There is no hard evidence for the race pill, which means that it's not a black pill.
actually there's no hard evidence of any pill including even the height pill which means that all the blackpill is utter bullshit.*
the same can be said about being tall.
Those statistics only capture Western cultural dating preferences that are largely influenced by Western culture and media. Black men, for example, are seen as desirable by Western White women in the West because of porn and the promotion of the idea that all Black men have big dicks.
you mean the porn dominated by white males watching that degenerate shit. i don't think black men are down you to fuck you guys. if you delete your account, you will probably stop believing that shit.
but unlike you i don't consume arab/white porn since it's not even promoted and u rarely find such things.
When was the last time you saw Indian and Asian men portrayed as cultural, movie and TV sex symbols in Western media?
they're promoted by Kpop culture and some bollywood culture but women don't really consume these cultures so you won't find a ton of financial support for them and that's why they don't flourish.
if women liked bollywood chadpreets then you will end with a giant porn sites where white and ethnic women are being fucked by indians.
so why blacked porn is highly promoted if women don't like that shit? it's because you guy (white men) love watching cuckold porn.
if white males started having a fetish for indian and kpop guys fucking their own women then you will definitely find one or tow women finding that shit hot since the big flourishing of that cuckold culture.
Local women in countries prefer the ethnicity of their own, but with attractive features. Chinese women in China prefer tall changs with broad shoulders and masculine facial features. Indian women in India (who haven't been brainwashed by Western globohomo) prefer tall chadpreets with broad shoulders, light skin, and masculine facial features. Argentinian women in Argentina prefer chadriguezes with - you get the idea.
yeah ofc women will prefer the top 0.1%. your argument means shit since most males in every race aren't a part of the very top.
still funny that whitecels need to use porn and cuckold fetishes to say that women prefer ethnics.
anyway, putting this thread in ignore to avoid further discussion. no need to discuss something that have been proved trillions of time.