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Venting Jew bashing is the single largest cope on this site

where do you stand politically?
I got a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse buddy, what do you think? White countries for white people, all Jews on a train to a camp to learn them how to concentrate, for real this time.
I got a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse buddy, what do you think? White countries for white people, all Jews on a train to a camp to learn them how to concentrate, for real this time.
this is cope if i gave you an asian foid you'd become a liberal.
Had Jews not existed there would be no third wave feminism, no open borders, and no women in the workplace, this is pure stated fact where it can't be disputed. In fact, no Jews would mean no large numbers of male incels in the world we have today, I rest my case.

Much of the demise of the modern man in the world today is due to ever constant Jewish tricks.
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this is cope if i gave you an asian foid you'd become a liberal.
So you're a liberal? I'd fuck the Asian foid but I wouldn't make babies with her and I would never become a soyboy faggot like you.
So you're a liberal? I'd fuck the Asian foid but I wouldn't make babies with her and I would never become a soyboy faggot like you.
lmfao no I'm not a liberal dude I'm apolitical.
kope. pre sexual revolution meant that chads couldnt cycle between foids so there was a foid for every man and everyone naturally got their looksmatch.
And much of the socio economic problems we have today that directly correlates to the greater sexual marketplace is due to Jewish banking cartels, like deindustrializing the entire United States moving a majority of our productive manufacturing base to China or elsewhere is purely Jewish banking cartel kabuki theater. The very idea of a mass consumerist service economy is a Jewish invention and at this rate they might as well call it a Judeo Slave Economy.
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lmfao no I'm not a liberal dude I'm apolitical.
Being apolitical is gay. You support the status quo which is a complete degenerate society ran by Jews. Just as bad as being a liberal.
Lmao You're creating strawman arguments. I could rip your thread to pieces but I'm on my phone.

When most people say Jews what they're really referring to is zionists. Not all Jews are Zionist. Not all Zionist are Jews. But jews are still scum. Just like 99.9% of all other religious people.
A majority of Jews are Zionist where there is only an extreme tiny dying out faction that isn't.

There's only minor differences between nationalist and internationalist Jews, conservative and leftist Jews, they're very trivial to the point of utter redundancy.
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Conspiracy theories are retarded tbh.
The real world is where the strong plot against or prey upon the weak, where the wealthy constantly plot to enslave the poor, and where the socially affluent relish in humiliating people socially isolated or less socially connected than themselves, grow the fuck up.

You would have to be mentally retarded to not see conspirators of various kinds operating throughout all of human history and likewise you would have to be mentally retarded not to see the Jewish cock shoved straight up the ass of western civilization today.
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Imagine telling me that a group responsible for the sabotage of my country (and so many others) shouldn't be bashed because that's a cope
Without jews who else would be pigs skins scapegoat/boogeyman?
Nobody responding to my posts anymore, I imagine I must be on a lot people's ignore list now, what have I done to be so hated?

Ah, well....
Without jews who else would be pigs skins scapegoat/boogeyman?
Yeah, those Jews are such swell people, they only believe in a religion that prophesizes they alone will rule the entire world someday with everybody as their slaves because they're the chosen people of 'God' don't you know.

The same people responsible for the radical feminist hellhole we live in now, the same ones that shoot unarmed Palestinian people for laughs, and the same people that promote population replacement all throughout the west or the entire world.

With Jews the Christians really don't need a Satan, Lucifer is a fucking amateur kid compared to organized Jewry.
Nobody responding to my posts anymore, I imagine I must be on a lot people's ignore list now, what have I done to be so hated?

Ah, well....
You aren't on my ignore, bby.
did @Zesto manage to SEAmaxx in the end? i dont remember
Still a cuck teaching children while childless and no gf.
Ching chong larper faggot sticks pink dildos up his ass to cope with his miserable existence. :feelskek:

Instead of not giving a shit about what society wants out of you.
But hey!
I don´t have the magic to turn vagina worshipers into wizards.
Yeah, those Jews are such swell people, they only believe in a religion that prophesizes they alone will rule the entire world someday with everybody as their slaves because they're the chosen people of 'God' don't you know.

The same people responsible for the radical feminist hellhole we live in now, the same ones that shoot unarmed Palestinian people for laughs, and the same people that promote population replacement all throughout the west or entire world.

With Jews the Christians really don't need a Satan, Lucifer is a fucking amateur compared to organized Jewry.
I never said they were swell people. You're writing that narrative in order to prove an irrelevant argument.

I personally think all humans are trash.

I just find it funny that whenever its time for whitey to admit to his wrongdoings, he finds time to blame jews for all his mistakes.

Master race!!! Master race!!!

Also the big nosed men are oppressing me!

I never said they were swell people. You're writing that narrative in order to prove an irrelevant argument.

I personally think all humans are trash.

I just find it funny that whenever its time for whitey to admit to his wrongdoings, he finds time to blame jews for all his mistakes.

Master race!!! Master race!!!

Also the big nosed men are oppressing me!

White European civilization wouldn't be in decline if it wasn't for the short sighted White people selling out all other White people with organized Jewry, they're just as bad. I really don't view things in the lens of that which is superior or inferior, my conception of human history is much more different as far as perceptions goes and I do tend to be a pessimist regarding human nature viewing life more as an absurd tragic comedy.

Still, one would have to be blind mentally not noticing how organized Jewry is shaping the demise of western civilization, and it's funny they think that they will prevail once the Chinese Hans take over the world after they're done destroying western civilization practically dancing on its corpse at this point. If that happens I hope the Chinese eventually obliterate them like the vermin they really are.
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White European civilization wouldn't be in decline if it wasn't for the short sighted White people selling out all other White people with organized Jewry, they're just as bad. I really don't view things in the lens of that which is superior or inferior, my conception of human history is much more different as far as perceptions goes and I do tend to be a pessimist regarding human nature viewing life more as an absurd tragic comedy.

Still, one would have to blind mentally not noticing how organized Jewry is shaping the demise of western civilization, and it's funny they think that they will prevail once the Chinese Hans take over the world after they're done destroying western civilization practically dancing on its corpse at this point. If that happens I hope the Chinese eventually obliterate them like the vermin they really are.
After reading this I think we both agree on the same thing.

Thank you for being rational about this.
Nobody responding to my posts anymore, I imagine I must be on a lot people's ignore list now, what have I done to be so hated?

Ah, well....

Nobody responding to my posts anymore, I imagine I must be on a lot people's ignore list now, what have I done to be so hated?

Ah, well....
They're not responding because they're bluepilled morons with no arguments.
Jews never wronged me, so I don't have any reason to hate them.
Why should that be relevant
Well I can see niggers and sandniggers kissing the Jewring because right now the Jew is helping them. If you're white then they're probably hurting you but you don't realize it.
Well I can see niggers and sandniggers kissing the Jewring because right now the Jew is helping them. If you're white then they're probably hurting you but you don't realize it.
Well I can say for sure that they haven't helped me in life
Depends on whether you consider the US a white country
Yeah everyone who isn't a fucking SJW retard does.
So yeah, Jews helped you or your parents get there.
Yeah everyone who isn't a fucking SJW retard does.
So yeah, Jews helped you or your parents get there.
Proof?, most sources say that it was the british colonials
I can believe that there were a few jews that were involved, but the idea that they controlled the entire thing by themselves seems a bit far fetched.

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