Giga cope, it's a great song.
Because the based band Stray from the Path has cucked alt-cuckers with this great song, and they all got butthurt. Including the posters here.
Very gay. Very, very gay.
"Punch Nazis" is a very woke and dangerous opinion to hold in Current Year. What a joke.
You know your suburban wigger "allies against hate" would crucify you the second you let an errant world slip about whores? It must be a hell of a charge to have leading cultural figures Stray From the Path defend the inalienable right to invade Europe with a bad song, but these people are not your friends. They're soyfags flipping their wrists for as long as it takes to pat themselves on the back. That's it. They don't care about you, and you'll always be a step back from White wymyn in the canonical victim queue and two steps back from your systas.
Top it all off with "DINGA DING BONG YOU JUST GOT WAK DA FWAK WA" and you've truly got a statement powering the motor of history.
Absolutely absurd how tough this obese chinlet thinks he is.
Bad look to call your fag joke band "Neckbeard Deathcamp" when you're 75% body fat with pubes pasted on your recessed lower third in a poor imitation of sideburns.
Here he's talking about you
This nation has a problem with greasy boys in cargo shorts who feel owed a woman under threat of murder you are a stick without a carrot a triple hook without a worm I’m sick and tired of turning on the news to see another coward caught alive in custody.Incel warfare. Not even human
This is "transgressive art" in a free-falling death spiral. This oily soyer sincerely believes he's flying the banner of "hate" operating within all the prescribed bounds of bourgeois acceptability. He did an AMA on Reddit (where else?) where he pretends to be some kind of occult bodybuilding nu-contrarian-misanthrope (i.e. I like literally hate people who hate people - the thin, sickly lifeblood of the "shocking", terminally pozzed fag-Left). Talks about "Antifa warriors", looks like he'd fit right alongside them getting a truncheon to the skull.
No one hates ugly White men quite like (weak, ashamed and) ugly White men. "JBW" Theorists here find their highest proof of "White supremacy" - in that this cornerstone of modern White culture is hegemonic to the point where it dictates the fictions observed and cherished by every person of every race.
About time "Nazi punks, fuck yeah" came into currency.