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Venting JFL at normies who mock those who peaked in high school



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
If someone were to say "high school was the best years of their life", people would ridicule them instantly. interestingly, you could say college was your happiest 4 years and nobody would mind. Although thats just ironic because frat boys/sorority girls are the jocks and cheerleaders of college and all the cool kids in high school join greek life. peaking in college isn't any different. I don't think people frown upon peaking in HS because it's when you are still learning in life or some shit. if that was true, people would stigmatize peaking in college or elementary school. i think it's stigmatized to enjoy high school the most because people believe if your best years were HS you were one of the popular kids and people therefore assume you were a bully even though not all popular kids are jerks. and then there's this misconception that popular kids become fat hobos and so people will assume you'll become fat hobos. but funny thing is a normie could say their best years were HS if they had a group of 5 friends they had the time of their life with and there could be popular kids who enjoyed their 30s raising their kids or enjoyed elementary school the most. it depends

if you had a shitty time in HS and never made friends or had fun, i can understand being bitter towards those who peak in HS (unless you got to enjoy college) because i feel that way towards greek lifers since my college years were shit. but if you're some normie who had plenty of friends and dated and still had an average time, you're a moron if you need to mock those who peaked in HS. whats the point of mocking them? being average in HS is sufficient so i don't see the point. most normies who mock them aren't bitter about HS, they probably just have special snowflake syndrome and think they're special because HS wasn't their peak and they inevitably believe this bluepill lie that chads/stacys become hobos later on.

same with college, i can feel angry towards greek lifers because my life in college was shit and i went to community college where i couldn't make friends and i had severe ocd the whole time. but anyone who was average in college and had a normal social life in college is retarded if they mock those who peaked in college (ie: greek lifers).

i peaked in elementary school.

@ordinaryotaku @Total Imbecile @Robtical @ThoughtfulCel @SlayerSlayer thoughts?
Normies mock anyone who don't fit in with the general populations opinion.

If you said you enjoyed watching TV, and tomorrow the elite pushed a bullshit study that said that men who watch TV are closet homosexuals, they'd mock you for that too.

Normies are exactly as the name sounds. Normal, average, and soulless beings with no opinion of their own.

They will mock you for anything that the masses don't like.

20200525 023017
Highschool was the best years for me. I had some friends, I went to classes and stayed in one building, could tell the teacher about having problems and they would help me genuinly because they see a troubled kid, and I didn't have to worry about girls not wanting me. Elementary school was worse for me because I got bullied more when I was there than in highschool.

Now I go to a job that I make lots of money in but I don't talk to anyone, no one interacts with me, I am so alone and scared I will one day just be fired because I can't socialize with anyone, and alone at home because parents barely interact with me anymore (they expect to have my own life now). I also have severe anxiety that no woman will ever want me because I'm in my 20s and know I'm not that good looking or social and I will end up dying alone and killing myself to escape the loneliness.

Adulthood is absolutely shit for me, saying I peaked in highschool is like saying a kid who was fat his whole life peaked in health as an infant. It's not an accomplishment.
I never peaked, period.
But i think @ThoughtfulCel rests atop Mountain peaks in the Jungle regularly
Normies mock anyone who don't fit in with the general populations opinion.

If you said you enjoyed watching TV, and tomorrow the elite pushed a bullshit study that said that men who watch TV are closet homosexuals, they'd mock you for that too.

Normies are exactly as the name sounds. Normal, average, and soulless beings with no opinion of their own.

They will mock you for anything that the masses don't like.

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Infinite IQ. Many people who say they hated HS enjoyed it and don’t realize it. A lot of them made friends and dated and whatnot and only were under a nocebo effect because they’re taught that HS is supposed to be miserable. Many of them only enjoy college because they’re under a placebo effect about being taught how good college is. If they were allowed to think for themselves then 90% would pick elementary school as their best lives

normies are pathetic fags. They think they support gay people because it’s the “right thing to do” but if they lived in the 50s they would’ve hated gay people
Highschool was the best years for me. I had some friends, I went to classes and stayed in one building, could tell the teacher about having problems and they would help me genuinly because they see a troubled kid, and I didn't have to worry about girls not wanting me. Elementary school was worse for me because I got bullied more when I was there than in highschool.

Now I go to a job that I make lots of money in but I don't talk to anyone, no one interacts with me, I am so alone and scared I will one day just be fired because I can't socialize with anyone, and alone at home because parents barely interact with me anymore (they expect to have my own life now). I also have severe anxiety that no woman will ever want me because I'm in my 20s and know I'm not that good looking or social and I will end up dying alone and killing myself to escape the loneliness.

Adulthood is absolutely shit for me, saying I peaked in highschool is like saying a kid who was fat his whole life peaked in health as an infant. It's not an accomplishment.
Peaking in Hs is an accomplishment if you were socially successful in HS (and were socially successful throughout life)

sounds like you only had HS as a normal kid not a popular kid
I never peaked, period.
But i think @ThoughtfulCel rests atop Mountain peaks in the Jungle regularly
Not even in preschool?
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I will peak after I am laid to rest
Non chads who didn't have a social life in high school and college should be considered disabled, and given $8,000 a month.
I never peaked, period.
But i think @ThoughtfulCel rests atop Mountain peaks in the Jungle regularly
Based and also true

20210111 104019

normies are pathetic fags. They think they support gay people because it’s the “right thing to do” but if they lived in the 50s they would’ve hated gay people
LMFAO this is a great example.
I wish there were "oozma kappa" style frats in campus, at least subhumans would have a place to befriend each other, which would make the college experience better.
I peaked in 5th grade
Based and also true

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LMFAO this is a great example.
Many normies also only contribute to society by having jobs because it’s the only way they make money to survive. They contribute to society for their own survival and it has nothing to do with making the world a better place
Non chads who didn't have a social life in high school and college should be considered disabled, and given $8,000 a month.
I’m currently in HS and its the worst time that i’ve ever had yet, 0 friends, 0 social life, awful grades, and no motivation. I enjoyed 7th grade the most, everything went downhill from there after I switched schools :feelsbadman:
Thats also probably why I really hate when I hear about people who brag about having the best time of there life in HS, since i’m the complete opposite.
You’ll hate college more. It’s even more brutal for collegecels
It's mostly low-tier normies/incels in denial who do that kind of thing from what I've seen, and it's all a massive cope because not only did they never peak in highschool, but in most cases never will peak at all

"hurrdurr, that 30 year old ex-Chad who still bangs sluts thinks he's soooooo cool when he actually peaked in highschoo!l'' -- "Failed normie who still lives at home, works fast food and is practically incel himself
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When you remove your copes and just feel the pain you go insane. I’m there now. Just a lot of time to do nothing in. Just rot. Thinking of all that could be.
It's mostly low-tier normies/incels in denial who do that kind of thing from what I've seen, and it's all a massive cope because not only did they never peak in highschool, but in most cases never will peak at all

"hurrdurr, that 30 year old ex-Chad who still bangs sluts thinks he's soooooo cool when he actually peaked in highschoo!l'' -- "Failed normie who still lives at home, works fast food and is practically incel himself
Or normies with a superiority complex/special snowflake syndrome
I peaked at conception

All downhill from there
I peaked at conception

All downhill from there
I peaked in elementary school but I still had fun in middle/high school despite inceldom. It’s been downhill since then. A couple weeks before college began is when my life became miserable.
I peaked in elementary school but I still had fun in middle/high school despite inceldom. It’s been downhill since then. A couple weeks before college began is when my life became miserable.

I ended up with perma low self esteem due to being a skinny manlet in elementary and always losing fights + my mom beating me and stuff

Then I had a growth spurt in HS and she eventaully stopped beating me but the damage at that point was too great
I ended up with perma low self esteem due to being a skinny manlet in elementary and always losing fights + my mom beating me and stuff

Then I had a growth spurt in HS and she eventaully stopped beating me but the damage at that point was too great
I’ve read virgins way past 30 are more likely to have suffered child physical abuse
Lol I had no peak period.
I was pretty based in elementary. Hit both dudes and bitches who looked at me the wrong way.
Hitting a girl in minecraft was something you could get away with back in elementary school
I was happier in HS but I don't think it counts as "peaking".
i peaked in kindergarten
Yeah but it still sucked. Most people thought I was a faggot because they never saw me with a girl.
@Alone75 experienced this and he’s a 45 year old virgin
i peaked in elementary school.

When I had to move away from my elementary friend group, in the new school, everyone treated me like shit. My high school life sucked shit through a crazy straw, and by the time it rolled around, I was not even bullied, but simply ostracized. All I did was go home and play vidya with my couple of friends, while the Chads in my high school were out screwing the high school girls.

When I had to move away from my elementary friend group, in the new school, everyone treated me like shit. My high school life sucked shit through a crazy straw, and by the time it rolled around, I was not even bullied, but simply ostracized. All I did was go home and play vidya with my couple of friends, while the Chads in my high school were out screwing the high school girls.
its crazy how different life becomes for autists. my life in elementary school was the best. middle school was also really good. high school sucked sometimes but it was still fun and i do miss it. college was just awful. i went to community college and dealt with ocd the whole time. made zero friends in college.

autists sometimes do really well in elementary school because kids act immature so you can get away with acting goofy or weird. in middle school that all changes and NT people avoid you like the coronavirus. a minority of autists might still do well in middle/high school but when college comes its all downhill for them
My peak was Grade 6. Switched schools and hit rock bottom Grade 7 onwards. Night and day between primary and middle/high school.
If someone were to say "high school was the best years of their life", people would ridicule them instantly. interestingly, you could say college was your happiest 4 years and nobody would mind. Although thats just ironic because frat boys/sorority girls are the jocks and cheerleaders of college and all the cool kids in high school join greek life. peaking in college isn't any different. I don't think people frown upon peaking in HS because it's when you are still learning in life or some shit. if that was true, people would stigmatize peaking in college or elementary school. i think it's stigmatized to enjoy high school the most because people believe if your best years were HS you were one of the popular kids and people therefore assume you were a bully even though not all popular kids are jerks. and then there's this misconception that popular kids become fat hobos and so people will assume you'll become fat hobos. but funny thing is a normie could say their best years were HS if they had a group of 5 friends they had the time of their life with and there could be popular kids who enjoyed their 30s raising their kids or enjoyed elementary school the most. it depends

if you had a shitty time in HS and never made friends or had fun, i can understand being bitter towards those who peak in HS (unless you got to enjoy college) because i feel that way towards greek lifers since my college years were shit. but if you're some normie who had plenty of friends and dated and still had an average time, you're a moron if you need to mock those who peaked in HS. whats the point of mocking them? being average in HS is sufficient so i don't see the point. most normies who mock them aren't bitter about HS, they probably just have special snowflake syndrome and think they're special because HS wasn't their peak and they inevitably believe this bluepill lie that chads/stacys become hobos later on.

same with college, i can feel angry towards greek lifers because my life in college was shit and i went to community college where i couldn't make friends and i had severe ocd the whole time. but anyone who was average in college and had a normal social life in college is retarded if they mock those who peaked in college (ie: greek lifers).

i peaked in elementary school.

@ordinaryotaku @Total Imbecile @Robtical @ThoughtfulCel @SlayerSlayer thoughts?
I peaked in middle school
You peaked when you were born
Only downhill from there
Most normies just live off the high of peaking in hs bro, its pathetic that they still in hs in their heads and try to bully people like they are still in hs as full grown adults ( like how IT fags cyper bully lmao).

I used to be in a frat and it sucked ass its just being drunk and high around randos, its not even that fun its just boring and repetitive you didnt miss much.

The bottom line is that we are all better by default for not living off the high of the past but trying to be part of the present and the future.
no most normies make friends after high school
Nah they always make new friends that’s why we can’t make friends in college ,they stick to the awful hs friends
Nah they always make new friends that’s why we can’t make friends in college ,they stick to the awful hs friends
No because their Hs friends often go to different colleges. They make brand new friends
Normies mock anyone who don't fit in with the general populations opinion.

If you said you enjoyed watching TV, and tomorrow the elite pushed a bullshit study that said that men who watch TV are closet homosexuals, they'd mock you for that too.

Normies are exactly as the name sounds. Normal, average, and soulless beings with no opinion of their own.

They will mock you for anything that the masses don't like.

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