Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

JFL "Just Be Sandnigger Who Joined .is Four Years Ago"

You always act like you're such a big shot & say shit like this

Why don't you put your money in your mouth & actually neck yourself faggot
I am a big shot. I very likely mog you in every single metric of life.

Irl I bet you're a fucking pussy I could kick the shit out of easily
You're a nobody.
You don't even have the decency and respect to read what others are posting.
Shove you "Dnr" up your ass and then neck yourself.
Disrespectful cunts like you should be permabanned on the spot.
idk why ur suprised when this forum had pedos openly running around few years ago

pedo culture here used to be very big
Hopefully you are against pedos.
Hopefully you are against pedos.
Yes I am

16+ is fine I think, though I would probably just stick to the letter of the law.

My ideal waman is 21-23 range. Or 25-26 range. Kinda psycho crazy bitch vibe, clingily and also domi relationship wise but not sex. I have a fantasy of conquering a domi woman, someone with authority like a police woman who goes around her daily acting tough and putting on a show but is fragile inside so that I can break in and breed her in.

Idk kinda a weird specific fantasy of mine. Also will be nice if she is taller than me, I am 5'10.

I think watching all this crazy bitches on Anime channels when I was 12 really ruined my preferences.


I had no business watching Black Lagoon as a 12 years old :feelsYall:
Imagine saying this on an Incel forum
I don't have to imagine.
Your disrespectful behavior would get punished harshly in any company or military structure.
Say "dnr" to one of your comrades and they would beat the teeth out of your mouth.
Your disrespectfulness shows me that you're a low-life. A nobody. Because nobody tolerates disrespectful faggots like you.
I don't have to imagine.
Your disrespectful behavior would get punished harshly in any company or military structure.
Say "dnr" to one of your comrades and they would beat the teeth out of your mouth.
You disrespectfulness shows me that you're a low-life. A nobody.
Youre arrogance shows to me you have the mentality of a normie or foid, who comes here to make himself feel better & brag about how "successful" he is in life

Everyone here hates you, now fuck off nigger
Youre arrogance shows to me you have the mentality of a normie or foid, who comes here to make himself feel better & brag about how "successful" he is in life

Everyone here hates you, now fuck off nigger
I'm not arrogant. I'm based.
You are the arrogant low-life who starts witchhunts and replies with "dnr".
You would get beaten like a dog if you showed this kind of behavior irl.
I have enough friends around here. I wouldn't be here if it was different. Cuck.
I'm not arrogant. I'm based.
Your IQ is room-temp, in celsius
You are the arrogant low-life who starts witchhunts and replies with "dnr".
Sorry I don't want to share the forum with a faggot & pedo

And no, look at must-read you ingrate
You would get beaten like a dog if you showed this kind of behavior irl.
I'm surprised no one irl hasn't beat your ass yet, based on how much of a prick you are on here
I have enough friends around here. I wouldn't be here if it was different. Cuck.
Yeah jfl, whenever someone posts their ignore list I see you on it
Yes I am

16+ is fine I think, though I would probably just stick to the letter of the law.
16+ is also fine to me. Going lower becomes sus to me. If a toilet doesn't look very mature, she ain't appealing.
My ideal waman is 21-23 range. Or 25-26 range. Kinda psycho crazy bitch vibe, clingily and also domi relationship wise but not sex. I have a fantasy of conquering a domi woman, someone with authority like a police woman who goes around her daily acting tough and putting on a show but is fragile inside so that I can break in and breed her in.

Idk kinda a weird specific fantasy of mine. Also will be nice if she is taller than me, I am 5'10.
Your sexual preferences are quite common. I personally only want to dominate toilets. No speaking back. Just like a doll. Unfortunately I am manlet so it's very hard to fulfill my desires. I wish to do with an escort but I am a locationcel so no chance. It's all 35+ roasties here. EE is very brutal. If you are from EE you are most likely incel.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
I think watching all this crazy bitches on Anime channels when I was 12 really ruined my preferences.

View attachment 1300812

I had no business watching Black Lagoon as a 12 years old :feelsYall:
Good anime. Seen it like 8 years ago. Fapped to Roberta once.
Imagine bragging like this on an Incel forum jfl

I'd love to see you kick his ass, anyone here could probably beat that faggot up
Your IQ is room-temp, in celsius
My academic degree says otherwise.

I'm surprised no one irl hasn't beat your ass yet, based on how much of a prick you are on here
Said the guy who replied with "dnr" to a serious post and tries to start a witchhunt against a 33yo truecel. You are the prick, not me.

Yeah jfl, whenever someone posts their ignore list I see you on it
I haven't seen this once, maybe you dreamed it.
This community is tearing itself apart wtf :feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal::feelsUnreal:
My academic degree says otherwise.
Nice bragging
Said the guy who replied with "dnr" to a serious post and tries to start a witchhunt against a 33yo truecel. You are the prick, not me.
It's not a witch-hunt, it's tons of examples of him making faggotry & pedo comments

Both of which, especially the latter, put this place at risk in many many ways
I haven't seen this once, maybe you dreamed it.
Dude, most users here hate you
When will the join date halo apply to 2024cels?


even 2023cels still dont have joindate halo since they joined post-tiktok

It's truly over for newcels
just lol at how arrogant this lgbt rainbow dude is
Lots of little things and frustration piling up over years finally coming to a climax
Expect big things coming soon and a mass exodus of users
Yup, we've all reached our breaking points & lost our shit
He really is one of the worst users I've ever seen here
still around because of 2018 join date. Every time i look at his replies i imagine it's some feminist from Reddit behind the screen
In lieu of todays example, I figured I'd provide us with another example of this:

View attachment 1300770

In relation to this thread about a Paki who groomed a boy:

View attachment 1300771
View attachment 1300772

More of these homo-erotic comments, which would have caused any other user to be nuked.

Join-date halo & protection is real

@Biowaste Removal
@Aegon Targaryen
@Uggo Mongo
While 2024cels will get banned over the smallest shit.
still around because of 2018 join date. Every time i look at his replies i imagine it's some feminist from Reddit behind the screen
What bothers me the most about him is he goes to people's vents and posts shit like "Who asked? I don't care" etc. Just genuinely scummy fucking shit
He really is one of the worst users I've ever seen here
Said the guy who replies with "dnr" to a serious post, tries starting a witchhunt against a 33yo truecel and sees having a degree as bragging .... bro, you're just a retard. :D
still around because of 2018 join date. Every time i look at his replies i imagine it's some feminist from Reddit behind the screen
JFL who’s even "friends" with him here?
16+ is also fine to me. Going lower becomes sus to me. If a toilet doesn't look very mature, she ain't appealing.

Your sexual preferences are quite common. I personally only want to dominate toilets. No speaking back. Just like a doll. Unfortunately I am manlet so it's very hard to fulfill my desires. I wish to do with an escort but I am a locationcel so no chance. It's all 35+ roasties here. EE is very brutal. If you are from EE you are most likely incel.:feelsrope::feelsrope:

Good anime. Seen it like 8 years ago. Fapped to Roberta once.
I am from EE but its even worse because I moved to UK and being an EE in UK is like being a nigger in 1930 America.

Everybody thinks ur a monkey retard who works construction, being EE automatically tanks ur status in UK by x100 the only people u can really communicate at the same level are other EE ppl and most of them are drunks or used up women 35+

The odds of ascending are none-existant the moment htey hear ur EE accent its already over u dont even need to show ur face

Fuck this place tbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Your sexual preferences are quite common. I personally only want to dominate toilets. No speaking back. Just like a doll. Unfortunately I am manlet so it's very hard to fulfill my desires. I wish to do with an escort but I am a locationcel so no chance. It's all 35+ roasties here. EE is very brutal. If you are from EE you are most likely incel.:feelsrope::feelsrope:
what is it called
What bothers me the most about him is he goes to people's vents and posts shit like "Who asked? I don't care" etc. Just genuinely scummy fucking shit
He is arrogant just like MiH and it's genuinly annoying
I am a big shot. I very likely mog you in every single metric of life.

You're a nobody.
You don't even have the decency and respect to read what others are posting.
Shove you "Dnr" up your ass and then neck yourself.
Disrespectful cunts like you should be permabanned on the spot.
Extremely unlikely.
still around because of 2018 join date. Every time i look at his replies i imagine it's some feminist from Reddit behind the screen
Did he move here when r/Braincels got banned?
What bothers me the most about him is he goes to people's vents and posts shit like "Who asked? I don't care" etc. Just genuinely scummy fucking shit
Yeah, then he asks us to hear him out & pander to him

Literal foid behavior
Said the guy who replies with "dnr" to a serious post, tries starting a witchhunt against a 33yo truecel and sees having a degree as bragging .... bro, you're just a retard. :D
I'll fucking educate you which your mom didn't do cause she was busy getting railed by Niggers
JFL who’s even "friends" with him here?
Yet he claimed many here "are his friend" jfl
What bothers me the most about him is he goes to people's vents and posts shit like "Who asked? I don't care" etc. Just genuinely scummy fucking shit
not so long ago he made some reply basically defending women, saying that we aren't good enough for women, we should work harder or something.
I am from EE but its even worse because I moved to UK and being an EE in UK is like being a nigger in 1930 America.

Everybody thinks ur a monkey retard who works construction, being EE automatically tanks ur status in UK by x100 the only people u can really communicate at the same level are other EE ppl and most of them are drunks or used up women 35+

The odds of ascending are none-existant the moment htey hear ur EE accent its already over u dont even need to show ur face

Fuck this place tbhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
My mom's friend worked in UK and he is treated like literal garbage. I was offered to work there but I declined because I knew they would hate my guts. I would literally be working in a landfill.
what is it called
Mild femdom. Just like @Friezacel
not so long ago he made some reply basically defending women, saying that we aren't good enough for women, we should work harder or something.
Was that under one of Samucucks threads? Yeah he sucks up to him hard. Both of them post blue pilled bullshit all the time, but later rephrase it and "clarify" it's actually super duper blackpill guyz trust da jew
not so long ago he made some reply basically defending women, saying that we aren't good enough for women, we should work harder or something.
Are you serious? Link it
It genuinely hurts my soul to see some of the users I really like hating each other :feelsbadman:
My mom's friend worked in UK and he is treated like literal garbage. I was offered to work there but I declined because I knew they would hate my guts. I would literally be working in a landfill.

Mild femdom. Just like @Friezacel
But how can it be femdom when I want to be one to dominate her.

I just want to dominate her in sex setting though, when a tough woman breaking her defenses one by one until I fuck her and she slowly gives up and gives herself to me and stops mentally resisting.

But after that she goes back to her tough act and I just let it go. I let her continue the tough act day to day but in bed I tame her.
I think it's extremely fair that some users here don't ascend.
Many didn't put in the work and many are just unbearably retarded, so they don't deserve a gf and it's just fair that they don't have one, in my oppinion.
Unpopular oppinion: Some dudes on this forum deserve to be single forever and die alone, because they are low IQ assholes who have zero redeeming qualities, who hate women, who hate other men, who are completely incapable of being respectful towards others or having empathy.
Just look how this ape comes at you for saying something pefectly normal like "I want to bring my gf flowers". It just shows that this low IQ neanderthal cannot comprehend what it means to be respectful or caring towards others and therefore he doesn't deserve a gf. Relationships are always bidirectional and this guy obviously doesn't want to do his part, so have fun rotting.
Another unpopular oppinion: If you hate women, go fuck off this forum, you are no longer an incel. An incel is per definition someone who wants to be in a loving relationship with a woman. If you hate women, you obviously don't want that and therefore aren't incel. If you hate women so much, you must be really really happy that women stay away from you, so what's your problem, you low IQ retard? Go fuck off this forum, you don't belong here.
But yeah, join date 2018 and only 1k posts already tells you that it's some degens multi account or a troll account. Just put him on ignore.

What did you do to deserve a gf?
My mom's friend worked in UK and he is treated like literal garbage. I was offered to work there but I declined because I knew they would hate my guts. I would literally be working in a landfill.
Dont ever come to UK as a slav if u dont wanna kill urself
It genuinely hurts my soul to see some of the users I really like hating each other :feelsbadman:
Brutal Eastern Europeanpill: realising West Europeans hate each other and want to kill each other.

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