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Discussion "Just Be White" theory and the race pill.



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019
Why this is such a touchy subject for the ethnic brocels in here? It's almost as bad and fierce as Westoid cunts REEEing about abortion rights. It seems like every sandnigger, shitskin, and basically every other ethnic wants to do jihad against the cumskins and mayoskins over this on the forum.

We all need to look at all of the evidence and accept the possibility that a black pill theory (race pill), which affects you personally, may be wrong. I get how this could feel like it's attacking the core of your inceldom and denying your experiences, but it's not and it's bigger than that. If one person raised in a single mom household, for example, has a wonderful upbringing and becomes a successful, law-abiding citizen, the fact of incarceration and crime rates of people raised in single mother households being high is not a denial of their wonderful experiences growing up. Their anecdote and life experience does not represent the bigger picture and reality that unstable, fatherless homes produce more criminals than ones with both parents. The same is true for the experiences of ugly ethnics in Western countries.

The incel wiki on racepill cites one study about race affecting attractiveness more than height, but there's no details (the link appears to be broken).
Reminder that nobody is denying light features are seen as more attractive than dark features, but you still need both looks and height as a qualifier.

The JBW entry (https://incels.wiki/w/JBW_theory) cites the OkCupid study which shows a preference for White males for all female races, but not only is this strictly for women of other races in America (can be extrapolated to other White majority Western countries), but there remains strong homophily (the tendency to stick to your own kind) for all races, except Asian women. Noodlewhores appear to be the biggest race traitors in the West (this is East Asian cultural explanations), but even they date a lot of their own men outside of their home countries. This homophily effect is stronger still in the host countries of the races and ethnic groups, even when Whites are present. Evolutionary theory helps explain the underlying reasons for this (see the other clusterfuck of a thread for more details).

It all comes down height and looks. Race is secondary, even tertiary. The JBW theorists coping that it's their ethnicity holding them back need to take a good look in the mirror that remember that it's bones, not melanin, that determines sexual success.
It seems like every sandnigger, shitskin, and basically every other ethnic wants to do jihad against the cumskins and mayoskins over this on the forum.
Not just ethnicels, lol, the vast majority of ethnics support white genocide.
race is directly related to looks and being white is the key wet hole ingredient for a toilet to show her pussy and all of her other holes
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
High IQ thread but I can already sense the niggers and curry's sperging out
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
The cumskin card is the greatest credentials to a bitch overseas, if you are not then they won’t even glance twice let alone look in your direction
race is directly related to looks and being white is the key wet hole ingredient for a toilet to show her pussy and all of her other holes
Being white doesn't guarantee your attractive it just means your more likely to be attractive
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
Just greencardmaxx an ugly gook who will cuck you theory
Being white doesn't guarantee your attractive it just means your more likely to be attractive
that’s why I said ingredient and I’m mainly pointing out that all the other attributes that a man has is overshadowed by the fact he doesn’t have the “key ingredient” of course white incels exist although small.
Being white doesn't guarantee your attractive it just means your more likely to be attractive
Though white colouring also boosts your attractiveness. Imagine a stereotypical strong-boned shitskin Dravidian with blue eyes and tan skin. :feelsjuice:
This homophily effect is stronger still in the host countries of the races and ethnic groups, even when Whites are present.
Don't get this point. Be a white normie who goes to India and you'll absolutely slay currywhores, no homophily in that. Just that there's not enough to go around for every foid. Noodlewhores are only one of the white-worshipping races, it's a disease everywhere when the foids get to the West. Arabs, curries, plenty of sheboons. :lul:
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@Med Amine @Grotesk @Moroccancel2- @MiSKiRaT @ilieknothing @Ricordanza @Twinkcel @Adolf Hitler @DarkStarDown @Man @NirvanaFan1988 @Mortis @IronsideCel @Mecoja @Rotter @Epedaphic @FemoidsGTFO @Ahnfeltia @starcrapoo @Serpents reign @Defetivecuckachu @The Abyss @MrRed97 @EnglishCel @gymletethnicel @eldercelder @Pancakecel @Govid_Dorious @PLA1092 @LeFrenchCel

Just tag the whole forum theory.
Being white doesn't guarantee your attractive it just means your more likely to be attractive
I’ve been waiting centuries for you to say this.
No argument needed.
thats some serious mental gymnastics
Don't get this point. Be a white normie who goes to India and you'll absolutely slay currywhores, no homophily in that. Just that there's not enough to go around for every foid. Noodlewhores are only one of the white-worshipping races, it's a disease everywhere when the foids get to the West. Arabs, curries, plenty of sheboons. :lul:
That's only because how subhuman the average curry is compared to a white normie and doesn't have that much to do with skintone.
thats some serious mental gymnastics
Big words coming from you. Muh I see a lot WMAF couples that must mean all white men are slaying noodlewhores while every Asian man is a KHHV permavirgin.
not too fond of jigros
@Med Amine @Grotesk @Moroccancel2- @MiSKiRaT @ilieknothing @Ricordanza @Twinkcel @Adolf Hitler @DarkStarDown @Man @NirvanaFan1988 @Mortis @IronsideCel @Mecoja @Rotter @Epedaphic @FemoidsGTFO @Ahnfeltia @starcrapoo @Serpents reign @Defetivecuckachu @The Abyss @MrRed97 @EnglishCel @gymletethnicel @eldercelder @Pancakecel @Govid_Dorious @PLA1092 @LeFrenchCel

Just tag the whole forum theory.
Since you gave me a notification I'll bite.

I haven't extensively researched the race pill, I've mostly seen the okcupid data and anecdotal evidence (yes, not a high quality of evidence) from my own observations.

I agree with what you said about race being only part of the picture, but I think it's more than just a secondary or tertiary part of it. Being white for example (and not just white, this depends on social context, for example during BLM I wouldn't be surprised if blacks had a boost in smv) means you have a lower bar for being considered attractive or desirable. I think I've seen this shown in analyses of data that Asians need to make significantly more money to be seen at a similar level of attractiveness as whites.

But that being said, I'm personally not very touchy about it and I think it's obvious that white incels exist and can suffer just as much as anyone else here.
Though white colouring also boosts your attractiveness. Imagine a stereotypical strong-boned shitskin Dravidian with blue eyes and tan skin. :feelsjuice:
Albino indian girl with her shitskin sister.

Really based. Totally agree. In our inceldom, race sucks. Most people who opt for SEAMaxxing are default normies. A 160 cm tall bronzer with a devil's face, no matter how white it is, is not going anywhere.

And the reverse happens if you put a Chaddam in Sweden, it will mog a lot of normie Swedes.
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
Just be a Chad. Over. Blacks however would have it hardest, but still.
I think I've seen this shown in analyses of data that Asians need to make significantly more money to be seen at a similar level of attractiveness as whites.
I remember that study too. Apparently, the part that's left out is that the increased income threshold for Asian men is for dating White women, not for dating any women.
I remember that study too. Apparently, the part that's left out is that the increased income threshold for Asian men is for dating White women, not for dating any women.
I see, still, a majority of women in the US. I'd still be curious to see the numbers for women of other races.
I don't really care but its a lot harder to be a white incel than it is to be an ethnic incel
What does JBW mean to each of you? I get the sense there's going to be multiple notions of it.

And nobody has talked about why this is a sensitive subject for ethnics.
Ive asked this before, but are these ethniccels even aware that the fkn planet is 94% ethnic???
They seem to believe that the only ones fucking is us white boyos.

Are ethnics made in laboratorys around the planet nowadays? They cant be made from intercourse right?
Or are they summoned by rituals?
Only white guys get pussy apparently if u listen to these morons talk:feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
Cumskins can go to south east Asia and fuck a foid for free. As an ethnic there is nowhere on the planet where a foid finds me attractive. That is JBW
Don't be ridiculous. This is a complete caricature. You're acting like there's prime pussy just a plane ticket away sitting and waiting to be fucked by any subhuman who happens to have white skin.

Just pay thousands of dollars in travel expenses to fuck third world shithole pussy for free bro. :lul:
I get why rices seethe at JBW but I don't get why currys or Arabs would seethe at it. As long as you aren't losing your own women in large numbers (like rices) you shouldn't give a fuck. White women 18-30 are maybe 1% of world population, why some terrorist looking sandperson or fellow curry (of which there are over half a billion) feels entitled to white pussy I don't understand.
Not just ethnicels, lol, the vast majority of ethnics support white genocide.
its just over, whitecels cant escape kike golem mob
it's over for ethnics.
they used to have a traditional culture that allow them to rape women by arranged marriage, rape or by buying sex slaves and reproduce but this culture have been destroyed by the western culture and they lost their last ticket for ascension.
ethnic women rather jerk off to porn of white men until they're in their 50s than meet and reproduce with a young ethnic male. or they will just immigrate to the west and marry white males while ethnics kill themselves here.
we ethnics should just commit self destruction right now and get it over with.
but since whites always want to steal shit from others like women, they feel a great need to steal the suffering that ethnics have and claim they have it worse, typical female behavior.
Are ethnics made in laboratorys around the planet nowadays? They cant be made from intercourse right?
Or are they summoned by rituals?
arranged marriage (rape) which isn't accessible now and Rape.
but there remains strong homophily (the tendency to stick to your own kind) for all races, except Asian women.
put a white male in india or any other 3rd world country shithole and he will slay tons of girls.

anyway, good opportunity to drop this copypasta:

>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway, this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most gruesome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the success rate of these sacrificial rituals is too low
>If the sacrificial ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicide although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually successful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrificial PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
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For me it's not a touchy subject or I have something against white brocels.

That being said, race plays a part in attractiveness as white features are considered attractive, also just by being white other see you as richer, more educated, more liberal, etc. It does gives an halo.

Good example of this not being applied to all whites are the slavs, which usually have softer facial features, often balding and are poorer on average.

If you look like this, for white fetishists you're a nigger
Awww look at the little cracker kike tranny lover doing damage control writing essays as if anyone respects his opinion
What does JBW mean to each of you? I get the sense there's going to be multiple notions of it.
It means whites on average look better. Simple as.
And nobody has talked about why this is a sensitive subject for ethnics.
It's a sensitive subject because it means the genocidal rhetoric of fascists has legitimacy. They were right when they put whites at the top
Ive asked this before, but are these ethniccels even aware that the fkn planet is 94% ethnic???
They seem to believe that the only ones fucking is us white boyos.

Are ethnics made in laboratorys around the planet nowadays? They cant be made from intercourse right?
Or are they summoned by rituals?
Only white guys get pussy apparently if u listen to these morons talk:feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
11% of the world is european. If you want to including white-passing Latinos, jews, uzbeks, arabs, uygurs, iranians, tajiks, etc. That number probably can easily shoot up to 20%
I get why rices seethe at JBW but I don't get why currys or Arabs would seethe at it. As long as you aren't losing your own women in large numbers (like rices) you shouldn't give a fuck. White women 18-30 are maybe 1% of world population, why some terrorist looking sandperson or fellow curry (of which there are over half a billion) feels entitled to white pussy I don't understand.
I'm entitled to white pussy because I'm white. Simple as. I even have a red beard.
ethnic women rather jerk off to porn of white men until they're in their 50s than meet and reproduce with a young ethnic male. or they will just immigrate to the west and marry white males while ethnics kill themselves here.
we ethnics should just commit self destruction right now and get it over with.
You'll have to excuse me, if I don't just accept your dramatic exaggerations at face value.

I'm not going to deny that the internet, faceberg, shitstagram, and chinktok have negatively influenced your local cultures, but unless there are some hard numbers, I can't take what you're saying as generally true across many nations.

You're seriously trying to make the argument that some local fuckin Fatima or Zainab in your country is White chad only? I could accept that if she was a migrant to America or Germany or wherever, but back home? GTFO. :feelskek::feelshaha:
but since whites always want to steal shit from others like women, they feel a great need to steal the suffering that ethnics have and claim they have it worse, typical female behavior.
Holy fucking KEK. And people say I'm the one doing mental gymnastics. :lul:

arranged marriage (rape) which isn't accessible now and Rape.
What do you mean it's not accessible? What changed? Your culture didn't go through a massive upheaval, did it?

put a white male in india or any other 3rd world country shithole and he will slay tons of girls.
Any White male? Is that really what you're willing to claim and stand behind? If this was true, red pilled PUAtards would have already discovered this a long ago and "geomaxxed" (just upend your entire life and move halfway around the world for some ethnic pussy bro KEK) to massively improve their success rate.

The only thing that happened was that ugly White guys in their mid-late 30s and 40s discovered Thailand and the Philippines (tbf flips are massive White worshippers, more than chinks). But they are all passport whores who don't care about the man aside from their utility to get them out of their shithole towns/villages and into the West where they will divorce their ugly ass, take half his money + house, and fuck random chads on his bed that she now legally owns.

Good looking White guys in any age group aren't traveling to fuckin SEA shitholes to betabuxx some gook pussy. They go to New York, LA, Miami, Paris, Milan, Madrid, Moscow, Rome etc. and fuck models, artists, and aspiring actresses. Then they settle with some gigastacy from a rich family whose dad gives him a management job at his Fortune 500 company. They will then collect memories and experiences they will fondly remember as they're telling stories to their blue-eyed, blonde-haired grandchildren.

anyway, good opportunity to drop this copypasta:

>It's the year 2080
>Attractive white men have a harem of white women
>Meanwhile the rest of white men have harem of ethnic women
>All ethnic men are incels
>The white men although having harems call themselves "whitecels" because according to them they are incel because they didn't have sex with angelic superior devine white women
>Meanwhile over 70% ethnic males report that they have never seen a female human with over 30% believing that female humans don't exist
>Anyway, this was the general overview of the social dynamics in 2080
>It is common for some radical whitecels to go to extreme lengths to vow a white women
>One of he most gruesome ritual to vow a white women done by whitecels is to sacrifice(kill) their harem of ethnic women to show the white female their affection
>Alas the success rate of these sacrificial rituals is too low
>If the sacrificial ritual fails, the whitecels are left alone after which they have to rebuild their harem from scratch
>Although it takes the whitecels only around one to two months to create another harem of ethnic , the period of sexlessness of one to two months causes the whitecels to develop PTSD
>It is common for whitecels to become depressed requiring medical attention in these months of sexlessness and over 90% attempt suicide although thankfully out of these 90% only 0.000001% are actually successful in their attempts of suicide
>Recently a new therapy to help whitecels suffering from this post sacrificial PTSD has been approved. It involves the whitecel patient being shown pictures of "white trad wife" , whatever that is.
Top fucking KEK. I remember seeing this.
For me it's not a touchy subject or I have something against white brocels.

That being said, race plays a part in attractiveness as white features are considered attractive, also just by being white other see you as richer, more educated, more liberal, etc. It does gives an halo.

Good example of this not being applied to all whites are the slavs, which usually have softer facial features, often balding and are poorer on average.

If you look like this, for white fetishists you're a nigger
View attachment 797410View attachment 797411
Many white subhumans exist
dnr, jbw.
search up tinder race statistics
View attachment 797406
Aayan loves coffee, sports, and technology. He's always on the verge to learn something new, meet new people and explore the world.

OK, now photoshop him with White skin, change nothing else, and then tell me with a straight face that this now-cumskin curry is magically a mogger and going to slay bus-fulls of White stacies (because that IS what every ethnic is obsessed about, right? Prime White stacy pussy).
Why this is such a touchy subject for the ethnic brocels in here? It's almost as bad and fierce as Westoid cunts REEEing about abortion rights. It seems like every sandnigger, shitskin, and basically every other ethnic wants to do jihad against the cumskins and mayoskins over this on the forum.

We all need to look at all of the evidence and accept the possibility that a black pill theory (race pill), which affects you personally, may be wrong. I get how this could feel like it's attacking the core of your inceldom and denying your experiences, but it's not and it's bigger than that. If one person raised in a single mom household, for example, has a wonderful upbringing and becomes a successful, law-abiding citizen, the fact of incarceration and crime rates of people raised in single mother households being high is not a denial of their wonderful experiences growing up. Their anecdote and life experience does not represent the bigger picture and reality that unstable, fatherless homes produce more criminals than ones with both parents. The same is true for the experiences of ugly ethnics in Western countries.

The incel wiki on racepill cites one study about race affecting attractiveness more than height, but there's no details (the link appears to be broken).
Reminder that nobody is denying light features are seen as more attractive than dark features, but you still need both looks and height as a qualifier.

The JBW entry (https://incels.wiki/w/JBW_theory) cites the OkCupid study which shows a preference for White males for all female races, but not only is this strictly for women of other races in America (can be extrapolated to other White majority Western countries), but there remains strong homophily (the tendency to stick to your own kind) for all races, except Asian women. Noodlewhores appear to be the biggest race traitors in the West (this is East Asian cultural explanations), but even they date a lot of their own men outside of their home countries. This homophily effect is stronger still in the host countries of the races and ethnic groups, even when Whites are present. Evolutionary theory helps explain the underlying reasons for this (see the other clusterfuck of a thread for more details).

It all comes down height and looks. Race is secondary, even tertiary. The JBW theorists coping that it's their ethnicity holding them back need to take a good look in the mirror that remember that it's bones, not melanin, that determines sexual success.
very high IQ thread and I agree, but the thing is that most ethnics live in dirt poor conditions thus making their genes an absolute shit gutter. There is not a single ethnic country where the men are above 6 feet tall or have a significant advantage in physical appearance, but in pigskin land however the majority of men there are tall and attractive. I used to believe in JBW but now looking at the bigger picture, most whites or even mixed mutts have a better physique and a much taller stature than the average ethnic, it's not just about being white it's about having a GOOD FACE AND A DOMINANT FRAME. If all curries turned white and every white person turned brown then browns will be seen as the most attractive race regardless of their skin color.
Many white subhumans exist
Yeah, and jbw won't work for the most of them except some cases. Still, let's say a white dude is 4/10, middle class, 5'11, he can choose between 2/10 white foid or 4-5 asian foid. I think that's why even normies talk about sexpathing and jbw, it's a way to get a hotter gf.

Take as an example this guy, abroad in Japan, he is about average looking. Still he talks how japanese women praise, give him compliments and straight up fetishize him, even his students.
Yeah, and jbw won't work for the most of them except some cases. Still, let's say a white dude is 4/10, middle class, 5'11, he can choose between 2/10 white foid or 4-5 asian foid. I think that's why even normies talk about sexpathing and jbw, it's a way to get a hotter gf.

Take as an example this guy, abroad in Japan, he is about average looking. Still he talks how japanese women praise, give him compliments and straight up fetishize him, even his students.
View attachment 797432
Fuck I wish I wasn't so autistic and crippled. I would probably have a decent chance then. Maybe not since I'm also balding slowly but whatever
It all comes down height and looks. Race is secondary, even tertiary.
I mean, I agree with this.

PS Regarding homophily, how does that work for mixed mutts?
very high IQ thread and I agree, but the thing is that most ethnics live in dirt poor conditions thus making their genes an absolute shit gutter. There is not a single ethnic country where the men are above 6 feet tall or have a significant advantage in physical appearance, but in pigskin land however the majority of men there are tall and attractive. I used to believe in JBW but now looking at the bigger picture, most whites or even mixed mutts have a better physique and a much taller stature than the average ethnic, it's not just about being white it's about having a GOOD FACE AND A DOMINANT FRAME.
This is an argument I can appreciate. You're saying that average SMV is lower, because of economic and environmental factors that affect nutrition, which then affects things like height and frame. This is logical.

From this, then, you understand (I'm sure) that the best we can conclude is that, on average, Whites are taller and better looking due to the aforementioned advantages, not because of any inherent "Whiteness" of genes, like users seem to be implying.

JBW copers make logical leaps and conclude that simply being White IS the advantage. This is ultimately what I have a problem with. The data simply doesn't show this. All we have is that White chad in the West has online dating success that dwarfs every other demographic. No shit, he's CHAD.

If all curries turned white and every white person turned brown then browns will be seen as the most attractive race regardless of their skin color.
I suggested literally, exactly this a few posts up with a picture of our fellow currycel Aayan, who loves coffee, sports, technology, loves to meet new people, and loves to explore the world. A true Renaissance man, if I ever met one.

Turn him White and he will look like an even bigger truecel.
PS Regarding homophily, how does that work for mixed mutts?
Very good question. I don't know if there's a definitive answer to that, but I found this paper that studies the effect on friendships between various racial demographic profiles.

Based on the findings reported in the abstract (I'll be honest, I'm not interested in reading the whole fucking paper), self-identified mixed race people were less likely to perceive a mixed-race match with other self-identified mixed race friends. From this, we can infer that homophily will also be weaker between mixed race couples.

This means that mixed race couples are less likely to pair up on the basis of some part of their mixed ethnicity. Practically, this would mean that racial homogeneity quickly diminishes in a few generations of mixed race breeding and we wouldn't be able to predict who they would be more likely to pair up with ("they" will become difficult to identify and accurately categorize).

Basically, it means that if you're uncertain of your ethnic heritage because you've been bred to become some cocktail soup of ethnic groups, then you're a genetic novelty that homogeneous racial groups are not going to be inclined to take risks with on an evolutionary level. At the macro level, it means every race will find you unappealing or less appealing than their own race.
I'll be honest, I'm not interested in reading the whole fucking paper
Perfectly understandable. Thanks for going out of your way to look it up.
This means that mixed race couples are less likely to pair up on the basis of some part of their mixed ethnicity. Practically, this would mean that racial homogeneity quickly diminishes in a few generations of mixed race breeding and we wouldn't be able to predict who they would be more likely to pair up with ("they" will become difficult to identify and accurately categorize).
Kinda what I figured. JBW would suggest that mixed mutts (esp. the femongrels) would have a preference for fairer-skinned individuals. I wouldn't be surprised at all if this turns out to be the case. What think you?

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