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Serious JFL at being an ETHNICEL and anti-Racial Purity.



Let the Poor thing just DIE
Sep 30, 2018
For all the ethnicels promoting or even tolerating racemixing know that your inceldom is your own doing.

When theu passed the law for interracial marriage you coping delusionalcels thought all the white Stacies will jump on your dick in a heartbeat but rather what you experienced was your own.woman abandoning you for white Chads.

Here's the modern day scenario the krackers usually get a girl a point or two below their looksmatch as long as he isn't sub 4. The bottom of the barrel white roasties who are 5-1 go for top tier Tyrone and get them, while the sub 4 white boys get themselves gooks, chinks, beaner and sometimes in desperate measures curries.

Now black foids are the most loyal foids out there. They tend to stick to their own race making sure Tyrone lites and Jamalnormies are not lonely. Only time black girls go for white guys is when a Blacl stacy can score a White Chad/Chad-lite.

Notice how there is no mention about rice, curry, sands or beaners in here. Thats because we are the ones left out. We are the ones who lose in the hypergamy game. The best that a Chadpreet does is a normie curry. Best a high tier normie curry does is a ugly sack of shit, best a normie curry does is betabuxxing for former party girl Jinpreet who after riding Chads cock hard during music festival has listened to her parents and settled down for some IT CEO Pajeet Cuckminder. Same for for Alibaba company's board director John ChongCuck. And beaner automobils Ricardo Cuckrigez.

But when alt-rightcels enforces racial purity white foids have no other option but to stick to their low tier normie and whitecels. Noodlewhores don't cross their mind as they are getting their aryan goddesses in mint condition. The bruden of inceldom lifted from the shoulders of ricecel and beanercel and looksmatch arranged marriage restored among curries.
What an utopia it will be if we stopped racemixing.
For all the ethnicels promoting or even tolerating racemixing know that your inceldom is your own doing.

When theu passed the law for interracial marriage you coping delusionalcels thought all the white Stacies will jump on your dick in a heartbeat but rather what you experienced was your own.woman abandoning you for white Chads.

Here's the modern day scenario the krackers usually get a girl a point or two below their looksmatch as long as he isn't sub 4. The bottom of the barrel white roasties who are 5-1 go for top tier Tyrone and get them, while the sub 4 white boys get themselves gooks, chinks, beaner and sometimes in desperate measures curries.

Now black foids are the most loyal foids out there. They tend to stick to their own race making sure Tyrone lites and Jamalnormies are not lonely. Only time black girls go for white guys is when a Blacl stacy can score a White Chad/Chad-lite.

Notice how there is no mention about rice, curry, sands or beaners in here. Thats because we are the ones left out. We are the ones who lose in the hypergamy game. The best that a Chadpreet does is a normie curry. Best a high tier normie curry does is a ugly sack of shit, best a normie curry does is betabuxxing for former party girl Jinpreet who after riding Chads cock hard during music festival has listened to her parents and settled down for some IT CEO Pajeet Cuckminder. Same for for Alibaba company's board director John ChongCuck. And beaner automobils Ricardo Cuckrigez.

But when alt-rightcels enforces racial purity white foids have no other option but to stick to their low tier normie and whitecels. Noodlewhores don't cross their mind as they are getting their aryan goddesses in mint condition. The bruden of inceldom lifted from the shoulders of ricecel and beanercel and looksmatch arranged marriage restored among curries.
What an utopia it will be if we stopped racemixing.
High IQ post fam
High IQ post fam
Only if these coping ethnics could understand how racial purity in the long run helps us. Why would I have a washed up 2/10 white ham beast when I can find myself a 6/10 virgin curry chick ? Racemixers are the real white worshipping cuck. I love my kind. I live my heritage and I love my smooth long haired kissy lips and sun burnt dark foids.
Just @ me next time I trigger you. :feelskek:

As for race-mixing, as I told you before: I am not against this. I'm not pushing for it either, but I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it is done lawfully. :feelshaha:
I am not against this.

I wouldn't have a problem with it as long as it is done lawfully.
You just subconsciously want to hold on to your delusional cope of getting a 5/10 aryan wifu. You're declining the blackpill. If you're really a 2/10 curry you would benefit way more by racial segregation in term of marriage and sexual conduct then by interracial arrangement.
You're an islamicel so you're probably scheming for getting white Stacies to convert and earn brownie points in eyes of Allah. Keep that cope up. Whatever soy and winechugging cum drenched white Stacies you can bring to the path of enlightenment will surely grant you a place in Jannat. Cuz you don't have the balss for Jihadimaxxing. If nothing else you can at least rapefugeemaxx as long as IR relationship are permitted.
You just subconsciously want to hold on to your delusional cope of getting a 5/10 aryan wifu. You're declining the blackpill. If you're really a 2/10 curry you would benefit way more by racial segregation in term of marriage and sexual conduct then by interracial arrangement.
You're an islamicel so you're probably scheming for getting white Stacies to convert and earn brownie points in eyes of Allah. Keep that cope up. Whatever soy and winechugging cum drenched white Stacies you can bring to the path of enlightenment will surely grant you a place in Jannat. Cuz you don't have the balss for Jihadimaxxing. If nothing else you can at least rapefugeemaxx as long as IR relationship are permitted.
You've got some issues, buddy. Keep making more assumptions because you're making yourself look extremely retarded. I am not against race-mixing because Islam doesn't see race; the only unity is Islamichood. That's why I wouldn't care if I saw a white Islamic male with a non-white Islamic wife. I can't get any female to like me because of my ugly face; let alone "scheming white Stacies to revert."
You've got some issues, buddy. Keep making more assumptions because you're making yourself look extremely retarded. I am not against race-mixing because Islam doesn't see race; the only unity is Islamichood. That's why I wouldn't care if I saw a white Islamic male with a non-white Islamic wife. I can't get any female to like me because of my ugly face; let alone "scheming white Stacies to revert."
Oh yeah the religion COPE.Forget about race Islam doesn't even sees evolution and natural selection the very thing that has caused your inceldom. The whole concept of heaven and hell is architected by coping incels who think keeping their weiner in their pants is a virtue, when it truly is a sign of failure. You controlled foids with fear of hell so they'll keep their hands off of Chads and oblige to whatever incel is thrown towards her. Then came female liberation and your ass got dumped hard.And now that science has provided an explanation and debunked the whole social structure of you faith copers as fragile you can't help but get triggered.
And finally. No we are not all born muslim. We are all born as low iq oblivious sack of meat. As we grow and learn to think then we chose to or choose not to accept fates/believes etc. So stop with the "Revert" shit. You can't say that hypergamy and natural/sexual selection is true at the same time adhere to fates wjich operates on emotion and wistful thinking
If RREEEEEEEEE were a magician he'd be David Coperfield tbh.
what you experienced was your own.woman abandoning you for white Chads.
This needs to be said to the highest extent. As soon as they get white Chad nothing else matters.
because deathniks have a colonial white worshipping complex

they go head over heels so chad can smash their sister. JFL at these coons
I'm against race mixing, the fact that my religion allows it (Islam) doesn't mean that we should do it and be happy with it. Racemixxing has made the chance of me staying an incel for the rest of my life significantly higher, the foids of my race love to fuck strong tryones and suck white Chad dick and even marry them. They are not choosing for their own race anymore because 'muh not man enough' and if they choose for their own race it's only because of betabuxx while she already fucked tyrone and chad in her teens and prime years. Fuck that shit.
I'm against race mixing, the fact that my religion allows it (Islam) doesn't mean that we should do it and be happy with it. Racemixxing has made the chance of me staying an incel for the rest of my life significantly higher, the foids of my race love to fuck strong tryones and suck white Chad dick and even marry them. They are not choosing for their own race anymore because 'muh not man enough' and if they choose for their own race it's only because of betabuxx while she already fucked tyrone and chad in her teens and prime years. Fuck that shit.
This guy gets it.
because deathniks have a colonial white worshipping complex
View attachment 78943
they go head over heels so chad can smash their sister. JFL at these coons
Only blacks being benefited are the Tyrones not the normie blacks.
Yeah but if I'm a mutt I have no side to pick. No one will accept me. So I don't give a fuck. Let the world burn. Let it all fall. Let everything become even more unfair. Make it so that Chadlites barely have a chance. Let the foids burn this space rock to oblivion.

REEEEEEEEEEE :feelsree::feelsree:

There's nothing we can do but suffer.
The ideologies and views that we hold won't change shit. None of us are in positions of power to change laws or the way things work today.

Just let it all go


Tumblr o46vebwkwb1ug1ek6o4 500
Oh yeah the religion COPE.Forget about race Islam doesn't even sees evolution and natural selection the very thing that has caused your inceldom. The whole concept of heaven and hell is architected by coping incels who think keeping their weiner in their pants is a virtue, when it truly is a sign of failure. You controlled foids with fear of hell so they'll keep their hands off of Chads and oblige to whatever incel is thrown towards her. Then came female liberation and your ass got dumped hard.And now that science has provided an explanation and debunked the whole social structure of you faith copers as fragile you can't help but get triggered.
And finally. No we are not all born muslim. We are all born as low iq oblivious sack of meat. As we grow and learn to think then we chose to or choose not to accept fates/believes etc. So stop with the "Revert" shit. You can't say that hypergamy and natural/sexual selection is true at the same time adhere to fates wjich operates on emotion and wistful thinking
You got some issues, buddy. I'm accepting of all races as long as they are Islamic.

If RREEEEEEEEE were a magician he'd be David Coperfield tbh.
If you were an incel you'd be Darth Cialis tbh.

This guy gets it.
If @NeetSupremacist has beliefs that go against our religion, that's his problem, not mine. I know what is permissible and what isn't and I will live life by these rules.
You got some issues, buddy. I'm accepting of all races as long as they are Islamic.

If you were an incel you'd be Darth Cialis tbh.

If @NeetSupremacist has beliefs that go against our religion, that's his problem, not mine. I know what is permissible and what isn't and I will live life by these rules.

The fact that something is allowed (Halal) by Islam doesn't necessarily means that it is a good thing to do, just like the case with the fact that a muslim man is allowed to marry a Jewish or Christian female, most scholars today will acknowledge the fact that indeed Islam has not made it Haram to marry Ahl Kitab (Jew or Christian) but they will mostly not support the idea to do it, especially in this certain time. Even fatwas on this say that:

"However with regard to advice, our advice is that a Muslim should not go ahead with such a marriage, firstly because there is no guarantee that this woman will not go back to her previous way of life, having illicit relationships. Moreover, marriage to a Christian or Jewish woman will have an impact on the religion and character of the children and of the husband in most cases. So refraining from such a marriage is preferable and safer. "


So is the same with racemixxing, racemixxing in itself is not Haram but looking at our current situation and the big chance of never getting married because we're exposed to globalism and more social diseases it's not a smart thing to do. If racemixxing was not allowed by any constituation we could've atleast settled with a foid from our own race.
The fact that something is allowed (Halal) by Islam doesn't necessarily means that it is a good thing to do, just like the case with the fact that a muslim man is allowed to marry a Jewish or Christian female, most scholars today will acknowledge the fact that indeed Islam has not made it Haram to marry Ahl Kitab (Jew or Christian) but they will mostly not support the idea to do it, especially in this certain time. Even fatwas on this say that:

"However with regard to advice, our advice is that a Muslim should not go ahead with such a marriage, firstly because there is no guarantee that this woman will not go back to her previous way of life, having illicit relationships. Moreover, marriage to a Christian or Jewish woman will have an impact on the religion and character of the children and of the husband in most cases. So refraining from such a marriage is preferable and safer. "


So is the same with racemixxing, racemixxing in itself is not Haram but looking at our current situation and the big chance of never getting married because we're exposed to globalism and more social diseases it's not a smart thing to do. If racemixxing was not allowed by any constituation we could've atleast settled with a foid from our own race.
I get it bro, I'm just saying if two people come together in a lawful manner then it shouldn't be an issue. Unfortunately nowadays these Islamic sluts will fuck kafirs, I've heard my fair share of stories. It's safe to say getting a daughter will means you're cucking yourself in modern society if all her friends are sluts and also looks up to slut celebs. Same goes for sons btw. I don't discriminate when it comes to degeneracy, but daughters carry your honor. Too bad a big chunk of the youth doesn't care about honor anymore and follow a hedonistic lifestyle.
If you were an incel you'd be Darth Cialis tbh.
But I am? I don't understand your joke.

Btw your thing that you only care about Islam is a cope, because he was not talking about things you care about but rather about how things affect you.
But I am? I don't understand your joke.

Btw your thing that you only care about Islam is a cope, because he was not talking about things you care about but rather about how things affect you.
That's the joke...

And well, he created this thread because in another thread I said I wasn't against race-mixing but at the time I withheld why I was not against, and then he went on to create a thread about it. And then I just repeated what I said, but this time, I clarified it.
You got some issues, buddy. I'm accepting of all races as long as they are Islamic.
Calling people out on their double standard bullshit is equivalent to having issues. Good to know.
True incels see through the smokescreen you're a 6ft fakecel which is why you fail to see it.
Calling people out on their double standard bullshit is equivalent to having issues. Good to know.
True incels see through the smokescreen you're a 6ft fakecel which is why you fail to see it.
Where are you pulling these numbers out of your ass? There are no double standards, as long as two people come together in a lawful manner, I don't have a problem with it. Also, I'm 5'11", not 6 feet tall. I also have a facial deformity, so I cannot be a fakecel.
And well, he created this thread because in another thread I said I wasn't against race-mixing but at the time I withheld why I was not against, and then he went on to create a thread about it. And then I just repeated what I said, but this time, I clarified it.
Yes buddy the world revolves around you.
I created this thread surprised at the number of ethnicels who are inviting their own inceldom by going again this thread:

That's the joke...

And well, he created this thread because in another thread I said I wasn't against race-mixing but at the time I withheld why I was not against, and then he went on to create a thread about it. And then I just repeated what I said, but this time, I clarified it.
I still don't get it, can you explain what you meant? I am Mariana Trench level IQ or something.

I don't mean to say that you have to be against it, but at the same time I think his thoughts make sense alright. Not that it makes any sense to "be against it" anyway, as it only affects some minorities in white lefty countries so none in the history of humanity will ever care about it, maybe only some Chad nazis would say something similar but also won't turn down rice and curry holes I bet.
Where are you pulling these numbers out of your ass? There are no double standards, as long as two people come together in a lawful manner, I don't have a problem with it. Also, I'm 5'11", not 6 feet tall. I also have a facial deformity, so I cannot be a fakecel.
Not believing in evolution and sexual selection while calling yourself an incel is double standard. There are many Mudslime Copers in this forum. You are the only one who takes it to next level. Your ideology conflicts with that of blackpill yet you call yourself an incel. Incels: People who can't get laid is the normie definition.
Incels: People who know why they can't get laid is the true definition.
You can't be an incel at the same time believe in mainstream religion.
You're rejecting the whole explanation behind your predicament.
Sure, keep deflecting. I will report you the next time you spread lies about me.
yeah go on whine to the mods about how I have hurt your feelings.
Then go whine to the leftist political party of whatever western country you are LDARing in about how foids rejecting you have hurt your feelings. That's the easy path for ascending for you right there. Is a foid rejects you play the Islamophobe card.
With the oil money being stuffed up those tyrant leftist butthole I am sure they can force some roastie to help you loose your virginity.
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I still don't get it, can you explain what you meant? I am Mariana Trench level IQ or something.

I don't mean to say that you have to be against it, but at the same time I think his thoughts make sense alright. Not that it makes any sense to "be against it" anyway, as it only affects some minorities in white lefty countries so none in the history of humanity will ever care about it, maybe only some Chad nazis would say something similar but also won't turn down rice and curry holes I bet.
I didn't mean anything; you just made a joke about what my name would be if I were a magician; and I made a joke using the same format, but I wasn't really joking, since you really are an incel and you also go by the handle of "Darth Cialis."

Not believing in evolution and sexual selection while calling yourself an incel is double standard. There are many Mudslime Copers in this forum. You are the only one who takes it to next level. Your ideology conflicts with that of blackpill yet you call yourself an incel. Incels: People who can't get laid is the normie definition.
Incels: People who know why they can't get laid is the true definition.
You can't be an incel at the same time believe in mainstream religion.
You're rejecting the whole explanation behind your predicament.

yeah go on whine to the mods about how I have hurt your feelings.
Then go whine to the leftist political party of whatever western country you are LDARing in about how foids rejecting you have hurt your feelings. That's the easy path for ascending for you right there. Is a foid rejects you play the Islamophobe card.
With the oil money being stuffed up those tyrant leftist butthole I am sure they can force some roastie to help you loose your virginity.

Low IQ moron spotted. Stop spreading lies about me and you won't have a problem.
I didn't mean anything; you just made a joke about what my name would be if I were a magician; and I made a joke using the same format, but I wasn't really joking, since you really are an incel and you also go by the handle of "Darth Cialis."
I first thought that you were saying I am not an incel and I got angry, then I realized you might be saying that I am an incel and I got sad. :cryfeels:
Don't be sad, man. I am also ugly. :cryfeels:
Tbh I am kinda ugly but I see guys my looksmatch or worse get girlfriends, it must be autism or something.
The conclusion is who gives a fuck stacy will fuck tyrone end of story. Dont argue between eachother. Go argue with stacy
Racial politics is cope.
But I AM against interracial relationships friends, but i am against this because i dont want the curry and yellow woman chasing whites and leaving their male counterpart alone, not because the racial purity of the baby that they will make.
racemixing is immoral and inevitably leaves one race of men fucked
Racial politics is cope.
Racial segregation is the only hope for some incels. Many ethnics in this forum wouldn't have been incels.
Racial segregation is the only hope for some incels. Many ethnics in this forum wouldn't have been incels.
idk on what world you live but on eurOPe (non-cucked countries) fems prefer to date/sex/marry their own race
idk on what world you live but on eurOPe (non-cucked countries) fems prefer to date/sex/marry their own race
Fem prefer to dat/sex/marry the 4+/10 of their race. The bottom 4 gets their ascension by betabuxxing gooks.
For all the ethnicels promoting or even tolerating racemixing know that your inceldom is your own doing.

When theu passed the law for interracial marriage you coping delusionalcels thought all the white Stacies will jump on your dick in a heartbeat but rather what you experienced was your own.woman abandoning you for white Chads.

Here's the modern day scenario the krackers usually get a girl a point or two below their looksmatch as long as he isn't sub 4. The bottom of the barrel white roasties who are 5-1 go for top tier Tyrone and get them, while the sub 4 white boys get themselves gooks, chinks, beaner and sometimes in desperate measures curries.

Now black foids are the most loyal foids out there. They tend to stick to their own race making sure Tyrone lites and Jamalnormies are not lonely. Only time black girls go for white guys is when a Blacl stacy can score a White Chad/Chad-lite.

Notice how there is no mention about rice, curry, sands or beaners in here. Thats because we are the ones left out. We are the ones who lose in the hypergamy game. The best that a Chadpreet does is a normie curry. Best a high tier normie curry does is a ugly sack of shit, best a normie curry does is betabuxxing for former party girl Jinpreet who after riding Chads cock hard during music festival has listened to her parents and settled down for some IT CEO Pajeet Cuckminder. Same for for Alibaba company's board director John ChongCuck. And beaner automobils Ricardo Cuckrigez.

But when alt-rightcels enforces racial purity white foids have no other option but to stick to their low tier normie and whitecels. Noodlewhores don't cross their mind as they are getting their aryan goddesses in mint condition. The bruden of inceldom lifted from the shoulders of ricecel and beanercel and looksmatch arranged marriage restored among curries.
What an utopia it will be if we stopped racemixing.

Low IQ Cope.

Racial purity is always a one-way street: whites are allowed to mix with ethnic foids but ethnic males are not allowed to go interracial.

Plus we population-mog whites by 3x. Promoting race mixing is ultimately beneficial to ethnics - given current trends there won't be any mayos left in 50-60 years. Instead there's going to be an army of self-hating Elliot Rodger clones :feelskek:
Promoting race mixing is ultimately beneficial to ethnics -
Please elaborate.
Racial purity is always a one-way street: whites are allowed to mix with ethnic foids but ethnic males are not allowed to go interracial.
And you think there won't be rice,curry and beaners making sure that both the foid of the kin and white Chad receives rightful punishment for the atrocities ? It can work if we can enforce it. There will be almost no ethnicel.
Alt-rightcels don't give a shit about us ethnicels. Let's be serious.

You don't support racial purity because ethnicels are harmed by interracial relationships. You support it because you'd rather we not exist.
Man what the fuck? I just want to fuck pussy,and fuck everything else
Alt-rightcels don't give a shit about us ethnicels. Let's be serious.

You don't support racial purity because ethnicels are harmed by interracial relationships. You support it because you'd rather we not exist.
WTF are you talking about. I am a curry. I respect and admire all races. And don't want any of the races to go extinct. Retaining all the diverse and beautiful genotype of homosapiens that has spread throughout the world is true diversity.
I just want to fuck pussy

Don't we all ?
Please elaborate.

And you think there won't be rice,curry and beaners making sure that both the foid of the kin and white Chad receives rightful punishment for the atrocities ? It can work if we can enforce it. There will be almost no ethnicel.

The past is proof of it. White countries had anti-racemixing laws but only applied them to white female-ethnic male pairings. Ethnic countries are too mentally colonized to ever think of doing what you're saying.
High IQ. I agree with OP. Us currycels have it a little better than our other deathnik brothers since we still have arrange marriage. But then again bringing an arrange married bride to the west turns the whole thing into a betabuxx situation. So I agree racemixxing is bad even though I crave white foids.
I crave white foids.
So does everyone in this forum and beyond. They truly are a magnificent specimen. And also the cause of our inceldom.
You must overcome your lustful nature and stay true to your race. Only then can you contribute to the stability among all racial groups.

The past is proof of it. White countries had anti-racemixing laws but only applied them to white female-ethnic male pairings. Ethnic countries are too mentally colonized to ever think of doing what you're saying.
Ethnics are low inhib enough and whites are cucked enough, it may just work if ethnics don't pussy out.

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