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TeeHee [JBpill] This is what 13 year girls on reddit are like — I looked through every "13F" on r/TeenAmIUgly

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I would fuck any of those girls. They look so attractive to me and so much better than your average 20-something whore.This one is my favorite:

View attachment 183984

This is what female beauty looks like. She has no fake-up on, no tattoos, no dyed hair and no body modifications. She mogs the vast majority of her older peers.
I liked that one, the blonde one and the one I posted the best.

It's funny how our attraction seems to get even stronger sometimes when we know that the girl is not attractive to most people but she's very attractive to us. I wish girls were also like that but they're not at all.

I would be the best boyfriend in the world for a girl like that but I guess young Chads taking turns to tear their holes apart is the healthy way to go instead of a stable older lover interested in a committed LTR.
Thoughts on this, normalfags and redditors?

View attachment 183991
They never ever address that study. Every time I post it they don't even print my post.
I'm laughing hard at this thread. IT niggas are probably foaming at the mouth. I didn't even read it too much. Too much of a suicidefuel.
brutal JBpill it destroyed me
even 18 is considered too young by cucks these days
No fucks were given in the making of this thread :feelshaha: good shit guys
All these girls will grow up to be chads little cum dumpster whores and they will be proud of it. Future is dark for these whores.

they are already attention whoring at this young age which means they are raised by cucks and whores who don’t care about them.
bluepillers: 116
9B757A4B D6CC 425B B49F B527105CE165

I like this one because she looks like my Mom from 1992. I would not have sex with any of these women because that would be immoral, disgusting and illegal. I would marry them though and then impregnate them the day they become legal and adults.
I would fuck any of those girls. They look so attractive to me and so much better than your average 20-something whore.This one is my favorite:

View attachment 183984

This is what female beauty looks like. She has no fake-up on, no tattoos, no dyed hair and no body modifications. She mogs the vast majority of her older peers.
and look at that sweet christmas sweater too :feelsrope:
99% of females that post on that sub are just looking for attention, it's also funny how some of them still have make-up on too to fraud their looks.
that would be immoral, disgusting and illegal
I think they mostly all have attractive looking faces. Having one as a gf would be a dream come true.
I think they mostly all have attractive looking faces. Having one as a gf would be a dream come true.
Attraction is mainly about face. That's why I don't buy that "I'm 0% attracted to her because she lacks tits/butt" narrative. As if flat chested adult girls with small butts were all incels, kek.
''How dare you op they are just children who don't know what sex is!!!:feels::feels::feels::feels:you deranged pedo!!!''
God damn I would savor the fuck out of their youthful bodies. Fuckckckkckckckckckckckckckckkckckckckkckckckckc
These dumb cunts are getting a train ran on them by the football team instead
Thoughts on this, normalfags and redditors?

View attachment 183991
14,15,16 yep those ages they want to fuck can remember foids fucking older guys in school. many have big tits and ass at those ages. they are no longer innocent they want to fuck.
Reminder we'll never have this.
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Roosh V supporters?
Reddit soycucks: "Let kids be kids! When I was 13, I was still playing with Legos! :soy:" (What was 13yo Chad playing with?)
They develop earlier, thinling this is 13 and jail sentence shows how out of touch with reality this world is
Everyone is worshiping these foids and I don’t understand why. They’re no different from the older ones. I mean come on. They’re obviously fishing for compliments with these slutty pictures.
Thoughts on this, normalfags and redditors?

View attachment 183991
Bullshit tbh, seen too many 40+ yo whores on dating apps chasing chads...even risking their family, reputation and marriage to get it
Even 50+ yo foids whose kids are outta the nest, be divorcing their husband and chad hunting on tinder / ig
I guess (((they))) deep down don't have a single problem in recognizing that many early teen girls are sexually experienced and liberal policies (((promoted))) should widen in age...
Fucking hell. I actually need to be gassed for my own good.
Everyone is worshiping these foids and I don’t understand why. They’re no different from the older ones. I mean come on. They’re obviously fishing for compliments with these slutty pictures.
They are different in attractiveness levels and mileage only.
Did anyone read all the text or did you just look at the pictures? :feelstrash:
One of them wrote about a rape dream.

This other one has better pictures that I should have included in the OP.

Also, I couldn't read all of those accounts from those girls. Too much suicidefuel. It's so fucking tough to acknowledge that it's over for me, especially with girls like that. Already starting the year with MASSIVE suicidefuel.
I think this is the best one for you.
So I texted him : “really love you but sometimes I feel like you think I’m just some kind of kissing toy you don’t care about. “ because he wasn’t answering my text saying I had a shitty day and he texted me: No I’m sorry the internet fell. ROMANCE=0

99% of females that post on that sub are just looking for attention, it's also funny how some of them still have make-up on too to fraud their looks.
Some of them are just there for attention, some want real feedback, and some a mix of both. This one wants surgery so it's not purely for attention.

They’re obviously fishing for compliments with these slutty pictures.
Most of the pictures are focused on their face. The most "slutty" is the one sticking her tongue out. I think only three posted a picture that shows most of their body.

One of the rules:
#7) No 'scantily clad' photos

Remember that people can lie on the internet. There is the potential for creeps to be lurking on this subreddit. Posts that violate this will be removed at the moderators' discretion
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Did anyone read all the text or did you just look at the pictures? :feelstrash:
One of them wrote about a rape dream.

This other one has better pictures that I should have included in the OP.

I think this is the best one for you.


Some of them are just there for attention, some want real feedback, and some a mix of both. This one wants surgery so it's not purely for attention.

Most of the pictures are focused on their face. The most "slutty" is the one sticking her tongue out. I think only three posted a picture that shows most of their body.

One of the rules:

>that second pic
This kills the man. Why would someone post a photo like this publicly, though? I literally can't understand.
So they was a boy in my class I first thought he was nice but he’s so fucking annoying he’s boring doesn’t know anything not even what a meme is he’s a nerd (the ignorant one not the cool nerds ) and I told him I was gonna add him on discord but he seems so creepy i do t want to at all he sent me a mail and I’m prob gonna respond I deleted discord even though it’s totally false and ignore him at school like I already do . Also he comes with me and my friends to eat cuz we ate with him ONCE and we’re all tryna get rid of him

So they was a boy in my class I first thought he was nice but he’s so fucking annoying he’s boring doesn’t know anything not even what a meme is he’s a nerd (the ignorant one not the cool nerds ) and I told him I was gonna add him on discord but he seems so creepy i do t want to at all he sent me a mail and I’m prob gonna respond I deleted discord even though it’s totally false and ignore him at school like I already do . Also he comes with me and my friends to eat cuz we ate with him ONCE and we’re all tryna get rid of him
Was this a post made by that girl looking for what to watch when fapping?
Did anyone read all the text or did you just look at the pictures? :feelstrash:
One of them wrote about a rape dream.

This other one has better pictures that I should have included in the OP.

I think this is the best one for you.


Some of them are just there for attention, some want real feedback, and some a mix of both. This one wants surgery so it's not purely for attention.

Most of the pictures are focused on their face. The most "slutty" is the one sticking her tongue out. I think only three posted a picture that shows most of their body.

One of the rules:

Yea man i read the most of the posts ngl, the 15 its just wtf
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I wish all these dirty fucking cunts fuck Chads, get an STD and then rot and die.
was this thread on IT?

i feel rather uncomfortable about this
54586E63 F0E1 4AED B69D 7EC02BDCE8C4

Hello FBI, I am only sexually attracted to females of the age 18 or over. Yes i hate those disgusting pedo incels who are attracted to 17 and 11 month olds, absolutely disgusting, couldnt hate them more, i was just looking at the thread so i could see how awful these incels are. We should definitely put them all on a list
was this thread on IT?

i feel rather uncomfortable about this

@Emergency Manual @wizardcel @Mainländer

@jerrycan dan @Kiko12 @FidelCashflow @TheCrock @wizardcel
These attention seeking whores should be forced to undergo transgender surgery and given facial disfigurements to know how it is to live life as an ugly male

Wrong, none of these girls are prepubescent. They can’t even start one sentence right.:feelstastyman:

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