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Blackpill JBW is the law

If only. At the very least they should be permabanned. They can go shit up some other garbage forum with their nonsense; I suggest IT. These JBW-copers would fit right in.
And they wouldn't last a day in any camp, let alone Auschwitz.

Sorry to interrupt the keyboard warriors, but if I recall correctly, race-baiting is against the rules.
Both look subhuman tbh
Shut the fuck up and learn how to use a toilet. Oh wait, I forgot. Your kind doesn't know how to use a toilet. Both the figurative kind AND the literal kind. :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
Sorry to interrupt the keyboard warriors, but if I recall correctly, race-baiting is against the rules.
It's a no holds barred match at this point.


And they wouldn't last a day in any camp, let alone Auschwitz.
Nah, of course they wouldn't, they're normies. And as the covid lockdowns proved, normies are shit at handling anything that's even remotely a hardship.
Sorry to interrupt the keyboard warriors, but if I recall correctly, race-baiting is against the rules.
This aint no race baiting, it was a simple post and not even meant literally that you just gotta be white to not be incel, its just a phrase..I don't understand if peoples feelings are so timid to get hurt by just a post
Yes, and the mods do nothing but stand aside and laugh.
Yea I wish this race fighting would stop. It only prevents us from moving forward and destroys the ideology from the inside. Normies watch and laugh as we fight amongst ourselves like dogs with down syndrome.
Sorry to interrupt the keyboard warriors, but if I recall correctly, race-baiting is against the rules.
They started it, they should pay the price.

I'm only speaking out in self-defense. :feelsjuice:
Shut the fuck up you fakecel gook you are 6'0 with a good face you projecting faggot
Go figure every JBW race baiter is a projecting piece of shit. They should all be banned for being infiltrating normies! :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree:
Truth, my ass. Anyone can pull cherry picked examples of whatever stupid bullshit they want to believe, observe: View attachment 705502

You're a stupid, projecting, street-shitting IQ nigger if you believe and promote JBW. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Except these are not cherry picked examples, these are hard stats throughout multiple dating sites. The same ones we used to prove the 80/20 rule

Any white can ascend. A literal 5'5 autist went to thailand and was literally slaying there. New chick every week.

So you come here, deny stats, deny black pill, insult in order to hide facts..... exactly like a woman would. Cuz you are the women of races. All truecels know who the fakes are.
avg curry + avg ger normie = CHAD :feelshehe:
Yea I wish this race fighting would stop. It only prevents us from moving forward and destroys the ideology from the inside. Normies watch and laugh as we fight amongst ourselves like dogs with down syndrome.
I share this sentiment. It would stop if the mods actually did anything to punish this behavior, but they sit on their asses and ignore it. I only ever get fired up when someone else instigates it against me. If I wasn't being targeted, I'd be chill and calm. I literally never gave a shit about what race the person on the other side of the monitor was, until this JBW garbage started flaring up.

Granted, I've used racial slurs before, but never directed at a fellow incel. I'm far from perfect, and nobody's perfect, but I still had standards.
avg curry + avg ger normie = CHAD? wtf
He got lucky with genetic recombination. He inherited his dad's jaw and eye colour, and his mom's eye area.
JFL at that many smilies
I was rage-clicking. :fuk:

Edit: Mods are in cahoots with the copers because all but one are non-white, and have a bias against us white truecels, even if they won't publicly admit it (as far as I know). They don't need to admit it: allowing their fakecel, deathnic toadies to run rampant across the forum spreading false hate against the white truecels here is admission of guilt enough for me. :feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::feelsree::society::society::society::society::feelsclown::feelsclown::feelsclown:
I think Neanderthals on this forum are just mad because they've never been able to capitalize on JBW because they are either losers or too lazy or too ugly. So they'd rather deny altogether that it's a thing. I FUCKING HATE CAVE DEMONS
Moderation is supposed to be unbiased, objective and fair. Yet, we still see these rampant attacks on white truecels spreading across the forum like wildfire, and they do nothing. The moderation staff have all but admitted by their lack of action that they are also low-IQ, retarded niggers who believe the JBW nonsense, and that whites cannot be truecel, ergo, the moderation staff are all blue pilled normies themselves, as they cannot accept the fact that whites can be incel, too.

We are ruled by our enemies. It is over for all truecels. :feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope:
I share this sentiment. It would stop if the mods actually did anything to punish this behavior, but they sit on their asses and ignore it. I only ever get fired up when someone else instigates it against me. If I wasn't being targeted, I'd be chill and calm. I literally never gave a shit about what race the person on the other side of the monitor was, until this JBW garbage started flaring up.

Granted, I've used racial slurs before, but never directed at a fellow incel. I'm far from perfect, and nobody's perfect, but I still had standards.
Don’t mods ban JBW or any type of just be race bait?? Also I understand what you’re saying. I say nigger and shit too but I’m not racist It’s just a fun word to say. Nothing malicious about it. The most racist incel on this forum is still infinitely more moral than the average virtue signaling normie/foid.
I think Neanderthals on this forum are just mad because they've never been able to capitalize on JBW because they are either losers or too lazy or too ugly. So they'd rather deny altogether that it's a thing. I FUCKING HATE CAVE DEMONS
Go fuck yourself, you stupid, projecting fakecel nigger. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:
Not good looking enough, but probably wealthy enough to betabuxx a decent curry foid. :feelsjuice:
I just bought 10lbs of beef:feelsjuice:

I plan on eating a pound of beef and drinking a gallon of water every day for health, fitness and muscular gains
Don’t mods ban JBW or any type of just be race bait?? Also I understand what you’re saying. I say nigger and shit too but I’m not racist It’s just a fun word to say. Nothing malicious about it. The most racist incel on this forum is still infinitely more moral than the average virtue signaling normie/foid.
Clearly not. I report any JBW I see, and yet the maggots are still crawling around here.
I think Neanderthals on this forum are just mad because they've never been able to capitalize on JBW because they are either losers or too lazy or too ugly. So they'd rather deny altogether that it's a thing. I FUCKING HATE CAVE DEMONS
Kill yourself faggot
I think Neanderthals on this forum are just mad because they've never been able to capitalize on JBW because they are either losers or too lazy or too ugly. So they'd rather deny altogether that it's a thing. I FUCKING HATE CAVE DEMONS
Even if I wasn't a Trucel, I still wouldn't for one second degrade myself by laying with a Non Aryan female. That's the behavior of Der Juden.:reeeeee:
Don’t mods ban JBW or any type of just be race bait?? Also I understand what you’re saying. I say nigger and shit too but I’m not racist It’s just a fun word to say. Nothing malicious about it. The most racist incel on this forum is still infinitely more moral than the average virtue signaling normie/foid.
The most racist incel on this forum is still infinitely more moral than the average virtue signaling normie/foid.
That's true, and at least some of us can admit our own faults.
Don’t mods ban JBW or any type of just be race bait?? Also I understand what you’re saying. I say nigger and shit too but I’m not racist It’s just a fun word to say. Nothing malicious about it. The most racist incel on this forum is still infinitely more moral than the average virtue signaling normie/foid.
"Race bait" is crypto-racist, crypto-leftist psyops invented by trogs who are insecure and get triggered anytime white privilege is brought up.

I've never seen a non-trog use this term with any kind of seriousness. It's just code for "white boys are mad". They want non-whites to be as self-deprecating, butthurt, and cucked as they are.
Most of the time I use Hentai to fap for the specific purpose of seeking out Aryan females, as they are the only kind I am able to climax to.
"Race bait" is crypto-racist, crypto-leftist psyops invented by trogs who are insecure and get triggered anytime white privilege is brought up.

I've never seen a non-trog use this term with any kind of seriousness. It's just code for "white boys are mad". They want non-whites to be as self-deprecating, butthurt, and cucked as they are.
Kek that's projection. White privilege isn't real. If it was, I would be a millionaire just for existing.
If anything SHOULD be real, it's Aryan privilege.
Kek that's projection. White privilege isn't real. If it was, I would be a millionaire just for existing.
If anything SHOULD be real, it's Aryan privilege.
really gotta wonder what non-blackpilled people are doing on a blackpill forum

Clearly not. I report any JBW I see, and yet the maggots are still crawling around here.

Let’s wait until tomorrow and see if this post gets banned I also reported it for race bait.
That's true, and at least some of us can admit our own faults.
Yea. And it goes further than race too we keep accusing each other of being fakecels for no reason. (For example: calling tall incels fakecels just because they’re tall.)
Let’s wait until tomorrow and see if this post gets banned I also reported it for race bait.
Yeah, that's a good idea. I've got homework I really need to work on, anyway.

Yea. And it goes further than race too we keep accusing each other of being fakecels for no reason. (For example: calling tall incels fakecels just because they’re tall.)
Inceldom is nuanced, and many factors contribute. Not to mention, not one user on this site knows the life story and all the in's and out's of the experiences of any other user. Nobody can say for sure that someone of X trait cannot be incel, unless X trait happens to be "female," but that is justified as proven by numerous controlled and uncontrolled experiments, not cherry-picked anecdotes pulled out of the anus of the internet.
Currywhores are most entitled creatures.
really gotta wonder what non-blackpilled people are doing on a blackpill forum

View attachment 705510
Not a single point in there proves that whites cannot be incel, you retarded nigger dipshit. :feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman::feelstastyman:

Really do gotta wonder what you blue pilled idiots fucks are doing here, polluting our black pilled forum with your blue pilled JBW-copes. Go fuck a cow, you cattle-worshipping troglodyte. :soy::soy::soy:

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