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Serious It's actually a good thing that women don't reward personality

Teutonic Knight

Teutonic Knight

Mar 2, 2019
If women actually liked nice guys and soyboys this would make this society even more unbearable.

It's much better that women prefer masculine tall athletic moggers instead.

At least this way man cope with gymcelling and looksmaxxing instead of trying to develop nice guy personalities.

I would not get anything in either case anyway, since I'm on the autistic spectrum and can't develop a charming normie personality, and I'm not good looking enough to make up for it with looks alone.
I don’t see how women finding men with dark triad personalities as possibly being a good thing unless you like children growing up with deadbeat, missing or abusive fathers n shit
I guess the point of the personality meme is that everyone is granted a fair milieu to compete over foid attention on the basis of merit in, an obviously bluepilled concept as, even if true (which its not), personality is still largely genetic but setting that aside, I for one wouldn't mind if female sexual mate selection wasn't entirely down to immutable characteristics in theory. Whether it should be about being le nice guy or not is of course a separate question. In my ideal world being a good citizen and contributing to society would grant one a foid automatically
It's good from a biological perspective but they should still be willing to go into a monogamic relationship with their looksmatch in their prime which is late teens and early-mid 20s. CHAD ONLY CHAD ONLY theory is what happens for Stacies and high tier Beckies. Those who can't rarely get over it and don't marry matching subhumans/average-looking men

We would get unbelievable amounts of cringe and injustice everytime a subhuman PUA gets a Stacey so I agree that life is fair this way
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I don’t see how women finding men with dark triad personalities as possibly being a good thing unless you like children growing up with deadbeat, missing or abusive fathers n shit

Better this than fat out of shape liberal-minded boomers getting married just because they have a job and are nice guys who serve the secularist state. This is the situation that you had few decades ago when women didn't have options and had to marry such guys and it lead to the ideological norms that we have today, because women let these boomers install their worldview. Women today are actually limiting liberalism by preferring athletic Chad moggers over such guys now. If men could still get married solely because they have a job and are nice guys, the society would be even more cucked and liberal now. But because of women preferences for moggers, men have to looksmaxx and go to gyms now.
Better this than fat out of shape liberal-minded boomers getting married just because they have a job and are nice guys who serve the secularist state. This is the situation that you had few decades ago when women didn't have options but to marry such guys and it lead to the ideological norms that we have today. Women are actually limiting liberalism by preferring athletic Chad moggers over such guys now. If the men could still get married solely because they have a job and are nice guys, the society would be even more cucked and liberal now.
So you’re okay with us being sad and hopeless about being alone and unwanted just because it means a more conservative society?
So you’re okay with us being sad and hopeless about being alone and unwanted just because it means a more conservative society?

It means hope that we will eventually get a better society later on.

Also I'm not entirely sure I could get married even in the 1970s-ish era of "forced monogamy" because I'm autistic.
It means hope that we will eventually get a better society later on.

Also I'm not entirely sure I could get married even in the 1970s-ish era of "forced monogamy" because I'm autistic.
society seems to be getting worse and worse
hell the US has been insanely decided ever since Trump took office
I think society will collapse some day after I’m dead and gone
society seems to be getting worse and worse
hell the US has been insanely decided ever since Trump took office
I think society will collapse some day after I’m dead and gone

Society is getting worse because men caused this.

Men started forcing secularism and liberalism 200 and more years ago. Remember that women were the conservative gender up until post-WWII era, while men turned liberals and socialists. Men thought women are going to like them either way, but it turned out women want athletic Chad alphas instead because they resemble the old patriarchal societies more.

You can't blame women for wanting to be with men who mog you from Alaska to Islamabad. You should blame men for creating this joke of society that is known as the modern West and giving failo effect to average men. Women actually prevented the West from going full soy (unwillingly, but still).

I feel like women prefering athletic alpha moggers is some part of God's providence to prevent society from going full secularist soy in case men decided to create such society for whatever reason, it's basically some sort of self-destruct mechanism. If this society collapses then this is part of God's plan and we can't oppose it.
Society is getting worse because Jews caused this.

Jews started forcing secularism and liberalism 200 and more years ago. They thought women are going to like them either way, but it turned out women want athletic Chad alphas instead.

You can't blame women for wanting to be with men who mog you from Alaska to Islamabad. You should blame Jews for creating this joke of society that is known as the modern West. Women actually prevented the West from going full soy (unwillingly, but still).

I feel like women prefering athletic alpha moggers is some part of Satans plan to destroy society.
Fixed your entire post for you, no need to thank me.
Fixed your entire post for you, no need to thank me.

Jews didn't do shit up until the eternal Anglo placed them in position of power. The Anglos cause the modern world.

The Anglos created liberalism, secularism, started the first modern revolutions, the Anglos created feminism, socialism, industrial revolution, modern atheism etc.

The Anglos also created Israel. Jews are the puppet of the Anglos. They will be the ones who will take the hit if society goes to shit, while the Anglo elite will get away with everything just like always.
Jews have been doing shit do shit for over 2000 years. The Jews caused the modern world.

The Jews created liberalism, secularism, were behind the scenes pulling the strings of the first modern revolutions, the Jews created feminism, socialism, industrial revolution (okay maybe not this), modern atheism etc.

The Jews also stole Israel. Anglos are the puppet of the Jews. Whites will be the ones who will take the hit if society goes to shit, while the Jewish elite will get away with everything just like always.
Fixed yet again...bro....
In my ideal world being a good citizen and contributing to society would grant one a foid automatically

But this would not be a good thing if the society wasn't good in the first place.

It would basically be a competition of who is the more loyal servant to the regime.

Looks are a bit arbitrary but it gives non-conformist men a chance to be popular. For example Tyson Fury who is a religious Christian, spoke openly against LGBT and against Zionist Jews and is based, but he is also very popular because he is a 6'9'' tall white mogger. Society wouldn't want men like him to be popular, but they are anyway.
Personality is shit. You need to have good body or resources to continue to live life well with your woman and your baby.
Well it's good that don't value what redpillers think they value, or else it would be harder for us to become more attractive.
But this would not be a good thing if the society wasn't good in the first place.

It would basically be a competition of who is the more loyal servant to the regime.

Looks are a bit arbitrary but it gives non-conformist men a chance to be popular. For example Tyson Fury who is a religious Christian, spoke openly against LGBT and against Zionist Jews and is based, but he is also very popular because he is a 6'9'' tall white mogger. Society wouldn't want men like him to be popular, but they are anyway.
All fair points I suppose. I guess in my concept of a good citizen I don't really think of a conformist working bee but yeah whether integrating into society is good or bad is obviously contingent upon if the society reflects sane values or not
inter-dimensional cope
I guess the point of the personality meme is that everyone is granted a fair milieu to compete over foid attention on the basis of merit in, an obviously bluepilled concept as, even if true (which its not), personality is still largely genetic but setting that aside, I for one wouldn't mind if female sexual mate selection wasn't entirely down to immutable characteristics in theory. Whether it should be about being le nice guy or not is of course a separate question. In my ideal world being a good citizen and contributing to society would grant one a foid automatically

high IQ. You have a nice flowing writing style.
Society is getting worse because men caused this.

Men started forcing secularism and liberalism 200 and more years ago. Remember that women were the conservative gender up until post-WWII era, while men turned liberals and socialists. Men thought women are going to like them either way, but it turned out women want athletic Chad alphas instead because they resemble the old patriarchal societies more.

You can't blame women for wanting to be with men who mog you from Alaska to Islamabad. You should blame men for creating this joke of society that is known as the modern West and giving failo effect to average men. Women actually prevented the West from going full soy (unwillingly, but still).

I feel like women prefering athletic alpha moggers is some part of God's providence to prevent society from going full secularist soy in case men decided to create such society for whatever reason, it's basically some sort of self-destruct mechanism. If this society collapses then this is part of God's plan and we can't oppose it.

The only reason these athletes have any value is because of soys who worship sports day in and day out. I fucking hate these Chad worshippers the most.

If athletes were poor because nobody gave a fuck about sports, women wouldn't chase their cocks as much.
If athletes were poor because nobody gave a fuck about sports, women wouldn't chase their cocks as much.

Cope. Women like poor amateur athletic moggers too.
Cucked thread tbh ngl
If women actually liked personality it would be even more ropefuel for me ngl tbh
They should give nice guys rewards but not soyboys
legit women should have no rights in the ideal world. this way personality,looks don't matter. only ur chromosomes be xy or u have less rights than a dog.
Worst cope i have ever seen. There's no reason to believe society is getting better just because women fuck Chads. Quite the contrary.
Worst cope i have ever seen. There's no reason to believe society is getting better just because women fuck Chads. Quite the contrary.

But the society wasn't good to begin with. Women are doing a good job by introducing a bit of chaos and uncertainty.
society seems to be getting worse and worse
hell the US has been insanely decided ever since Trump took office
I think society will collapse some day after I’m dead and gone
Societal collapse is a long way away. The decadence is only starting...
I'd rather women genuinely liked kind and good men. Being autistic doesn't stop you from being a good and kind person.
I'd rather women genuinely liked kind and good men. Being autistic doesn't stop you from being a good and kind person.

But this is not what people mean when they say "personality". By personality they mean some entertaining normie-type personality or being a soycuck nice guy.
But this is not what people mean when they say "personality". By personality they mean some entertaining normie-type personality or being a soycuck nice guy.
Then it'd still be better than what we have now but yeah, autists would be fucked :feelsrope:
They do. But through betabuxx.

Not really, there's increasingly less of that and they get leftovers.

I'm just glad that women don't genuinely like nice guy personalities or jestermaxxed NT personalities.
Not really, there's increasingly less of that and they get leftovers.

I'm just glad that women don't genuinely like nice guy personalities or jestermaxxed NT personalities.
I wish I could understand what makes a man act like a whiteknight cuck when he gets nothing from it.

I was once a bluepilled nice guy, but never a male feminist whiteknight cuck.

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