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Venting Jew bashing is the single largest cope on this site



Sep 18, 2018
There are plenty of stupid copes that people here use to try and rationalize why they don't get laid, but this one is by far the most stupid. Am I saying jews are good people? No. Am I saying that there isn't a conspiracy by jews to destroy the west? Not necessarily. But what I AM saying, is that you would still be incels even if there were no jews.

A lot of incels here have bought into this lie that pre-feminism (which many incels blame jews for creating) literally anybody could have gotten a wife and lived a happy life. This is bullshit. Even back then there were plenty of incels. Things were nowhere near as hard for NORMIES, but you are not a normie. If you have poor looks and low intelligence, you would still have been incel back then. Blaming jews for feminism and the fact that you are incel is the ultimate cope REGARDLESS of if many of the conspiracy theories about jews are true. YOU WOULD STILL BE INCEL EVEN IF THERE WERE NO JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!

There is probably no other sub-group of incels on this site that is as obnoxious as anti-semitecels. I use to think animiecels where the worst but now I can see this isn't true. I bet they are also largely the same group that claims they can't get laid because BBCs are stealing their white women, even though data shows blacks are actually not very popular dating material among white women.

lol what a joke.

@Fontaine ?
Conspiracy theories are retarded tbh.
A lot of incels here have bought into this lie that pre-feminism (which many incels blame jews for creating) literally anybody could have gotten a wife and lived a happy life. This is bullshit. Even back then there were plenty of incels. Things were nowhere near as hard for NORMIES, but you are not a normie. If you have poor looks and low intelligence, you would still have been incel back then
Well at least we agree on one thing, though nobody can truly know how we would've turned out on a genetic level without (((their influence)))
kope. pre sexual revolution meant that chads couldnt cycle between foids so there was a foid for every man and everyone naturally got their looksmatch.
I bet they are also largely the same group that claims they can't get laid because BBCs are stealing their white women, even though data shows blacks are actually not very popular dating material among white women.
Yes, this ridiculous argument that ethnics would steal "their" women and that's why they are incels, I can only shake my head about that.
It's kind of funny tho, it triggers a lot of the cucks in cucktears
Just come clean dude. We all know you’re one of (((them)))
kope. pre sexual revolution meant that chads couldnt cycle between foids so there was a foid for every man and everyone naturally got their looksmatch.

Cope. There were incels even back then, with a famous example being Nietzsche which I consider to be a proto-blackpiller. He is believed to have died a virgin.
google image of tom cruise
Said the fucking Jew hahahahahahaha
Even back then there were plenty of incels. Things were nowhere near as hard for NORMIES, but you are not a normie. If you have poor looks and low intelligence, you would still have been incel back then. Blaming jews for feminism and the fact that you are incel is the ultimate cope REGARDLESS of if many of the conspiracy theories about jews are true. YOU WOULD STILL BE INCEL EVEN IF THERE WERE NO JEWS!!!!!!!!!!!
Being incel back then was as rare as someone dying from starvation today. The only incels were severely deformed or retarded men, not sub6 men. There wouldn't be bald or short people today if women weren't fucking them in the past.
There wouldn't be any manlets like tom cruz today if foids weren't fucking them in the past.

Tom Cruise in his prime was a Chad. Height stopped him from being the ultimate Chad.
Being incel back then was as rare as someone dying from starvation today. The only incels were severely deformed or retarded men, not sub6 men. There wouldn't be bald or short people today if women weren't fucking them in the past.

And this is simply a lie. But let's for argument's sake pretend you are correct. How happy would a marriage between a 3/10 sub-human and a woman that finds him revolting be? She would never have sex with you except for the 1-2 times needed to get children and that's it. And she would also probably treat you like a giant piece of shit your entire life. In other words, it would be no different from how women treat their betabucks husbands today. The only difference is that you would not get divorce raped.
tbh jew cope is cope tbh ngl
How happy would a marriage between a 3/10 sub-human and a woman that finds him revolting be? She would never have sex with you except for the 1-2 times needed to get children and that's it. And she would also probably treat you like a giant piece of shit your entire life. In other words, it would be no different from how women treat their betabucks husbands today. The only difference is that you would not get divorce raped.
Cope. If there will be consequences for them cheating they will have no choice but to have sex with their husbands. If the husband takes their virginity that will make it even more likely she'll be happy with him. Humans are an adaptive species, foids will adapt just like cucks are adapting to betabuxxing used landwhales today.
There is probably no other sub-group of incels on this site that is as obnoxious as anti-semitecels. I use to think animiecels where the worst but now I can see this isn't true.

What about anti semite animecels? They both go hand in hand. Anyone smart enough to watch anime knows the Jewish puppet masters that control us.
Cope. If there will be consequences for them cheating they will have no choice but to have sex with their husbands. If the husband takes their virginity that will make it even more likely she'll be happy with him. Humans are an adaptive species, foids will adapt just like cucks are adapting to betabuxxing used landwhales today.

Uh no, that isn't how things work at all. Women don't sleep with ugly men just because they don't have the chance of sleeping with good looking ones. There are countless women in sexless marriages with beta husbands. Even the ones who don't cheat.
Uh no, that isn't how things work at all. Women don't sleep with ugly men just because they don't have the chance of sleeping with good looking ones. There are countless women in sexless marriages with beta husbands. Even the ones who don't cheat.
That wasn't a problem in the past, now it's much more rampant. Men today should have access to cheap hookers and sexbots to increase their smv enough to make women feel the need to have sex with them just to keep them around. Women want families, and if that takes giving their husbands sex so they won't cheat then they'll do it. Women today know they can act like cunts because men don't have many options.
this is the same guy that bashes black men lul
It's very hard to say if I would still be an incel if it weren't for the Jews. They had a big role in cucking and feminist-izing western society.

Also, I'd work hard if I knew it could get me a virgin, white, young wife. It can't at all nowadays.
Throw the Jew down the well

So my country can be free
Yes, this ridiculous argument that ethnics would steal "their" women and that's why they are incels, I can only shake my head about that.
This has always been hilarious. Alt right cels seriously believe that a 5'7 ethnic is going to steal away the oneitis that they never spoke to before
Its because the most of the fakecel you are, the more you seek to blame things that are not related to genes for your failed normiedoom.

This include the muh joos meme and feminism.
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Lmao You're creating strawman arguments. I could rip your thread to pieces but I'm on my phone.

When most people say Jews what they're really referring to is zionists. Not all Jews are Zionist. Not all Zionist are Jews. But jews are still scum. Just like 99.9% of all other religious people.
This has always been hilarious. Alt right cels seriously believe that a 5'7 ethnic is going to steal away the oneitis that they never spoke to before
You can tell the Jews by agreeing with OP. Ban em all imo.

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