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Blackpill JBW is true but not for reason you think

To koniec

To koniec

Apr 14, 2020
the real reason why whites men and women are seen as attactive is media output and global dominance
during arabic golden age arab men had biggest smv, if really china will dominate world and export their media east asian men and women will have highest smv
bollywood is joke and whole bob vagena memes destroyed indian smv but if they would be dominant global force they would be seen as superior

@Transcended Trucel
I somewhat agree but imo some races are just worse off even if no media. Example being curries gonna be worse off whites even if become superpower with media halo. Because of the skin penalty and in many cases height/frame. It is objectively worse.
JBW is mostly about money. Noodlewhores and third worlders just want the visa
dont think so. White foids ALWAYS prefer their race of men for a reason, they know they are the most superior
yeah no white women liked asian men 20 30 years ago, looks now at zoomers
If US collapse together with Hollywood, if Asian media, power, influence, pop culture becomes the most mainstream who knows, possibly in the future.
the real reason why whites men and women are seen as attactive is media output and global dominance
during arabic golden age arab men had biggest smv, if really china will dominate world and export their media east asian men and women will have highest smv
bollywood is joke and whole bob vagena memes destroyed indian smv but if they would be dominant global force they would be seen as superior

@Transcended Trucel
Cope. Lets be real here, white women/men are seen as more attractive because they are more attractive, you know it's true.
Cope. Lets be real here, white women/men are seen as more attractive because they are more attractive, you know it's true.
nigga many men already think that asian foids are hottest ( even tho for me are subhuman ). You wanna know why ? cause kpop and anime
nigga many men already think that asian foids are hottest ( even tho for me are subhuman ). You wanna know why ? cause kpop and anime
Not true at all. No one thinks that asian foids are the hottest. Most people think that asian foids look like aliens, thats not my opinion, but they have a point tbh.
Cope. Lets be real here, white women/men are seen as more attractive because they are more attractive, you know it's true.
For me latinos look better than whites and asians, and im not talking about white passing latinos. I like how blasians look.
the real reason why whites men and women are seen as attactive is media output and global dominance
during arabic golden age arab men had biggest smv, if really china will dominate world and export their media east asian men and women will have highest smv
bollywood is joke and whole bob vagena memes destroyed indian smv but if they would be dominant global force they would be seen as superior

@Transcended Trucel
The real reason is that it is in our genes to find white people more attractive
the real reason why whites men and women are seen as attactive is media output and global dominance
Cope it's because
Pink skin
Taller height
Light colored eyes
Light colour hair
More income
Developed countries
JBW doesn’t work on sandcels in west, most of them are violent thugmaxxed who make pussies wet , sand women mostly perfer their own violent sand rapists , while also attracting white sluts
Some ppl indeed undermine the importance of status, for example there's a huge difference in smv between a Spaniard and a Gypsy despite the fact that some Gypsies could pass as Spaniards. It's also one of the reasons why Slavs have much lower smv than Brits (who approx are on the same looks level).

Also, Asians appeal mostly to the niche of young western girls who prefer pretty, feminine faces over dimorphic beasts.
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JBW is more than only looks, it's probably more Goldpill (money) than Blackpill (looks) as the same SEA toilets that marry White foreigners marry other Asian foreigners in even larger numbers. Plus I know quite a lot of Brazilian toilets that have had South Korean and Japanese ex-boyfriends who pumped and dumped them. Some are purebred White Brazilian toilets with random sub-par Asian men.

Another thing I'd say contributes to the JBW phenomenon is the stereotype that White men are romantic while non-White men are not, but I've heard both Taiwanese and Filipina toilets say that Asian men are just as romantic as White men and that the stereotype is antiquated but some toilets still believe that.

Being ANY non-Black in Africa is seen as exotic and will get you toilets, I see a lot of Ricebrothers and Curries go Afromaxxing.

I thought that JBW was law until I noticed that almost all of our statistics on it come from Western dating sites and dating apps.

But I wonder how big looks play into it. There was some "JBW debunker" that pointed out that the most searched for porn terms were almost always same-race terms and people preferred to watch same-race porn over other race porn.

Of course, the noodlewhore who is into White guys watches White porn, but the vast majority of porn searches in the Far East are for Japanese actors and actresses.
Some ppl indeed undermine the importance of status, for example there's a huge difference in smv between a Spaniard and a Gypsy despite the fact that some Gypsies could pass as Spaniards. It's also one of the reasons why Slavs have much lower smv than Brits (who approx are on the same looks level).

Also, Asians appeal mostly to the niche of young western girls who prefer pretty, feminine faces over dimorphic beasts.

Slavs literally get mogged by Curries and Ricebrothers in their own countries. I knew this 6'7 Russian man with blonde hair and blue eyes and a defined jaw named Igor who had a Pinay wife, he told me that both of his sisters have Japanese husbands and he thinks that having an Asian fetish runs in his family. But he also said that "Russian women are much harder" despite having his stats, now imagine being a White Chad and seeing Curriecels and Ricecels take your toilets.

The Slavpill is probably the #1 argument against the universal nature of JBW.
Slavs literally get mogged by Curries and Ricebrothers in their own countries. I knew this 6'7 Russian man with blonde hair and blue eyes and a defined jaw named Igor who had a Pinay wife, he told me that both of his sisters have Japanese husbands and he thinks that having an Asian fetish runs in his family. But he also said that "Russian women are much harder" despite having his stats, now imagine being a White Chad and seeing Curriecels and Ricecels take your toilets.

The Slavpill is probably the #1 argument against the universal nature of JBW.
i'm sorry but slav women prefer slav, white, med men not indians and east asians
go on youtube and type “indian men in ukraine” or “indian men in russia” and enjoy the slavpill :society:
most people prefer their own race
i don't see indian men or east asian men with polish girls when i go out
i'm sorry but slav women prefer slav, white, med men not indians and east asians
Asians living among slavs are rare, also to my knowledge i never saw slavs, male or female that prefer asians, much less curries. They remind them of gypsies and slavs are disgusted by gypsies and they hate us tbh.
go on youtube and type “indian men in ukraine” or “indian men in russia” and enjoy the slavpill :society:
If you google anything you will find it, youtube is full of fake videos with paid actors to sell false hope for views.
most people prefer their own race
i don't see indian men or east asian men with polish girls when i go out
Too many racist ogres in EE
Foids know that shitskin LTR is statusmin and they always choose the easiest route:blackpill:
Asians living among slavs are rare, also to my knowledge i never saw slavs, male or female that prefer asians, much less curries. They remind them of gypsies and slavs are disgusted by gypsies and they hate us tbh.

If you google anything you will find it, youtube is full of fake videos with paid actors to sell false hope for views.
Slavs are gypsy pilled:blackpill:
Curries end up working uber eats
If american media dominance ends yT just becomes even more exotic than they already are.
There is definitely a social aspect. I do not meet social standards.

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