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RageFuel It’s fuckin impossible to find a decent job anymore



Dec 3, 2020
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
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I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t low paying menial shitty labor the jobs just don’t exist or are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor. Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare is god damn impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
If you sent an application in with a Chad photo then you’d probably get hired.
If you sent an application in with a Chad photo then you’d probably get hired.
Usually the only way to send a picture is when they ask for your linked in profile. At that point you can’t really lie. They’d also find out later I expect.

But I know what you mean. That Malcom Gladwell author wrote about how an overwhelming majority of CEOs are Chads above 6 ft despite that making up only a very tiny fraction of men generally. The game is rigged and looks are a big part of it. Still, women and specific minorities are being given priority via affirmative action from what I understand. My last company hired only women towards the end because the new ceo was a woke retard who thought we were too male heavy that the only reason for that had to be sexism :feelsseriously: no you dip shit California dumb fuck it’s because we get 35 male applicants for every 40 received. I swear most women are actual retards.
Usually the only way to send a picture is when they ask for your linked in profile. At that point you can’t really lie. They’d also find out later I expect.

But I know what you mean. That Malcom Gladwell author wrote about how an overwhelming majority of CEOs are Chads above 6 ft despite that making up only a very tiny fraction of men generally. The game is rigged and looks are a big part of it. Still, women and specific minorities are being given priority via affirmative action from what I understand. My last company hired only women towards the end because the new ceo was a woke retard who thought we were too male heavy that the only reason for that had to be sexism :feelsseriously: no you dip shit California dumb fuck it’s because we get 35 male applicants for every 40 received. I swear most women are actual retards.
Best of luck to you brocel I hope you can find a job
If you sent an application in with a Chad photo then you’d probably get hired.
I've actually done this. In this instance, it made it to the interview stage, but I'm stuck here because I can't quite exchange skulls. It might have also just been coincidental and I would have got that job anyway with my celly face.
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
Yes our society sucks, and it's going to get WORSE. Just imagine it's 2033 and whoever is still alive here really wishes it was 2023.
Having connections, so social skills or good looks, will get you the high paying high status job you want. Your degree doesn't mean much unless you're like a 110IQ, creative, driven person (while being blackpilled?) who can handle their own solo projects and has something to show for yourself.
no you dip shit California dumb fuck it’s because we get 35 male applicants for every 40 received. I swear most women are actual retards.
Good luck with your job search brocel. Shit is definitely hard out there.
Best of luck to you brocel I hope you can find a job
Thanks man I’ve been tryin but it’s not going good. I really don’t want to work at some dead end garbage again :feelsrope:
Good luck with your job search brocel. Shit is definitely hard out there.
Thanks man, here’s hopin. All one can do is keep trying. And yeah, why is California in particular such a mentally retarded state? Holy fuck they need to keep their deranged idiocy to themselves. I hope California falls off into the ocean (in Minecraft).
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
Just lie on your resume
I've actually done this. In this instance, it made it to the interview stage, but I'm stuck here because I can't quite exchange skulls. It might have also just been coincidental and I would have got that job anyway with my celly face.

Yes our society sucks, and it's going to get WORSE. Just imagine it's 2033 and whoever is still alive here really wishes it was 2023.
Having connections, so social skills or good looks, will get you the high paying high status job you want. Your degree doesn't mean much unless you're like a 110IQ, creative, driven person (while being blackpilled?) who can handle their own solo projects and has something to show for yourself.
Agreed — well said man, well said. Yeah everyone I talk to says they got their cushy job via connections. I know two people IRL who tell me they have jobs in management for mega corps and they’ve told me several times that they don’t do anything in their jobs. That is surreal. Most jobs I’ve had they work you to the bone and you want to kill yourself every day. I’ve never been in management though and probably never will since you either need: prior job experience as a manager 2) some powerful connections 3) people have to like you a lot and if you’re not a cute girl or a Chad that’s buddy buddy with the bosses then good fucking luck. Gg

Honestly modern life is bullshit and most things seem to be chance or maybe even fate. What’s the point of working hard anymore? I just want to lay down and rot at this point. But I really don’t want to be homeless.
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Just lie on your resume
I’ve tried, the problem is that they do background checks which involves calling up your former employers or current employer. Then that employer by law where I live has to tell them your job title, when you worked there and if you’re eligible for rehire and can give them more too if they want apparently.

I’ve had a few would be employers ghost me and it’s probably because I exaggerated maybe too much on my application I dunno. My hope is not all of them do through checking but they all seem to nowadays RIP

The other thing I worry about is apparently it’s possible to get into legal trouble if your employer finds you lied later. But maybe I’m just being paranoid.
Agreed — well said man, well said. Yeah everyone I talk to says they got their cushy job via connections. I know two people IRL who tell me they have jobs in management for mega corps and they’ve told me several times that they don’t do anything in their jobs. That is surreal. Most jobs I’ve had they work you to the bone and you want to kill yourself every day. I’ve never been in management though and probably never will since you either need: prior job experience as a manager 2) some powerful connections 3) people have to like you a lot and if you’re not a cute girl or a Chad that’s buddy buddy with the bosses then good fucking luck. Gg

Honestly modern life is bullshit and most things seem to be chance or maybe even fate. What’s the point of working hard anymore? I just want to lay down and rot at this point. But I really don’t want to be homeless.
Even jobs are cope. Hard work is the biggest illusion I've ever one time believed in. The planet is too big so these positions are like analogously women selling photographs of their bodies.
The jobs that should be respected are ones like farmer, road maintenance...I was going to list, but just anything blue collar, it's very easy to argue and see that these jobs are what sustain and build civilisation.
It's funny how many of these, I'll call it, "thinking jobs" hire the most braindead hive-minded normies or women so the braindead normies can have something to rally around during bubble tea lunch hour.
And what's even funnier is sexy stable boy, Chad mogs the king's ugly manlet son.
I'm liking this new age philosophy. It's so brutal.
And this is why I didn’t even bother going to university, I mean seriously, just about everyone I know went to college/uni for a degree and plus with all the out sourcing to 3rd world countries I KNEW back when I was in high school that ITS OVER.

Competing with women, foreign ethnics, and men is a hyper competitive hell hole.
I’ve tried, the problem is that they do background checks which involves calling up your former employers or current employer. Then that employer by law where I live has to tell them your job title, when you worked there and if you’re eligible for rehire and can give them more too if they want apparently.

I’ve had a few would be employers ghost me and it’s probably because I exaggerated maybe too much on my application I dunno. My hope is not all of them do through checking but they all seem to nowadays RIP

The other thing I worry about is apparently it’s possible to get into legal trouble if your employer finds you lied later. But maybe I’m just being paranoid.
Use your friends or someone else to give fake information, and have them be called.
And this is why I didn’t even bother going to university, I mean seriously, just about everyone I know went to college/uni for a degree and plus with all the out sourcing to 3rd world countries I KNEW back when I was in high school that ITS OVER.

Competing with women, foreign ethnics, and men is a hyper competitive hell hole.
It really is. And the thing is, before a degree was special since most people didn’t get one. Now everyone gets one so it’s worthless in many cases. Eventually if everyone gets a phd then that will be the new baseline lol. Our system is a sham, you either have connections/family high up in a company or some such or you’re apparently fucked. This seems hopeless to me, I can’t believe how I’ve heard nothing despite working hard just trying to find a job.
Use your friends or someone else to give fake information, and have them be called.
I don’t have many friends. I did actually ask a family member and an acquaintance I knew and they declined. Said they didn’t want to be involved with fraud more or less. Can’t blame em

I appreciate the ideas though.
I don’t have many friends. I did actually ask a family member and an acquaintance I knew and they declined. Said they didn’t want to be involved with fraud more or less. Can’t blame em

I appreciate the ideas though.
Your family members are niggers. You’ll never get anywhere without bullshitting on your resume. They want you to rot
It really is. And the thing is, before a degree was special since most people didn’t get one. Now everyone gets one so it’s worthless in many cases. Eventually if everyone gets a phd then that will be the new baseline lol. Our system is a sham, you either have connections/family high up in a company or some such or you’re apparently fucked. This seems hopeless to me, I can’t believe how I’ve heard nothing despite working hard just trying to find a job.
I have nepotism in the construction industry, I’m just starting out but hopefully I can run my own company
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
this is a world where you either are born blessed, you get lucky, or you lie to an extreme degree to succeed.
this is a world where you either are born blessed, you get lucky, or you lie to an extreme degree to succeed.
u need to use AI bots and lie on your resume to extreme degree. Era of being honest is long gone.
I’ve tried, the problem is that they do background checks which involves calling up your former employers or current employer. Then that employer by law where I live has to tell them your job title, when you worked there and if you’re eligible for rehire and can give them more too if they want apparently.

I’ve had a few would be employers ghost me and it’s probably because I exaggerated maybe too much on my application I dunno. My hope is not all of them do through checking but they all seem to nowadays RIP

The other thing I worry about is apparently it’s possible to get into legal trouble if your employer finds you lied later. But maybe I’m just being paranoid.
move elsewhere where you can bullshit harder tbh. Sometimes you have to accept that you can't succeed in certain localities. This world is a shitty filthy wretched horror game and having to take unideal paths is often the inkt choice.
I don’t have many friends. I did actually ask a family member and an acquaintance I knew and they declined. Said they didn’t want to be involved with fraud more or less. Can’t blame em

I appreciate the ideas though.
imo maybe join the military or do a trade.
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
Just Be Foid

Other than that, most 'entry-level' jobs now do require you to already be in the job, so it can be a nuisance to apply for those. If I was a zoomie I'd probably just LDARmaxx if possible, it's no worse than most other options by now
By 2030, we will own nothing and be happy. Rejoice. Our suffering will end soon
Once you accept defeat by working a warehouse job just for the pay it becomes difficult to leave and try again so don't give in just yet keep trying. I know because I've been wage slaving for 5 years now and I got my degree 2 years before that. I tried but to no avail.
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
as incels we have no value
no belonging
the only incels who made it are either jews got lucky or have some connection to jews
its over
The job application process is genuinely the most humiliating shit i have ever experience. Especially as an autist I get this feeling thst it was specifically designed to torture me and cast me out.
Even jobs are cope. Hard work is the biggest illusion I've ever one time believed in. The planet is too big so these positions are like analogously women selling photographs of their bodies.
The jobs that should be respected are ones like farmer, road maintenance...I was going to list, but just anything blue collar, it's very easy to argue and see that these jobs are what sustain and build civilisation.
It's funny how many of these, I'll call it, "thinking jobs" hire the most braindead hive-minded normies or women so the braindead normies can have something to rally around during bubble tea lunch hour.
And what's even funnier is sexy stable boy, Chad mogs the king's ugly manlet son.
I'm liking this new age philosophy. It's so brutal.
The job application process is genuinely the most humiliating shit i have ever experience. Especially as an autist I get this feeling thst it was specifically designed to torture me and cast me out.
My advice is to lose all dignity. You'll be working like a drudge anyway, so better get used to being treated like one. Dignity is for attractive people and you'll get a little more without it.
I had the same thing when I was applying for my first job. even making a resume just seemed like wtf, I'm just some random ass nigga nothing special and I'm supposed to write like I'm the world's biggest narcissist and lie about myself to get a job a Cuckazon warehouse or goyburger.
Even jobs are cope. Hard work is the biggest illusion I've ever one time believed in. The planet is too big so these positions are like analogously women selling photographs of their bodies.
The jobs that should be respected are ones like farmer, road maintenance...I was going to list, but just anything blue collar, it's very easy to argue and see that these jobs are what sustain and build civilisation.
It's funny how many of these, I'll call it, "thinking jobs" hire the most braindead hive-minded normies or women so the braindead normies can have something to rally around during bubble tea lunch hour.
And what's even funnier is sexy stable boy, Chad mogs the king's ugly manlet son.
I'm liking this new age philosophy. It's so brutal.
Very well said. Seems like society needs to reset its pay scale. I would have no issue doing manual labor if it didn’t pay slave wages where you can’t make your rent getting worked into the ground. Great observation about how the “good” cushy jobs often go to extremely stupid incompetent people. This system is a sham. At this point unless I knew someone/had an in within a company or HR or something I’ve never been this demoralized looking for work. I’m hoping it’s not me and it’s just the recession but what do I know.
Your family members are niggers. You’ll never get anywhere without bullshitting on your resume. They want you to rot
You’re right for what it’s worth. I did some searching around the web to see if I could find the process they use for verifying their hires. It seems pretty thorough / air tight unless you are willing to go deep and commit actual fraud. You basically need friends or family to bold face lie for you as you’re saying. If they won’t then it’s a mess. All of these articles I read about it from the hiring point of view it said they just assume now that all their applicants lie lol.

And yeah my family sucks ass. My mom got pissed off at me years ago for leaving because she’d lose my rent money. I have to keep her in check and prevent her from giving all her meager funds away to scammers everyday and she treats me like the devil for doing it. She thinks she’s some super genius, literal dunning Krueger incarnate. She also hates men go figure.

It’s really weird seeing other people who love their family. Because I have zero emotional connection or attachment to mine and I honestly think if they died in a car crash it would be as though a neighbor died or something. I wish that wasn’t so, I don’t think I’m a psycho or anything it’s just my family really sucks and haven’t done anything for me all my life. They take constantly wherever they can and I sort of hate them.
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Foids manage all hiring and they only hire ugly women or hot chads. It's over boyo.
Me having 2 jobs for 6 figures total
I have nepotism in the construction industry, I’m just starting out but hopefully I can run my own company
Leverage any connections you can man. Apparently it’s the only way these days.
this is a world where you either are born blessed, you get lucky, or you lie to an extreme degree to succeed.
Exaggerating convincingly is hard if you can’t get people to back you up. Some companies go as far as to ask for pay stub proof if you list a job at a company that’s closed or that they can’t contact for example and at that point you’re deep into hard fraud which can get you into nasty trouble if you’re caught from what I hear. You really need family or friends who will pretend to have worked for you seems to me. I asked the people I knew and they won’t even embellish so RIP.
Foids manage all hiring and they only hire ugly women or hot chads. It's over boyo.
It’s true that HR is chalk full of “diverse obese women” :feelsugh:

All the applications now also make you answer stupid questions like what your pronouns are and if you’re trans :feelsseriously: every time I see they dumb shit pronoun question I just want to write “the normal real ones retard”. App I did yesterday no joke had ze/zir pronouns on it.

The west needs a hard reset. These people hate me and I hate them.
Same problem here. I constantly get rejected even when the company has accepted people with the same skills and competence as me. There's just to much competition. Like you said companies receive applications by the THOUSANDS. So they lose you in this massive pile of paper. The only way to get a foot in the door is by having an inside connection, nepotism or stand out from the crowd by having loads and loads of impressive credentials.
In which field are you? I had to change careers and restart life at 30 because I wasn't getting interviews even, like you
You’re right for what it’s worth. I did some searching around the web to see if I could find the process they use for verifying their hires. It seems pretty thorough / air tight unless you are willing to go deep and commit actual fraud. You basically need friends or family to bold face lie for you as you’re saying. If they won’t then it’s a mess. All of these articles I read about it from the hiring point of view it said they just assume now that all their applicants lie lol.

And yeah my family sucks ass. My mom got pissed off at me years ago for leaving because she’d lose my rent money. I have to keep her in check and prevent her from giving all her meager funds away to scammers everyday and she treats me like the devil for doing it. She thinks she’s some super genius, literal dunning Krueger incarnate. She also hates men go figure.

It’s really weird seeing other people who love their family. Because I have zero emotional connection or attachment to mine and I honestly think if they died in a car crash it would be as though a neighbor died or something. I wish that wasn’t so, I don’t think I’m a psycho or anything it’s just my family really sucks and haven’t done anything for me all my life. They take constantly wherever they can and I sort of hate them.
Don’t you have any friends or relatives? You already know everyone who gets jobs these days bullshits on their resume, so you have to in order to survive.
Don’t you have any friends or relatives? You already know everyone who gets jobs these days bullshits on their resume, so you have to in order to survive.
imo OP might be best off applying for jobs abroad. if it's over in the USA. you gotta check elsewhere
Same problem here. I constantly get rejected even when the company has accepted people with the same skills and competence as me. There's just to much competition. Like you said companies receive applications by the THOUSANDS. So they lose you in this massive pile of paper. The only way to get a foot in the door is by having an inside connection, nepotism or stand out from the crowd by having loads and loads of impressive credentials.
I think you’re spot on. There IS too much competition. Not enough decent jobs to go around and every half decent job has mountains of people applying for it. How did corporations get this much of an edge? Honestly maybe it really did start with women entering the workforce I dunno. Incredible how now it takes two people working full time to earn what one man could before. What a joke. I guess this is what the richies and owners wanted all along.
I think you’re spot on. There IS too much competition. Not enough decent jobs to go around and every half decent job has mountains of people applying for it. How did corporations get this much of an edge? Honestly maybe it really did start with women entering the workforce I dunno. Incredible how now it takes two people working full time to earn what one man could before. What a joke. I guess this is what the richies and owners wanted all along.
Labor movements were fucked over by government scum. And what's ironic a lot of the agents who fucked over labor movements now find themselves fucked. FBI fuckers are still paid utter shit wages in spite of what they do to us peasants.
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.

View: https://youtu.be/SvOwvc2EsDA
The job application process is genuinely the most humiliating shit i have ever experience. Especially as an autist I get this feeling thst it was specifically designed to torture me and cast me out.
With all the disability positively & anti discrimination pushed for autism; the system actually discriminates harder than ever. I swear 100 or even 50 years ago non dribbler autists had better employment prospects. Less competition, you were simply odd or loner & less women in work therefore less expectations to "socialise".
I’ve done probably 110 applications for various jobs I should be qualified for over the past two months.

What the actual fuck is goin on? It’s like you have to have 5+ years of experience in the exact job you’re looking for you you don’t even get a reply. Even the two times I did get contacted they just ghosted me after one contact. Lying seems to be useless since they all do background checks and call up your old employers who legally have to give them your job title and work duration.

The jobs don’t even pay well. It’s like if you want to do anything that isn’t slave wages paying menial shitty labor the jobs they just don’t exist or are more likely are going to nepos or quota hires. I have a good degree in a subject that’s real/not a meme degree and I can’t find anyone at all to hire me in my field or in anything adjacent to it. I have a ton of professional work experience too.

Our society fucking sucks you know that? These retards pump women and migrants into the work force which drives down the value of our labor and makes job competition extremely fierce. It’s been an employer favoring market for ages now and I’m fuckin tired of it. I shouldn’t have to spend hours and hours every day if my fuckin life analyzing and Re analyzing my resume and answering all these stupid questions only to get ghosted by every prospective employer. Fuck this shit.

Every job I find on job boards that shows the number of applicants is insane — thousands of people are applying to these no wonder I get filtered. The job market is completely fucked and what’s worse is where I live I can’t NEET either because getting onto welfare as a man is god damned impossible unless you are legitimately crippled heinously. As a working aged man even if you can’t find a decent job there’s no help for you.

Seriously I wish I was never born. Wtf is the point. Our own societies have abandoned us and men are too soft, too brainwashed, and too distracted by coomer bait to notice or do anything but passively rot. I am filled with hate and have no power to fix things — god I hate it. I hate this.
Man the working market is just the economic version of the sexual market. Employers are the foids. Both should be fucking annihilated and state controlled
Honestly modern life is bullshit and most things seem to be chance or maybe even fate. What’s the point of working hard anymore? I just want to lay down and rot at this point. But I really don’t want to be homeless.
Me too. Pray for divine reset

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