Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Cope [JFL]"I'm an incel. Are we the bad guys?"



I.N.C.E.L. High Command, Psychological Operations
Oct 11, 2019
I found this fairly new article written by a coping, blue pilled incel. The ADL's online campaign against defaming incels seems to be a success, tragically. They've completely corrupted the meaning of the term to be something else entirely, as their cohorts in other institutions have corrupted the meaning of even men and women. Every soyboy, Karen, blue pilled Billy Beta, and Bitter Becky (one of chad's multiple sport fucking girls that he uses to practice and experiment new things with on the side) thinks that "incel" means something to the effect of "alt-right, misogynist, White supremacist, violent extremist." This is nothing new to some of us here who are used to seeing this kind of disparaging compartmentalization and othering of us for whatever purpose and agenda it's supposed to serve (we already know that too, but that's a sidetrack).

You may notice the infamous phrase that is used in virtually all internet articles about incels. Try to see if you can spot it. If you can't - and let's face it, statistically you've not even gotten to this sentence, because you're an ADHD zoomerfag with the attention span of a squirrel (excluding the tagged brocels :feelshmm: ) - it's "incel ideology."

I've been incel my entire life and have been on this forum for almost five years. I've never seen any "incel ideology" here that we're supposed to have. What is this monolithic, all-encompassing set of political and moral beliefs that we all supposedly share? What is it? Can somebody tell me? No? That's right, there is none. We're probably the most diverse (in the original sense of the word) group of people on the internet in terms of beliefs and ideologies. The fact that the average person on the internet has successfully been brainwashed into pigeonholing us into a box that they can comprehend (because they can only seem to think in simplistic binary terms) is a testament to the power of language and its use in controling what others think.

Resist this garbage and corruption, brocels. Speak up and be the voice of reason and coherence whereever you're able to (that is, without incurring a social cost to self in this corrupted cultural climate). Make 1000 twitter and reddit accounts and use 20 VPNs if you have to (@Retardfuel moment). It's high time we started pushing back against this propaganda assault on us.

The term “incel” is short for “involuntary celibate,” and I have recently come to realize I am one. At 40 years old, I’ve never had sex or even made out with a woman. This is due to the fact I have Asperger’s. I’m just not comfortable with flirting which sometimes feels like an alien concept.
In trying to figure myself out, I did some research online and came across an eye-opening CNN article by AJ Willingham. It paints a dark picture of incels and incel culture, but are incels inherently bad?
The article, “What does the term ‘incel’ mean?” describes incels thusly:
In its most basic form, incel describes someone, usually a male, who is frustrated by their lack of sexual experiences.
The Anti-Defamation League, which works to address hate and extremism, defines incels as “heterosexual men who blame women and society for their lack of romantic success.”
“Incel” can also be used as a pejorative to describe someone who has misogynistic viewpoints or behaviors.
According to the article, an important characteristic of incels is often hatred toward women. Incels feel women are too selective and their standards are too high. Incels also feel women use their sexuality to get ahead in the world.
The incel community’s response to these beliefs seems to be to declare war on women.
Over the past 10 years or so, several incidents of mass violence have been perpetrated by men who identified themselves as incels or publicized their beliefs in male supremacy.
Elliot Rodger, who went on a stabbing and shooting rampage in Isla Vista, California, in 2014, was a self-described incel. After the attack, which killed six, injured more than a dozen and ended with the 22-year-old’s death at his own hands, Rodgers became a celebrity, inspiration and meme among incel communities.
The article also says incel ideology calls for a reversal of women’s equality via methods such as rape and the return of a chauvinistic patriarchal society.
Sounds pretty bad, right? Well, it’s important to remember that people are individuals, and not every incel wants to destroy feminism. It’s true that I’ve sometimes found myself resenting women for being so choosy, but at the same time, you can’t force attraction. Women are wired differently, and unfortunately, that wiring is incompatible with guys like me who struggle with building chemistry. This world was built for neurotypical people, with very little thought for those of us whose brains don’t work the way society wants.
Most people don’t understand the agony of never being able to have sex or raise a family. It’s pain on a level that is beyond the experiences of your average neurotypical adult. It’s the world telling you you’re not good enough for your entire adult life. Guys like me yearn for normal relationships, but they are denied to us.
Even if you disagree with incel ideology (which I mostly do), our suffering is very real. Thankfully, the article addresses that.
A 2022 study published in “Evolutionary Psychology Science” surveyed a sample of self-described incels. Researchers found 75% of the incels they questioned were clinically diagnosable with severe or moderate depression, and 45% with severe anxiety.
“(Incels) are suffering extraordinarily high levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness,” said William Costello, the lead author of the study and a doctoral student at the University of Texas at Austin. “They are also, as a group, particularly averse to seeking help from mental health professions.”
Another 2022 study in the “Journal of Sexual Medicine” found those who identified as incels were more likely to experience higher rates of depression, paranoia, and negative thoughts about their relationships with others.
It’s certainly true that I suffer from depression. I’ve been depressed for a long time. But not all depressed people act out in violence. We need to raise society’s understanding of the negative conditions which cause men to become incels. As I said, this is a neurotypical world, and the first step toward a solution is to broaden people’s understanding of the incel plight.
I think the article ends with the right message.
Once again, emotional education and psychological counselling should be promoted in schools as preventive programs.
If you identify as an incel, please seek psychiatric help. There is hope for all of us, but only if we reach for it.

View: https://medium.com/illumination/im-an-incel-are-we-the-bad-guys-a7ae81d17edf

(Use archive.is to read the article in its original form.)

The comments are exactly as you would expect. There are few sensible posts, but they are, by and large, the overwhelming minority.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @cvh1991 @GeckoBus @DarkStar @SlayerSlayer @gymletethnicel @Grim_Reaper @PLA1092 and everyone else who may be interested that I forgot at the moment.
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Holy blue pill. The man legit says, "Hmm, I don't know what to think. Better ask CNN!"
Outs himself as 40 years old with that, didn't need to tell us. Then finishes the article by telling us all to "seek help".
This must be a larp, I have trouble believing a genuine wizard could be this blue pilled.
Holy blue pill. The man legit says, "Hmm, I don't know what to think. Better ask CNN!"
Outs himself as 40 years old with that, didn't need to tell us. Then finishes the article by telling us all to "seek help".
This must be a larp, I have trouble believing a genuine wizard could be this blue pilled.
They definitely exist.
Thanks for the tag. This probably shows what the state of my brain is at this moment, but I was literally thinking about this stuff while walking the family dog, since I remembered @PPEcel post on how we fit basically no criteria of a cult, yet have been repeatedly called that:feelshaha:. Same with this topic. Like, wtf is an "incel ideology":feelshaha:? There's no coherent ideology on this forum at all:feelskek:, and that's just one forum:feelskek:. Not even blackpill and lookism are universally accepted here, and those two come by far the closest to being so.
Darkness around us was so sizeable
Black blood running through my veins
We know: what we did was unacceptable
But our hearts were by evil love chained
Like, wtf is an "incel ideology":feelshaha:?
When you need a group to vilify you must give them an identity and purpose that is easily understandable and hateable. It's a classic and effective tactic. I don't know if you were old enough to remember the propaganda being pumped out after 9/11, but basically there was this very common meme in the early days of "they hate us for our freedoms" that was spreading because George W Bush said it in a speech. The majority of Americans believed it wholesale, while remaining completely oblivious to the fact the hate comes from the direct involvement or complicity of their own government in the geopolitical meddling of that region that results in the of bombing their families, neighbors, and their whole country.

"The incel" is a very convenient target to villainize, because the agenda is keeping the feminist gynocracy dominant in the culture. It allows for the descent into transdgenderism and further degeneracy to be rooted and supplant existing cultural norms and moral values. Men aren't allowed to be upset or outraged - they're the obstacle. We're probably the most righteously indignant subset of men who are upset and outraged (at the status quo). The rest of the men are compliant drones and brainwashed into the program. Since "men" as a demographic group is far too broad, it's much easier to single out a subset of them to target directly. That's where we come into play and why you see so much rhetoric about "incel ideology" and other such nonsense in the pozzed online media that's pushed into people's minds.
Smearing your political opposition and enemies as all sexually frustrated virgins is an effective way of discrediting them in the eyes of the public too.
The term incel is just a Pokeball for soyboys and foids to catch every single radical ideology they're against, even it has nothing with involuntary celibacy jfl.
I found this fairly new article written by a coping, blue pilled incel. The ADL's online campaign against defaming incels seems to be a success, tragically. They've completely corrupted the meaning of the term to be something else entirely, as their cohorts in other institutions have corrupted the meaning of even men and women. Every soyboy, Karen, blue pilled Billy Beta, and Bitter Becky (one of chad's multiple sport fucking girls that he uses to practice and experiment new things with on the side) thinks that "incel" means something to the effect of "alt-right, misogynist, White supremacist, violent extremist." This is nothing new to some of us here who are used to seeing this kind of disparaging compartmentalization and othering of us for whatever purpose and agenda it's supposed to serve (we already know that too, but that's a sidetrack).

You may notice the infamous phrase that is used in virtually all internet articles about incels. Try to see if you can spot it. If you can't - and let's face it, statistically you've not even gotten to this sentence, because you're an ADHD zoomerfag with the attention span of a squirrel (excluding the tagged brocels :feelshmm: ) - it's "incel ideology."

I've been incel my entire life and have been on this forum for almost five years. I've never seen any "incel ideology" here that we're supposed to have. What is this monolithic, all-encompassing set of political and moral beliefs that we all supposedly share? What is it? Can somebody tell me? No? That's right, there is none. We're probably the most diverse (in the original sense of the word) group of people on the internet in terms of beliefs and ideologies. The fact that the average person on the internet has successfully been brainwashed into pigeonholing us into a box that they can comprehend (because they can only seem to think in simplistic binary terms) is a testament to the power of language and its use in controling what others think.

Resist this garbage and corruption, brocels. Speak up and be the voice of reason and coherence whereever you're able to (that is, without incurring a social cost to self in this corrupted cultural climate). Make 1000 twitter and reddit accounts and use 20 VPNs if you have to (@Retardfuel moment). It's high time we started pushing back against this propaganda assault on us.

View: https://medium.com/illumination/im-an-incel-are-we-the-bad-guys-a7ae81d17edf

(Use archive.is to read the article in its original form.)

The comments are exactly as you would expect. There are few sensible posts, but they are, by and large, the overwhelming minority.

@WorthlessSlavicShit @cvh1991 @GeckoBus @DarkStar @SlayerSlayer @gymletethnicel @Grim_Reaper @PLA1092 and everyone else who may be interested that I forgot at the moment.

Lol, crazy that retards support this two-faced organization.

Honestly I usually figure these kinds of articles are just Psy-ops and propaganda. That or if they are incel they’ve been subjected to such immense concentrated social indoctrination that their brain breaks or they cave to whatever the main stream delusion happens to be.
The term incel is just a Pokeball for soyboys and foids to catch every single radical ideology they're against, even it has nothing with involuntary celibacy jfl.
Of course. That's precisely the problem. The language is being intentionally warped and used against us. Language determines how you think and perceive the world. Change the language and you change people's perceptions and behaviors. This is the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis.

Lol, crazy that retards support this two-faced organization.

Honestly I usually figure these kinds of articles are just Psy-ops and propaganda. That or if they are incel they’ve been subjected to such immense concentrated social indoctrination that their brain breaks or they cave to whatever the main stream delusion happens to be.
They very well are likely to be paid propaganda. The second possibility is also quite likely.

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