Well, the OP was the suggestion that incels have ethical licence to engage in behaviours others can not, because they have had hard lives. But that is very childish and self serving logic. If being poor made it ethically acceptable to rob a bank, theft would not be a crime. Anyone who needed to steal would be justified in doing so, so long as they stole from someone who had more than them. Likewise they would have no right to complain if a poorer person then stole from them.
Because I have prevented rapes, that doesn’t mean I can then commit them. Just as when a man is falsely convicted of murder and serves decades, he is not then owed the right to commit a murder without punishment.
It’s not the way it works.
Misunderstanding as usual. Pompous oaf.
It's not self serving logic. It's rational reactive observance of the logic around us.
In distribution to the most powerful currency that affects all around us in society, which is primal value halo effect. Like looks, money, status, competence, achievement, dominance, power, etc. then how can we live in a society that does us unfairness without it being fair for us to be unfair to it as well?
I'm just talking about a few knowing this is justice, while everything tries to make you into a drone pleb.
I'm talking about not making this unfairness publicized.
This shouldn't BE publicized. Just like how the state of the power is unknown, they want to make the state of the weak be unknown.
It's not in relation to how we treat all society because we cannot help everybody.
It's in relation to how we treat those who are directly against us.
There will never be an equal treating social system. Not unless we're a hive mind. But then there's a question of semantics, relation, philosophical debate. What is equal? If we were all a hive mind, still, some people would be closer to the city centers and get more of x than those in the farm. Or less than.
We all know the system as is, with primal individualists are looking for power, prominence, power, resources, dominance, etc. When some people have a better shot at it than we do, and will try and shred the ladders to getting where they got, then we should give them a taste of their own medicine.
There's social sphere morality, and then biological primal morality.
Most would be willing to know that shooting someone on the street is wrong by social morality. But it's biological morality to shoot someone to save someone in our own family.
Where we would rather be entitled to a hair transplant than to use the money for helping those in hunger.
What I'm talking about shouldn't be what society lives by. It shoudl be by what WE live by.
The real basis of mankind's moral system I'm getting at are biological. Happy Finality is only in movies and storybooks.
In real life primal imbalancement happens no matter what.
It's pointless to care about social balancing when even now after all the humanitarian crusades that have occured the fundamental societal primordial norms cannot be changed.
That's why I'm saying it's not about being treated fair in a societal fashion, and then using the societal idea of getting even. It's about primal imbalancement regulations. While plebs can be occupied with caring about social equality, we know the truth. And so we must be the ones who feel it is right because of primal imbalancement to be treated with an exemption from any moral constraint. Because incels are lacking in the department by which real
Balance is irrelevant. The moral crux of justice and injustice isn't balance. It's primal hierarchy dominance. When we are given less of it, then we need to make all social morality abidance irrelevant. That is if we plan to upsacle. Our investment to social morality is a privilege if society treats us right. We don't have to give it to them.
When they don't distirbute primal capital blessing for us, then we need to take it through appropriate means.
Real morality isn't meant to be fair. So we shouldn't consider it a moral factor whether we are being fair or unfair to others. This is primal morality. It's for US. And when society is in a state where primal halo effects are in the incel's disfavor, then the incel doesn't owe them any favors.
Even by societal morality, again, we are entitled to fairness. We can skip out from a few of society's moral constriants, for ourselves. But society will retaliate. Again, I'm just saying we don't need it to act on our conscience. But society's regulations are not our conscience. They wil remain in place unless changed. But we shouldn't have society, or constraints from getting ahead affect our conscience in virtually any way.