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It's Over It's over for red conservative states.



Feb 11, 2021
So, I live in a very red and conservative republican state, no, I won't say which one as that isn't important in the context of our story here.

No, what gets me about this red conservative state of mine is that anymore wherever I go there are fucking lesbians everywhere, lesbians as far as the eye can see, whole entire fucking swarms of lesbians. Teenage lesbians, middle aged lesbians, and even elderly lesbians in a supposedly red conservative republican state. At this point it's over for this state, at some point in the next ten years or less it's going to get really fucking soy around here and turn blue, I can see it happening. I'm starting to think to myself that maybe I should just move to Alaska or something.

It's bad enough I can't get laid let alone the entire state turning dyke on me, fuck this gay earth.

Fucking lesbians everywhere, god damn it!

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckPatPBAk8
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Conservatism has failed conserve anything. It's nothing but a joke at this point. Most of the so called "conservative" politicians are cucked, and have compromised all of their values. Plus, even states that used to vote conservative -- like Georgia, Arizona, etc. -- have morphed into progressive shitholes. In the next election I wouldn't be surprised if Texas turned blue. Especially since it's a trend now for California fags to move there. It's over, liberals have won the culture wars. That's why I'm in favour of fascism and radicalization of young men in the hope that they will revolt against this neoliberal degeneracy one day. Our politicians are not radical, and without radical views change cannot happen. Catering to the mob will not lead anywhere. This is a war against our values, morals, and everything we believe in. This is a personal attack, and it should be treated as such.
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No such thing as lesbian, they're just Chadsexual and have very standards of males even for settling down.
Conservatism has failed conserve anything. It's nothing but a joke at this point. Most of the so called "conservative" politicians are cucked, and have compromised all of their values. Plus, even states that used to vote conservative -- like Georgia, Arizona, etc. -- have morphed into progressive shitholes. In the next election I wouldn't be surprised if Texas turned blue. Especially since it's a trend now for California fags to move there. It's over, liberals have won the culture wars. That's why I'm in favour of fascism and radicalization of young men in the hope that they will revolt against this neoliberal degeneracy one day. Our politicians are not radical, and without radical views change cannot happen. Catering to the mob will not lead anywhere. This a war against our values, morals, and everything we believe in. This is a personal attack, and it should be treated as such.
I'm hoping for economic collapse, world war, or even a civil war at this point. Stick a fork in it, this nation is toast.

Yeah, republicans are cucks and pussies. Huge bark but without any bite or teeth, might as well be the political party of the white flag at this point, it's the only thing they're good at.
I'm hoping for economic collapse, world war, or even a civil war at this point. Stick a fork in it, this nation is toast.

Yeah, republicans are cucks and pussies. Huge bark but without any bite or teeth.
Exactly. Accelerationism and radicalization are the only tactics left. The collapse is inevitable, that's what nihilism, individualism, and consumerism lead to. All we can do is accelerate the collapse of this depraved system. The virus is doing a pretty good job at it, but the pandemic alone is not enough to trigger a major economic crisis. To quote Brenton Tarrant:

"True change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. A gradual change is never going to achieve victory.Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change.Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible.A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Revolutionary change is needed and above all necessary.It is far better to encourage radical,violent change regardless of its origins. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur.

Canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own.Incite conflict.Place posters near public parks calling for sharia law, then in the next week place postersover such posters calling for the expulsion of all immigrants, repeat in every area of public life until the crisis arises.Destabilize, then take control. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible".


To be clear, I'm not saying we should go ER or anything, just stop contributing to the system and vote for radical parties that are bound to arouse chaos.
Exactly. Accelerationism and radicalization are the only tactics left. The collapse is inevitable, that's what nihilism, individualism, and consumerism lead to. All we can do is accelerate the collapse of this depraved system. The virus is doing a pretty good job at it, but the pandemic alone is not enough to trigger a major economic crisis. To quote Brenton Tarrant:

"True change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. A gradual change is never going to achieve victory.Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change.Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible.A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Revolutionary change is needed and above all necessary.It is far better to encourage radical,violent change regardless of its origins. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur.

Canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own.Incite conflict.Place posters near public parks calling for sharia law, then in the next week place postersover such posters calling for the expulsion of all immigrants, repeat in every area of public life until the crisis arises.Destabilize, then take control. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible".

View attachment 426028

To be clear, I'm not saying we should go ER or anything, just stop contributing to the system and vote for radical parties that are bound to arouse chaos.
The sooner, the better.
Exactly. Accelerationism and radicalization are the only tactics left. The collapse is inevitable, that's what nihilism, individualism, and consumerism lead to. All we can do is accelerate the collapse of this depraved system. The virus is doing a pretty good job at it, but the pandemic alone is not enough to trigger a major economic crisis. To quote Brenton Tarrant:

"True change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. A gradual change is never going to achieve victory.Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change.Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible.A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Revolutionary change is needed and above all necessary.It is far better to encourage radical,violent change regardless of its origins. As only in times of radical change and social discomfort can great and terrific change occur.

Canvas public areas in support of radical positions, even if they are not your own.Incite conflict.Place posters near public parks calling for sharia law, then in the next week place postersover such posters calling for the expulsion of all immigrants, repeat in every area of public life until the crisis arises.Destabilize, then take control. If we want to radically and fundamentally change society, then we need to radicalize society as much as possible".

View attachment 426028

To be clear, I'm not saying we should go ER or anything, just stop contributing to the system and vote for radical parties that are bound to arouse chaos.
Cope. The only real way to fix all the problems is to gas the kikes.
Cope. The only real way to fix all the problems is to gas the kikes.
Once this nation disintegrates violently they'll all run away like roaches to either Israel, China, New Zealand, Argentina, or south east Asia. Most of the very rich ones have done this already.
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Cope. The only real way to fix all the problems is to gas the kikes.
Cope. Whites are more cucked. White women are the ones who hate their men and choose ethnic men over them under the guise of social justice. You're just avoiding the real problem and using the Jews as a scapegoat, just like the retarded Nazis did. Their obsession with exterminating the Jews has cost them the war. Jews are not the main problem. I'm not denying they cause some issues, but this feminism and anti-white rhetoric is mostly instigated by Whites. The Jews have always existed, but they never posed any threat until now. Why? Because we've abandoned our morals and values in favour of consumerism, that shit wouldn't have happened if we stuck to our values. We've fallen because we've abandoned our morals and fell into the trap of postmodernism. WE allowed this shit to happen. Even if the Jews are behind it, we facilitated it by being degenerate cucks.
im ethnic. where's my cutie white gf?

you're a fakecel if you still believe in the "white women going for ethnics over white men" myth. yes it's socially acceptable to date ethnic men now, but they mostly only go for ethnic chads and chadlites. every ethnic have like -3 to -5 debuff applied to them automatically in the west.
> "Ohh I disagree with you, you must be fake"

I swear this forum is pure autism.

A great portion of white women today would rather virtue signal and date an ethnic (yes, chad or chatlite obviously) than to consider a chadlite white man due to the whole BLM, antifa, neoliberal crap. Many white women have been radicalized to think that white men are racist, malevolent tyrants. It's not my problem that you build a strawman and get angry about it. I never claimed that white women are going for subhuman ethnics; if you're ugly, you're ugly! Race can't save you. Also, JBW doesn't really work with white women. It works only with Asians and Arabs.

However, white women still prefer to date whites (i.e. Chads) to this day, at least that's what the latest data says (albeit it's kind of old, I think things are a bit different today esp. after 2020), BUT they're slowly starting to prefer ethnics, for the reasons I mentioned above (and again, ethnics doesn't mean some subhuman, it means chads and chadlites. Those are the only ones playing the dating game. People like us aren't even considered).
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Illegals will flood red states and voter fraud will make elections worthless.
No such thing as lesbian, they're just Chadsexual and have very standards of males even for settling down.

Lesbians would only have sex with other foids in order not to have sex with sub 8 males. It's literaly a less hardcore version of the dogpill.
Conservatism has failed conserve anything. It's nothing but a joke at this point. Most of the so called "conservative" politicians are cucked, and have compromised all of their values. Plus, even states that used to vote conservative -- like Georgia, Arizona, etc. -- have morphed into progressive shitholes. In the next election I wouldn't be surprised if Texas turned blue. Especially since it's a trend now for California fags to move there. It's over, liberals have won the culture wars. That's why I'm in favour of fascism and radicalization of young men in the hope that they will revolt against this neoliberal degeneracy one day. Our politicians are not radical, and without radical views change cannot happen. Catering to the mob will not lead anywhere. This is a war against our values, morals, and everything we believe in. This is a personal attack, and it should be treated as such.
im ethnic. where's my cutie white gf?

you're a fakecel if you still believe in the "white women going for ethnics over white men" myth. yes it's socially acceptable to date ethnic men now, but they mostly only go for ethnic chads and chadlites. every ethnic have like -3 to -5 debuff applied to them automatically in the west.
And you can't dispel that debuff and it stacks over time. Over for MMORPGcels
Btw imo, I think if the middle east wasn't so reliant on oil for their revenue, they overall have the best sustainable social system in all of humanity. Their foids are kept in check.

Sure aspects of Islamic society are objectively speaking pretty strict and some other aspects of their society seem cruel and barbaric.

But at the end of the day they are not degenerate, secular, atheistic, and overly indulgent like Europeans and East Asians.
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Conservatism has failed conserve anything. It's nothing but a joke at this point. Most of the so called "conservative" politicians are cucked, and have compromised all of their values. Plus, even states that used to vote conservative -- like Georgia, Arizona, etc. -- have morphed into progressive shitholes. In the next election I wouldn't be surprised if Texas turned blue. Especially since it's a trend now for California fags to move there. It's over, liberals have won the culture wars. That's why I'm in favour of fascism and radicalization of young men in the hope that they will revolt against this neoliberal degeneracy one day. Our politicians are not radical, and without radical views change cannot happen. Catering to the mob will not lead anywhere. This is a war against our values, morals, and everything we believe in. This is a personal attack, and it should be treated as such.
Conservatives will allow what liberals want, the only way is reactionarism

Lesbians would only have sex with other foids in order not to have sex with sub 8 males. It's literaly a less hardcore version of the dogpill.
Less hardcore in what way? Because every lesbian couple means that more two men will be incel, this is pure suifuel.

A foid fucking dogs can at least marry a men at take him away from inceldom. Lesbianpill is by far the worst for us
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Cope. Whites are more cucked. White women are the ones who hate their men and choose ethnic men over them under the guise of social justice. You're just avoiding the real problem and using the Jews as a scapegoat, just like the retarded Nazis did. Their obsession with exterminating the Jews has cost them the war. Jews are not the main problem. I'm not denying they cause some issues, but this feminism and anti-white rhetoric is mostly instigated by Whites. The Jews have always existed, but they never posed any threat until now. Why? Because we've abandoned our morals and values in favour of consumerism, that shit wouldn't have happened if we stuck to our values. We've fallen because we've abandoned our morals and fell into the trap of postmodernism. WE allowed this shit to happen. Even if the Jews are behind it, we facilitated it by being degenerate cucks.
No one was exterminated dumb kike.
Conservatives will allow what liberals want, the only way is reactionarism

Less hardcore in what way? Because every lesbian couple means that more two men will be incel, this is pure suifuel.

A foid fucking dogs can at least marry a men at take him away from inceldom. Lesbianpill is by far the worst for us
Yes, more lesbians equals more incels and that shit is brutal.

Lesbians would only have sex with other foids in order not to have sex with sub 8 males. It's literaly a less hardcore version of the dogpill.
I've also entertained this notion as well.
Don't be fooled. Modern day meaning of lesbian means that the majority of men arent good enough for her and chad won't take her, so she goes after other girls instead.

As I said above, we facilitated it.
You're just avoiding the real problem and using the Jews as a scapegoat, just like the retarded Nazis did. Their obsession with exterminating the Jews has cost them the war. Jews are not the main problem. I'm not denying they cause some issues, but this feminism and anti-white rhetoric is mostly instigated by Whites.
Continue reading "even if the Jews are behind it, we facilitated it". The reason they were able to pollute the foid's brain with that neoliberal crap is because we've abandoned our values. Sure, the Jews might've started it, but we exacerbated the issue. They started the fire, and we're the ones pouring gasoline into it. Therefore, the Jews -- at the moment -- are not the main issue. Using them as a scapegoat and treating whores as innocent kweens is avoiding the issue imo.
Conservativism is just a reactionary tendency of captialism. The system needs it to repress our desiring production. The goal was never to conserve anything, and all the perfidious self serving politicians know this. In the immortal words of Theodore John Kaczynski (pbuh):
The conservatives are fools: They whine about the decay of traditional values, yet they enthusiastically support technological progress and economic growth. Apparently it never occurs to them that you can’t make rapid, drastic changes in the technology and the economy of a society without causing rapid changes in all other aspects of the society as well, and that such rapid changes inevitably break down traditional values.
I'm done with conservatism after half them betrayed trump following the capitol "riot"
Continue reading "even if the Jews are behind it, we facilitated it". The reason they were able to pollute the foid's brain with that neoliberal crap is because we've abandoned our values. Sure, the Jews might've started it, but we exacerbated the issue. They started the fire, and we're the ones pouring gasoline into it. Therefore, the Jews -- at the moment -- are not the main issue. Using them as a scapegoat and treating whores as innocent kweens is avoiding the issue imo.
If you read the Bible, it says God sends false prophets to people who WANT TO BE DECEIVED. The only reasons the Jews were able to deceive us is because we wanted to be deceived. The Jews simply gave us what we wanted all along which is the freedom to be our own masters and to rebel against the constraints of nature and natural law... Aka degeneracy.
So, I live in a very red and conservative republican state, no, I won't say which one as that isn't important in the context of our story here.

No, what gets me about this red conservative state of mine is that anymore wherever I go there are fucking lesbians everywhere, lesbians as far as the eye can see, whole entire fucking swarms of lesbians. Teenage lesbians, middle aged lesbians, and even elderly lesbians in a supposedly red conservative republican state. At this point it's over for this state, at some point in the next ten years or less it's going to get really fucking soy around here and turn blue, I can see it happening. I'm starting to think to myself that maybe I should just move to Alaska or something.

It's bad enough I can't get laid let alone the entire state turning dyke on me, fuck this gay earth.

Fucking lesbians everywhere, god damn it!

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckPatPBAk8

Rug munchers (as all women) ruin everything.
No such thing as lesbian, they're just Chadsexual and have very standards of males even for settling down.
Nah, lesbians exist. But 99 percent of the time, they are just fake trannyfag whores who pretend they are fucking another girl when in reality it’s just two cucks assraping eachother with hormonally-nerfed dicks
Nah, lesbians exist. But 99 percent of the time, they are just fake trannyfag whores who pretend they are fucking another girl when in reality it’s just two cucks assraping eachother with hormonally-nerfed dicks
wtf did I just read?
If you read the Bible, it says God sends false prophets to people who WANT TO BE DECEIVED. The only reasons the Jews were able to deceive us is because we wanted to be deceived. The Jews simply gave us what we wanted all along which is the freedom to be our own masters and to rebel against the constraints of nature and natural law... Aka degeneracy.
That's similar to what I was alluding to. I believe that Christian values (with or without the supernatural stuff) are superior to all others, and since we've abandoned them in favour of nihilism we've descended into degeneracy.

I remember reading something like that, tough I can't remember the exact verse.

I read both the Old and the New Testament as a kid, the Bible was actually one of the first books I've read (I come from a conservative Christian family and my grandma used to send me to Sunday school when I was younger).
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Nah, lesbians exist. But 99 percent of the time, they are just fake trannyfag whores who pretend they are fucking another girl when in reality it’s just two cucks assraping eachother with hormonally-nerfed dicks
i alughed out loud
So, I live in a very red and conservative republican state, no, I won't say which one as that isn't important in the context of our story here.

No, what gets me about this red conservative state of mine is that anymore wherever I go there are fucking lesbians everywhere, lesbians as far as the eye can see, whole entire fucking swarms of lesbians. Teenage lesbians, middle aged lesbians, and even elderly lesbians in a supposedly red conservative republican state. At this point it's over for this state, at some point in the next ten years or less it's going to get really fucking soy around here and turn blue, I can see it happening. I'm starting to think to myself that maybe I should just move to Alaska or something.

It's bad enough I can't get laid let alone the entire state turning dyke on me, fuck this gay earth.

Fucking lesbians everywhere, god damn it!

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8ckPatPBAk8

There’s a bunch of lesbian where I live too. I feel for you. It’s part of why a quarter of my post history is me ranting about lesbians
No such thing as lesbian, they're just Chadsexual and have very standards of males even for settling down.
Also this as a mandatory
There’s a bunch of lesbian where I live too. I feel for you. It’s part of why a quarter of my post history is me ranting about lesbians

Also this as a mandatory
It's a god damn epidemic of lesbians everywhere, either it is women who want Chad only or it is women fucking each other. It's fucking over, game over man.

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dsx2vdn7gpY

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