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It is either to fuck the Barbie or die a virgin !!



Nov 24, 2021
Fucking a blonde blue eyed Stacy will at worst bring you a high tier normie child.
Even if you are an ogre, you will get a handsome Shrek.
Your subhuman genes will all disappear while mixing with the dominant superior genes of the Barbie that will make mutations to modify your genes!
There is no point as a subhuman Incel to breed with a non Barbie.
All the rest of women are subhumans who will only create more suffering.
If your mom was barbie, you would never be here!
The Barbie has many attractive features her eyes alone can save whole generations so at worst your child will still get one good feature.
Even if it was just about ascending.
The barbie will give you eternal validation.
It will be a nightmare to remember your first memory of having sex with a noodlewhore! You will regret the moment your desperation is gone and you feel ashamed and disgusted at yourself the rest of your life and the worst of all if she gets pregnant behind your back or you get sexual diseases from her. The society will still look down at you because you are a loser who ascended with a cheap worthless whore. The barbie has the halo effect, seeing an incel dating a Barbie walking with her in public holding her hands kissing her can cause the suicide of million normies! An incel marrying a Stacy can even lead Chads to suicide!
Fucking one Barbie equals fucking 10 billion sheeboons !
Fucking one Barbie escort equals fucking 5 billion virgin noodlewhores !
Fucking one single mom Barbie equals fucking 1 billion goblinas!
Even if the Barbie is raped by an army of niggers or pumped by a hundred bunch of chads, her genes will still worth it!
If you are truly black pilled, you will realize that it is all about getting the best genes anything else doesn't matter!

You will vomit if you imagine a sheeboon, goblina or a noodlewhore sitting on the place of the Barbie!

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9YiBXnXE8Cc
Ethnics worshipping stupid white blonde bimbos is cringe as fuck
tbh u can settle for non blonde Stacy and use Stacy eggs via ivf or surrogate mother type shit
Ethnics worshipping stupid white blonde bimbos is cringe as fuck
OP is on point though in that using eggs of white Stacy is most preferable for reproduction. personally I won't have kids but for those who want it is the rational and humane option. wish my father had done so. :smonk:
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Ethnics worshipping stupid white blonde bimbos is cringe as fuck
Good luck to you with your smart sheeboons

They worship White women while denying the White race is superior.
Some ethnics here worship cumskin foids/chads and cumskins in general, pathetic shit

Ethnics accept the racepill

White superiority is relative and what we refer to is looks.
But there is a difference between accepting that the white race is superior and still proud of your ethnicity and accepting that the white race is superior but hating your ethnicity. I accept that whites are superior to ethnics in looks but they can be inferior in IQ.

You all here just coping denying the racepill but in a moment of the truth you will all choose the Barbie over ethnic whores.
tbh u can settle for non blonde Stacy and use Stacy eggs via ivf or surrogate mother type shit

OP is on point though in that using eggs of white Stacy is most preferable for reproduction. personally I won't have kids but for those who want it is the rational and humane option. wish my father had done so. :smonk:
Yeah. I am just following the racepill.
Ethnics accept the racepill

White superiority is relative and what we refer to is looks.
But there is a difference between accepting that the white race is superior and still proud of your ethnicity and accepting that the white race is superior but hating your ethnicity. I accept that whites are superior to ethnics in looks but they can be inferior in IQ.

You all here just coping denying the racepill but in a moment of the truth you will all choose the Barbie over ethnic whores.
I've said this like a trillion times, the racepill is not an excuse to worship cumskins literally 24/7, some self hating ethnics here come up with the most retarded excuses to worship them, for example saying shit like "cumskin/european cuisine is better than ethnic cuisine", next you'll start seeing threads like "cumskin/europeans breathe air better than ethnics"

Fucking a blonde blue eyed Stacy will at worst bring you a high tier normie child.
Cumskin genes are recessive, any child in this instance will look like the father
I accept that whites are superior to ethnics in looks but they can be inferior in IQ.
How are Whites inferior in regards to IQ? They have the highest score aside from East Asians.
I've said this like a trillion times, the racepill is not an excuse to worship cumskins literally 24/7, some self hating ethnics here come up with the most retarded excuses to worship them, for example saying shit like "cumskin/european cuisine is better than ethnic cuisine", next you'll start seeing threads like "cumskin/europeans breathe air better than ethnics"

Yes. I agree with you. The racepill is just about looks but some self hating ethnics take it too far.

How are Whites inferior in regards to IQ? They have the highest score aside from East Asians.
IQ is environmental
Ethnics who get better education can have higher IQ than many whites.
The proof is many ethnics in the west who have high positions while many cumskins work in shity jobs.
IQ is environmental
Wrong. As many other characteristics, IQ is highly heritable. Most studies indicate it's somewhere between 60% to 90% heritable.

Ethnics who get better education can have higher IQ than many whites.
Not really. Since IQ is highly inherited, education may increase a few points, but not enough to make non-Whites surpass the average intelligence of White people. This has been studied by researchers such as J. Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn.

The proof is many ethnics in the west who have high positions while many cumskins work in shity jobs.
You do realize companies are expected to hire non-Whites to fill their diversity quotas, don't you? They promote diversity and discriminate against White people so they can push the systematic agenda to replace White people in their own countries.

"High positions" mean as much as College degrees these days.
Wrong. As many other characteristics, IQ is highly heritable. Most studies indicate it's somewhere between 60% to 90% heritable.
IQ is environmental depending on the social and economical conditions.
Historically whites were living in dark ages while ethnics were living golden ages
whites themselves aren't the same, Nords, meds, slavs are different.
Not really. Since IQ is highly inherited, education may increase a few points, but not enough to make non-Whites surpass the average intelligence of White people. This has been studied by researchers such as J. Philippe Rushton and Richard Lynn.
Education increases your IQ to oblivion
The proof is the difference between American and African niggers
They look like two different species to each other because American niggers live in better social and economical conditions.
You do realize companies are expected to hire non-Whites to fill their diversity quotas, don't you? They promote diversity and discriminate against White people so they can push the systematic agenda to replace White people in their own countries.

"High positions" mean as much as College degrees these days.
Ethnics get the same classes with cumskins and they mog them in degrees and get better careers and jobs.
Cumskins get mad when ethnics mog them in career and job.
IQ is environmental depending on the social and economical conditions.
Wrong. Scientists agree IQ is highly heritable.

Historically whites were living in dark ages while ethnics were living golden ages
Wrong again. The "Dark Ages" were a period in history of large technological advancements, artistic innovations, and scientific discoveries.

whites themselves aren't the same, Nords, meds, slavs are different.
These are ethnicities within the same race. Whites, as a racial group, are smarter than most ethnics around the world. The East Asians come close.

Education increases your IQ to oblivion
Incorrect. You need to read more.

The proof is the difference between American and African niggers
They look like two different species to each other because American niggers live in better social and economical conditions.
African Americans are roughly 20% White, on average, due to some race-mixing. However, they still underperform in school and commit half of the crimes in the country.

Nice try though.

Ethnics get the same classes with cumskins and they mog them in degrees and get better careers and jobs.
Cumskins get mad when ethnics mog them in career and job.
I already told why that is. Your assertions aren't backed up by hard data as mine are.

You're not interested in what's objectively right, but in what feels nice.
Wrong. Scientists agree IQ is highly heritable.
Scientists can say whatever they want, they are Just theories without proofs
The reality disproves it
Wrong again. The "Dark Ages" were a period in history of large technological advancements, artistic innovations, and scientific discoveries.
You don't know even history.
The dark ages was for Europe when the church used to control Europe and didn't allow science.
The golden age was for the Middle East where there was the house of wisdom in Baghdad. the biggest library of scientific and philosophical books in the world at this time.
Europe started to change after connecting with Islamic world and translating Islamic books of science and philosophy then the beginning of the renaissance in Italy ( Muslims controlled south Italy for 200 years and Spain for 800 years ). Yeah Muslims with their low IQ could control whites for centuries lol
Even in time of the Romans and Greeks, the rest of Europeans were considered Barbarians living in caves in Germany and Sweden. The Greeks and Romans were more connected and influenced by Ethnic Persians, Egyptians, Berbers, Assyrians etc
All ancient civilizations were ethnics from China to India to Middle East
so if IQ is heritable then whites would be the most advanced race in all times.
But IQ is environmental because the social and economical conditions of every place in the world can change by time.
These are ethnicities within the same race. Whites, as a racial group, are smarter than most ethnics around the world. The East Asians come close.
Whites have sub racial groups Nordic, Med and Slav.
East Asian countries are more developed than slav and med countries.
Arab gulf countries have better living standards than Eastern Europe

African Americans are roughly 20% White, on average, due to some race-mixing. However, they still underperform in school and commit half of the crimes in the country.
There are African Americans in Latin America like Colombia and Brazil who are 50% white mixing but they have lower IQ than niggers in USA. so your point doesn't make any sense again.
I already told why that is. Your assertions aren't backed up by hard data as mine are.
You are less intellectual who doesn't know history
You're not interested in what's objectively right, but in what feels nice.
I follow what is evidential.
Just because you say something that doesn't mean it is objective.
You should provide evidences from real life and human history experience not whining about some fake data that was done by random scientists.
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What is this bullshit, everybody knows that white people have recessive genes. If anyone mixed with them the child will 9/10 take after the non white parent. Stop fucking coping.

White genocide ftw
What have this site come to? We really have niggas refusing to get settle for anything less than Stacey, volcels.is

Ethnics worshipping stupid white blonde bimbos is cringe as fuck
Also, this.
What is this bullshit, everybody knows that white people have recessive genes. If anyone mixed with them the child will 9/10 take after the non white parent. Stop fucking coping.

White genocide ftw
The Jews taught you that they are recessive
The Turks, mongols, sand niggers historically were mixed with whites and today many of them look white
Tatars are mongols who look white


Sand niggers
High IQ. For every race half white mutt> normal ethnic. Maybe Asians being an exception.
Evolution happens all time but it is a process that takes thousand years to see its effect, mutations can happen and change the gene pole.
East Asians and curries are far from Europe weren't historically mixed with whites, their mixing is beginning recently in the west creating hapas. Sands, western Asian mongols Turks, Tatars etc had long historically of breeding with whites so that changed their phenotype in the long way.
"breeding"? what are you on?. I just wanna bang hot slavic babez :ahegao:

Our moral duty as ethnicz is to defile white women
The Jews taught you that they are recessive
The Turks, mongols, sand niggers historically were mixed with whites and today many of them look white
Tatars are mongols who look white
View attachment 551224
View attachment 551227

Sand niggers
View attachment 551228

:feelskek::feelskek: you are so cringe man you give jews too much credit. DNA recombination is not a jewish creation its a fact. Your pictures are nothing but what happens over generations. You think the original half Turk half Europeans look like these.
32A9291E DE79 4950 A86B 605D61D2016C

@Broly :lul:
Your subhuman genes will all disappear while mixing with the dominant superior genes of the Barbie that will make mutations to modify your genes!
Hate to break it to you boyo but like 90% of white genes are recessive, especially the good ones. light eyes? Recessive. Blonde hair? Recessive. White skin? Recessive. Tall height? Recessive. Good bone structure? Recessive.

If even breed with a white girl(you won't) your kid will look exactly like you, just uglier:lul::lul::lul::lul:
You are such a schizo faggot holy shit

Based for Tangerine Dream tho
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I guess it's die a virgin then.
View attachment 551251
@Broly :lul:

Hate to break it to you boyo but like 90% of white genes are recessive, especially the good ones. light eyes? Recessive. Blonde hair? Recessive. White skin? Recessive. Tall height? Recessive. Good bone structure? Recessive.

If even breed with a white girl(you won't) your kid will look exactly like you, just uglier:lul::lul::lul::lul:
That is what the Jews told you
They lied at you and because you are stupid retard, you believed them!
If the blue eyes were recessive, this mongol Asian whore would never have blue eyes

Tatars are Mongols = Asian but many of them have blue eyes blonde hair because long history of breeding with the slavs
You can see the development of evolution in the same tribe

That is what the Jews told you
They lied at you and because you are stupid retard, you believed them!
If the blue eyes were recessive, this mongol Asian whore would never have blue eyes
View attachment 551256

Tatars are Mongols = Asian but many of them have blue eyes blonde hair because long history of breeding with the slavs
You can see the development of evolution in the same tribe

View attachment 551257 View attachment 551259 View attachment 551261
This doesn't disprove anything because they're probably around 1/8-1/16 Mongol at best. There mothers and fathers probably had next to no Asian blood in them. If a full blooded Mongol had sex with a slav foid their kid would look closer to this

Not what ever 95% white cherry picks you posted.

Of course if you constantly breed the ethnic genes out of a bloodline they will look will look white one day. Same goes for any other race.
This doesn't disprove anything because they're probably around 1/8-1/16 Mongol at best. There mothers and fathers probably had next to no Asian blood in them. If a full blooded Mongol had sex with a slav foid their kid would look closer to this
View attachment 551263
Not what ever 95% white cherry picks you posted.

Of course if you constantly breed the ethnic genes out of a bloodline they will look will look white one day. Same goes for any other race.
Keep coping
A Stacy is a Stacy dude, also your child will just look lighter and cuter if your genes aren't dominate. But overall they most likely won't have blonde hair and blue eyes. I mean only 8 percent of people have blue eyes, also the percentage of people who have blue eyes are declining because of in the past, blue-eyed people tended to have kids with other blue-eyed people

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