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SuicideFuel itt list all the times you have been humiliated by cuntholes when you were minding your own business

  • Thread starter 12 Years a Rotter
  • Start date
12 Years a Rotter

12 Years a Rotter

sexless person. pronouns: nig/ger
May 12, 2018
  • in school when there were no seats left except for next to me so a girl grimaced and said ''ewww, i have to sit next to anon''
  • also at school when i was going to exams and some foid for some reason blocked my path like a bodyguard so i just went and took another route
  • again at school when a girl handing out papers unprovoked wiped and threw all my shit off the desk and to the ground and then said ''pick it up''
  • when i was walking past a school and a bunch of boisterous teen sloots started heckling me saying shit like ooooh you're so hot in a sarcastic and patronising way and then telling me to fuck off
i'm sure all those girls must have known that in a few years i would be posting on incel forums and that's why they did it and not because of my looks. if i was back in school i would have gladly smashed their whore faces into the desk until they were permanently disfigured
Fucking always depresses me to read this kind of threads
  • I looked at my face on my electronic bike's left side mirror. I smiled enthusiastically with top and bottom teeth showing. Two foids passed by, the smaller one called me ugly, and laughed as they walk.
  • Sometimes if I came across a group of girls at school or outside, one of them would impulsively ship me with their attractive friend to provoke a reaction of disgust in them, they would say to their attractive friend "look, your ex!" or "look, your crush!", and the victim usually would say "yuck" or "ew", etc.
  • It was our science class. Our teacher told us to bring a frog for our experiment in the next day. This ethnic landwhale behind me patted me and said out loud, "I already got mine!"
  • I was going down on a escalator at a mall. I stood behind two foids in front of me. We where the only ones in that escalator. One of the foid told her friend to "look behind you!" They looked at me, laughed maniacally and ran down the escalator swiftly.
  • Me and my friends had a rehearsal at a music studio for a recital coming in a few hours at the time. I peeked at the room next door to look for something related to musical instruments. A foid dressing up in that room noticed me and accused me of being a pervert. My friends laughed at me during that embarrassing moment.
  • My auntie, the youngest female sibling of my father, took selfies with me. Despite doing my best to look good on camera, smiling and posing appropriately, my auntie reviewed the photo and said, "let's take a picture again because you look ugly here". After several tries, she gave up and laughed maniacally and said, "oh my god you're so ugly!" and "why are you so ugly!"
  • It was our prom day. I went to the popular girl's table as I was finding a partner to dance with, and out of nowhere, this chink foid kept telling me that she doesn't want to dance with me even though I'm not interested in her.
  • It was the 2nd day of our NCAE test. I went to school high on DXM, but my classmates interpreted it as me just being sick. We where having our morning exercise and I was too nauseated to participate so I ended up bowing down my head on my desk at that time. But this popular Volleyball player foid kept messing with me, encouraging me to stand up and participate even if I don't want to. My headache reached its peak. The foid would then yell out loud how she care for me and love me in a sarcastic way with laughter.
  • In first grade, this dark skinned foid randomly came up to me and said, "you're ugly, but you can make up for it with your talent in music".
  • In 6th grade I had a crush on this cute 7th grader foid who I always saw on a soup dispensary. One day my friends told her about it. The foid would then become hostile to me as soon as she sensed my autism. Since then every time she saw me alone or with my friends outside, she would insult us, but her main focus was me. She would make fun of my autism. She would call me "Monggoloid". She would throw rocks at me. She would mess with me everytime she got a chance.
  • In 4th grade, this foid pretended to be my friend. She gained my trust. We where cool until one day, I was eating my M&Ms in my seat, this foid friend of mine who was sitting beside me snatched it from me and put it in her pocket. She kept resisting as I was trying to get it back from her. A male classmate of mine saw me attempting to get back my M&Ms from her pocket and made a snap judgement of me, calling me "Pervert!" in front of everyone. I stopped it at that moment because I didn't want to attract anymore negative attention.
  • One time in 4th grade, I accidentally dropped my pen on the floor. I crawled my way on the floor to get my pen back. But then a foid sitting in front of me accused me of being a pervert. She thought I was looking inside her skirt but I told her I was actually trying to get my pen back, and she didn't believed me.
  • At a restaurant, I was eating with my face mask hanging on my left ear because I was too lazy to remove it and too insecure to let everybody see my entire face. There was a foid on my left side imitating me. Copying my autistic mannerisms, and also removed the right strap of her face mask on her right ear so it could be hanging on her left ear like mine. She did all of that while laughing maniacally with her mother. I was so pissed off that I stared at them with thousand yard stare and they eventually stopped.
  • I was assembling my DIY electronic drums in our dinning table at night. I was in absolute state of peace until I heard a group of foids outside talking about me. They talked about how embarrassing my life is and how ugly and crazy I am. I threw a tantrum later on out of that infuriating moment, and I went to our balcony to yell the name of the foid I suspected talking about me.
  • [UWSL]I was alone walking in the hallway of a gymnasium after jerking off in the bathroom. I passed by a group of teenage foids. When I got near them, they laughed for no reason and stopped shortly after I was nowhere near their sight.[/UWSL]
  • I was heading to our house with my tricycle to pick up my friends. I passed by a young foid with her boy friend on the street. I glanced at the foid and she giggled with disgust in her face.
  • Similar scenario to above. I parked my tricycle on the side of the street. I think I was waiting for something at the time. I saw group of teenage young foids on the opposite side of the street. I glanced at them for a second, and as the cutest foid noticed my presence, she immediately hid herself from me with the umbrella she's carrying, and the other foids laughed maniacally at us.
  • It was recital day. The venue was at the mall and it had a rows of chairs and I sat somewhere in the third row. Two row of chairs ahead of me, on the left corner of the row, there where three normie boys and two foid kids, it seemed like they're spoiled and stuck up based on their attitude. For some reason I attracted negative attention from these spoiled brats and they started taking pictures of me while laughing maniacally. It was too much for me at the time that I went to the bathroom and cried. I was hesitating to perform, I didn't want to get on the stage and ridiculed by small kids out for everyone to see. After crying and hesitating for minutes, the host called my name, I had to go, it was my time to perform, I can't cower in the corner because I might upset my parents and the host. I nervously got up to the stage and played my piano piece. As I expected, those kids where calling me names during my performance. It was hurting to hear all of that but I didn't let those things ruin my performance, I was there to showcase how awesome my piano skills is and to earn some status. I finished my piece and got through the end of the recital, but the idea that even kids bully me for being subhuman shocked me and stayed in my mind as I left the mall.
  • I was heading back home after visiting a friend in his house, and it was night time and I was alone. I came across a group of teenage foids that same age as me sitting on the sidewalk. They laughed as I passed by them. My mother saw it and got angry at them. But I didn't care because at that point it was common annoying occurence.
toilets deserve our boots on their throats
  • I looked at my face on my electronic bike's left side mirror. I smiled enthusiastically with top and bottom teeth showing. Two foids passed by, the smaller one called me ugly, and laughed as they walk.
  • Sometimes if I came across a group of girls at school or outside, one of them would impulsively ship me with their attractive friend to provoke a reaction of disgust in them, they would say to their attractive friend "look, your ex!" or "look, your crush!", and the victim usually would say "yuck" or "ew", etc.
  • It was our science class. Our teacher told us to bring a frog for our experiment in the next day. This ethnic landwhale behind me patted me and said out loud, "I already got mine!"
  • I was going down on a escalator at a mall. I stood behind two foids in front of me. We where the only ones in that escalator. One of the foid told her friend to "look behind you!" They looked at me, laughed maniacally and ran down the escalator swiftly.
  • Me and my friends had a rehearsal at a music studio for a recital coming in a few hours at the time. I peeked at the room next door to look for something related to musical instruments. A foid dressing up in that room noticed me and accused me of being a pervert. My friends laughed at me during that embarrassing moment.
  • My auntie, the youngest female sibling of my father, took selfies with me. Despite doing my best to look good on camera, smiling and posing appropriately, my auntie reviewed the photo and said, "let's take a picture again because you look ugly here". After several tries, she gave up and laughed maniacally and said, "oh my god you're so ugly!" and "why are you so ugly!"
  • It was our prom day. I went to the popular girl's table as I was finding a partner to dance with, and out of nowhere, this chink foid kept telling me that she doesn't want to dance with me even though I'm not interested in her.
  • It was the 2nd day of our NCAE test. I went to school high on DXM, but my classmates interpreted it as me just being sick. We where having our morning exercise and I was too nauseated to participate so I ended up bowing down my head on my desk at that time. But this popular Volleyball player foid kept messing with me, encouraging me to stand up and participate even if I don't want to. My headache reached its peak. The foid would then yell out loud how she care for me and love me in a sarcastic way with laughter.
  • In first grade, this dark skinned foid randomly came up to me and said, "you're ugly, but you can make up for it with your talent in music".
  • In 6th grade I had a crush on this cute 7th grader foid who I always saw on a soup dispensary. One day my friends told her about it. The foid would then become hostile to me as soon as she sensed my autism. Since then every time she saw me alone or with my friends outside, she would insult us, but her main focus was me. She would make fun of my autism. She would call me "Monggoloid". She would throw rocks at me. She would mess with me everytime she got a chance.
  • In 4th grade, this foid pretended to be my friend. She gained my trust. We where cool until one day, I was eating my M&Ms in my seat, this foid friend of mine who was sitting beside me snatched it from me and put it in her pocket. She kept resisting as I was trying to get it back from her. A male classmate of mine saw me attempting to get back my M&Ms from her pocket and made a snap judgement of me, calling me "Pervert!" in front of everyone. I stopped it at that moment because I didn't want to attract anymore negative attention.
  • One time in 4th grade, I accidentally dropped my pen on the floor. I crawled my way on the floor to get my pen back. But then a foid sitting in front of me accused me of being a pervert. She thought I was looking inside her skirt but I told her I was actually trying to get my pen back, and she didn't believed me.
  • At a restaurant, I was eating with my face mask hanging on my left ear because I was too lazy to remove it and too insecure to let everybody see my entire face. There was a foid on my left side imitating me. Copying my autistic mannerisms, and also removed the right strap of her face mask on her right ear so it could be hanging on her left ear like mine. She did all of that while laughing maniacally with her mother. I was so pissed off that I stared at them with thousand yard stare and they eventually stopped.
  • I was assembling my DIY electronic drums in our dinning table at night. I was in absolute state of peace until I heard a group of foids outside talking about me. They talked about how embarrassing my life is and how ugly and crazy I am. I threw a tantrum later on out of that infuriating moment, and I went to our balcony to yell the name of the foid I suspected talking about me.
  • [UWSL]I was alone walking in the hallway of a gymnasium after jerking off in the bathroom. I passed by a group of teenage foids. When I got near them, they laughed for no reason and stopped shortly after I was nowhere near their sight.[/UWSL]
  • I was heading to our house with my tricycle to pick up my friends. I passed by a young foid with her boy friend on the street. I glanced at the foid and she giggled with disgust in her face.
  • Similar scenario to above. I parked my tricycle on the side of the street. I think I was waiting for something at the time. I saw group of teenage young foids on the opposite side of the street. I glanced at them for a second, and as the cutest foid noticed my presence, she immediately hid herself from me with the umbrella she's carrying, and the other foids laughed maniacally at us.
  • It was recital day. The venue was at the mall and it had a rows of chairs and I sat somewhere in the third row. Two row of chairs ahead of me, on the left corner of the row, there where three normie boys and two foid kids, it seemed like they're spoiled and stuck up based on their attitude. For some reason I attracted negative attention from these spoiled brats and they started taking pictures of me while laughing maniacally. It was too much for me at the time that I went to the bathroom and cried. I was hesitating to perform, I didn't want to get on the stage and ridiculed by small kids out for everyone to see. After crying and hesitating for minutes, the host called my name, I had to go, it was my time to perform, I can't cower in the corner because I might upset my parents and the host. I nervously got up to the stage and played my piano piece. As I expected, those kids where calling me names during my performance. It was hurting to hear all of that but I didn't let those things ruin my performance, I was there to showcase how awesome my piano skills is and to earn some status. I finished my piece and got through the end of the recital, but the idea that even kids bully me for being subhuman shocked me and stayed in my mind as I left the mall.
  • I was heading back home after visiting a friend in his house, and it was night time and I was alone. I came across a group of teenage foids that same age as me sitting on the sidewalk. They laughed as I passed by them. My mother saw it and got angry at them. But I didn't care because at that point it was common annoying occurence.
this is insanely brutal, all of it, especially getting called ugly by a rostie family member
toilets deserve our boots on their throats











(Await my next reply)
  • I looked at my face on my electronic bike's left side mirror. I smiled enthusiastically with top and bottom teeth showing. Two foids passed by, the smaller one called me ugly, and laughed as they walk.
  • Sometimes if I came across a group of girls at school or outside, one of them would impulsively ship me with their attractive friend to provoke a reaction of disgust in them, they would say to their attractive friend "look, your ex!" or "look, your crush!", and the victim usually would say "yuck" or "ew", etc.
  • It was our science class. Our teacher told us to bring a frog for our experiment in the next day. This ethnic landwhale behind me patted me and said out loud, "I already got mine!"
  • I was going down on a escalator at a mall. I stood behind two foids in front of me. We where the only ones in that escalator. One of the foid told her friend to "look behind you!" They looked at me, laughed maniacally and ran down the escalator swiftly.
  • Me and my friends had a rehearsal at a music studio for a recital coming in a few hours at the time. I peeked at the room next door to look for something related to musical instruments. A foid dressing up in that room noticed me and accused me of being a pervert. My friends laughed at me during that embarrassing moment.
  • My auntie, the youngest female sibling of my father, took selfies with me. Despite doing my best to look good on camera, smiling and posing appropriately, my auntie reviewed the photo and said, "let's take a picture again because you look ugly here". After several tries, she gave up and laughed maniacally and said, "oh my god you're so ugly!" and "why are you so ugly!"
  • It was our prom day. I went to the popular girl's table as I was finding a partner to dance with, and out of nowhere, this chink foid kept telling me that she doesn't want to dance with me even though I'm not interested in her.
  • It was the 2nd day of our NCAE test. I went to school high on DXM, but my classmates interpreted it as me just being sick. We where having our morning exercise and I was too nauseated to participate so I ended up bowing down my head on my desk at that time. But this popular Volleyball player foid kept messing with me, encouraging me to stand up and participate even if I don't want to. My headache reached its peak. The foid would then yell out loud how she care for me and love me in a sarcastic way with laughter.
  • In first grade, this dark skinned foid randomly came up to me and said, "you're ugly, but you can make up for it with your talent in music".
  • In 6th grade I had a crush on this cute 7th grader foid who I always saw on a soup dispensary. One day my friends told her about it. The foid would then become hostile to me as soon as she sensed my autism. Since then every time she saw me alone or with my friends outside, she would insult us, but her main focus was me. She would make fun of my autism. She would call me "Monggoloid". She would throw rocks at me. She would mess with me everytime she got a chance.
  • In 4th grade, this foid pretended to be my friend. She gained my trust. We where cool until one day, I was eating my M&Ms in my seat, this foid friend of mine who was sitting beside me snatched it from me and put it in her pocket. She kept resisting as I was trying to get it back from her. A male classmate of mine saw me attempting to get back my M&Ms from her pocket and made a snap judgement of me, calling me "Pervert!" in front of everyone. I stopped it at that moment because I didn't want to attract anymore negative attention.
  • One time in 4th grade, I accidentally dropped my pen on the floor. I crawled my way on the floor to get my pen back. But then a foid sitting in front of me accused me of being a pervert. She thought I was looking inside her skirt but I told her I was actually trying to get my pen back, and she didn't believed me.
  • At a restaurant, I was eating with my face mask hanging on my left ear because I was too lazy to remove it and too insecure to let everybody see my entire face. There was a foid on my left side imitating me. Copying my autistic mannerisms, and also removed the right strap of her face mask on her right ear so it could be hanging on her left ear like mine. She did all of that while laughing maniacally with her mother. I was so pissed off that I stared at them with thousand yard stare and they eventually stopped.
  • I was assembling my DIY electronic drums in our dinning table at night. I was in absolute state of peace until I heard a group of foids outside talking about me. They talked about how embarrassing my life is and how ugly and crazy I am. I threw a tantrum later on out of that infuriating moment, and I went to our balcony to yell the name of the foid I suspected talking about me.
  • [UWSL]I was alone walking in the hallway of a gymnasium after jerking off in the bathroom. I passed by a group of teenage foids. When I got near them, they laughed for no reason and stopped shortly after I was nowhere near their sight.[/UWSL]
  • I was heading to our house with my tricycle to pick up my friends. I passed by a young foid with her boy friend on the street. I glanced at the foid and she giggled with disgust in her face.
  • Similar scenario to above. I parked my tricycle on the side of the street. I think I was waiting for something at the time. I saw group of teenage young foids on the opposite side of the street. I glanced at them for a second, and as the cutest foid noticed my presence, she immediately hid herself from me with the umbrella she's carrying, and the other foids laughed maniacally at us.
  • It was recital day. The venue was at the mall and it had a rows of chairs and I sat somewhere in the third row. Two row of chairs ahead of me, on the left corner of the row, there where three normie boys and two foid kids, it seemed like they're spoiled and stuck up based on their attitude. For some reason I attracted negative attention from these spoiled brats and they started taking pictures of me while laughing maniacally. It was too much for me at the time that I went to the bathroom and cried. I was hesitating to perform, I didn't want to get on the stage and ridiculed by small kids out for everyone to see. After crying and hesitating for minutes, the host called my name, I had to go, it was my time to perform, I can't cower in the corner because I might upset my parents and the host. I nervously got up to the stage and played my piano piece. As I expected, those kids where calling me names during my performance. It was hurting to hear all of that but I didn't let those things ruin my performance, I was there to showcase how awesome my piano skills is and to earn some status. I finished my piece and got through the end of the recital, but the idea that even kids bully me for being subhuman shocked me and stayed in my mind as I left the mall.
  • I was heading back home after visiting a friend in his house, and it was night time and I was alone. I came across a group of teenage foids that same age as me sitting on the sidewalk. They laughed as I passed by them. My mother saw it and got angry at them. But I didn't care because at that point it was common annoying occurence.
:feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope::feelsrope: life is so unfair. Brutal auntpill
  • in school when there were no seats left except for next to me so a girl grimaced and said ''ewww, i have to sit next to anon''
  • also at school when i was going to exams and some foid for some reason blocked my path like a bodyguard so i just went and took another route
  • again at school when a girl handing out papers unprovoked wiped and threw all my shit off the desk and to the ground and then said ''pick it up''
  • when i was walking past a school and a bunch of boisterous teen sloots started heckling me saying shit like ooooh you're so hot in a sarcastic and patronising way and then telling me to fuck off
i'm sure all those girls must have known that in a few years i would be posting on incel forums and that's why they did it and not because of my looks.

If you had good looks they would have sexed you.

Do you mean amongst ugly guys they single out the least cucked ones who will rebel and not simp for them onlyfans?
at school when i was going to exams and some foid for some reason blocked my path like a bodyguard so i just went and took another route
How do you react in such a situation as an adult?

Let’s say hypothetically some tall but lanky soy normies are barring my way out of a subway station.
They suspected that I did something wrong (looks and non nt failo) and they tell me to wait here until police arrives.
I’m stronger and more skilled in fighting than all of them. I carry weapons (technically legal but might still be viewed as illegal and definitely suspicious if I was searched by cops).
Because they height and NT mog me, they like to block my path out of the subway station and just look down on me with a smirk on their faces.
How should I react?
Flash my weapons and pretend to use them while walking towards them? I guess that could work. Would it be illegal to push them out of my way? The issue is that they will push back and in order to get through I might have to actually wrestle them to the ground which could get me an assault charge I imagine.

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