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TeeHee [JBpill] This is what 13 year girls on reddit are like — I looked through every "13F" on r/TeenAmIUgly

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God, I remember this thread. Today of all days, when I'm feeling as shitty as never about not having a teen gf, they ressurrect this thread :feelsrope:
Lol they always look the most beta when they are doing this gay anti pedo posting. "Oh zoinks I gotta protect the females that never gave me attention in highschool:soy:"
Every single one of those females you posted is sexually active right now, I've seen it myself when I was in highschool. These sluts get their tight clits soaking wet for prettyboy Chad but oh no how dare we find them attractive and sexually developed
haha LOL I Like your nickname LOL
also based reply
Too bad we will never know what @what is happening 's thoughts on the "cuties" movie... Sad shit man.
God, I remember this thread. Today of all days, when I'm feeling as shitty as never about not having a teen gf, they ressurrect this thread :feelsrope:
Man, just IMAGINE getting a virgin 13 yo white bride who looked like ANY of those girls :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree: :cryfeels: :feelsrope: :feels::feelsree:

Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks. Fuck you, cucks.
Literal children have more life experience than we ever will
Their not ugly most of these whores just want attention from redditors because its lockdown and they can't have it outside of their comfy zone so this "am i ugly " whore complex is what helps them get through their day and feeds their thirst

Jfl i wish i was a woman
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"They're just kids playing with dolls inkwell"
‘Yes, I’m a whore’. That comment gives you enough of a reason why this foid need stoning, :feelsdevil:
There are no innocent foids, they have all committed the crime of whoredom by simply existing.

While I was still playing with stuffed animals, they were getting railed by local chads and exchanging nudes with them. :feelsree:
Not only that, but they have the audacity to complain about how "ugly" they are despite receiving constantly receiving validation.

They should all be stoned to death. :reeeeee::reeeeee::reeeeee:
1) Post.
No comment.
fuck man shes hot lol

i wish girls would stil take pictures like that tbh its coomfuel. i remember every foid in my school would post pics like this :feelsohh:
how funny and not surprising at all that they dont look or act like children and are not actually children, every guy is attracted to them but of course they would say otherwise, hilarious
Those girls have already lost their virginities. By the time they're 13 they've already had two years worth of sexual experiences while the boys are still playing with action figures.

"She's only a child":soy::soy: Wrong. Childhood ends when a girl gets her first period, that's how it is in most traditional societies. In a normal society, those girls would be getting ready for marriage, but in this sick world, they will spend decades in the school system learning how to be whores.
Jfl at the fact that they feel like they’re ugly because they’re used to seeing other women have 500 different guys talking to them compared to their 100 :feelskek: :feelskek:
"My boyfriend and I were both doing NNN and I envited him over to my house this week. We've already established no sex until we're older several times. I have ticklish inner thighs and he was messing with me so I tried to get him back by doing the same to him. He ended up ejaculating in his underwear. I thought it was cute, but he's really embarassed about it. Did I do something weong, or was this okay?"

GTA V Pavel: Remember, you are dictator, or you are not
Also, my sister who is only 8 got rejected a thousand times and has more exes you will ever have. Her last ex asked to get back with her and left her two days later.
Bro, what? This is just sick!
Absolutely legendary thread. Surprised it's not in the must-read section.

It's existed for over three years by now, and still, not a single bluepiller has dared to so much as acknowledge it. Meanwhile, to this day, every brocel, no matter how blackpilled already, that visits here gets pulled into new lows of the blackpill abyss not even he could fathom.
One of the best threads in this website
Surprised it's not in the must-read section.
This website is too cucked, they wouldn't acknowlege shit like this even if you spell it out for them, which this thread more than does. Agecucks are a different breed of retards, they don't have any moral compass to begin with.

:whatfeels:I'd fill every hole and then some, anyone who doesn't find her attractive is a massive faggot
This is as expected.
And it’s only getting worse….
Back when I was in Highschool, girls would turn to sluts and whores and dress in a provocative way at the age of 15 / 16 years old.
Now it’s 13 apparently.
i think it’s social media such as InstaSlut / TikTrash and SnapFag that young Foids are
Being brainwashed.
Also, could be because of an absent father.
Chad / Tyrone simply found a pump and dump, tossed her a$$ to the side of the road and left.
No worse fate then having one or multiple daughters, i'd rather wageslave until my bones turn to dust then go through the financial and emotional cuckoldry of having a daughter and for her to be like this
Found by searching "13F" in r/TeenAmIUgly.

If you just want to see their pictures click on "Post" links.

Only made one / few posts, or otherwise not having any interesting posts besides the picture they posted. So I'll catorgorize their pictures. Mix of what I like and what I think many other men would like. Some could be in a middle group but that's harder for people to agree with. It's not ranked from best to worst. I just want them in two groups to make it easier to compare. :feelsautistic:

1) Post (first two pics are the better ones) Sign in to imgur required to see pics but you can probably see it if I link it here.

2) Post
3) Post
4) Post
5) Post (Most men would like this one more than me if we had to choose because she might "look older" so I'll just put her here.)
6) Post

Lower. Though some are still above average when considering older girls.
1) Post (Could be better later or if looksmax.)
2) Post (Look like the bitch from Game of Thrones.)
3) Post (I'll just put her here but I don't think she's ugly by any standard.)
4) Post (Looks too young :soy: but I don't care about that so she's above average to me.)
5) Post (I still like her.)
6) Post ("thanks, usually rate myself a 3 lol")
8) Post (Some men might like her more than I do.)
9) Post (I still like her.)

The ones with interesting posts

1) Post.
No comment.
View attachment 183865

2) Post
Gay from Singapore.

3) Post
Le black belt?
View attachment 183866

4) Post

5) Post


6) Post



(Says he’s 15 in the comments)


Just go for fat girls bro! Meanwhile they are busy making teen Chad-lite (will be Chad in 2020) prematurely ejaculate.

7) Post (11 or 12 in that picture), and a recent post where she's 13.







It's okay because they're also under 18. :p



No. :cool:

So she was 12 at the time of the above posts and just said she was 13 so she can post in the teen subreddits.

8) Older picture, newer picture.
This one made a video verification.

She turned 13 recently. So she said she was 13 before so she wouldn't get banned.

9) Post




10) Post, second post.

11) Post

Against prostitution.
Claims to be lesbian.

12) Post (And does she look like she'll be a virgin at age 16 if not already?)

13) Post


Video of her. And she looks so young :soy:


14) Post

15) Post
Rape dream and TLDR

And suspects her teacher had a similar dream at the same time.

16) Post

17) Post



18) Post

Just don't be fat.


1) Post. Says it's a mistake, actually a 13M.

2) Post. Account suspended. I think it was a guy posting his favorite pictures of her.

3) Post, tranny.

4) Post. Says she's a friend and the account seems to be a guy.

5) Post, tranny. Read his comments in this thread.
Youngcels are fakecels :soy:

6) Post, second post. Gay, troll, and/or tranny.

Fuck you can't view any of the posts because it is a private community, was going to jerk off to all these whores opening their mouths for chad cock.
In a normal society, those girls would be getting ready for marriage, but in this sick world, they will spend decades in the school system learning how to be whores.
Yes. It was the Anglos who decided to develop a complex about age, and they enforced it on the rest of the world moments after enforcing it on themselves. The number was 14 in most European countries until the Anglos spread their sickness. These are the same people who set up girls-only schools in the third world to "educate" girls, but they're really feminist indoctrination centers.

I understand why people have a hard time with this pill, but the AOC is so tightly-coupled with the harmful and openly evil policies Anglos have been inventing and exporting for the past couple centuries, you can't keep it while discarding the rest. There is no baby, only bathwater.
Americancels have been mentally and sexually castrated by years of feminist media. It would take decades to clear the effects of liberalism in American society.
And the west doesn't have decades left. They deserve what's coming to them. Remember, they inflicted this sickness on the rest of the world.
Those girls have already lost their virginities. By the time they're 13 they've already had two years worth of sexual experiences while the boys are still playing with action figures.

"She's only a child":soy::soy: Wrong. Childhood ends when a girl gets her first period, that's how it is in most traditional societies. In a normal society, those girls would be getting ready for marriage, but in this sick world, they will spend decades in the school system learning how to be whores.

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