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Venting Jew bashing is the single largest cope on this site

I can believe that there were a few jews that were involved, but the idea that they controlled the entire thing by themselves seems a bit far fetched.
Honestly if you're not white I don't give enough fucks to convince you anyways. Blacks will never bite the hand that feeds them. Fair warning, they don't give a fuck about you either you're just their attack dog.
Honestly if you're not white I don't give enough fucks to convince you anyways. Blacks will never bite the hand that feeds them. Fair warning, they don't give a fuck about you either you're just their attack dog.
Even if Jews are undermining white's like you say, I don't see why any ethnic here should care.
Even if Jews are undermining white's like you say, I don't see why any ethnic here should care.
That's exactly my point, you're gonna be one of their 2800 slaves goyim, enjoy.
That's exactly my point, you're gonna be one of their 2800 slaves goyim, enjoy.
I don't see how not giving a damn somehow makes me a "slave" to their system

What I'm basically trying to say is that this all seems like more of a you problem than anything else.

Even if I were to play nice and defend white's, it wouldn't really benefit me or any other ethnic male in any way, and I hope that more men realize that.
Kill yourself dumbass nigger
If that happens I hope the Chinese eventually obliterate them like the vermin they really are.
Then everyone will find something new to fight and complain about. Most humans races are scumbags especially whites, Asians and the jooz. Blacks too but the difference with them is they keep their bullshit and ape violence amongst their selves.
All I'm saying is...even if you want to ignore everything said in this thread...just start paying attention to all the cohencidences that crop up every day. Draw your own conclusions from that.
I used to be a bluepilled moron and thought Jews were unfairly oppressed. But then I started paying attention, and it went downhill from there.
Well I can see niggers and sandniggers kissing the Jewring because right now the Jew is helping them. If you're white then they're probably hurting you but you don't realize it.
The fuck are you talking about? Sandniggers are being bombed into the stone ages by kikes. We were also framed for 9/11 enough though it was the kikes.
Then everyone will find something new to fight and complain about. Most humans races are scumbags especially whites, Asians and the jooz. Blacks too but the difference with them is they keep their bullshit and ape violence amongst their selves.
Complaining, being malcontent, and hating others is a part of the human condition, it is what it is.
Complaining, being malcontent, and hating others is a part of the human condition, it is what it is.
True, Check out my new thread want to here your thoughts.
All I'm saying is...even if you want to ignore everything said in this thread...just start paying attention to all the cohencidences that crop up every day. Draw your own conclusions from that.
I used to be a bluepilled moron and thought Jews were unfairly oppressed. But then I started paying attention, and it went downhill from there.
I like to refer to Jews as the eternal professional victim class.
True, Check out my new thread want to here your thoughts.
Okay, sounds good.
Kikes are literally undermining every other race.
Yup, not just White Europeans, everybody, it's just White Europeans the most because they hate us the most.
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The fuck are you talking about? Sandniggers are being bombed into the stone ages by kikes. We were also framed for 9/11 enough though it was the kikes.
Yeah they hate them when they're on the receiving end and I recognize many of them are way more redpilled on Jews than whites. However they're completely fine with helping the Kalergi plan move along and mass-immigration into Europe.

@BPincelien941 your profile says France, are you an invader or native?
Antisemiticels are the lowest of IQ, because they are brainwashed slaves and dont even know it, but call out everyone else and muh jews for their problems even though they are literally serving and slaves the NWO agenda themselves.
It's not allowed on the normie net so we release our pent up antisemetic energy here
Antisemiticels are the lowest of IQ, because they are brainwashed slaves and dont even know it, but call out everyone else and muh jews for their problems even though they are literally serving and slaves the NWO agenda themselves.
Okay drop the truthpill homie, why should we actually love the Jews and who is the real enemy here?
Okay drop the truthpill homie, why should we actually love the Jews and who is the real enemy here?
I never said to love the zionist. The real enemies are Archons, interdimensional beings of pure negativity who feed off of the suffering and low vibrational emotions and activities of human beings and animals. Them and their underlings the families of the thirteen bloodlines are all satanist and some are hybrids. By constantly spouting on about the jews, you are covering up the real enemies in the shadows here. The biggest problem is 99% of the antisemeticcels are also stormfront and white supremacist who are only furthering the NWO agenda of race war and division amongst humans. By blaming other races and people for you problems instead of taking responsibility for your situation, you are a slave to the NWO.

Race, religion, language, cultures. These are the easiest ways the NWO runs the world. Trick you fools that white man=bad or black man=bad just creates the exact division and hatred the NWO wants. Because the only way humans can win against archons is by uniting together, rather than fighting amongst each other over the stupidest of reasons.

Hitler was an NWO slave and puppet himself who turned to satanism in his youth. It wouldnt have mattered if the axis had won ww2. The world would still be under the control of the NWO, things just would've been done differently, but the outcome of suffering would've been the same. On top of this, the line of thinking nazicels have with if they had won the war dosent even make sense. There is 0 guarantee that you would even exist, there is 0 gurantee that you would have better genetics, there is 0 guarantees your parents would still meet, fuck and create you. And even if they still did, you still wouldn't be who you are today because your environment, beliefs, and experiences would be different. So basically, you would even be you. All personalities and egostical traits and beliefs we have are all false personalities covering up who we really are. We are souls, beings of light, being recycled back to this earth over and over again through death and trickery during the decieving satanic process of reincarnation and karmatic debt.

Humans killing other humans, blood sacrifices, fights to the death, this is what archons love the most, low vibrational primitive activities that spills blood gives them a massive feast.

Caring about the "jew agenda" race mixing etc. is all pointless. Especially as an incel, you are an outcast to society and to your own race of people whomever that maybe. You dont matter, your voice is nonexistent, and you arent putting in any physical action in changing anything. So to even care about any of this makes no sense. You are looking for an outlet to blame your problems against falling into the brainwashing by the NWO. You arent going to have kids, nor a legacy here on the earth. Caring about the jew agenda is irrelevant because it does not pertain to you. The only thing you should worry about is escaping the reincarnation cycle after you die so that you arent sent back to this shit planet again with your memories erased and as another enslaved incarnation of your soul when the archons come to you.

The archons pull souls from the other different species and sections of the galaxy they enslaved to earth into a human fetus. All the different cultures here on earth, most are from other entities who were forcefully brought here to earth. The earth is a melting pot of souls from across the galaxy being enslaved on this prison planet.
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Caring about the "jew agenda" race mixing etc. is all pointless. Especially as an incel, you are an outcast to society and to your own race of people whomever that maybe. You dont matter, your voice is nonexistent, and you arent putting in any physical action in changing anything. So to even care about any of this makes no sense. You are looking for an outlet to blame your problems against falling into the brainwashing by the NWO. You arent going to have kids, nor a legacy here on the earth. Caring about the jew agenda is irrelevant because it does not pertain to you. The only thing you should worry about is escaping the reincarnation cycle after you die so that you arent sent back to this shit planet again with your memories erased and as another enslaved incarnation of your soul when the archons come to you.

The archons pull souls from the other different species and sections of the galaxy they enslaved to earth into a human fetus. All the different cultures here on earth, most are from other entities who were forcefully brought here to earth. The earth is a melting pot of souls from across the galaxy being enslaved on this prison planet.
I might put in some physical work, also I won't have any kids but I care about white people in general and I do have nieces and nephews. The Jew agenda has already made my own life much worse than it could've been so even if it's not for the future than it's still revenge.

Besides how would you know all of this stuff? Sounds like this is some kinda religion where you just have to believe everything blindly.
Jewish chads conquered the world and brainwashed everyone (mainly the western male) to suit their NWO agenda, you have to respect the power and the hustle tbh.
I might put in some physical work, also I won't have any kids but I care about white people in general and I do have nieces and nephews. The Jew agenda has already made my own life much worse than it could've been so even if it's not for the future than it's still revenge.

Besides how would you know all of this stuff? Sounds like this is some kinda religion where you just have to believe everything blindly.
Studying vibrations and going through ancient history, seeing what the ancients depicted and talked about, going through different religions, seeing all the similarities, study conspiracies. The conclusion comes down to this.
I never said to love the zionist. The real enemies are Archons, interdimensional beings of pure negativity who feed off of the suffering and low vibrational emotions and activities of human beings and animals. Them and their underlings the families of the thirteen bloodlines are all satanist and some are hybrids. By constantly spouting on about the jews, you are covering up the real enemies in the shadows here. The biggest problem is 99% of the antisemeticcels are also stormfront and white supremacist who are only furthering the NWO agenda of race war and division amongst humans. By blaming other races and people for you problems instead of taking responsibility for your situation, you are a slave to the NWO.

Race, religion, language, cultures. These are the easiest ways the NWO runs the world. Trick you fools that white man=bad or black man=bad just creates the exact division and hatred the NWO wants. Because the only way humans can win against archons is by uniting together, rather than fighting amongst each other over the stupidest of reasons.

Hitler was an NWO slave and puppet himself who turned to satanism in his youth. It wouldnt have mattered if the axis had won ww2. The world would still be under the control of the NWO, things just would've been done differently, but the outcome of suffering would've been the same. On top of this, the line of thinking nazicels have with if they had won the war dosent even make sense. There is 0 guarantee that you would even exist, there is 0 gurantee that you would have better genetics, there is 0 guarantees your parents would still meet, fuck and create you. And even if they still did, you still wouldn't be who you are today because your environment, beliefs, and experiences would be different. So basically, you would even be you. All personalities and egostical traits and beliefs we have are all false personalities covering up who we really are. We are souls, beings of light, being recycled back to this earth over and over again through death and trickery during the decieving satanic process of reincarnation and karmatic debt.

Humans killing other humans, blood sacrifices, fights to the death, this is what archons love the most, low vibrational primitive activities that spills blood gives them a massive feast.

Caring about the "jew agenda" race mixing etc. is all pointless. Especially as an incel, you are an outcast to society and to your own race of people whomever that maybe. You dont matter, your voice is nonexistent, and you arent putting in any physical action in changing anything. So to even care about any of this makes no sense. You are looking for an outlet to blame your problems against falling into the brainwashing by the NWO. You arent going to have kids, nor a legacy here on the earth. Caring about the jew agenda is irrelevant because it does not pertain to you. The only thing you should worry about is escaping the reincarnation cycle after you die so that you arent sent back to this shit planet again with your memories erased and as another enslaved incarnation of your soul when the archons come to you.

The archons pull souls from the other different species and sections of the galaxy they enslaved to earth into a human fetus. All the different cultures here on earth, most are from other entities who were forcefully brought here to earth. The earth is a melting pot of souls from across the galaxy being enslaved on this prison planet.
The real blackpill is that Jews are servants of the archons.
Jewish chads conquered the world and brainwashed everyone (mainly the western male) to suit their NWO agenda, you have to respect the power and the hustle tbh.
In a way, yes, you have to marvel at the awesome power of deception, cleverness, pure ruthlessness, and malicious intent, their wicked machine construct they've crafted over the centuries hiding from the shadows is no doubt a diabolical marvel or world wonder to behold, that is until you realize their whole entire global project is doomed to failure where one day it will all implode in on itself at some point, nothing lasts forever. Nature abhors a vacuum and nothing is monolithic lasting the passages of eternal time either. Someday they will learn this lesson hard and the realization for them as a tribal unit collectively undoubtedly will be horrific, but for now they're drunk on power filled with delusions that it will last forever.
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