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RageFuel It’s fuckin impossible to find a decent job anymore

I wish online jobs were actually a thing that I could find.
most jobs are boring and use ms excel/ppt.
but they require the ivy league stamp on cv just to gatekeep and make them more selective because of excess of college grads.

avg salary of white collar foid is more than white collar normie.

in India many companies come on IIT/IIM campus for foid candidate only like adobe, amazon, Mastercard, Accenture, MBB.

getting a white-collar job is how many diversities check box you tick.

I am fed up with this process, this is not meritocratic which goes to prove that job situation is dependent on market.
foids have easier chances for top university enrollment/scholarships.
to get rich through high paying job is only possible for foids.
just be a foid theory and apply to jobs.
change your name in resume to foid gender and you will get shortlisted for interviews.

how come foids are 50% of total population and they still have this skewed demand and supply that they control the access that how many foids will work so job market will always have less foids and they will have to play on tutorial mode.

i hate this.
Get Out of the west
IMG 3295
most jobs are boring and use ms excel/ppt.
but they require the ivy league stamp on cv just to gatekeep and make them more selective because of excess of college grads.

avg salary of white collar foid is more than white collar normie.

in India many companies come on IIT/IIM campus for foid candidate only like adobe, amazon, Mastercard, Accenture, MBB.

getting a white-collar job is how many diversities check box you tick.

I am fed up with this process, this is not meritocratic which goes to prove that job situation is dependent on market.
foids have easier chances for top university enrollment/scholarships.
to get rich through high paying job is only possible for foids.
just be a foid theory and apply to jobs.
change your name in resume to foid gender and you will get shortlisted for interviews.

how come foids are 50% of total population and they still have this skewed demand and supply that they control the access that how many foids will work so job market will always have less foids and they will have to play on tutorial mode.

i hate this.
You make a good point. Many of these high paying office jobs are much much easier when you get down to it than manual labor so why is the pay scale flipped how it is? Now there are some office type jobs that can be really hard like full stack software development for example but I mean the other ones.
You make a good point. Many of these high paying office jobs are much much easier when you get down to it than manual labor so why is the pay scale flipped how it is? Now there are some office type jobs that can be really hard like full stack software development for example but I mean the

View: https://voca.ro/1dyyxdjTEw5T
Maybe it's not common knowledge to some.
It definitely is not — that’s the things, what’s common knowledge to “us” is something the common man would stare at you with shock for saying because we’re all fucking brainwashed from birth in western countries. Trying to say any of this IRL gets the establishment to go into damage control mode and they immediately tear you down and begin insulting you.
It definitely is not — that’s the things, what’s common knowledge to “us” is something the common man would stare at you with shock for saying because we’re all fucking brainwashed from birth in western countries. Trying to say any of this IRL gets the establishment to go into damage control mode and they immediately tear you down and begin insulting you.

That's true the look they give you is that of utter confusion. I tried to softly blackpill someone at work but it just seemed futile tbh. I suppose the trick is to try to look out for someone that would be receptive to it.
HR whores are up for chads only
I absolutely fucking agree. This is one of the only reasons why I thought Trump was better. He wanted to close off the walls and protect job competition. Now, ITS FUCKED! :feelsree::reeeeee:
shitskins dont care about how much they get paid either so were fucked
Look towards skilled trades, after 10 months of almost a boot camp apprenticeship type deal, linemen and power workers make 70-80$ an hour in the area I'm in
Look towards skilled trades, after 10 months of almost a boot camp apprenticeship type deal, linemen and power workers make 70-80$ an hour in the area I'm in
Thanks that sounds pretty good actually. Hope I don’t electrocuted to death lol. I expect that’s what the training is for?
Thanks that sounds pretty good actually. Hope I don’t electrocuted to death lol. I expect that’s what the training is for?
Yeah and the full cost for the program dwarfs than of any kind of college , I payed 2,700$ for my journeyman license, seems like a lot but you don't realize the type of prospects it can bring
Yeah and the full cost for the program dwarfs than of any kind of college , I payed 2,700$ for my journeyman license, seems like a lot but you don't realize the type of prospects it can bring
That’s not bad at all compared to Uni. Great to know thanks

If I go that route know the name of the cert I’d need? I’ll search around online tomorrow. That’s cool you found a decent job man.
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in India many companies come on IIT/IIM campus for foid candidate only like adobe, amazon, Mastercard, Accenture, MBB.
Aren't foids like a small percentage in those institutions? Curryland is done, man, it's fucking done.
Aren't foids like a small percentage in those institutions? Curryland is done, man, it's fucking done.
they are small in number but get maximum high paying job shortlists,
class of 50. 10 foid 40 males.
10 foids will get automatic interview for maximum jobs,
but for males they set bar on GPA, conduct test, rigorous testing will not land them job equivalent to what foid will get just for being foid.
rest 40 male job is bloodbath, war.
jsut be foid to get white collar job.
I've actually done this. In this instance, it made it to the interview stage, but I'm stuck here because I can't quite exchange skulls. It might have also just been coincidental and I would have got that job anyway with my celly face.
If you're going to do this, then don't do it to get the job, do it to sue them. Apply at the same time as your real self with a very similar but not identical resume with chad photo. Pick a chad of a different race so you can claim racism. If they ask chad for an interview but not you, then go into the interview, record them legally, have a script of things to say to them that won't harm your case, and hopefully they say something stupid on record so you can have them by the balls.
they are small in number but get maximum high paying job shortlists,
class of 50. 10 foid 40 males.
10 foids will get automatic interview for maximum jobs,
but for males they set bar on GPA, conduct test, rigorous testing will not land them job equivalent to what foid will get just for being foid.
rest 40 male job is bloodbath, war.
jsut be foid to get white collar job.
I see the same thing in banks and govt jobs. Moreover govt job exams heavily favour foids because it only focuses on memorising. In interviews, the older guys who walked into their jobs at their time selectively pick foids mostly.

Curries low-key should just neet-max with their parents' inheritance or migrate-max to middle-east and let curryland rot to death.
future of western man is porn addicted, video game addicted soy
can you get jobs like cuckdonalds have you tried?
If you sent an application in with a Chad photo then you’d probably get hired.
Foids get it even easier. It's misogynistic to not give them jobs.
Brutal good thing im in a nation where labor shortage is real so they gonna have to hire me
I see the same thing in banks and govt jobs. Moreover govt job exams heavily favour foids because it only focuses on memorising. In interviews, the older guys who walked into their jobs at their time selectively pick foids mostly.

Curries low-key should just neet-max with their parents' inheritance or migrate-max to middle-east and let curryland rot to death.
curry parents are dependent for inheritance on their parents so ultimate your inheritance money is stuck between your grandpas, then dad and his bros and then you.
in this chain, the oldest one (grandpa) who has the name on the property is most powerful and whole family is faking trying to impress him. he picks the favorite one and the family becomes very political.
curry parants are worst.
The 1st World is catching up to how the 3rd world does things! Cut costs everywhere
Get a municipal government job
Get a municipal government job
Thanks, like what? Mail man? Social worker? I’ve thought about being a fireman before. Seems like a city train driver could be chill too.
Thanks, like what? Mail man? Social worker? I’ve thought about being a fireman before. Seems like a city train driver could be chill too.
It’s up to you to decide which one is best for you, but it’s very easy to get one nowadays because the public sector workforce is getting older now.
A lot of people seem to be going for civil service jobs nowadays (in the UK).
Make all of your experience up and then you will have a real job that you can work at because a lot of jobs don't even check background.

I've joined companies where they hire me on the same day and I don't do a drug test or any background tests. No references. Nothing.
Thanks, like what? Mail man? Social worker? I’ve thought about being a fireman before. Seems like a city train driver could be chill too.
You're thinking only about shit that requires a "certification" which will be your biggest downfall. There are plenty of easy jobs that pay well.
A lot of people seem to be going for civil service jobs nowadays (in the UK).
I really wanted to work in a library but have found it impossible to get hired at one over the years.
Make all of your experience up and then you will have a real job that you can work at because a lot of jobs don't even check background.

I've joined companies where they hire me on the same day and I don't do a drug test or any background tests. No references. Nothing.
You're thinking only about shit that requires a "certification" which will be your biggest downfall. There are plenty of easy jobs that pay well.
What do you think are some of the better easy jobs that pay well? My fear of lying too far beyond exaggeration is that you’ll be caught and ghosted or have word “get around” to other recruiters or companies that you lied.

It’s pretty trivial for them to phone your professional references and especially the companies you list as work experience. Where I live by law those companies have to tell them what your job title was, whether you fired, dares of employment etc. Not every job does this but “good” ones like STEM jobs or management absolutely do. I know because people I used to work with I get calls from companies talking to me as their reference quite often and I have some insight into what my prior company did for onboarding. I don’t want to commit fraud I couldn’t explain away because in the worst case there are a number of way I expect it could bite you.

Maybe I’m worrying too much but I’m not so sure anymore. It seems like companies are getting smarting since they know everyone lies. For example I always see people say to use the trick of listing out of business companies for experience but then jobs will ask for a pay stub proof things like that.
What do you think are some of the better easy jobs that pay well? My fear of lying too far beyond exaggeration is that you’ll be caught and ghosted or have word “get around” to other recruiters or companies that you lied.

It’s pretty trivial for them to phone your professional references and especially the companies you list as work experience. Where I live by law those companies have to tell them what your job title was, whether you fired, dares of employment etc. Not every job does this but “good” ones like STEM jobs or management absolutely do. I know because people I used to work with I get calls from companies talking to me as their reference quite often and I have some insight into what my prior company did for onboarding. I don’t want to commit fraud I couldn’t explain away because in the worst case there are a number of way I expect it could bite you.

Maybe I’m worrying too much but I’m not so sure anymore. It seems like companies are getting smarting since they know everyone lies. For example I always see people say to use the trick of listing out of business companies for experience but then jobs will ask for a pay stub proof things like that.
Armed security
What do you think are some of the better easy jobs that pay well? My fear of lying too far beyond exaggeration is that you’ll be caught and ghosted or have word “get around” to other recruiters or companies that you lied.

It’s pretty trivial for them to phone your professional references and especially the companies you list as work experience. Where I live by law those companies have to tell them what your job title was, whether you fired, dares of employment etc. Not every job does this but “good” ones like STEM jobs or management absolutely do. I know because people I used to work with I get calls from companies talking to me as their reference quite often and I have some insight into what my prior company did for onboarding. I don’t want to commit fraud I couldn’t explain away because in the worst case there are a number of way I expect it could bite you.

Maybe I’m worrying too much but I’m not so sure anymore. It seems like companies are getting smarting since they know everyone lies. For example I always see people say to use the trick of listing out of business companies for experience but then jobs will ask for a pay stub proof things like that.
If you can't get a job at all you should start putting fake experience and you will get one
Armed security
Thanks good to know — yeah that’s a good choice especially if you can land one where it’s not an unsafe area. Worst case in a high crime place you might get jumped but in the right location this would be a sweet gig I expect.
If you can't get a job at all you should start putting fake experience and you will get one
Yeah, I guess it’s better than nothing. I do have some good experience though that’s mainly why it’s been so crazy that I’ve done such a high number of apps for jobs I should be qualified for and heard zilch. Thanks man. Also for your avi Monero does seem to be the most useful crypto. Not that I’m big into crypto cuz I’m not but still.
Thanks good to know — yeah that’s a good choice especially if you can land one where it’s not an unsafe area. Worst case in a high crime place you might get jumped but in the right location this would be a sweet gig I expect.
Yeah, and you can do executive protection for $80k a year so you basically protect celebs etc. but almost nothing happens so whatever, but if something does, at least you get to rest. Who gives a shit? The potential is high with armed security, you can move up to working with just one rich elite etc.
Yeah, I guess it’s better than nothing. I do have some good experience though that’s mainly why it’s been so crazy that I’ve done such a high number of apps for jobs I should be qualified for and heard zilch. Thanks man. Also for your avi Monero does seem to be the most useful crypto. Not that I’m big into crypto cuz I’m not but still.
Monero is great but Bitcoin has a public ledger so it's really the other side of the coin.

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