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LifeFuel Its over but at least theres surrogate motherhood



... who lives in a cave under the Appalachians
Oct 23, 2019
Posting here got me around to accept that it really is fucking over, in the "you have lost your posting rights permanently" kind of way, could talk about a lot of my issues that I buried deep down for a long time and realized that I had just tried to ignore the obvious signs all my life, that I will never be attractive enough for a foid to settle for me outside of hardcore betabuxx. I always wanted a family however, or more precisely children of my own, so I could feel whole by being able to do good to people I care about, who deserve it, make sure that they have a happy life, not as miserable as mine, to make some sense of all the bullshit I have to face, have a reason to live.

Felt real fucking despair at the thought of being barred from my life long goal, probably is what made me deny reality for so long, could see myself living without foids forever, but having no children, just wasting away all the toil of my forefathers, not really acceptable, convinced myself that I somehow through some miracle would get a foid because I NEEDED to have kids. Now that has gradually changed, Ive looked into surrogate mothers and I could see it be a future for myself.

I know it sounds like a bad joke, have to pay a foid a fortune to get kids from her that you have to raise yourself, while she gets to live generously just by the virtue of her hole, but its the only way foreward. With that goal in mind I at least have something to work for, have a job to support my future kids, have a home to make it their home, prepare myself for fatherhood, always liked kids, couldnt be a bad father, I know about the blackpill and all the bullshit in the world, I can protect them from getting hurt too much from it, also dont have to worry about a foid fucking up my children, single fatherhood seems a way better choice than knocking up a roastie for betabuxx plus the very likely divorce rape.
These days you can even choose the sex of your children, so you dont need to raise a foid, and you can also pick out some stacy egg to fertilize so the incel genes get diluted, my sons will still descend from me but theyll have it better. Who knows, when the time comes around that I can afford it maybe we´ll even have artificial wombs already, really gives me major hope for the future, a lot less dark.
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Posting here got me around to accept that it really is fucking over, in the "you have lost your posting rights permanently" kind of way, could talk about a lot of my issues that I buried deep down for a long time and realized that I had just tried to ignore the obvious signs all my life, that I will never be attractive enough for a foid to settle for me outside of hardcore betabuxx. I always wanted a family however, or more precisely children of my own, so I could feel whole by being able to do good to people I care about, who deserve it, make sure that they have a happy life, not as miserable as mine, to make some sense of all the bullshit I have to face, have a reason to live.

Felt real fucking despair at the thought of being barred from my life long goal, probably is what made me deny reality for so long, could see myself living without foids forever, but having no children, just wasting away all the toil of my forefathers, not really acceptable, convinced myself that I somehow through some miracle would get a foid because I NEEDED to have kids. Now that has gradually changed, Ive looked into surrogate mothers and I could see it be a future for myself.

I know it sounds like a bad joke, have to pay a foid a fortune to get kids from her that you have to raise yourself, while she gets to live generously just by the virtue of her hole, but its the only way foreward. With that goal in mind I at least have something to work for, have a job to support my future kids, have a home to make it their home, prepare myself for fatherhood, always liked kids, couldnt be a bad father, I know about the blackpill and all the bullshit in the world, I can protect them from getting hurt to much from it, also dont have to worry about a foid fucking up my children, single fatherhood seems a way better choice than knocking up a roastie for betabuxx plus the very likely divorce rape.
These days you can even choose the sex of your children, so you dont need to raise a foid, and you can also pick out some stacy egg to fertilize so the incel genes get diluted, my sons will still descend from me but theyll have it better. Who knows, when the time comes around that I can afford it maybe we´ll even have artificial wombs already, really gives me major hope for the future, a lot less dark.
This has been my cope for a while as well. I've said it for a long time: many incels would make better parents than most parents today. Imagine being told your son will be 5'3. I'd have that kid on HGH the next day. We know how important looks are.
I looked it up and the whole surrogate thing should cost around 80k + as you said you can pick gender and use stacy egg so its totally worth it.
I'm too traumatized from my childhood to have children, it will be like reliving it all again but instead of being the son I will be the father. I can't risk it, I would rather die alone than go through that shit again.
I'm too traumatized from my childhood to have children, it will be like reliving it all again but instead of being the son I will be the father. I can't risk it, I would rather die alone than go through that shit again.
I feel this so hard, my childhood was a complete nightmare. My parents were only together thanks to socialism. No way i'm spreading their defective genes even if i could. They didn't care about what they did to me but i will be better and won't do the same.
I'm too traumatized from my childhood to have children, it will be like reliving it all again but instead of being the son I will be the father. I can't risk it, I would rather die alone than go through that shit again.
Wat happen bro
Sounds like too much work.
I looked it up and the whole surrogate thing should cost around 80k + as you said you can pick gender and use stacy egg so its totally worth it.
Surrogate shit is cucked from here to Stuttgart and back. Paying a foid for her to do what she was designed to do for free? GTFOH - its better to betabuxxx or even to adopt a kid from the thirdworld than to surrogatemaxxx tbh ngl
Surrogate shit is cucked from here to Stuttgart and back. Paying a foid for her to do what she was designed to do for free? GTFOH - its better to betabuxxx or even to adopt a kid from the thirdworld than to surrogatemaxxx tbh ngl
Lol wasting money and time raising kids that isnt mine is even more cucked dumfuck mcgee
With betabuxxing the best you can get is maybe +1 point your looksmatch,
And theres no point breeding if you dont improve your genes, im not creating another incel / failed normie, thats just cruel.
With surrogate you can get 9/10 stacy egg for cheap.
Betabuxxing route.....a 9/10 lol, most of us dont have that kinda money.

Giving birth is painful as fuck, wreck a womens body, and can potentially kill her / need c section, plus carrying the baby for 9 months, its a horror tbhtbh
The foid will only get around 40k which is just a years wage anyway, imo not cucked at all.

I think if I had the choice of having to get pregnant, give birth and risk the above, or pay 40k and have someone else do it for me, id prefer paying. I dont mind paying a reasonable amount for a service.
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Giving birth is painful as fuck, wreck a womens body, and can potentially kill her / need c section, plus carrying the baby for 9 months, its a horror tbh
Modern medicine has eradicated all of those things
  • Anesthesia means no pain in childbirth
  • Medical interventions will guarantee a very very low mortality rate - meaning a foid has a higher chance of dying whilst crossing the street than whilst giving birth
  • Carrying a body for nine months is pure bliss. A foid gets preferential treatment from cucks everywhere! They'll be offering to carry her bags or get her coffee or giveup their seat in a bus her the peggo jfl + government setup maternity leave laws making tutorial mode all that much easier
Lol wasting money and time raising kids that isnt mine is even more cucked dumfuck mcgee
With betabuxxing the best you can get is maybe +1 point your looksmatch,
And theres no point breeding if you dont improve your genes, im not creating another incel / failed normie, thats just cruel.
With surrogate you can get 9/10 stacy egg for cheap.
Betabuxxing route.....a 9/10 lol, most of us dont have that kinda money.

Giving birth is painful as fuck, wreck a womens body, and can potentially kill her / need c section, plus carrying the baby for 9 months, its a horror tbhtbh
The foid will only get around 40k which is just a years wage anyway, imo not cucked at all.

I think if I had the choice of having to get pregnant, give birth and risk the above, or pay 40k and have someone else do it for me, id prefer paying. I dont mind paying a reasonable amount for a service.
But i admit buying a 9+/10 blond blue eyed 6foot nordic viking descended Stacy's egg and breeding it with your semen to make a chad version of yourself makes a lot of sense! :feelsgah:
All is cope. We must learn to accept all is fucked and that's the be all end all.
Giving birth is painful as fuck, wreck a womens body, and can potentially kill her / need c section, plus carrying the baby for 9 months, its a horror tbhtbh
I generally agree with you, but there is the possibility that women overplay the 'birth is so painful!!' meme to manipulate men
I generally agree with you, but there is the possibility that women overplay the 'birth is so painful!!' meme to manipulate men
Nah that shit seem genuinely gory to me, and i cant imagine the pain, and pushing a fucking human from a tiny hole that barely fit a dick..ouch
Nah that shit seem genuinely gory to me, and i cant imagine the pain, and pushing a fucking human from a tiny hole that barely fit a dick..ouch
You ever shat out a shit that was so huge you can't believe how it even fit in there? I went through child birth a couple of times.
might as well be a millionaire and raise 12 sons

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