject because it means the genocidal rhetoric of fascists has legitimacy. They were right when they put whites at the top
This honestly sounds like some @wereq-approved self-hating cope, nothing more.
Supposedly, there's science behind this which says that it's because with fairer skin it's easier to see youth and skin health. I haven't looked into it, but it makes sense at first glance.
sounds a bit far-fetched to my ears
It's insulting to see cumskins say they even remotely feel what we feel. Our suffering runs deep, and our contentions with the world are numerous. We often are forced in a retarded religion we have no intrest in, torturous and non caring parents that would rather die than show compassion towards us. Society that sees you as inferior not only because you are ugly, but also because of the colour of our skin.
This right here is what I have been advocating. Cumskins have no clue has insufferable it is to be a deathnic. I'm not even speaking about dating(Dating, Jobs, Societal perception, social interaction etc), I'm speaking about life in general. If cumskins had to magically turn into deathnics they would rope in an instant
White people are allowed to look ugly, and even relatively short. While being ethnic in the west is strike 1 AND 2, one more imperfection and it's over.

This is NOT TRUE. When whites are present foids scurry to them like rats. This not only happens in SEA but also in india, latin America, the middle east,
There are literally users on .is(@Made in Heaven and others) that have stated "I've had noodle whores and sheboons idolize my for me white skin and eurocentric features". He isn't even white, he is just has fair skin and he is balding and 5`8 but his FUCKING skin colour allows him to be perceived as white. JFL yet that nigga doesn't believe in JBW :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: :feelskek: The hypocrisy mang.

Completely ignoring that your race completely changes your phenotype, AND DETERMINES THESE THINGS. You need to adhere to EUROCENTRIC beauty standards when it comes to bone structure and facial features. Which tends to be easier if you are from EUROPEAN decent.

I've seen pictures of a lot of whites here. They're normies that think inceldom is fun. While all the ethnics are truecels.

you need to severely SEVERELY mentally ill/ugly to be a white incel, but we all know most people here are failed normies. The real uglies don't even know inceldom is a thing.
100% factos for some reason these cumskins think phenotype and race don't correlate(These are the same motherfuckers that'll post a 50 page thesis on why cumskins are disadvantaged in today's society:feelskek:). These cumskins follow the eurocentric beauty standards so even if you are short, ugly, low IQ they will still be perceived as beautiful to an ethnic, there is literally no losing for the cumskins.
If you're an ethnic, let's say Indian, you could also betabuxx a poor woman from India. How is that any different from a white guy going to Thailand? It isn't. And if you are black guy from America, just betabuxx a poor woman from Nigeria or Tanzania or something. Lmao. All these guys saying "just JBWmaxx in SEA or you're a cumskin volcel" could also go do the same thing.
Stop fucking coping you wrentch. Let's say that is supposedly the case, you guys still have an option to ascend and go get gooks that idolize the coomskin soo much. 70% of this forum isn't from the west, I swear you coomskins think America is the only country in the world. So does that mean you can completely dismiss incels from other countries?
Stop fucking coping you wrentch. Let's say that is supposedly the case, you guys still have an option to ascend and go get gooks that idolize the coomskin soo much. 70% of this forum isn't from the west, I swear you coomskins think America is the only country in the world. So does that mean you can completely dismiss incels from other countries?
I didn't dismiss them, just point out that SEAmaxxing isn't any different from betabuxxing and anyone who lives in the west could do it. No matter your ethnicity. Also, south-east Asian women don't idolize "just any coomskin." Just like white girls who like black guys don't just like _any_ black guy. Most white guys who go there go there strictly to bang undercover bar girl prostitutes. Why? Because they can't get anything else there.
sounds a bit far-fetched to my ears
Could be, but I doubt Western imperialism and global dominance has had that much of an effect on so many different cultures with a preference for fair features.

What you disagree with me on
I still don't understand what I'm supposed to be deboonking according to you.

You feel a certain way about what White supremacists think, and I'm saying that this feeling is just a feeling of cope. I'm not disagreeing with what you're feeling.
Could be, but I doubt Western imperialism and global dominance has had that much of an effect on so many different cultures with a preference for fair features.
Yeah, me too. I honestly don't know why fair features are considered more attractive.
"Heightpill is not up for debate, it's a fact of life and the sole reason of inceldom for many men, you will never understand the plight of being a manlet."

Literally the same idea, tbhngl. I can say the exact same shit, almost word for word, to tallfaggots and be equally justified in my lamentations.

Of course, I can't know what it's like to be anything other than what I am. That doesn't make any one plight more or less legitimate or worthy of special status simply because another can't relate physically to it.
I don't know how you cumskins can accept heightpill but not the racepill. Height isn't the sole reason for inceldom in men, its actually a combination of height and race but race will always take precedence. You're not truly blackpilled if you think race doesn't play a significant role in inceldom. Let's leave the dating aspect of the blackpill alone, when it comes to getting jobs, interviews, societal perception, social interactions, etc being a ethnic is just hell. I don't care what you cumskins have to say, YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE AN AVERAGE DEATHNIC. I'm not saying you can't be a cumskin incel, I'm saying it will be easier for you cumskins to ascend, you guys have a pletheora of options and if you don't see that you're actually retarded.

I know you coomskins want research so here is some:

Of the 2.4 million(Large sample size) heterosexual interactions researchers reviewed, the findings show:
  • Women get three times the interactions men do.
  • All men seemed to be more interested in people outside their race.
  • Black men and women get the lowest response rates to their messages.
  • All women except black women are most drawn to white men, and men of all races (with one notable exception) prefer Asian



This one is a bit outdated but you still get the point. There are still a plethora of studies that show that it is easier to be a cumskin than an ethnic. Just go watch IncelTV, he goes further into depth about why being ethnic is already STRIKE 1 AND 2. If you don't you're ignorant and shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a blackpiller.

I shouldn't even be showing research about this, just go outside and you'll see that cumskins have it all
While you can have Chads that are standout amongst their ethnic brethren, your Chang, Tyrone or whatever in a white country with mostly white ppl of course you will have those that are bottom of the barrel who's only opportunity to overcome without expensive surgery or some fame luck will be to permanently settle in a downgrade country to become exotic & mog the smaller ppl, doing this will require some cash & paperwork etc...but then every time one does this a sea or SA manlet loses out & it normalizes female standards & expectations further. Then you have to make sure not to have sons too.
I didn't dismiss them, just point out that SEAmaxxing isn't any different from betabuxxing and anyone who lives in the west could do it. No matter your ethnicity. Also, south-east Asian women don't idolize "just any coomskin." Just like white girls who like black guys don't just like _any_ black guy. Most white guys who go there go there strictly to bang undercover bar girl prostitutes. Why? Because they can't get anything else there.
Unfortunately we are going to have to betabuxx brocel, we are incel, no one will ever love us. You are not truly blackpilled if you haven't accepted that irrefutable fact. It's easier to "ascend" when you're a coomskin, Just look at @Made in Heaven he stated this:
"I've had noodle whores and sheboons idolize my for me white skin and eurocentric features"(Balding a 5`7 and he also doesn't believe JBW is real) All you guys need to do is approach ethnics and if you don't want to you're a volcel and shouldn't be allowed on this site. It's ovER for ethnics especially if you live in a country where the majority of the population is ethnic(My country has 92% my country). I can't go to SEA or anywhere because I'm already subhuman and there is nothing that I can do compared to the average coomskin, they can literally geomaxx to a predominately ethnic country and slay there. In my class I have a coomskin 3/10 at best yet he is banging my oneitis(She is an objective 7/10). Just because of his skin colour :cryfeels:
I don't know how you cumskins can accept heightpill but not the racepill. Height isn't the sole reason for inceldom in men, its actually a combination of height and race but race will always take precedence. You're not truly blackpilled if you think race doesn't play a significant role in inceldom. Let's leave the dating aspect of the blackpill alone, when it comes to getting jobs, interviews, societal perception, social interactions, etc being a ethnic is just hell. I don't care what you cumskins have to say, YOU'LL NEVER KNOW WHAT IT FEELS LIKE TO BE AN AVERAGE DEATHNIC. I'm not saying you can't be a cumskin incel, I'm saying it will be easier for you cumskins to ascend, you guys have a pletheora of options and if you don't see that you're actually retarded.

I know you coomskins want research so here is some:

Of the 2.4 million(Large sample size) heterosexual interactions researchers reviewed, the findings show:
  • Women get three times the interactions men do.
  • All men seemed to be more interested in people outside their race.
  • Black men and women get the lowest response rates to their messages.
  • All women except black women are most drawn to white men, and men of all races (with one notable exception) prefer Asian



This one is a bit outdated but you still get the point. There are still a plethora of studies that show that it is easier to be a cumskin than an ethnic. Just go watch IncelTV, he goes further into depth about why being ethnic is already STRIKE 1 AND 2. If you don't you're ignorant and shouldn't be allowed to call yourself a blackpiller.

I shouldn't even be showing research about this, just go outside and you'll see that cumskins have it all
Nigger, I literally already addressed everything in here and invalidated your post. JFL

Height is a universal advantage. Race is a situational one, like in online dating, job seeking etc. in predominantly White, Western countries.
Nigger, I literally already addressed everything in here and invalidated your post. JFL

Height is a universal advantage. Race is a situational one, like in online dating, job seeking etc. in predominantly White, Western countries.
Please read my other arguments(in this thread) with statistics involved. JFL if you think height is the universal advantage :feelskek:. You think people in life flourish because of their height :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: . If you do think so, you're more delusional than the average bluepiller or tranny. Your race is literally how people will perceive you lol. Look at all the gooks, curry's and niggers , they are viewed as repulsive and worthless it's not because their short or because most of them are short on average It's because of race.
The real statistical case to be made for JBW is that ethnics are fewer in number in White countries and this diminishes their chances of dating success because white women won’t date interracial.

In a room of 200 people (100 male | 100 female) The men:
60 are white
13 are black
25 are latino
2 are East Asian
1 is other

The 2 Asian men have to pair with the 2 Asian women that statistically consider them to be equally attractive to whites, so while the odds are not uneven comparing races (Asian and White), the statistics ARE uneven comparing 2:60

That is the case that nobody has made for JBW that is the most convincing.

It doesn’t get much more complicated than that. >muh height >muh bones are overrated arguments, especially compared to this fact.

JBW in principle is non-sense. In-group preference is high for every race but East Asians, but even they statistically give White men and Asian men equal chances.
Please read my other arguments(in this thread) with statistics involved.
I already dealt with this using literally the same OkCupid statistics, before you even posted here... RIGHT IN THE FIRST POST. JFL

JFL if you think height is the universal advantage :feelskek:. You think people in life flourish because of their height :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek: .
Yes. Taller people get hired more, make more money, get promoted more often and into management positions, and even CEOs are an average of 6'0 tall. And this advantage is in every culture.

Literally 30 seconds of searching will tell you all you need to know.

The Absolute State of Triggered Ethnics.

If you do think so, you're more delusional than the average bluepiller or tranny. Your race is literally how people will perceive you lol. Look at all the gooks, curry's and niggers , they are viewed as repulsive and worthless it's not because their short or because most of them are short on average It's because of race.
You went full-blown SJW here. I mean, you're basically arguing for "White privilege," which is THE central SJW talking point. :feelskek:

You're playing the victimhood sport just like they do. :feelsclown:
I've chadfished with dark skinned black models and lightskinned black models. Lightskins get more matches.

People have chadfished with black male models and white male models, same thing.

I think the bottom line is that average white will get more opportunities than the average nonwhite. Even if it's marginally more, even tiny advantages can make all the difference in the grand scheme. If you get 1-2 extra SMV points from JBW, the cumulative effect of that is massive.

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An average looking White man has literally 10 times the chances of getting a match and likes compared with a handsome black men not a black man but an handsome black man. That is what my Tinder experiment exposed. It is what is it, its not like white people are forcing us to stay in their countries
I've chadfished with dark skinned black models and lightskinned black models. Lightskins get more matches.

People have chadfished with black male models and white male models, same thing.

I think the bottom line is that average white will get more opportunities than the average nonwhite. Even if it's marginally more, even tiny advantages can make all the difference in the grand scheme. If you get 1-2 extra SMV points from JBW, the cumulative effect of that is massive.

View attachment 798151
I don't know why cumskins can't fathom that fact kek
Why this is such a touchy subject for the ethnic brocels in here? It's almost as bad and fierce as Westoid cunts REEEing about abortion rights. It seems like every sandnigger, shitskin, and basically every other ethnic wants to do jihad against the cumskins and mayoskins over this on the forum.

We all need to look at all of the evidence and accept the possibility that a black pill theory (race pill), which affects you personally, may be wrong. I get how this could feel like it's attacking the core of your inceldom and denying your experiences, but it's not and it's bigger than that. If one person raised in a single mom household, for example, has a wonderful upbringing and becomes a successful, law-abiding citizen, the fact of incarceration and crime rates of people raised in single mother households being high is not a denial of their wonderful experiences growing up. Their anecdote and life experience does not represent the bigger picture and reality that unstable, fatherless homes produce more criminals than ones with both parents. The same is true for the experiences of ugly ethnics in Western countries.

The incel wiki on racepill cites one study about race affecting attractiveness more than height, but there's no details (the link appears to be broken).
Reminder that nobody is denying light features are seen as more attractive than dark features, but you still need both looks and height as a qualifier.

The JBW entry (https://incels.wiki/w/JBW_theory) cites the OkCupid study which shows a preference for White males for all female races, but not only is this strictly for women of other races in America (can be extrapolated to other White majority Western countries), but there remains strong homophily (the tendency to stick to your own kind) for all races, except Asian women. Noodlewhores appear to be the biggest race traitors in the West (this is East Asian cultural explanations), but even they date a lot of their own men outside of their home countries. This homophily effect is stronger still in the host countries of the races and ethnic groups, even when Whites are present. Evolutionary theory helps explain the underlying reasons for this (see the other clusterfuck of a thread for more details).

It all comes down height and looks. Race is secondary, even tertiary. The JBW theorists coping that it's their ethnicity holding them back need to take a good look in the mirror that remember that it's bones, not melanin, that determines sexual success.
White ppl are highest SMV but it's also ethnics coping about race instead of acknowledging that they're ugly.
It all comes down height and looks.
All these are affected by race btw. Don’t look at the outliers but look at the averages. This thread is pure shit.
All these are affected by race btw. Don’t look at the outliers but look at the averages. This thread is pure shit.
Height is affected by the environment you live in. Taller people adjust better to low altitude, colder climates, which is why northern Europe has very tall people.

They're not tall because of the WHITENESS in their genes. :feelstastyman:
I get why rices seethe at JBW but I don't get why currys or Arabs would seethe at it. As long as you aren't losing your own women in large numbers (like rices) you shouldn't give a fuck. White women 18-30 are maybe 1% of world population, why some terrorist looking sandperson or fellow curry (of which there are over half a billion) feels entitled to white pussy I don't understand.
JBW in principle is non-sense. In-group preference is high for every race but East Asians, but even they statistically give White men and Asian men equal chances.
This is what I've been trying to explain with the evolutionary argument, but, well, you know how that went.
What I don't understand is why I should care about being white (I am), if I'm bald, short and ugly no matter how white I am, I'll still be an incel.
What I don't understand is why I should care about being white (I am), if I'm bald, short and ugly no matter how white I am, I'll still be an incel.
Do you travel? Try talking to non-western ethnic women and you'll see the difference. I hear Chinese girls bragging about bagging a white man all the time.
Do you travel? Try talking to non-western ethnic women and you'll see the difference. I hear Chinese girls bragging about bagging a white man all the time.
I like asiatic girls, and I learn chinese. Your point is good.
I am ethnic, but also short and ugly so it really makes no difference to me. I do agree though that race is the least of my failos. If I were tall with above average face I would not be incel
I am ethnic, but also short and ugly so it really makes no difference to me. I do agree though that race is the least of my failos. If I were tall with above average face I would not be incel
Race is never the primary cause of inceldom. Foids don't have race or ethnic loyalties.
I'm hispanic (non-mulatto). I'm from Spain. And in my city there are many chinese girls.
JBW of course. Chinese parents would never let their daughters marry mulattos and niggas, but noodle-whores prefer monkeys over goblins any day of the week.
Women aren't hard-coded to be attracted to European features, that's a low IQ belief. Women are attracted to wherever they think power and wealth are concentrated. When the Roman empire was ascendant, women of the world didn't want shit to do with blond blue-eyed Germans, they wanted dark and curly-haired Italians.

It's over for the British/American empire. The coming order is going to be led by Russia, China, or both. Prepare to watch the next generation of women around the world get wet for chinky eyes and straight black hair. It's not the genes, it's not a specific look, it's what they connote. They are immutable features indicating membership in the hegemonic ethnicity.
Women aren't hard-coded to be attracted to European features, that's a low IQ belief. Women are attracted to wherever they think power and wealth are concentrated. When the Roman empire was ascendant, women of the world didn't want shit to do with blond blue-eyed Germans, they wanted dark and curly-haired Italians.

It's over for the British/American empire. The coming order is going to be led by Russia, China, or both. Prepare to watch the next generation of women around the world get wet for chinky eyes and straight black hair. It's not the genes, it's not a specific look, it's what they connote. They are immutable features indicating membership in the hegemonic ethnicity.
We can only theorise so much about it by using historical anecdotes. There's no way to know other than having a darker-skinned race become the most prosperous one in the world.

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