The problem with 'Jews cause all our problems' is the fact it implies we are incapable of agency or critical thought.
The Great War, 1914-1918, for example. It was basically an imperial scuffle between the royal families of Europe, there were no Jews in high-ministerial posts or positions that could affect the outcome (war). Even Rothschild was trying to prevent a general conflagration at the time. The source of all our problems today stems from the Great War, which destroyed Europe. Jews didn't really play any useful part in how or why it happened, but the European royal families did.
My personal perspective on Jews is: They have always existed to varying degrees at the fringes of society, deftly moving from country to country, engaging in activities that were outside the accepted confines of society (like prostitution). I generally have a negative perception of Jews, I don't really think they help themselves, given they could exist peacefully if they simply stuck to enriching themselves without becoming involved in civic society.
However ....
I just don't find that argument convincing, that Jews are the source of all our ills. I generally don't have a negative perception of people unless they treat me poorly personally, which is why I do not have an abiding hatred of Jews.
If we let Jews destroy us, rot out the body politic, that is our fault. Is it the fault of all Jews? not really, I don't think a Jewish farmer in Russia is responsible for the actions of all Jews, just as a white person is not responsible for the ills perpetrated by European colonial empires.